Extended Newspaper ListIntroduction ...
Below are 100 newspapers that have been published within 22 miles [35.4 km]<1> of Stanley. The list has been sorted by paper name.
- Alliance Echo (from 1891)
- Alliance Echo (from 1891)
- Amateur Argosy (from 1883)
- Amateur Argosy (from 1883)
- Argentine Siftings (from 1886)
- Armourdale Booster (from 19??)
- Armourdale Booster (from 19??)
- Belton Herald (from 1892)
- Belton Progress (from 1875)
- Blue Valley News (from 1929)
- Bonner Springs Chieftain And The Bonner Springs Herald (from 1920)
- Bonner Springs Chieftain (from 1965)
- Bonner Springs Chieftain (from 1921)
- Bonner Springs Citizen (from 1890)
- Bonner Springs-Edwardsville Chieftain (from 1975)
- Cass County Courier (from 1871)
- Cass County Democrat (from 1881)
- Cass County Gazette (from 1854)
- Cass County Herald (from 1867)
- Cass County Leader (from 1880)
- Cass County Times-Courier (from 1879)
- Central Oil News (from 1919)
- Clay Dispatch-Tribune (from 1979)
- Commercial Indicator (from 1878)
- Daily American Citizen (from 1897)
- Daily American Citizen (from 1898)
- Daily Commercial Advertiser (from 1864)
- Daily Evening Gazette (from 1861)
- Daily Evening Gazette (from 1861)
- Daily Journal Of Commerce--Extra (from 1861)
- Daily Journal Of Commerce (from 1861)
- Daily Kansas City Journal Of Commerce (from 1859)
- Daily Kansas City Western Journal Of Commerce (from 1862)
- Daily Kansas City Wsetern [sic] Journal Of Commerce (from 1860)
- Daily Record (from 1904)
- Daily Western Journal Of Commerce (from 1861)
- De Soto Eagle Eye (from 1912)
- DeSoto [ie- De Soto] Herald (from 1910)
- Dos Mundos = Two Worlds (from 1981)
- El Mercurio (from 1883)
- Equality (from 1909)
- Future (from 1935)
- Gimme Shelter (from 1971)
- Golos Immigranta (from 199?)
- Grandview Independent-Times (from 19??)
- Greater Kansas City Community Challenger (from 197?)
- Harrisonville Review And Cass County Leader (from 1926)
- Independence Chronicle (from 1840)
- Independence Daily News (from 1954)
- Independence Democrat (from 1877)
- Independence Messenger (from 1864)
- Independence Pictorial News (from 1938)
- Independence Progress (from 1881)
- Independence Weekly News (from 1967)
- Jackson Co. Sentinel-Tribune (from 1974)
- Jackson Co. Sentinel (from 1976)
- Jackson County Democrat (from 1907)
- Jackson County Independent (from 1937)
- Jackson County Judge (from 1901)
- Jackson County Tribune (from 1895)
- Journal Of Commerce (from 1864)
- Kansas & Colorado Gazette (from 187?)
- Kansas Central (from 1867)
- Kansas City Advocate And Independent (from 1916)
- Kansas City Advocate And Independent (from 1916)
- Kansas City Advocate (from 1917)
- Kansas City Advocate (from 1917)
- Kansas City Call (from 1922)
- Kansas City Daily Drovers Telegram (from 1923)
- Kansas City Daily Gazette (from 1888)
- Kansas City Daily Journal Of Commerce (from 1863)
- Kansas City Daily Journal (from 1878)
- Kansas City Daily Journal (from 1892)
- Kansas City Daily News (from 1870)
- Kansas City Daily News (from 1885)
- Kansas City Daily Traveler (from 1887)
- Kansas City Daily Tribune (from 1896)
- Kansas City Daily Western Journal Of Commerce (from 1858)
- Kansas City Enquirer And Star (from 1860)
- Kansas City Enquirer (from 1860)
- Kansas City Enterprise (from 1854)
- Kansas City Journal-Post (from 1928)
- Kansas City Journal (from 1938)
- Kansas City Journal (from 1891)
- Kansas City Journal (from 1897)
- Kansas City Kansas News (from 1918)
- Kansas City Ledger (from 1885)
- Kansas City Observer (from 1896)
- Kansas City Presse (from 1883)
- Kansas City Presse (from 1883)
- Kansas City Price Current And Live Stock Record (from 18??)
- Kansas City Price Current (from 1873)
- Kansas City Reform (from 1909)
- Kansas City Tribunen
- Kansas City Tribune (from 1879)
- Kansas City Truth (from 1903)
- Kansas City Weekly Bulletin (from 1868)
- Kansas City Weekly Journal (from 1885)
- Kansas City Weekly Journal (from 1923)
- Kansas City Weekly Post (from 1912)
- Kansas City Weekly Progress (from 1888)
- Kansas Herold (from 1890)
- Kansas Pionier (from 1887)
- Kansas Public Ledger (from 1851)
- Kansas Spirit (from 1871)
- Kansas Staats-Zeitung (from 1904)
- Kansas Staats-Zeitung (from 1894)
- Kansas State Globe (from 198?)
- Kansas State Register (from 1878)
- Kellogg's Kansas City Record (from 1893)
- King's Illustrated Life (from 1884)
- L'Osservatore = The Observer (from 1908)
- La Voce Dell'emigrante = The Emigrant's Voice (from 1909)
- Labor Journal (from 1939)
- Lenexa World (from 1912)
- Light (from 1884)
- Linwood Ledger (from 1898)
- Matrimonial News (from 1886)
- Merriam Herald-chieftain (from 1912)
- Miami County Republican (from 1867)
- Miami Talisman (from 1881)
- Mirror And News Letter (from 1875)
- Missouri And Kansas Farmer (from 1884)
- Missouri Staats-Zeitung (from 1894)
- Neue Kansas Staats-Zeitung (from 1902)
- New Wine For Christians Today (from 1990)
- North Kansas City Sun Chronicle (from 1990)
- North Star (from 1971)
- North-East Kansas Citian (from 1931)
- Oil Times (from 1917)
- Olathe Evening Meteor (from 1879)
- Olathe Gazette (from 1879)
- Olathe Herald (from 1860)
- Olathe Mirror-Gazette (from 1883)
- Olathe News (from 2001)
- Olathe Republican Tribune (from 1905)
- Olathe Weekly Herald (from 1891)
- Our Country (from 1912)
- Overland Park Herald (from 1924)
- Overland Park News (from 1912)
- Plaindealer (from 1933)
- Plaindealer (from 1933)
- Plaindealer (from 1933)
- Platte Dispatch-Tribune (from 1979)
- Pleasant Hill Gazette (from 1890)
- Pleasant Hill Leader (from 1872)
- Pleasant Hill Local (from 1894)
- Pleasant Hill Review (from 187?)
- Pleasant Hill Union (from 1866)
- Pleasant Hill Weekly Leader (from 1869)
- Pleasant Hill Weekly Review (from 18??)
- Raytown Dispatch-Tribune (from 1979)
- Raytown Dispatch (from 1981)
- Raytown News-Tribune (from 1974)
- Raytown News (from 1975)
- Raytown Post (from 1975)
- Saturday Evening Herald (from 1879)
- Semi-Weekly Missouri Commonwealth, And Independent Commercial Intelligencer (from 18??)
- Shawnee Journal-Herald (from 1978)
- Shelter (from 1971)
- Silver City Record (from 196?)
- South City Press (from 1915)
- Southern Wyandotte County's Silver City Record (from 1979)
- Spring Hill Progress (from 1870)
- Svenska Pressen (from 1900)
- Svenska Sydvestern (from 189?)
- Svenska Tidningen (from 1892)
- Sydvestern (from 1891)
- Telegraphic Dispatch Extra (from 18??)
- The Advertiser (from 1923)
- The Advertiser (from 1941)
- The Age (from 1890)
- The Amateur Tribune (from 1884)
- The American Citizen (from 1941)
- The American Citizen (from 1887)
- The American Eagle (from 1893)
- The Argentine Advocate (from 1888)
- The Argentine Eagle (from 1892)
- The Argentine Republic (from 1923)
- The Argentine Republic (from 1918)
- The Argentine Weekly Argus (from 1887)
- The Armourdale Booster Combined With The Kansas City Advertiser (from 1928)
- The Baptist Record (from 192?)
- The Bee (from 1895)
- The Blue Valley Gazette And Country Life Weekly (from 1983)
- The Blue Valley Gazette (from 1980)
- The Blue Valley Gazette (from 1984)
- The Bonner Springs Chieftain (from 1900)
- The Bonner Springs Enterprise (from 1935)
- The Bonner Springs Herald (from 1913)
- The Call (from 1933)
- The Call (from 1933)
- The Call (from 1933)
- The Call (from 1919)
- The Cass County Democrat-Missourian (from 1954)
- The Cass County Leader (from 1898)
- The Cass County News (from 1902)
- The Cass County News (from 1927)
- The Cass County Republican (from 1920)
- The Cass County Times (from 1896)
- The Cass News (from 1878)
- The Castle Trail (from 1873)
- The Catholic Register (from 1899)
- The Catholic Reporter (from 1959)
- The Centropolis (from 1883)
- The Champion (from 1897)
- The Chicago Packer (from 18??)
- The Chieftain (from 1961)
- The Clay County News (from 1920)
- The Community Observer (from 1970)
- The Condenser (from 187?)
- The Crusader (from 1906)
- The Daily Democrat (from 1908)
- The Daily Drovers Telegram (from 1885)
- The Daily Enterprise (from 1873)
- The Daily Evening Messenger (from 1860)
- The Daily Globe (from 1891)
- The Daily Journal Of Commerce (from 18??)
- The Daily Kansas City Mail (from 187?)
- The Daily News Of Johnson County (from 1962)
- The Daily News (from 1900)
- The Daily Record And The Kansas City Daily News-Press (from 1959)
- The Daily Record (from 1888)
- The Daily Reporter (from 1873)
- The Daily Sentinel (from 18??)
- The De Soto Pioneer (from 1897)
- The Desoto [ie- De Soto] Eagle Eye (from 1898)
- The Dispatch-Tribune (from 1979)
- The Dispatch (from 195?)
- The Edgerton Gazette (from 1895)
- The Edgerton Globe (from 189?)
- The Edgerton Journal (from 1933)
- The Edgerton Journal (from 1906)
- The Edgerton News (from 1902)
- The Enterprise (from 1871)
- The Evening And Morning Star (from 1900)
- The Evening And The Morning Star (from 1832)
- The Evening Call (from 1896)
- The Evening Mail (from 1892)
- The Evening Mail (from 1875)
- The Evening News (from 1869)
- The Evening News (from 1887)
- The Evening Spy (from 1880)
- The Evening Star-Mail (from 1882)
- The Evening Star (from 1882)
- The Evening Times (from 1890)
- The Examiner (from 1963)
- The Free Pagan Press (from 1968)
- The Gate City Press (from 1880)
- The Gazette Globe (from 1909)
- The Gazette Globe (from 1909)
- The Gazette (from 1982)
- The Grandview Advocate (from 1953)
- The Grandview Times (from 1925)
- The Greenwood Chronicle (from 1911)
- The Harrisonville Democrat (from 1865)
- The Herald (from 1886)
- The Independence Examiner (from 1905)
- The Independence Gazette (from 1888)
- The Independence Journal (from 1844)
- The Independence Leader (from 1929)
- The Independence Sentinel (from 1866)
- The Independence Tribune (from 19??)
- The Independent (from 18??)
- The Industrial Press (from 1930)
- The Inter-State Herald (from 1903)
- The Italian Press = La Stampa-italiana (from 1931)
- The Item (from 1893)
- The Item (from 18??)
- The Jackson County Advocate (from 1955)
- The Jackson Examiner (from 1898)
- The Jewish World (from 1901)
- The Johnson County Courier (from 1962)
- The Johnson County Democrat And The Olathe Register (from 1928)
- The Johnson County Democrat (from 1921)
- The Johnson County Democrat (from 1929)
- The Johnson County Democrat (from 1882)
- The Journal-Herald (from 1985)
- The Kansas Citizen (from 1894)
- The Kansas City Advertiser And The Armourdale Booster (from 1928)
- The Kansas City Advertiser (from 1929)
- The Kansas City Advertiser (from 1923)
- The Kansas City Age (from 1892)
- The Kansas City American (from 1902)
- The Kansas City American (from 1928)
- The Kansas City And Topeka Plaindealer (from 1932)
- The Kansas City Catholic (from 1892)
- The Kansas City Daily Democrat (from 1926)
- The Kansas City Daily Sun (from 1889)
- The Kansas City Daily Times (from 1868)
- The Kansas City Daily Times (from 1882)
- The Kansas City Evening Star (from 1880)
- The Kansas City Evening Star (from 1883)
- The Kansas City Gazette And The Kansas City Kansas Globe (from 1909)
- The Kansas City Gazette And The Kansas City Kansas Globe (from 1909)
- The Kansas City Gazette (from 1888)
- The Kansas City Gazette (from 1888)
- The Kansas City Globe (from 1889)
- The Kansas City Globe (from 1880)
- The Kansas City Globe (from 1917)
- The Kansas City Globe (from 19??)
- The Kansas City Independent (from 1914)
- The Kansas City Independent (from 1914)
- The Kansas City Jewish News (from 193?)
- The Kansas City Kansan And The Wyandotte News (from 1916)
- The Kansas City Kansan (from 1916)
- The Kansas City Kansas Globe (from 1905)
- The Kansas City Kansas News (from 1896)
- The Kansas City Kansas News
- The Kansas City Kansas Republic (from 1920)
- The Kansas City Labor Beacon (from 19??)
- The Kansas City Labor Bulletin (from 1943)
- The Kansas City Labor News And The Kitchen Journal (from 1930)
- The Kansas City Labor News (from 192?)
- The Kansas City Labor News (from 1937)
- The Kansas City Leader (from 1903)
- The Kansas City Mail (from 1878)
- The Kansas City Mail (from 1892)
- The Kansas City Mail (from 1895)
- The Kansas City News-Press (from 1914)
- The Kansas City News (from 1932)
- The Kansas City Northwestern (from 19??)
- The Kansas City Packer (from 189?)
- The Kansas City Pioneer (from 188?)
- The Kansas City Post (from 1906)
- The Kansas City Record (from 18??)
- The Kansas City Republican (from 1893)
- The Kansas City Son (from 1908)
- The Kansas City Star And The Kansas City Times (from 1901)
- The Kansas City Star (from 1885)
- The Kansas City Star (from 1890)
- The Kansas City Sunday Sun (from 1890)
- The Kansas City Sun (from 1908)
- The Kansas City Times (from 1908)
- The Kansas City Times (from 1877)
- The Kansas City Times (from 18??)
- The Kansas City Times (from 1872)
- The Kansas City Times (from 1884)
- The Kansas City Tribune (from 1958)
- The Kansas City Weekly Journal & Agriculturist (from 1883)
- The Kansas City Weekly Journal And Missouri And Kansas Farmer (from 1920)
- The Kansas City Weekly Star (from 1903)
- The Kansas City Weekly Times (from 1869)
- The Kansas City World (from 1894)
- The Kansas City-St. Joseph Register (from 1958)
- The Kansas Courier (from 1936)
- The Kansas Elevator (from 1916)
- The Kansas Elevator (from 1916)
- The Kansas Patron And Farmer (from 1881)
- The Kansas Patron (from 1881)
- The Kansas Pilot (from 1878)
- The Kansas Plaindealer (from 1887)
- The Kansas Progressive And Labor Record (from 1911)
- The Kansas Sun And Globe (from 1884)
- The Kansas Tribune (from 1894)
- The Kansas Weekly Cyclone (from 1886)
- The Kaw's Mouth (from 1893)
- The Kriterion (from 1904)
- The Kriterion (from 1904)
- The Labor Bulletin (from 1919)
- The Labor Herald (from 1904)
- The Labor Record (from 1894)
- The Labor Record (from 1895)
- The Labor Review (from 1891)
- The Leaven (from 1979)
- The Lenexa Leader (from 1908)
- The Lenexa News (from 1971)
- The Letter (from 1899)
- The Liberator (from 1901)
- The Linwood Leader (from 1883)
- The Linwood Leaf (from 1901)
- The Linwood Light (from 1917)
- The Linwood Monitor (from 1897)
- The Linwood News (from 1905)
- The Linwood Times (from 1909)
- The Linwood Times (from 1925)
- The Linwood Times (from 19??)
- The Local Dispatch (from 1886)
- The Mediator (from 1913)
- The Merriam Leader (from 1934)
- The Miami County Argus (from 186?)
- The Miami Republican (from 1871)
- The Mid-Continent (from 1880)
- The Mirror Of Progress (from 1879)
- The Missouri & Arkansas Farmer And Fruitman (from 1888)
- The Missouri Democrat (from 1925)
- The Missouri Mule (from 1919)
- The Missourian (from 1930)
- The Modern Argo (from 18??)
- The Monthly Visitor (from 1882)
- The National Review (from 1913)
- The National Review (from 1913)
- The New People (from 1967)
- The News Press (from 19??)
- The News-Dispatch (from 1952)
- The North Kansas City News (from 1920)
- The Northeast Johnson County Herald (from 1929)
- The Northtowner (from 1957)
- The Observer (from 1969)
- The Occidental Messenger (from 1851)
- The Olathe Daily News (from 1986)
- The Olathe Independent (from 1912)
- The Olathe Leader (from 1878)
- The Olathe Leader (from 1891)
- The Olathe Mirror, The Johnson County Democrat (from 1960)
- The Olathe Mirror (from 1861)
- The Olathe Mirror (from 1894)
- The Olathe Mirror (from 1882)
- The Olathe Mirror (from 1886)
- The Olathe News Letter (from 1871)
- The Olathe News-Herald (from 1898)
- The Olathe News (from 1960)
- The Olathe Register (from 1898)
- The Olathe Republican (from 1884)
- The Olathe Tribune (from 1894)
- The Orchard City Amateur (from 18??)
- The Overland Park Star (from 1923)
- The Overland Park Weekly Herald (from 1924)
- The Owl (from 1890)
- The Paola Democrat (from 187?)
- The Paola Record (from 1904)
- The Paola Times (from 1882)
- The Penny Press (from 1890)
- The People's Advocate (from 1902)
- The People's Advocate (from 1902)
- The Pioneer (from 1878)
- The Platte County Sun-Gazette (from 199?)
- The Pleasant Hill Local (from 1890)
- The Pleasant Hill Register (from 1915)
- The Pleasant Hill Times (from 1887)
- The Press-Dispatch (from 1952)
- The Press (from 1895)
- The Query (from 1960)
- The Quindaro Query (from 19??)
- The Raymore Bee (from 1909)
- The Raymore Journal (from 1992)
- The Raytown News (from 1926)
- The Re-planet (from 18??)
- The Re-plant (from 1882)
- The Record (from 1986)
- The Register (from 1939)
- The Republican Citizen (from 1878)
- The Republican Mirror (from 1893)
- The Republic (from 1912)
- The Retort (from 1901)
- The Rising Son (from 1896)
- The Rising Son (from 1896)
- The Rural World (from 1904)
- The Screw : a Twisted Device For Holding Things Together (from 1969)
- The Screw (from 1967)
- The Service Star (from 1942)
- The Shawnee Chief (from 1932)
- The Stanley Review (from 1912)
- The Star-Herald (from 1923)
- The Suburban News (from 1927)
- The Suburban (from 19??)
- The Sunday Mail (from 1892)
- The Topics (from 1895)
- The Union Crusader (from 186?)
- The Upper Missouri Advertiser (from 1832)
- The Wednesday Magazine (from 1937)
- The Weekly Advocate (from 1901)
- The Weekly Kansas City Star (from 19??)
- The Weekly Kansas City Star (from 19??)
- The Weekly Kansas City Star (from 1908)
- The Weekly Local (from 1886)
- The Weekly News (from 1870)
- The Weekly News (from 190?)
- The Weekly Pioneer (from 1879)
- The Weekly Pioneer (from 1873)
- The Weekly Press (from 1889)
- The Weekly Review (from 1881)
- The Weekly Western Journal Of Commerce (from 1865)
- The Weekly Westport Trucker (from 1973)
- The Welborn World (from 1923)
- The Western Champion (from 1888)
- The Western Dispatch (from 1872)
- The Western Dispatch (from 1854)
- The Western Expositor (from 1843)
- The Western Journal Of Commerce (from 1865)
- The Western Spirit (from 1871)
- The Westport News (from 1913)
- The Word And Way (from 1896)
- The Wyandotte Chieftain (from 1896)
- The Wyandotte Chief (from 1912)
- The Wyandotte Chief (from 1894)
- The Wyandotte County Record (from 1945)
- The Wyandotte County Record (from 1932)
- The Wyandotte County Record (from 1929)
- The Wyandotte County Republic (from 1923)
- The Wyandotte Daily Cricket (from 1912)
- The Wyandotte Democrat (from 1867)
- The Wyandotte Echo (from 1928)
- The Wyandotte Echo (from 1928)
- The Wyandotte News (from 1932)
- The Wyandotte News (from 1912)
- The Wyandotte News (from 1917)
- The Wyandotte Sentinel (from 193?)
- Tri-Weekly Journal Of Commerce (from 18??)
- Unsere Zeit Von Kansas City (from 1874)
- Van Peyma's Paper (from 1903)
- Viva! (from 1969)
- Viva (from 19??)
- Voice Of New Americans (from 199?)
- Waldo-Country Club Weekly (from 192?)
- Weekly Journal Of Commerce (from 1867)
- Weekly Journal (from 1878)
- Weekly Star Farmer (from 1952)
- Weekly Western Journal Of Commerce (from 1861)
- Western Beacon (from 1858)
- Western Christian Recorder (from 18??)
- Western Christian Recorder (from 18??)
- Western Democrat (from 1856)
- Western Journal Of Commerce (from 1857)
- Western Journal Of Commerce (from 1863)
- Western Metropolitan (from 1858)
- Western Newspaper Union (from 187?)
- Western Wealth (from 1889)
- Westliche VolksZeitung (from 187?)
- Westport Border Times (from 1856)
- Women INKC (from 1975)
- Word And Way And Central Baptist (from 1913)
- Wyandotte County Legal News & Wyandotte World (from 2001)
- Wyandotte County Legal News (from 2002)
- Wyandotte West (from 1968)
- Zion's Ensign (from 1891)
Off-the-Road Links ...
The official website for Chronicling America
Unfortunately, we don't know of an official website for Stanley. If you can help, please contact us through our Feedback Page. The official website for Johnson County: www.jocoks.com/ The official website for State of Kansas: https://portal.kansas.gov/
Footnotes ...
<1> | Our distances are not driving distances, but are calculated as a 'straight-line' (or point-to-point) distance. A straight line distance ignores things like rivers, canyons, lakes, et cetera - it's truly a line from Point A (ie- Stanley) to Point B.Our distance measurements begin at a specific point in Stanley. The point we use is located at these GPS coordinates - Latitude: 38.8545, Longitude: -94.6658 In this case, the coordinates for Stanley have been provided by the Geographic Names Information System (GNIS). |