Extended Newspaper ListIntroduction ...
Below are 83 newspapers that have been published within 28 miles [45.1 km]<1> of Dayton. The list has been sorted by paper name.
- Ahora : Spanish-English News (from 1983)
- Ahora : Spanish-English News (from 1983)
- Bob Richards' Virginia City Chronicle (from 19??)
- Bolletino Del Nevada = Nevada Bulletin (from 1915)
- Boots & Chutes (from 1953)
- CAPReno (from 1948)
- Campaign Notes (from 1900)
- Carson Chronicle (from 1969)
- Carson Chronicle (from 1969)
- Carson Chronicle (from 196?)
- Carson City Chronicle (from 1955)
- Carson City Chronicle (from 1935)
- Carson City Daily Appeal And Carson City News (from 1930)
- Carson City Daily Appeal (from 1907)
- Carson City Daily Appeal (from 1936)
- Carson City News (from 1961)
- Carson City, Nevada Appeal (from 1955)
- Carson City, Nevada Appeal (from 1947)
- Carson Daily Appeal (from 1873)
- Carson Daily Independent (from 1863)
- Carson Daily Times (from 1880)
- Carson Free Lance (from 1885)
- Carson Morning News (from 1892)
- Carson Press (from 1892)
- Carson Review (from 1970)
- Carson Times (from 1977)
- Carson Valley Chronicle (from 1968)
- Carson Valley News (from 1875)
- Carson Weekly (from 1897)
- Carson-Tahoe Chronicle (from 1952)
- Comstock Chronicle (from 1987)
- Daily Evening Crescent (from 1875)
- Daily Evening Herald (from 1875)
- Daily Index (from 1880)
- Daily Morning Star (from 1884)
- Daily Nevada State Journal (from 1874)
- Evening Telegram (from 1903)
- Flash (from 1969)
- Flyer (from 1943)
- Gardnerville Record (from 1898)
- Genoa Journal (from 1880)
- Genoa Weekly Courier (from 1880)
- Impact (from 1973)
- Italian-French Colony (from 1908)
- Lake Tahoe Journal (from 19??)
- Lake Tahoe's North Shore Villager (from 1961)
- Love (from 1968)
- Lyon County Monitor (from 1900)
- Lyon County Wasp (from 1912)
- Monday Budget (from 1927)
- Monday Budget (from 1917)
- Monday Weekly (from 1903)
- Morning Appeal (from 1877)
- Nevada Appeal Chronicle Edition (from 1984)
- Nevada Appeal (from 1948)
- Nevada Appeal (from 1968)
- Nevada Democrat (from 1914)
- Nevada Democrat (from 1914)
- Nevada Federal Journal (from 1964)
- Nevada Federationist (from 1917)
- Nevada Federationist (from 1917)
- Nevada Forum (from 1906)
- Nevada Home Builder (from 1917)
- Nevada Independent (from 1938)
- Nevada Labor Record (from 1932)
- Nevada Mines And Farms (from 1909)
- Nevada Mining Press (from 19??)
- Nevada Observer (from 1904)
- Nevada Observer (from 1917)
- Nevada Searchlight (from 1921)
- Nevada Socialist (from 1916)
- Nevada Socialist (from 1914)
- Nevada State Journal (from 1866)
- Nevada State Journal (from 1870)
- Nevada State Journal (from 1874)
- Nevada State Journal (from 1907)
- Nevada State News (from 1951)
- Nevada State Public Observer (from 1964)
- Nevada State Recorder (from 19??)
- Nevadian (from 1979)
- News From The Base (from 194?)
- North Tahoe World (from 1969)
- Numa Ya dua' (from 1973)
- Ramsey Recorder (from 1906)
- Reno Army Air Base Flyer (from 1943)
- Reno Evening Gazette (from 1876)
- Reno Gazette-Journal (from 1983)
- Reno News (from 1959)
- Reno Reporter (from 1947)
- Reno State Economist (from 1932)
- Reno Weekly Gazette (from 187?)
- Reno, Nevada Weekly (from 1910)
- Silver City Reporter (from 1876)
- Snowbound (from 1890)
- Sparks Dispatch (from 1905)
- Sparks Headlight (from 1904)
- Sparks Tribune (from 1910)
- Sun Mountain Sentinel (from 1964)
- Sutro Independent (from 1875)
- Tahoe-Carson Chronicle And The Carson City Chronicle (from 1962)
- Tahoe-Carson Chronicle (from 1963)
- Territorial Enterprise And Virginia City News (from 1952)
- Territorial Enterprise And Virginia City News (from 1952)
- Territorial Enterprise And Virginia City News (from 1984)
- Territorial Enterprise (from 1946)
- The Alternate Daily View Newspaper (from 1989)
- The Bugle (from 1888)
- The Carson Boys (from 1885)
- The Carson City Enlightener (from 1914)
- The Carson City News (from 1902)
- The Carson Daily Appeal (from 1865)
- The Carson Daily Index (from 1885)
- The Carson Evening Gazette (from 1914)
- The Carson Times (from 1880)
- The Carson Weekly (from 1892)
- The Carson Weekly (from 1906)
- The Citizen (from 1965)
- The Cyclone Occassional (from 1891)
- The Daily Appeal (from 1906)
- The Daily Bee (from 1882)
- The Daily Independent (from 1874)
- The Daily Index-Union (from 1888)
- The Daily Mining Reporter (from 1876)
- The Daily Morning Post (from 1864)
- The Daily Nevada Democrat (from 1875)
- The Daily Sparks Tribune (from 198?)
- The Daily State Register (from 1870)
- The Douglas County Banner (from 1865)
- The Eastern Slope (from 1865)
- The Evening Report (from 1887)
- The Footlight (from 1872)
- The Forum (from 1909)
- The Independent Of Reno, Sparks, Washoe County (from 1958)
- The Independent Of Washoe County (from 1955)
- The Magnet (from 1909)
- The Minden Times (from 1936)
- The Mining Digest (from 1908)
- The Mining Reporter (from 1876)
- The Morning News (from 1891)
- The Nevada Bugle (from 1912)
- The Nevada Citizen (from 1897)
- The Nevada Federationist And Home Industry Advocate (from 1915)
- The Nevada Independent And Reno Reporter (from 1950)
- The Nevada Independent (from 1950)
- The Nevada Index-Union (from 1887)
- The Nevada Prohibitionist (from 1888)
- The Nevada Rockroller (from 1914)
- The Nevada State Labor News (from 1941)
- The Nevada Statesman (from 1966)
- The Nevada Tribune (from 1873)
- The Nevada Union (from 1886)
- The Nevada Voice (from 1926)
- The Nevadan (from 1916)
- The New Daily Appeal (from 1872)
- The News Reporter (from 1886)
- The News (from 1895)
- The Plaindealer (from 1895)
- The Plaindealer (from 1881)
- The Record-Courier (from 1904)
- The Record (from 1902)
- The Reno Crescent (from 1868)
- The Reno Daily American (from 1908)
- The Reno Daily Crescent (from 1874)
- The Reno Daily Record (from 1878)
- The Reno Democrat (from 1883)
- The Reno Ledger (from 1899)
- The Reno News (from 1930)
- The Reno Times (from 1882)
- The Reveille (from 1907)
- The Saturday Reporter (from 1915)
- The Star (from 1904)
- The Tahoe Reader (from 198?)
- The Vigilant Reporter (from 1957)
- The Virginia City Legend (from 1970)
- The Weekly Gazette And Stockman (from 188?)
- The Weekly (from 1891)
- The Weekly (from 1895)
- The Weekly (from 1900)
- The White Ribbon (from 1894)
- The Yerington Rustler (from 1895)
- This Week In Reno (from 1931)
- Valley Green Sheet (from 1972)
- Valley Outlook (from 1972)
- Virginia City News (from 1930)
- Virginia City News (from 1986)
- Virginia City Times Bonanza (from 1969)
- Voice Of The People (from 1910)
- Washoe Newsletter (from 19??)
- Washoe Weekly Times (from 1865)
- Weekly Evening Gazette (from 1877)
- Weekly Nevada State Journal (from 1875)
- Weekly Territorial Enterprise (from 186?)
- Western Miner (from 1927)
- Western Miner (from 1915)
- Yerington Times (from 1907)
Off-the-Road Links ...
The official website for Chronicling America
Unfortunately, we don't know of an official website for Dayton. If you can help, please contact us through our Feedback Page. The official website for Lyon County: www.lyon-county.org/ The official website for State of Nevada: https://nv.gov/
Footnotes ...
<1> | Our distances are not driving distances, but are calculated as a 'point-to-point' distance. A straight line distance ignores obstructions like rivers, canyons, lakes, et cetera - it's truly a line from Point A (ie- Dayton) to Point B.Our distance measurements begin at a specific point in Dayton. The point we use is located at these GPS coordinates - Latitude: 39.2402, Longitude: -119.5890 |