Extended Newspaper List
Introduction ...
Below are 103 newspapers that have been published within 30 miles [48.3 km]<1> of Luray. The list has been sorted by paper name.
- Bunker Hill Advertiser (from 1880)
- Bunker Hill Banner (from 1881)
- Bunker Hill Banner (from 1884)
- Bunker Hill Gazette (from 1888)
- Cawker City Free Press (from 1878)
- Cawker City Journal (from 1880)
- Cawker City Ledger (from 1899)
- Cawker City Public Record (from 1895)
- Cawker City Sentinel (from 187?)
- Cawker City Times (from 1889)
- Cawker City Tribune (from 1873)
- Daily News (from 1881)
- Der Russell Recorder (from 1905)
- Der West Kansas Bote (from 1898)
- Downs Times (from 1880)
- Ellis County Farmer And The Victoria Visitor (from 1951)
- Hulaniski's Saturday Evening Lamp (from 1883)
- Kansas Plainsman (from 1872)
- Lincoln Beacon (from 1884)
- Lincoln County Beacon (from 1880)
- Lincoln County News (from 1873)
- Lincoln County Patriot (from 1874)
- Lucas Independent (from 1908)
- Lucas Sentinel (from 1901)
- Lucas-Sylvan News (from 1966)
- Luray Headlight (from 1887)
- Natoma Independent (from 1909)
- Natoma-Luray Independent (from 1954)
- Osborne County Farmer (from 1875)
- Osborne County Farmer (from 1958)
- Osborne County Journal (from 1887)
- Osborne County News (from 1883)
- Osborne Evening News (from 1911)
- Osborne Evening News (from 1888)
- Osborne Farmer-Journal (from 1942)
- Osborne Journal (from 1934)
- Osborne Journal (from 1886)
- Public Record (from 1883)
- Russell Daily News (from 1948)
- Russell Journal (from 1887)
- Russell Reformer (from 1897)
- Saturday Record (from 1886)
- The Beacon Of Lincoln County (from 1881)
- The Bunker Hill Advertiser (from 1912)
- The Bunker Hill Banner (from 1911)
- The Bunker Hill News (from 1886)
- The Cawker City News (from 1934)
- The Codell News (from 1917)
- The Dorrance News (from 1911)
- The Dorrance Nugget (from 1886)
- The Dorrance Star (from 1913)
- The Down's Chief (from 1885)
- The Downs Daily Chief (from 1890)
- The Downs Globe (from 1888)
- The Downs News And The Downs Times (from 1916)
- The Downs News And Times (from 1970)
- The Downs News (from 1903)
- The Downs News (from 1956)
- The Downs World (from 1892)
- The Echo (from 1875)
- The Empire-Journal (from 1936)
- The Farmer's Aid (from 1890)
- The Journal (from 1893)
- The Lucas Advance (from 1888)
- The Lucas Journal (from 1906)
- The Luray Herald (from 1902)
- The Luray Star (from 1892)
- The Natoma Courier (from 1901)
- The New Era (from 1940)
- The New Republic (from 1872)
- The News And Times (from 1966)
- The Paradise Farmer (from 1920)
- The Record (from 1898)
- The Russell Advance (from 1878)
- The Russell County News (from 1930)
- The Russell County Record (from 1874)
- The Russell Democratic Review (from 1887)
- The Russell Hawkeye (from 1882)
- The Russell Independent (from 1879)
- The Russell Informer (from 1920)
- The Russell Kansas Record (from 1881)
- The Russell Record And Journal (from 1898)
- The Russell Record (from 1883)
- The Russell Record (from 1905)
- The Saline Valley Sunflower (from 1900)
- The Saturday Review (from 1887)
- The Sylvan Alert (from 1895)
- The Sylvan Grove News (from 1900)
- The Sylvan Grove Sentinel (from 1887)
- The Times (from 1892)
- The Tipton News (from 1947)
- The Truth Teller (from 1879)
- The Victoria Globe (from 1925)
- The Victoria Review (from 1915)
- The Victoria Visitor (from 1949)
- The Waldo Advocate (from 1910)
- The Waldo Shadows (from 1904)
- The Weekly Gazette (from 1889)
- The Weekly Times (from 1888)
- Waldo Enterprise (from 1888)
- Waldo New Era (from 1906)
- Western Live Stock Journal (from 1884)
- Western Sentinel (from 1872)
Off-the-Road Links ...
The official website for Chronicling America
Unfortunately, we don't know of an official website for Luray. If you can help, please contact us through our Feedback Page.
The official website for State of Kansas: https://portal.kansas.gov/
Footnotes ...
<1> | Our distances are not driving distances, but are calculated as a 'point-to-point' distance. A straight line distance ignores things like rivers, canyons, lakes, et cetera - it's truly a line drawn from Point A (ie- Luray) to Point B.Our distance measurements begin at a specific point in Luray. The point we use is located at these GPS coordinates - Latitude: 39.1145, Longitude: -98.6920 |