Notable Births & Deaths for Hallsboro ...
Below is our list of notable people who were born, died or were buried in the area surrounding Hallsboro. Please note that while we are collecting data on an ongoing basis, it's a big task and it's unlikely that our list will ever be more than a sample.
- Edmund Archer
- Artist. He was born in Richmond (VA) on September 28, 1904 (a Wednesday) and died in Richmond (VA) on July 13, 1986 (a Sunday) at the age of 81. He is buried at Hollywood Cemetery (Richmond City, Virginia).
- Richmond is located 16 miles [25.7 km] to the east of Hallsboro.
- Richmond is located 16 miles [25.7 km] to the east of Hallsboro.
- Find-A-Grave Memorial: Edmund Archer<1>
- Clarence H. Bassett
- John Joseph 'Joe' Boehling
- Major League Baseball. He was born in Richmond (VA) on March 20, 1891 (a Friday) and died in Richmond (VA) on September 8, 1941 (a Monday) at the age of 50. He is buried at Holy Cross Cemetery (Richmond City, Virginia).
- Richmond is located 16 miles [25.7 km] to the east of Hallsboro.
- Richmond is located 16 miles [25.7 km] to the east of Hallsboro.
- Find-A-Grave Memorial: John Joseph 'Joe' Boehling<1>
- Olive Borden
- Jim Bridger
- John Mitchell Brooks
- Horace G. Brown
- James Branch Cabell
- Author. He was born in Richmond (VA) on April 14, 1879 (a Monday) and died in Richmond (VA) on May 5, 1958 (a Monday) at the age of 79. He is buried at Hollywood Cemetery (Richmond City, Virginia).
- Richmond is located 16 miles [25.7 km] to the east of Hallsboro.
- Richmond is located 16 miles [25.7 km] to the east of Hallsboro.
- Find-A-Grave Memorial: James Branch Cabell<1>
- Edith Elliott Lindeman Calisch
- Alan Campbell
- Screenwriter, actor. He was born in Richmond (VA) on February 21, 1904 (a Sunday) and died in West Hollywood (CA) on June 14, 1963 (a Friday) at the age of 59. He is buried at Hebrew Cemetery (Richmond City, Virginia).
- Richmond is located 16 miles [25.7 km] to the east of Hallsboro.
- Find-A-Grave Memorial: Alan Campbell<1>
- Joseph Cotton
- Full name: Joseph Cheshire Cotton, Jr.
- Actor. He was born in Petersburg (VA) on May 15, 1905 (a Monday) and died in Los Angeles (CA) on February 6, 1994 (a Sunday) at the age of 88. He is buried at Blandford Cemetery (Petersburg City, Virginia).
- Petersburg is located 25 miles [40.2 km] to the southeast of Hallsboro.
- Find-A-Grave Memorial: Joseph Cotton<1>
- Joseph Cotton
- Full name: Joseph Cheshire Cotton, Jr.
- Actor. He was born in Petersburg (VA) on May 15, 1905 (a Monday) and died in Los Angeles (CA) on February 6, 1994 (a Sunday) at the age of 88. He is buried at Blandford Cemetery (Petersburg City, Virginia).
- Petersburg is located 25 miles [40.2 km] to the southeast of Hallsboro.
- Find-A-Grave Memorial: Joseph Cotton<1>
- Arthur Dawson
- Artist. He was born in Crewe (England) on March 9, 1858 (a Tueday) and died in Richmond (VA) on August 22, 1922 (a Tueday) at the age of 64. He is buried at Riverview Cemetery (Richmond City, Virginia).
- Richmond is located 16 miles [25.7 km] to the east of Hallsboro.
- Find-A-Grave Memorial: Arthur Dawson<1>
- Jimmy Dean
- Full name: Jimmy Ray Dean
- Singer, actor, TV Host, businessman. He was born in Olton (TX) on August 10, 1928 (a Friday) and died in Varina (VA) on June 13, 2010 (a Sunday) at the age of 81.
- Varina is located 21 miles [33.8 km] to the east of Hallsboro.
- Find-A-Grave Memorial: Jimmy Dean<1>
- Thomas A. 'Tommy' Eldridge
- Musician. He was born in Richmond (VA) on October 23, 1940 (a Wednesday) and died in Richmond (VA) on June 19, 2000 (a Monday) at the age of 59. He is buried at Oakwood Cemetery (Richmond City, Virginia).
- Richmond is located 16 miles [25.7 km] to the east of Hallsboro.
- Richmond is located 16 miles [25.7 km] to the east of Hallsboro.
- Find-A-Grave Memorial: Thomas A. 'Tommy' Eldridge<1>
- Julia Faye
- Born: Julia Faye Maloney
- Actress. She was born in Richmond (VA) on September 24, 1893 (a Sunday) and died in Woodland Hills (CA) on April 6, 1966 (a Wednesday) at the age of 72. She is buried at Hollywood Forever Cemetery (Los Angeles County, California).
- Richmond is located 16 miles [25.7 km] to the east of Hallsboro.
- Find-A-Grave Memorial: Julia Faye<1>
- Oscar E. 'Reddy' Foster
- Major League Baseball. He was born in Richmond (VA) in August 1864 and died in Richmond (VA) on December 19, 1908 (a Saturday). He is buried at Oakwood Cemetery (Richmond City, Virginia).
- Richmond is located 16 miles [25.7 km] to the east of Hallsboro.
- Richmond is located 16 miles [25.7 km] to the east of Hallsboro.
- Find-A-Grave Memorial: Oscar E. 'Reddy' Foster<1>
- Douglas Southall Freeman
- Charles Gilpin
- Ellen Glasgow
- Pulitzer Prize winning author. She was born in Richmond (VA) on April 22, 1873 (a Tueday) and died in Richmond (VA) on November 21, 1945 (a Wednesday) at the age of 72. She is buried at Hollywood Cemetery (Richmond City, Virginia).
- Richmond is located 16 miles [25.7 km] to the east of Hallsboro.
- Richmond is located 16 miles [25.7 km] to the east of Hallsboro.
- Find-A-Grave Memorial: Ellen Glasgow<1>
- Freeman Fisher Gosden
- Actor. He was born in Richmond (VA) on May 5, 1899 (a Friday) and died in Los Angeles (CA) on December 10, 1982 (a Friday) at the age of 83. The body was cremated.
- Richmond is located 16 miles [25.7 km] to the east of Hallsboro.
- Find-A-Grave Memorial: Freeman Fisher Gosden<1>
Off-the-Road Links ...
Unfortunately, we don't know of a website for Hallsboro. If you can help, please contact us through our Feedback Page. The official website for Chesterfield County: www.co.chesterfield.va.us/ The official website for State of Virginia: https://www.virginia.gov/
Footnotes ...
<1> | The Find-a-Grave website is an excellent research tool with information about a cemetery's location and interments. They also offer a forum for their members which can provide additional help. More information about Find-a-Grave can be found on their website: findagrave.com. |