Extended Newspaper ListIntroduction ...
Below are 83 newspapers that have been published within 14 miles [22.5 km]<1> of Mercersburg. The list has been sorted by paper name.
- Centennial Register (from 1876)
- Centennial Register (from 1876)
- Chambersburg Correspondent Und Allegemeiner Volksberichter Der Deutschen Von Franklin Und Den Benachbarten Caunties (from 18??)
- Chambersburg Repository And Whig (from 1840)
- Chambersburg Republican (from 1811)
- Cumberland Valley Sentinel (from 1846)
- Daily Quid Nunc (from 1878)
- Democratic Bulletin (from 18??)
- Democratic Republican And Pennsylvania Advertiser (from 1816)
- Democratic Republican (from 1815)
- Der Deutsche Franklin (from 1824)
- Der Freiheits-Freund (from 1834)
- Der Redliche Registrator (from 1813)
- Die Reformirte Kirchen Zeitung (from 1840)
- Echo Pilot (from 1893)
- Franklin Intelligencer (from 1849)
- Franklin Repository & Chambersburg Whig (from 1840)
- Franklin Repository And Transcript (from 1855)
- Franklin Repository And Whig (from 185?)
- Franklin Repository (from 1882)
- Franklin Republican & Chambersburg Advertiser (from 1830)
- Franklin Republican And Advertiser (from 1831)
- Franklin Republican And Chambersburg Weekly Advertiser (from 182?)
- Franklin Republican And Observer (from 1832)
- Franklin Republican (from 1817)
- Franklin Telegraph And Democratic Advertiser (from 1831)
- German Reformed Messenger (from 1848)
- German Reformed Messenger (from 1848)
- German Reformed Messenger (from 1848)
- German Reformed Messenger (from 1848)
- Greencastle Press And Kauffmans Progressive News (from 1912)
- Greencastle Press (from 1878)
- How To Make The Farm Pay (from 1871)
- Kauffmans Progressive News (from 1912)
- Kenny Letter (from 1943)
- Mercersburg Journal (from 1863)
- Mercersburg Journal (from 189?)
- Mercersburg Visitor (from 1843)
- Mercersburg Weekly Visitor (from 184?)
- Pennsylvania Republican (from 1808)
- People's Register (from 1877)
- Public Opinion, Franklin Repository (from 1931)
- Public Opinion (from 1869)
- Public Opinion (from 1901)
- Public Opinion (from 1974)
- Repository And Whig (from 1841)
- Saturday Local (from 1876)
- Semi-Weekly Dispatch (from 1861)
- The Chambersburg Gazette (from 1793)
- The Chambersburg Post (from 1939)
- The Chambersburg Times (from 1841)
- The Chambersburg Weekly Advertiser (from 17??)
- The Chambersburg Whig (from 1836)
- The Country Merchant (from 1866)
- The Daily Herald (from 18??)
- The Daily Register (from 1879)
- The Democratic News (from 1888)
- The Farmers' Register (from 1798)
- The Farmers' Register (from 1798)
- The Franklin Minerva (from 1799)
- The Franklin Minerva (from 1799)
- The Franklin Repository (from 1796)
- The Franklin Repository (from 1863)
- The Franklin Review (from 1895)
- The Franklin Telegraph And Democratic Advertiser (from 183?)
- The Franklin Telegraph (from 1832)
- The Fulton County Journal The Fulton Democrat (from 1983)
- The Fulton County Journal (from 1981)
- The Fulton County News (from 1899)
- The Fulton Democrat (from 1850)
- The Fulton Republican (from 1851)
- The Gazette, And Franklin Anti-Masonic Enquirer (from 18??)
- The Good Intent (from 1861)
- The Greencastle Pilot (from 1891)
- The Greencastle Press And News (from 1927)
- The Herald (from 1878)
- The Independent (from 1921)
- The Local Gossiper (from 1886)
- The News-Letter (from 1885)
- The Old Flag (from 1864)
- The Pilot (from 1860)
- The Proprietor (from 1957)
- The Republican (from 180?)
- The Times (from 185?)
- The Valley Echo (from 1866)
- The Weekly Messenger Of The German Reformed Church (from 1835)
- The Weekly Messenger Of The Reformed Church (from 1835)
- The Weekly Messenger Of The Reformed Church (from 1835)
- The Weekly Messenger (from 1838)
- The Weekly Messenger (from 1838)
- The Weekly Messenger (from 1838)
- The Weekly Messenger (from 1838)
- The Whangdoodle (from 1866)
- The Whig (from 1834)
- Valley Spirit And Times (from 1862)
- Valley Spirit (from 184?)
- Valley Spirit (from 1864)
- Valley Spirit (from 1886)
- Weekly Dispatch (from 1863)
- Weekly Journal (from 1843)
- Weekly Journal (from 1871)
- Whippersnapper (from 1972)
Off-the-Road Links ...
The official website for Chronicling America
Unfortunately, we don't know of an official website for Mercersburg. If you can help, please contact us through our Feedback Page. The official website for Franklin County: www.co.franklin.pa.us/ The official website for State of Pennsylvania: https://www.pa.gov/
Footnotes ...
<1> | Our distances are not driving distances, but are calculated as a 'straight-line' distance. A straight line distance ignores obstructions like rivers, canyons, lakes, et cetera - it's truly a line drawn from Point A (ie- Mercersburg) to Point B.Our distance measurements begin at a specific point in Mercersburg. The point we use is located at these GPS coordinates - Latitude: 39.8270, Longitude: -77.9022 |