Extended Newspaper ListIntroduction ...
Below are 82 newspapers that have been published within 5 miles [8 km]<1> of Ernest. The list has been sorted by paper name.
- Daily Independent (from 1874)
- Daily Independent (from 1874)
- Daily Times (from 18??)
- Delaware County Citizen (from 1888)
- Herald And Free Press And Norristown Republican (from 1864)
- Herald And Free Press (from 1868)
- Home News (from 1893)
- Montgomery County Democratische Post (from 1867)
- Montgomery County Post (from 187?)
- Montgomery Post (from 1961)
- Montgomery Watchman (from 185?)
- National Defender (from 1856)
- Norristown Daily Herald And The Norristown Times (from 1923)
- Norristown Daily Herald (from 187?)
- Norristown Daily Independent (from 1874)
- Norristown Daily Register (from 1912)
- Norristown Free Press (from 1829)
- Norristown Herald And Free Press (from 1863)
- Norristown Herald And Free Press (from 1837)
- Norristown Herald And Free Press (from 1870)
- Norristown Herald, And Montgomery County Advertiser (from 1830)
- Norristown Herald, And Weekly Advertiser (from 1800)
- Norristown Morning Register (from 1917)
- Norristown Register & Sentinel (from 18??)
- Norristown Register And Montgomery County Advertiser (from 18??)
- Norristown Register And Montgomery County Democrat (from 1878)
- Norristown Register And Montgomery Democrat (from 1836)
- Norristown Register (from 1827)
- Norristown Register (from 1803)
- Norristown Register (from 1846)
- Norristown Republican And Montgomery, Bucks And Philadelphia Advertiser (from 1857)
- Norristown Republican (from 1862)
- Norristown Times Herald (from 1923)
- Norristown Weekly Herald (from 1887)
- Olive Branch And Herald Of Reform (from 1853)
- Olive Branch (from 1853)
- Our Home Town (from 1930)
- Public Bulletin (from 1929)
- Republican Democrat (from 1861)
- Schuylkill Valley Sentinel (from 1875)
- Semi-Weekly Herald (from 1865)
- The Clay Flag-Staff (from 1844)
- The Conshohocken Recorder, The Leader-Review (from 1952)
- The Conshohocken Recorder (from 1896)
- The Conshohocken Recorder (from 1961)
- The Daily Herald (from 1869)
- The Daily Register (from 1875)
- The Daily Register (from 1886)
- The Daily Review (from 1869)
- The Daily Watchman (from 18??)
- The Home News (from 1877)
- The Independent (from 1865)
- The Main Line Post (from 1982)
- The News (from 1881)
- The Norristown Gazette (from 1799)
- The Norristown Independent (from 1865)
- The Norristown Register And Montgomery Democrat And Watchman (from 1858)
- The Norristown Register (from 1880)
- The Norristown Times
- The Norristown Weekly Register (from 1822)
- The Recorder, The Leader-Review (from 1953)
- The Recorder (from 1894)
- The Recorder (from 1953)
- The Recorder (from 19??)
- The Register (from 1804)
- The Review (from 18??)
- The Suburban And Wayne Times (from 197?)
- The Suburban (from 1985)
- The Suburban (from 1985)
- The Suburban (from 1985)
- The Times Herald (from 1952)
- The True Republican And Weekly Journal (from 1802)
- The True Republican (from 1800)
- The True Witness (from 1871)
- The Truth (from 1842)
- The Watchman (from 1849)
- The Weekly Recorder (from 1869)
- The Weekly Recorder (from 1877)
- The Weekly Register (from 1805)
- Today's Post (from 1971)
- Today's Post (from 1971)
- Today's Post (from 1982)
- Today's Post (from 1982)
- Today's Post (from 1971)
- Today's Post (from 197?)
- Today's Post (from 1977)
- Today's Post (from 1982)
- Today's Shopper (from 197?)
- Wahrheits Freund (from 1858)
- Wayne And Berwyn Times Herald (from 1885)
- Wayne Times (from 189?)
- Weekly News (from 1875)
- Weekly Times (from 1881)
Off-the-Road Links ...
The official website for Chronicling America
Unfortunately, we don't know of an official website for Ernest. If you can help, please contact us through our Feedback Page. The official website for Indiana County: www.countyofindiana.org/ The official website for Commonwealth of Pennsylvania: https://www.pa.gov/
Footnotes ...
<1> | Our distances are not driving distances, but are calculated as a 'straight-line' (or point-to-point) distance. A straight line distance ignores obstructions like rivers, canyons, lakes, et cetera - it's truly a line from Point A (ie- Ernest) to Point B.Our distance measurements begin at a specific point in Ernest. The point we use is located at these GPS coordinates - Latitude: 40.1043, Longitude: -75.3126 In this case, the coordinates for Ernest have been provided by the Geographic Names Information System (GNIS). |