Nearby Cemeteries
Below are cemeteries that are within 30 miles [48.3 km]<1> of the Hickory Grove Cemetery. The cemeteries are listed in alphabetical order.
Since our focus is on geography, we don't have any burial or interment information. Nor do we have any contact information for the Hickory Grove Cemetery..
We are always looking for corrections and additions to our Gazetteer. If you can help, we are looking for information such as the name of the cemetery, its GPS coordinates, whether the cemetery is still in use or if it is historic (ie- defunct, abandoned, etc.). If it applies, we would also like to learn of any past or alternate names that the cemetery may have been known by.
We've listed the following cemeteries based on their distance from Hickory Grove Cemetery, with the nearest first.
- Henderson Cemetery
(2 miles [3.2 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Henderson Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Henderson Cemetery is located in Greene County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Henderson Cemetery
- Corinth Cemetery
(4 miles [6.4 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Corinth Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Corinth Cemetery is located in Wayne County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Corinth Cemetery
- Mulberry Cemetery
(4 miles [6.4 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Mulberry Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Mulberry Cemetery is located in Wayne County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Mulberry Cemetery
- Union Cemetery
(4 miles [6.4 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Union Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Union Cemetery is located in Greene County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Union Cemetery
- Mt. Zion Cemetery
(4 miles [6.4 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Mt. Zion Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Mt. Zion Cemetery is located in Greene County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Mt. Zion Cemetery
- Pittman Cemetery
(5 miles [8 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Pittman Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Pittman Cemetery is located in Wayne County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Pittman Cemetery
- Hollis Creek Cemetery
(6 miles [9.7 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Hollis Creek Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Hollis Creek Cemetery is located in Wayne County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Hollis Creek Cemetery
- James Cemetery
(6 miles [9.7 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the James Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The James Cemetery is located in Greene County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the James Cemetery
- Sand Hill Cemetery
(7 miles [11.3 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Sand Hill Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Sand Hill Cemetery is located in Greene County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Sand Hill Cemetery
- Frisco Cemetery
(8 miles [12.9 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Frisco Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Frisco Cemetery is located in Perry County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Frisco Cemetery
- Salem Cemetery
(9 miles [14.5 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Salem Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Salem Cemetery is located in Wayne County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Salem Cemetery
- Indian Hill Cemetery
(9 miles [14.5 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Indian Hill Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Indian Hill Cemetery is located in Greene County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Indian Hill Cemetery
- Dunn Cemetery
(9 miles [14.5 km] to the east)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Dunn Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Dunn Cemetery is located in Wayne County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Dunn Cemetery
- Pine Grove Cemetery
(9 miles [14.5 km] to the east)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Pine Grove Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Pine Grove Cemetery is located in Wayne County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Pine Grove Cemetery
- Shirley Place Cemetery
(10 miles [16.1 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Shirley Place Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Shirley Place Cemetery is located in Wayne County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Shirley Place Cemetery
- Edwards Cemetery
(10 miles [16.1 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Edwards Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Edwards Cemetery is located in Perry County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Edwards Cemetery
- Kittrell Cemetery
(10 miles [16.1 km] to the east)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Kittrell Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Kittrell Cemetery is located in Greene County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Kittrell Cemetery
- Brown Cemetery
(11 miles [17.7 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Brown Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Brown Cemetery is located in Jones County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Brown Cemetery
- Mutual Rights Cemetery
(11 miles [17.7 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Mutual Rights Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Mutual Rights Cemetery is located in Greene County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Mutual Rights Cemetery
- Freefield Cemetery
(11 miles [17.7 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Freefield Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Freefield Cemetery is located in Greene County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Freefield Cemetery
- Providence Cemetery
(11 miles [17.7 km] to the east)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Providence Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Providence Cemetery is located in Wayne County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Providence Cemetery
- Mills Cemetery
(11 miles [17.7 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Mills Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Mills Cemetery is located in Wayne County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Mills Cemetery
- Big Creek Cemetery
(11 miles [17.7 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Big Creek Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Big Creek Cemetery is located in Wayne County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Big Creek Cemetery
- Sanderson Cemetery
(12 miles [19.3 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Sanderson Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Sanderson Cemetery is located in Wayne County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Sanderson Cemetery
- Browns Cemetery
(12 miles [19.3 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Browns Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Browns Cemetery is located in Perry County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Browns Cemetery
- Sunset Cemetery
(12 miles [19.3 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Sunset Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Sunset Cemetery is located in Perry County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Sunset Cemetery
- Slay Cemetery
(12 miles [19.3 km] to the east)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Slay Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Slay Cemetery is located in Greene County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Slay Cemetery
- Mt. Pleasant Cemetery
(12 miles [19.3 km] to the east)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Mt. Pleasant Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Mt. Pleasant Cemetery is located in Wayne County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Mt. Pleasant Cemetery
- Mozingo Cemetery
(13 miles [20.9 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Mozingo Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Mozingo Cemetery is located in Wayne County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Mozingo Cemetery
- Shows Cemetery
(13 miles [20.9 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Shows Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Shows Cemetery is located in Wayne County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Shows Cemetery
- Strengthford Cemetery
(13 miles [20.9 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Strengthford Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Strengthford Cemetery is located in Wayne County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Strengthford Cemetery
- Woodard Cemetery
(13 miles [20.9 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Woodard Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Woodard Cemetery is located in Perry County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Woodard Cemetery
- Isaiah Hinton Cemetery
(13 miles [20.9 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Isaiah Hinton Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Isaiah Hinton Cemetery is located in Perry County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Isaiah Hinton Cemetery
- Mills Cemetery
(13 miles [20.9 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Mills Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Mills Cemetery is located in Wayne County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Mills Cemetery
- Hayes Cemetery
(13 miles [20.9 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Hayes Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Hayes Cemetery is located in Wayne County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Hayes Cemetery
- Dyess Cemetery
(13 miles [20.9 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Dyess Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Dyess Cemetery is located in Wayne County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Dyess Cemetery
- Nazareth Cemetery
(14 miles [22.5 km] to the south)
- Avera Cemetery
(14 miles [22.5 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Avera Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Avera Cemetery is located in Greene County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Avera Cemetery
- Simpson Cemetery
(14 miles [22.5 km] to the east)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Simpson Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Simpson Cemetery is located in Greene County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Simpson Cemetery
- Ovett Cemetery
(15 miles [24.1 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Ovett Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Ovett Cemetery is located in Jones County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Ovett Cemetery
- McSwain Cemetery
(15 miles [24.1 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the McSwain Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The McSwain Cemetery is located in Perry County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the McSwain Cemetery
- Pleasant Hill Cemetery
(15 miles [24.1 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Pleasant Hill Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Pleasant Hill Cemetery is located in Greene County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Pleasant Hill Cemetery
- Powe Cemetery
(15 miles [24.1 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Powe Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Powe Cemetery is located in Wayne County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Powe Cemetery
- Winchester Cemetery
(15 miles [24.1 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Winchester Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Winchester Cemetery is located in Wayne County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Winchester Cemetery
- West Shady Grove Cemetery
(16 miles [25.7 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the West Shady Grove Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The West Shady Grove Cemetery is located in Wayne County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the West Shady Grove Cemetery
- Burch Cemetery
(16 miles [25.7 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Burch Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Burch Cemetery is located in Perry County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Burch Cemetery
- Fellowship Cemetery
(16 miles [25.7 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Fellowship Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Fellowship Cemetery is located in Greene County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Fellowship Cemetery
- Odom Cemetery
(16 miles [25.7 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Odom Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Odom Cemetery is located in Greene County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Odom Cemetery
- Griffin Cemetery
(16 miles [25.7 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Griffin Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Griffin Cemetery is located in Greene County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Griffin Cemetery
- Mozingo Cemetery
(16 miles [25.7 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Mozingo Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Mozingo Cemetery is located in Wayne County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Mozingo Cemetery
- Arrington Cemetery
(17 miles [27.4 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Arrington Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Arrington Cemetery is located in Wayne County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Arrington Cemetery
- Boyles Chapel Cemetery
(17 miles [27.4 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Boyles Chapel Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Boyles Chapel Cemetery is located in Wayne County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Boyles Chapel Cemetery
- Lancaster Cemetery
(17 miles [27.4 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Lancaster Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Lancaster Cemetery is located in Jones County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Lancaster Cemetery
- County Line Cemetery
(17 miles [27.4 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the County Line Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The County Line Cemetery is located in Jones County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the County Line Cemetery
- Hinton Cemetery
(17 miles [27.4 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Hinton Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Hinton Cemetery is located in Perry County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Hinton Cemetery
- Sylvester Cemetery
(17 miles [27.4 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Sylvester Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Sylvester Cemetery is located in Greene County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Sylvester Cemetery
- Adamsville Cemetery
(17 miles [27.4 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Adamsville Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Adamsville Cemetery is located in Greene County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Adamsville Cemetery
- Johnson Creek Cemetery
(17 miles [27.4 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Johnson Creek Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Johnson Creek Cemetery is located in Greene County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Johnson Creek Cemetery
- State Line Cemetery
(17 miles [27.4 km] to the east)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the State Line Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The State Line Cemetery is located in Greene County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the State Line Cemetery
- Chason Cemetery
(17 miles [27.4 km] to the east)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Chason Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Chason Cemetery is located in Wayne County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Chason Cemetery
- Mt. Zion Cemetery
(17 miles [27.4 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Mt. Zion Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Mt. Zion Cemetery is located in Wayne County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Mt. Zion Cemetery
- Waynesboro Cemetery
(17 miles [27.4 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Waynesboro Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Waynesboro Cemetery is located in Wayne County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Waynesboro Cemetery
- Sellers Cemetery
(18 miles [29 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Sellers Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Sellers Cemetery is located in Wayne County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Sellers Cemetery
- Hinton Cemetery
(18 miles [29 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Hinton Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Hinton Cemetery is located in Perry County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Hinton Cemetery
- Sylvester Cemetery
(18 miles [29 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Sylvester Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Sylvester Cemetery is located in Perry County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Sylvester Cemetery
- Bradley Cemetery
(18 miles [29 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Bradley Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Bradley Cemetery is located in Greene County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Bradley Cemetery
- Pleasant Grove Cemetery
(19 miles [30.6 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Pleasant Grove Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Pleasant Grove Cemetery is located in Wayne County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Pleasant Grove Cemetery
- Myrick Cemetery
(19 miles [30.6 km] to the northwest)
- The Myrick Cemetery is located in Jones County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Myrick Cemetery
- Providence Cemetery
(19 miles [30.6 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Providence Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Providence Cemetery is located in Covington County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Providence Cemetery
- McGilvary Cemetery
(19 miles [30.6 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the McGilvary Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The McGilvary Cemetery is located in Perry County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the McGilvary Cemetery
- Prospect Cemetery
(19 miles [30.6 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Prospect Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Prospect Cemetery is located in Perry County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Prospect Cemetery
- Courtney Cemetery
(19 miles [30.6 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Courtney Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Courtney Cemetery is located in Perry County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Courtney Cemetery
- Lott Cemetery
(19 miles [30.6 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Lott Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Lott Cemetery is located in Perry County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Lott Cemetery
- Sylvester Cemetery
(19 miles [30.6 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Sylvester Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Sylvester Cemetery is located in Perry County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Sylvester Cemetery
- Platt Cemetery
(19 miles [30.6 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Platt Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Platt Cemetery is located in Greene County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Platt Cemetery
- Lewis Chapel Cemetery
(19 miles [30.6 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Lewis Chapel Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Lewis Chapel Cemetery is located in Wayne County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Lewis Chapel Cemetery
- Washam Cemetery
(19 miles [30.6 km] to the northeast)
- The Washam Cemetery is located in Wayne County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Washam Cemetery
- Yellow Creek Cemetery
(19 miles [30.6 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Yellow Creek Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Yellow Creek Cemetery is located in Wayne County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Yellow Creek Cemetery
- Lowery Cemetery
(19 miles [30.6 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Lowery Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Lowery Cemetery is located in Wayne County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Lowery Cemetery
- Yellow Creek Cemetery
(20 miles [32.2 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Yellow Creek Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Yellow Creek Cemetery is located in Wayne County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Yellow Creek Cemetery
- Mill Creek Cemetery
(20 miles [32.2 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Mill Creek Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Mill Creek Cemetery is located in Jones County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Mill Creek Cemetery
- Dennis Blackledge Cemetery
(20 miles [32.2 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Dennis Blackledge Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Dennis Blackledge Cemetery is located in Jones County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Dennis Blackledge Cemetery
- Mt. Moriah Cemetery
(20 miles [32.2 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Mt. Moriah Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Mt. Moriah Cemetery is located in Jones County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Mt. Moriah Cemetery
- Beech Cemetery
(20 miles [32.2 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Beech Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Beech Cemetery is located in Jones County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Beech Cemetery
- Hinton Cemetery
(20 miles [32.2 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Hinton Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Hinton Cemetery is located in Perry County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Hinton Cemetery
- Yellowpine Community Cemetery
(20 miles [32.2 km] to the east)
- The Yellowpine Community Cemetery is located in Washington County (AL)
- The Yellowpine Community Cemetery has also been known as:
- Yellow Pine Cemetery
- Yellow Pine Community Cemetery
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Yellowpine Community Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #27223 <3>
- Union Cemetery
(20 miles [32.2 km] to the east)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Union Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Union Cemetery is located in Washington County (AL)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Union Cemetery
- Antioch Cemetery
(20 miles [32.2 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Antioch Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Antioch Cemetery is located in Washington County (AL)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Antioch Cemetery
- Zion Rest Cemetery
(20 miles [32.2 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Zion Rest Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Zion Rest Cemetery is located in Wayne County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Zion Rest Cemetery
- Gray Cemetery
(20 miles [32.2 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Gray Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Gray Cemetery is located in Wayne County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Gray Cemetery
- Clark Cemetery
(21 miles [33.8 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Clark Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Clark Cemetery is located in Jones County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Clark Cemetery
- Antioch Cemetery
(21 miles [33.8 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Antioch Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Antioch Cemetery is located in Jones County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Antioch Cemetery
- Tucker Cemetery
(21 miles [33.8 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Tucker Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Tucker Cemetery is located in Jones County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Tucker Cemetery
- Odom Cemetery
(21 miles [33.8 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Odom Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Odom Cemetery is located in Jones County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Odom Cemetery
- James Cemetery
(21 miles [33.8 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the James Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The James Cemetery is located in Perry County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the James Cemetery
- Carter Hill Cemetery
(21 miles [33.8 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Carter Hill Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Carter Hill Cemetery is located in Perry County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Carter Hill Cemetery
- Belton Cemetery
(21 miles [33.8 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Belton Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Belton Cemetery is located in Perry County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Belton Cemetery
- Buffalo Cemetery
(21 miles [33.8 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Buffalo Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Buffalo Cemetery is located in Greene County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Buffalo Cemetery
- Hillman Cemetery
(21 miles [33.8 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Hillman Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Hillman Cemetery is located in Greene County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Hillman Cemetery
- Robertson Cemetery
(21 miles [33.8 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Robertson Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Robertson Cemetery is located in Greene County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Robertson Cemetery
- Fruitdale Cemetery
(21 miles [33.8 km] to the east)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Fruitdale Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Fruitdale Cemetery is located in Washington County (AL)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Fruitdale Cemetery
- Gilley Cemetery
(21 miles [33.8 km] to the east)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Gilley Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Gilley Cemetery is located in Washington County (AL)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Gilley Cemetery
- Copeland Cemetery
(21 miles [33.8 km] to the east)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Copeland Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Copeland Cemetery is located in Washington County (AL)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Copeland Cemetery
- Flat Branch Cemetery
(21 miles [33.8 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Flat Branch Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Flat Branch Cemetery is located in Washington County (AL)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Flat Branch Cemetery
- Boice Cemetery
(21 miles [33.8 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Boice Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Boice Cemetery is located in Wayne County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Boice Cemetery
- New Hope Cemetery
(21 miles [33.8 km] to the north)
- Walters Cemetery
(22 miles [35.4 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Walters Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Walters Cemetery is located in Jones County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Walters Cemetery
- Stevens Cemetery
(22 miles [35.4 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Stevens Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Stevens Cemetery is located in Perry County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Stevens Cemetery
- McSwain Cemetery
(22 miles [35.4 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the McSwain Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The McSwain Cemetery is located in Perry County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the McSwain Cemetery
- Sweetwater Cemetery
(22 miles [35.4 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Sweetwater Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Sweetwater Cemetery is located in Greene County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Sweetwater Cemetery
- Williams Cemetery
(22 miles [35.4 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Williams Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Williams Cemetery is located in Greene County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Williams Cemetery
- Macedonia Cemetery
(22 miles [35.4 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Macedonia Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Macedonia Cemetery is located in Washington County (AL)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Macedonia Cemetery
- Red Bank Cemetery
(22 miles [35.4 km] to the east)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Red Bank Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Red Bank Cemetery is located in Washington County (AL)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Red Bank Cemetery
- New Haven Cemetery
(22 miles [35.4 km] to the east)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the New Haven Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The New Haven Cemetery is located in Washington County (AL)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the New Haven Cemetery
- Carter Cemetery
(22 miles [35.4 km] to the east)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Carter Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Carter Cemetery is located in Washington County (AL)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Carter Cemetery
- Philadelphus Cemetery
(22 miles [35.4 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Philadelphus Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Philadelphus Cemetery is located in Wayne County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Philadelphus Cemetery
- Eudora Cemetery
(22 miles [35.4 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Eudora Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Eudora Cemetery is located in Wayne County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Eudora Cemetery
- Waller Ridge Cemetery
(22 miles [35.4 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Waller Ridge Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Waller Ridge Cemetery is located in Wayne County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Waller Ridge Cemetery
- Bethlehem Cemetery
(23 miles [37 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Bethlehem Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Bethlehem Cemetery is located in Wayne County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Bethlehem Cemetery
- Evergreen Cemetery
(23 miles [37 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Evergreen Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Evergreen Cemetery is located in Wayne County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Evergreen Cemetery
- Memorial Park
(23 miles [37 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Memorial Park have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Memorial Park is located in Jones County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Memorial Park
- Brown Cemetery
(23 miles [37 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Brown Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Brown Cemetery is located in Jones County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Brown Cemetery
- Jordan Cemetery
(23 miles [37 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Jordan Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Jordan Cemetery is located in Jones County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Jordan Cemetery
- Runnels Cemetery
(23 miles [37 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Runnels Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Runnels Cemetery is located in Forrest County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Runnels Cemetery
- Barlow Cemetery
(23 miles [37 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Barlow Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Barlow Cemetery is located in Forrest County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Barlow Cemetery
- Ferguson Cemetery
(23 miles [37 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Ferguson Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Ferguson Cemetery is located in Perry County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Ferguson Cemetery
- Hollimon Cemetery
(23 miles [37 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Hollimon Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Hollimon Cemetery is located in Perry County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Hollimon Cemetery
- McLain Cemetery
(23 miles [37 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the McLain Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The McLain Cemetery is located in Greene County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the McLain Cemetery
- East Salem Cemetery
(23 miles [37 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the East Salem Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The East Salem Cemetery is located in Greene County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the East Salem Cemetery
- Grimes Cemetery
(23 miles [37 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Grimes Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Grimes Cemetery is located in Washington County (AL)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Grimes Cemetery
- South Oak Grove Cemetery
(23 miles [37 km] to the east)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the South Oak Grove Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The South Oak Grove Cemetery is located in Washington County (AL)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the South Oak Grove Cemetery
- Pleasant Grove Cemetery
(23 miles [37 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Pleasant Grove Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Pleasant Grove Cemetery is located in Wayne County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Pleasant Grove Cemetery
- Clear Creek Cemetery
(23 miles [37 km] to the north)
- Sandhill Cemetery
(24 miles [38.6 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Sandhill Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Sandhill Cemetery is located in Wayne County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Sandhill Cemetery
- Blackledge Cemetery
(24 miles [38.6 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Blackledge Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Blackledge Cemetery is located in Jones County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Blackledge Cemetery
- Mt. Vernon Cemetery
(24 miles [38.6 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Mt. Vernon Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Mt. Vernon Cemetery is located in Jones County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Mt. Vernon Cemetery
- Walters Cemetery
(24 miles [38.6 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Walters Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Walters Cemetery is located in Jones County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Walters Cemetery
- Johnson Cemetery
(24 miles [38.6 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Johnson Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Johnson Cemetery is located in Jones County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Johnson Cemetery
- Murphy Cemetery
(24 miles [38.6 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Murphy Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Murphy Cemetery is located in Jones County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Murphy Cemetery
- Kirland Cemetery
(24 miles [38.6 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Kirland Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Kirland Cemetery is located in Jones County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Kirland Cemetery
- Morriston Cemetery
(24 miles [38.6 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Morriston Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Morriston Cemetery is located in Forrest County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Morriston Cemetery
- Odoms Cemetery
(24 miles [38.6 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Odoms Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Odoms Cemetery is located in Forrest County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Odoms Cemetery
- Nichols Cemetery
(24 miles [38.6 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Nichols Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Nichols Cemetery is located in Perry County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Nichols Cemetery
- McKenzie Cemetery
(24 miles [38.6 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the McKenzie Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The McKenzie Cemetery is located in Perry County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the McKenzie Cemetery
- Denham Cemetery
(24 miles [38.6 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Denham Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Denham Cemetery is located in Perry County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Denham Cemetery
- New Augusta Cemetery
(24 miles [38.6 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the New Augusta Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The New Augusta Cemetery is located in Perry County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the New Augusta Cemetery
- McLain Cemetery
(24 miles [38.6 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the McLain Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The McLain Cemetery is located in Greene County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the McLain Cemetery
- Green Cemetery
(24 miles [38.6 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Green Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Green Cemetery is located in Greene County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Green Cemetery
- Magnolia Cemetery
(24 miles [38.6 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Magnolia Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Magnolia Cemetery is located in Greene County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Magnolia Cemetery
- Epworth Cemetery
(24 miles [38.6 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Epworth Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Epworth Cemetery is located in Washington County (AL)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Epworth Cemetery
- Laton Hill Cemetery
(24 miles [38.6 km] to the east)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Laton Hill Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Laton Hill Cemetery is located in Washington County (AL)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Laton Hill Cemetery
- Pine Tree Cemetery
(24 miles [38.6 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Pine Tree Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Pine Tree Cemetery is located in Washington County (AL)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Pine Tree Cemetery
- Minerva Cemetery
(24 miles [38.6 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Minerva Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Minerva Cemetery is located in Washington County (AL)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Minerva Cemetery
- Sand Ridge Cemetery
(24 miles [38.6 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Sand Ridge Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Sand Ridge Cemetery is located in Washington County (AL)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Sand Ridge Cemetery
- Bethel Cemetery
(25 miles [40.2 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Bethel Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Bethel Cemetery is located in Jones County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Bethel Cemetery
- Fall Cemetery
(25 miles [40.2 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Fall Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Fall Cemetery is located in Jones County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Fall Cemetery
- Mt. Oral Cemetery
(25 miles [40.2 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Mt. Oral Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Mt. Oral Cemetery is located in Jones County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Mt. Oral Cemetery
- Currie Cemetery
(25 miles [40.2 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Currie Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Currie Cemetery is located in Jones County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Currie Cemetery
- Coltins Cemetery
(25 miles [40.2 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Coltins Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Coltins Cemetery is located in Jones County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Coltins Cemetery
- Union Cemetery
(25 miles [40.2 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Union Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Union Cemetery is located in Jones County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Union Cemetery
- Wade Cemetery
(25 miles [40.2 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Wade Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Wade Cemetery is located in Perry County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Wade Cemetery
- Sweetwater Cemetery
(25 miles [40.2 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Sweetwater Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Sweetwater Cemetery is located in Perry County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Sweetwater Cemetery
- Hinton Cemetery
(25 miles [40.2 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Hinton Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Hinton Cemetery is located in Perry County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Hinton Cemetery
- Escatawpa Cemetery
(25 miles [40.2 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Escatawpa Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Escatawpa Cemetery is located in Washington County (AL)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Escatawpa Cemetery
- Shady Grove Cemetery
(25 miles [40.2 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Shady Grove Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Shady Grove Cemetery is located in Washington County (AL)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Shady Grove Cemetery
- Chapel Hill Cemetery
(25 miles [40.2 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Chapel Hill Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Chapel Hill Cemetery is located in Washington County (AL)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Chapel Hill Cemetery
- Big Rock Cemetery
(25 miles [40.2 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Big Rock Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Big Rock Cemetery is located in Wayne County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Big Rock Cemetery
- New Hope Cemetery
(25 miles [40.2 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the New Hope Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The New Hope Cemetery is located in Wayne County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the New Hope Cemetery
- Atkinson Cemetery
(25 miles [40.2 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Atkinson Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Atkinson Cemetery is located in Wayne County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Atkinson Cemetery
- Powell Cemetery
(26 miles [41.8 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Powell Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Powell Cemetery is located in Wayne County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Powell Cemetery
- Concord Cemetery
(26 miles [41.8 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Concord Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Concord Cemetery is located in Wayne County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Concord Cemetery
- Zion Rest Cemetery
(26 miles [41.8 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Zion Rest Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Zion Rest Cemetery is located in Wayne County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Zion Rest Cemetery
- Oak Grove Cemetery
(26 miles [41.8 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Oak Grove Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Oak Grove Cemetery is located in Wayne County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Oak Grove Cemetery
- Florence Cemetery
(26 miles [41.8 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Florence Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Florence Cemetery is located in Jones County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Florence Cemetery
- Mt. Olive Cemetery
(26 miles [41.8 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Mt. Olive Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Mt. Olive Cemetery is located in Jones County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Mt. Olive Cemetery
- Nora Davis Memorial Cemetery
(26 miles [41.8 km] to the northwest)
- Windham Cemetery
(26 miles [41.8 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Windham Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Windham Cemetery is located in Jones County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Windham Cemetery
- Anderson - Minter Cemetery
(26 miles [41.8 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Anderson - Minter Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Anderson - Minter Cemetery is located in Jones County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Anderson - Minter Cemetery
- Bynum Cemetery
(26 miles [41.8 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Bynum Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Bynum Cemetery is located in Jones County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Bynum Cemetery
- Ellisville Cemetery
(26 miles [41.8 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Ellisville Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Ellisville Cemetery is located in Jones County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Ellisville Cemetery
- Jordan Cemetery
(26 miles [41.8 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Jordan Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Jordan Cemetery is located in Jones County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Jordan Cemetery
- Tularosa Cemetery
(26 miles [41.8 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Tularosa Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Tularosa Cemetery is located in Jones County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Tularosa Cemetery
- Pilgrim Cemetery
(26 miles [41.8 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Pilgrim Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Pilgrim Cemetery is located in Jones County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Pilgrim Cemetery
- McKenzie - Myers Cemetery
(26 miles [41.8 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the McKenzie - Myers Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The McKenzie - Myers Cemetery is located in Forrest County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the McKenzie - Myers Cemetery
- Four Points Cemetery
(26 miles [41.8 km] to the east)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Four Points Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Four Points Cemetery is located in Washington County (AL)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Four Points Cemetery
- Barlow Cemetery
(26 miles [41.8 km] to the east)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Barlow Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Barlow Cemetery is located in Washington County (AL)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Barlow Cemetery
- Wilkins Cemetery
(26 miles [41.8 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Wilkins Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Wilkins Cemetery is located in Choctaw County (AL)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Wilkins Cemetery
- Billie Field Cemetery
(26 miles [41.8 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Billie Field Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Billie Field Cemetery is located in Wayne County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Billie Field Cemetery
- Menasco Cemetery
(26 miles [41.8 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Menasco Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Menasco Cemetery is located in Wayne County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Menasco Cemetery
- Choctaw Cemetery
(27 miles [43.5 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Choctaw Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Choctaw Cemetery is located in Jones County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Choctaw Cemetery
- May Cemetery
(27 miles [43.5 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the May Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The May Cemetery is located in Jones County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the May Cemetery
- Sandersville Cemetery
(27 miles [43.5 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Sandersville Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Sandersville Cemetery is located in Jones County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Sandersville Cemetery
- Erratta Cemetery
(27 miles [43.5 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Erratta Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Erratta Cemetery is located in Jones County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Erratta Cemetery
- Woodlawn Cemetery
(27 miles [43.5 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Woodlawn Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Woodlawn Cemetery is located in Jones County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Woodlawn Cemetery
- Shows Cemetery
(27 miles [43.5 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Shows Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Shows Cemetery is located in Jones County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Shows Cemetery
- Grant Cemetery
(27 miles [43.5 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Grant Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Grant Cemetery is located in Forrest County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Grant Cemetery
- Pine Grove Cemetery
(27 miles [43.5 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Pine Grove Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Pine Grove Cemetery is located in Forrest County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Pine Grove Cemetery
- Garraway Cemetery
(27 miles [43.5 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Garraway Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Garraway Cemetery is located in Perry County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Garraway Cemetery
- Herring Cemetery
(27 miles [43.5 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Herring Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Herring Cemetery is located in Perry County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Herring Cemetery
- Merritt Cemetery
(27 miles [43.5 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Merritt Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Merritt Cemetery is located in Greene County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Merritt Cemetery
- Green Lodge Cemetery
(27 miles [43.5 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Green Lodge Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Green Lodge Cemetery is located in Greene County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Green Lodge Cemetery
- Williams Cemetery
(27 miles [43.5 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Williams Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Williams Cemetery is located in Greene County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Williams Cemetery
- New Providence Cemetery
(27 miles [43.5 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the New Providence Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The New Providence Cemetery is located in Greene County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the New Providence Cemetery
- Rounsaville Cemetery
(27 miles [43.5 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Rounsaville Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Rounsaville Cemetery is located in Greene County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Rounsaville Cemetery
- Spring Bank Cemetery
(27 miles [43.5 km] to the east)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Spring Bank Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Spring Bank Cemetery is located in Washington County (AL)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Spring Bank Cemetery
- Winsletts Cemetery
(27 miles [43.5 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Winsletts Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Winsletts Cemetery is located in Washington County (AL)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Winsletts Cemetery
- North Oak Grove Cemetery
(27 miles [43.5 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the North Oak Grove Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The North Oak Grove Cemetery is located in Washington County (AL)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the North Oak Grove Cemetery
- Aquilla Cemetery
(27 miles [43.5 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Aquilla Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Aquilla Cemetery is located in Choctaw County (AL)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Aquilla Cemetery
- Old Aquilla Cemetery
(27 miles [43.5 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Old Aquilla Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Old Aquilla Cemetery is located in Choctaw County (AL)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Old Aquilla Cemetery
- Gandy Cemetery
(27 miles [43.5 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Gandy Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Gandy Cemetery is located in Wayne County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Gandy Cemetery
- Chaparral Cemetery
(27 miles [43.5 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Chaparral Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Chaparral Cemetery is located in Wayne County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Chaparral Cemetery
- Pleasant Grove Cemetery
(28 miles [45.1 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Pleasant Grove Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Pleasant Grove Cemetery is located in Clarke County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Pleasant Grove Cemetery
- Laurel Cemetery
(28 miles [45.1 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Laurel Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Laurel Cemetery is located in Jones County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Laurel Cemetery
- Pilgrims Rest Cemetery
(28 miles [45.1 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Pilgrims Rest Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Pilgrims Rest Cemetery is located in Jones County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Pilgrims Rest Cemetery
- Old Leeville Cemetery
(28 miles [45.1 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Old Leeville Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Old Leeville Cemetery is located in Forrest County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Old Leeville Cemetery
- Mt. Nebo Cemetery
(28 miles [45.1 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Mt. Nebo Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Mt. Nebo Cemetery is located in Greene County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Mt. Nebo Cemetery
- Maple - McLeod Cemetery
(28 miles [45.1 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Maple - McLeod Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Maple - McLeod Cemetery is located in Greene County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Maple - McLeod Cemetery
- Burbank Cemetery
(28 miles [45.1 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Burbank Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Burbank Cemetery is located in Washington County (AL)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Burbank Cemetery
- Healing Springs Cemetery
(28 miles [45.1 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Healing Springs Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Healing Springs Cemetery is located in Washington County (AL)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Healing Springs Cemetery
- Old Shady Grove Cemetery
(28 miles [45.1 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Old Shady Grove Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Old Shady Grove Cemetery is located in Wayne County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Old Shady Grove Cemetery
- Salem Cemetery
(28 miles [45.1 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Salem Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Salem Cemetery is located in Wayne County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Salem Cemetery
- Shubuta Cemetery
(28 miles [45.1 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Shubuta Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Shubuta Cemetery is located in Clarke County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Shubuta Cemetery
- Beaverdam Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Beaverdam Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Beaverdam Cemetery is located in Clarke County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Beaverdam Cemetery
- McFarland Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the McFarland Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The McFarland Cemetery is located in Jasper County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the McFarland Cemetery
- McGill Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the McGill Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The McGill Cemetery is located in Jones County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the McGill Cemetery
- Palestine Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Palestine Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Palestine Cemetery is located in Jones County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Palestine Cemetery
- Shows Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Shows Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Shows Cemetery is located in Jones County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Shows Cemetery
- Indian Springs Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Indian Springs Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Indian Springs Cemetery is located in Jones County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Indian Springs Cemetery
- Benson Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Benson Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Benson Cemetery is located in Jones County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Benson Cemetery
- Fairchild Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Fairchild Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Fairchild Cemetery is located in Jones County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Fairchild Cemetery
- Chappell Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Chappell Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Chappell Cemetery is located in Forrest County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Chappell Cemetery
- Hillcrest Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Hillcrest Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Hillcrest Cemetery is located in Forrest County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Hillcrest Cemetery
- Forrest Memorial Gardens
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Forrest Memorial Gardens have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Forrest Memorial Gardens is located in Forrest County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Forrest Memorial Gardens
- Breland Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Breland Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Breland Cemetery is located in Perry County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Breland Cemetery
- Leaf Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Leaf Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Leaf Cemetery is located in Greene County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Leaf Cemetery
- Cooley Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Cooley Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Cooley Cemetery is located in Greene County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Cooley Cemetery
- McInnis Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the McInnis Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The McInnis Cemetery is located in Greene County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the McInnis Cemetery
- Sandy Branch Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Sandy Branch Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Sandy Branch Cemetery is located in Greene County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Sandy Branch Cemetery
- Green Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Green Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Green Cemetery is located in Greene County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Green Cemetery
- Green Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Green Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Green Cemetery is located in Greene County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Green Cemetery
- Weldy Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Weldy Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Weldy Cemetery is located in Washington County (AL)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Weldy Cemetery
- Turner Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the east)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Turner Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Turner Cemetery is located in Washington County (AL)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Turner Cemetery
- Rocky Ridge Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the east)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Rocky Ridge Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Rocky Ridge Cemetery is located in Washington County (AL)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Rocky Ridge Cemetery
- Millry Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Millry Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Millry Cemetery is located in Washington County (AL)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Millry Cemetery
- Providence Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Providence Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Providence Cemetery is located in Washington County (AL)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Providence Cemetery
- Salem Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Salem Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Salem Cemetery is located in Wayne County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Salem Cemetery
- Old Sharon Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Old Sharon Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Old Sharon Cemetery is located in Jones County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Old Sharon Cemetery
- Sharon Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Sharon Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Sharon Cemetery is located in Jones County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Sharon Cemetery
- Shady Grove Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Shady Grove Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Shady Grove Cemetery is located in Jones County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Shady Grove Cemetery
- Calhoun Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Calhoun Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Calhoun Cemetery is located in Jones County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Calhoun Cemetery
- Taylor Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Taylor Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Taylor Cemetery is located in Jones County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Taylor Cemetery
- Pleasant Ridge Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Pleasant Ridge Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Pleasant Ridge Cemetery is located in Jones County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Pleasant Ridge Cemetery
- Hinton Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the west)
- The Hinton Cemetery is located in Jones County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Hinton Cemetery
- Pine Grove Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Pine Grove Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Pine Grove Cemetery is located in Jones County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Pine Grove Cemetery
- Jordan Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Jordan Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Jordan Cemetery is located in Jones County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Jordan Cemetery
- Edmonson Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Edmonson Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Edmonson Cemetery is located in Jones County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Edmonson Cemetery
- Knight Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Knight Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Knight Cemetery is located in Jones County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Knight Cemetery
- Eastabuchie Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the west)
- Petal Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Petal Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Petal Cemetery is located in Forrest County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Petal Cemetery
- Riverview Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Riverview Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Riverview Cemetery is located in Forrest County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Riverview Cemetery
- Gillis Burkett Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the southwest)
- The Gillis Burkett Cemetery is located in Forrest County
- To give a relative sense of its location, the Gillis Burkett Cemetery is located 3 miles [4.8 km]<1> to the northwest of Hattiesburg.
- The Gillis Burkett Cemetery has also been known as:
- Gillis African American Cemetery
- Gillis Cemetery
- Gillis Family Cemetery
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Gillis Burkett Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #59490 <3>
- Enon Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Enon Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Enon Cemetery is located in Forrest County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Enon Cemetery
- Riley Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Riley Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Riley Cemetery is located in Perry County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Riley Cemetery
- Pine Grove Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Pine Grove Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Pine Grove Cemetery is located in Greene County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Pine Grove Cemetery
- McIntosh Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the McIntosh Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The McIntosh Cemetery is located in Greene County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the McIntosh Cemetery
- McLeod Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the McLeod Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The McLeod Cemetery is located in Greene County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the McLeod Cemetery
- Maples Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Maples Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Maples Cemetery is located in Greene County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Maples Cemetery
- Mt. Pisgah Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Mt. Pisgah Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Mt. Pisgah Cemetery is located in Greene County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Mt. Pisgah Cemetery
- Turner Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Turner Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Turner Cemetery is located in Washington County (AL)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Turner Cemetery
- Shiloh Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Shiloh Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Shiloh Cemetery is located in Washington County (AL)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Shiloh Cemetery
- Deer Park Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Deer Park Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Deer Park Cemetery is located in Washington County (AL)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Deer Park Cemetery
- Fairhope Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the east)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Fairhope Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Fairhope Cemetery is located in Washington County (AL)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Fairhope Cemetery
- Reynolds Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the east)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Reynolds Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Reynolds Cemetery is located in Washington County (AL)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Reynolds Cemetery
- Yarbo Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the east)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Yarbo Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Yarbo Cemetery is located in Washington County (AL)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Yarbo Cemetery
- Smiths Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Smiths Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Smiths Cemetery is located in Washington County (AL)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Smiths Cemetery
- Williamson Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Williamson Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Williamson Cemetery is located in Choctaw County (AL)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Williamson Cemetery
- Mt. Zion Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Mt. Zion Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Mt. Zion Cemetery is located in Choctaw County (AL)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Mt. Zion Cemetery
- Loften Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Loften Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Loften Cemetery is located in Choctaw County (AL)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Loften Cemetery
- Stagg Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Stagg Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Stagg Cemetery is located in Wayne County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Stagg Cemetery
- Hepzibah Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Hepzibah Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Hepzibah Cemetery is located in Clarke County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Hepzibah Cemetery
- Covington Cemetery (Orphan)
- We believe the Covington Cemetery to be orphaned - although we don't have its GPS coordinates, we believe it to be located in Wayne County
- Falcomer Cemetery (Orphan)
- We believe the Falcomer Cemetery to be orphaned - although we don't have its GPS coordinates, we believe it to be located in Wayne County
- Davis Cemetery (Orphan)
- We believe the Davis Cemetery to be orphaned - although we don't have its GPS coordinates, we believe it to be located in Wayne County
- Shirley Cemetery (Orphan)
- We believe the Shirley Cemetery to be orphaned - although we don't have its GPS coordinates, we believe it to be located in Wayne County
- Tyner Cemetery (Orphan)
- We believe the Tyner Cemetery to be orphaned - although we don't have its GPS coordinates, we believe it to be located in Wayne County
- Toomey Cemetery (Orphan)
- We believe the Toomey Cemetery to be orphaned - although we don't have its GPS coordinates, we believe it to be located in Wayne County
Off-the-Road Links ...
The official website for State of Mississippi:
Footnotes ...
<1> | Our distances are not driving distances, but are calculated as a 'straight-line' (or point-to-point) distance. A straight line distance ignores things like rivers, canyons, lakes, et cetera - it's truly a line drawn from Point A (ie- ) to Point B.Our distance measurements begin at a specific point at the Hickory Grove Cemetery. The point we use is located at these GPS coordinates - Latitude: 31.4510, Longitude: -88.7717 In this case, the coordinates for the Hickory Grove Cemetery have been provided by the Geographic Names Information System (GNIS). |
<2> | The location has been supplied by the Geographic Names Information System - which is maintained by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). While these values should be definitive, we found that accuracy can vary and you should double-check the location if accuracy is required. |
<3> | The Find-a-Grave website is an excellent research tool with information about a cemetery's location and interments. They also offer a forum for their members which can provide additional help. More information about Find-a-Grave can be found on their website: |