Notable Births & Deaths for Crestview ...
Below is our list of notable people who were born, died or were buried in the area surrounding Crestview. Please note that while we are collecting data on an ongoing basis, it's a big task and it's unlikely that our list will ever be more than a sample.
- Edwin Thomas Booth
- Actor. He was born in Bel Air (MD) on November 13, 1833 (a Wednesday) and died in New York (NY) on June 7, 1893 (a Wednesday) at the age of 59. He is buried at Mt. Auburn Cemetery (Middlesex County, Massachusetts).
- Bel Air is located 25 miles [40.2 km] to the northwest of Crestview.
- Find-A-Grave Memorial: Edwin Thomas Booth<1>
- John Wilkes Booth
- Presidental assassin, actor. He was born in Bel Air (MD) on January 10, 1838 (a Wednesday) and died in Port Royal (VA) on April 26, 1865 (a Wednesday) at the age of 27. He is buried at Green Mount Cemetery (Baltimore City, Maryland).
- Bel Air is located 25 miles [40.2 km] to the northwest of Crestview.
- Find-A-Grave Memorial: John Wilkes Booth<1>
- Donald Byrd
- Full name: Donaldson Toussaint L'Ouverture Byrd, II
- Musician. He was born in Detroit (MI) on December 9, 1932 (a Friday) and died in Dover (DE) on February 4, 2013 (a Monday) at the age of 80. He is buried at White Chapel Memorial Park Cemetery (Oakland County, Michigan).
- Dover is located 29 miles [46.7 km] to the east of Crestview.
- Find-A-Grave Memorial: Donald Byrd<1>
- Michele Lee Henson
- Jack 'Flying' Cloud
- Frederick Douglass
- Social reformer, human rights leader. He was born in Tuckahoe Springs (MD) on February 14, 1818 (a Saturday) and died in Washington, DC on February 20, 1895 (a Wednesday) at the age of 77. He is buried at Mt. Hope Cemetery (Monroe County, New York).
- Tuckahoe Springs is located 29 miles [46.7 km] to the south of Crestview.
- Find-A-Grave Memorial: Frederick Douglass<1>
- Bob Eberly
- David Luther 'Scissors' Foutz
- Jim 'Poodles' Podoley
- Lizette Woodworth Reese
- Dr. Nancy Grace Roman
- Astronomer, 'Mother of Hubble'. She was born in Nashville (TN) on May 16, 1925 (a Saturday) and died in Germantown (MD) on December 25, 2018 (a Tueday) at the age of 93. We don't have any burial details.
- Germantown is located 24 miles [38.6 km] to the northwest of Crestview.
- Find-A-Grave Memorial: Dr. Nancy Grace Roman<1>
- Thorne Smith
- Author. He was born in Annapolis (MD) on March 27, 1892 (a Sunday) and died in Sarasota (FL) on June 21, 1934 (a Thursday) at the age of 42. He is buried at Mt. Olivet Cemetery (Queens County, New York).
- Annapolis is located 28 miles [45.1 km] to the southwest of Crestview.
- Find-A-Grave Memorial: Thorne Smith<1>
Off-the-Road Links ...
Unfortunately, we don't know of a website for Crestview. If you can help, please contact us through our Feedback Page. The official website for Kent County: www.kentcounty.com/ The official website for State of Maryland: https://www.maryland.gov/
Footnotes ...
<1> | The Find-a-Grave website is an excellent research tool with information about a cemetery's location and interments. They also offer a forum for their members which can provide additional help. More information about Find-a-Grave can be found on their website: findagrave.com. |