Nearby Cemeteries
Below are cemeteries that are within 30 miles [48.3 km]<1> of the Accord Cemetery. The cemeteries are listed in alphabetical order.
Since our focus is on geography, we don't have any burial or interment information. Nor do we have any contact information for the Accord Cemetery. For information of that nature, we recommend you visit Find-A-Grave's<2> entry for the Accord Cemetery (FG ID #77519).
We are always looking for corrections and additions to our Gazetteer. If you can help, we are looking for information such as the name of the cemetery, its GPS coordinates, whether the cemetery is still in use or if it is historic (ie- defunct, abandoned, etc.). If it applies, we would also like to learn of any past or alternate names that the cemetery may have been known by.
We've listed the following cemeteries based on their distance from Accord Cemetery, with the nearest first.
- Williams Cemetery
(Less than 2 miles to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Williams Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Williams Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Williams Cemetery
- Workman Cemetery
(Less than 2 miles to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Workman Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Workman Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Workman Cemetery
- Daniels Cemetery
(Less than 2 miles to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Daniels Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Daniels Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Daniels Cemetery
- Allen Cemetery
(Less than 2 miles to the east)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Allen Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Allen Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Allen Cemetery
- Worley Cemetery
(Less than 2 miles to the east)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Worley Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Worley Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Worley Cemetery
- Trump Cemetery
(Less than 2 miles to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Trump Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Trump Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Trump Cemetery
- Milam Cemetery
(2 miles [3.2 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Milam Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Milam Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Milam Cemetery
- Hurst Cemetery
(2 miles [3.2 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Hurst Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Hurst Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Hurst Cemetery
- Williams Cemetery
(2 miles [3.2 km] to the north)
- Snuffer Cemetery
(2 miles [3.2 km] to the east)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Snuffer Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Snuffer Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Snuffer Cemetery
- Daniels Cemetery
(2 miles [3.2 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Daniels Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Daniels Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Daniels Cemetery
- Tabor Cemetery
(2 miles [3.2 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Tabor Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Tabor Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Tabor Cemetery
- Taylor Cemetery
(2 miles [3.2 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Taylor Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Taylor Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Taylor Cemetery
- McDonald Cemetery
(3 miles [4.8 km] to the east)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the McDonald Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The McDonald Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the McDonald Cemetery
- Davis - Bailey Homestead Cemetery
(3 miles [4.8 km] to the east)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Davis - Bailey Homestead Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Davis - Bailey Homestead Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Davis - Bailey Homestead Cemetery
- Covey Cemetery
(3 miles [4.8 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Covey Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Covey Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Covey Cemetery
- Trump Cemetery
(3 miles [4.8 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Trump Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Trump Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Trump Cemetery
- Henderson Cemetery
(3 miles [4.8 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Henderson Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Henderson Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Henderson Cemetery
- Honaker Cemetery
(4 miles [6.4 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Honaker Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Honaker Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Honaker Cemetery
- Cook Cemetery
(4 miles [6.4 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Cook Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Cook Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Cook Cemetery
- Dickens Cemetery
(4 miles [6.4 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Dickens Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Dickens Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- To give a relative sense of its location, the Dickens Cemetery is located 3 miles [4.8 km]<1> to the northeast of Arnett.
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Dickens Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #2561218 <2>
- Webb Cemetery
(4 miles [6.4 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Webb Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Webb Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Webb Cemetery
- Flashman Cemetery
(4 miles [6.4 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Flashman Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Flashman Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Flashman Cemetery
- Stewart Cemetery
(4 miles [6.4 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Stewart Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Stewart Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Stewart Cemetery
- Clay Cemetery
(4 miles [6.4 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Clay Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Clay Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Clay Cemetery
- Rorrer Cemetery
(4 miles [6.4 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Rorrer Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Rorrer Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Rorrer Cemetery
- Sarrett - Lemon Cemetery
(4 miles [6.4 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Sarrett - Lemon Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Sarrett - Lemon Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Sarrett - Lemon Cemetery
- Wills Cemetery
(4 miles [6.4 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Wills Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Wills Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Wills Cemetery
- Bailey Cemetery
(5 miles [8 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Bailey Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Bailey Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Bailey Cemetery
- Richmond Cemetery
(5 miles [8 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Richmond Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Richmond Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Richmond Cemetery
- Sarrett Cemetery
(5 miles [8 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Sarrett Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Sarrett Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Sarrett Cemetery
- Bradford Cemetery
(5 miles [8 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Bradford Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Bradford Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Bradford Cemetery
- Eunice Cemetery
(5 miles [8 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Eunice Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Eunice Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Eunice Cemetery
- Miller Cemetery
(5 miles [8 km] to the north)
- Cooks Cemetery
(5 miles [8 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Cooks Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Cooks Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Cooks Cemetery
- Trail Cemetery
(5 miles [8 km] to the east)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Trail Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Trail Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Trail Cemetery
- Lucas Cemetery
(5 miles [8 km] to the east)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Lucas Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Lucas Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Lucas Cemetery
- Cook Cemetery
(5 miles [8 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Cook Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Cook Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Cook Cemetery
- Chambers Cemetery
(5 miles [8 km] to the northeast)
- Rorrer Cemetery
(5 miles [8 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Rorrer Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Rorrer Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Rorrer Cemetery
- Williams Cemetery
(5 miles [8 km] to the north)
- Cantley Cemetery
(5 miles [8 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Cantley Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Cantley Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Cantley Cemetery
- Wills Cemetery
(5 miles [8 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Wills Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Wills Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Wills Cemetery
- McGinnis Cemetery
(5 miles [8 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the McGinnis Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The McGinnis Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the McGinnis Cemetery
- Williams Cemetery
(5 miles [8 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Williams Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Williams Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Williams Cemetery
- Lafferty Cemetery
(5 miles [8 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Lafferty Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Lafferty Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Lafferty Cemetery
- Massey Cemetery
(6 miles [9.7 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Massey Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Massey Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Massey Cemetery
- Cantley Cemetery
(6 miles [9.7 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Cantley Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Cantley Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Cantley Cemetery
- Bone Cemetery
(6 miles [9.7 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Bone Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Bone Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Bone Cemetery
- Cook Cemetery
(6 miles [9.7 km] to the northwest)
- Glen Fork Cemetery
(6 miles [9.7 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Glen Fork Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Glen Fork Cemetery is located in Wyoming County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Glen Fork Cemetery
- Clay Cemetery
(6 miles [9.7 km] to the east)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Clay Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Clay Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Clay Cemetery
- Tulliver Cemetery
(6 miles [9.7 km] to the east)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Tulliver Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Tulliver Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Tulliver Cemetery
- Athey Cemetery
(6 miles [9.7 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Athey Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Athey Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Athey Cemetery
- Meadows Cemetery
(6 miles [9.7 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Meadows Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Meadows Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Meadows Cemetery
- Wiseman Cemetery
(6 miles [9.7 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Wiseman Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Wiseman Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Wiseman Cemetery
- McGinnis Cemetery
(6 miles [9.7 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the McGinnis Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The McGinnis Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the McGinnis Cemetery
- Dillon Cemetery
(6 miles [9.7 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Dillon Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Dillon Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Dillon Cemetery
- Price Cemetery
(6 miles [9.7 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Price Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Price Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Price Cemetery
- McGinnis Cemetery
(6 miles [9.7 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the McGinnis Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The McGinnis Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the McGinnis Cemetery
- Scarbrough Cemetery
(6 miles [9.7 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Scarbrough Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Scarbrough Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Scarbrough Cemetery
- Massey Cemetery
(6 miles [9.7 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Massey Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Massey Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Massey Cemetery
- Jarrell Cemetery
(7 miles [11.3 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Jarrell Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Jarrell Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Jarrell Cemetery
- Pettry Cemetery
(7 miles [11.3 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Pettry Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Pettry Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Pettry Cemetery
- Bone Cemetery
(7 miles [11.3 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Bone Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Bone Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Bone Cemetery
- Adkins Cemetery
(7 miles [11.3 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Adkins Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Adkins Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Adkins Cemetery
- Adkins - Pettry Cemetery
(7 miles [11.3 km] to the northwest)
- The Adkins - Pettry Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- The Adkins - Pettry Cemetery has also been known as:
- Noma UMC Cemetery
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Adkins - Pettry Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #2244234 <2>
- Aliff Cemetery
(7 miles [11.3 km] to the east)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Aliff Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Aliff Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Aliff Cemetery
- Snuffer Cemetery
(7 miles [11.3 km] to the east)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Snuffer Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Snuffer Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Snuffer Cemetery
- Harper Cemetery
(7 miles [11.3 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Harper Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Harper Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Harper Cemetery
- Daniel Cemetery
(7 miles [11.3 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Daniel Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Daniel Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Daniel Cemetery
- Jarrell Cemetery
(8 miles [12.9 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Jarrell Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Jarrell Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Jarrell Cemetery
- Miller Cemetery
(8 miles [12.9 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Miller Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Miller Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Miller Cemetery
- William Cemetery
(8 miles [12.9 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the William Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The William Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the William Cemetery
- Williams Cemetery
(8 miles [12.9 km] to the north)
- Burl Pettry Cemetery
(8 miles [12.9 km] to the northwest)
- Note: We haven't been able to verify our GPS coordinates for the Burl Pettry Cemetery. Although the coordinates have been estimated, they should be in the vicinity.<4>
- The Burl Pettry Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- To give a relative sense of its location, the Burl Pettry Cemetery is located outside and to the northwest of Naoma.
- The Burl Pettry Cemetery has also been known as:
- Pettry Cemetery
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Burl Pettry Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #79537 <2>
- Pettry Cemetery
(8 miles [12.9 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Pettry Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Pettry Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Pettry Cemetery
- Harvey-Toler Cemetery
(8 miles [12.9 km] to the west)
- The Harvey-Toler Cemetery is located in Boone County
- To give a relative sense of its location, the Harvey-Toler Cemetery is located 3 miles [4.8 km]<1> to the south of Kopperston.
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Harvey-Toler Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #678429 <2>
- Tilley - Tolliver Cemetery
(8 miles [12.9 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Tilley - Tolliver Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Tilley - Tolliver Cemetery is located in Wyoming County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Tilley - Tolliver Cemetery
- Slab Fork Cemetery
(8 miles [12.9 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Slab Fork Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Slab Fork Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Slab Fork Cemetery
- Miller Cemetery
(8 miles [12.9 km] to the east)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Miller Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Miller Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Miller Cemetery
- Daniel Cemetery
(8 miles [12.9 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Daniel Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Daniel Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Daniel Cemetery
- Clay Cemetery
(8 miles [12.9 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Clay Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Clay Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Clay Cemetery
- Turner Cemetery
(8 miles [12.9 km] to the northeast)
- Note: We haven't been able to verify our GPS coordinates for the Turner Cemetery. Although the coordinates have been estimated, they should be in the vicinity.<4>
- The Turner Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Turner Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #80138 <2>
- Stover Cemetery
(8 miles [12.9 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Stover Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Stover Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Stover Cemetery
- Frye Cemetery
(9 miles [14.5 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Frye Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Frye Cemetery is located in Wythe County (VA)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Frye Cemetery
- Cannaday Cemetery
(9 miles [14.5 km] to the east)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Cannaday Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Cannaday Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Cannaday Cemetery
- Wright Cemetery
(9 miles [14.5 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Wright Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Wright Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Wright Cemetery
- Stover Cemetery
(9 miles [14.5 km] to the northeast)
- The Stover Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Stover Cemetery
- Stover Cemetery
(9 miles [14.5 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Stover Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Stover Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Stover Cemetery
- Taylor Cemetery
(9 miles [14.5 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Taylor Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Taylor Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Taylor Cemetery
- Bailey Cemetery
(10 miles [16.1 km] to the northwest)
- Bower Cemetery
(10 miles [16.1 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Bower Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Bower Cemetery is located in Wyoming County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Bower Cemetery
- Oak Grove Cemetery
(10 miles [16.1 km] to the east)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Oak Grove Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Oak Grove Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Oak Grove Cemetery
- Calfee Cemetery
(10 miles [16.1 km] to the east)
- Davis Cemetery
(10 miles [16.1 km] to the east)
- Note: We haven't been able to verify our GPS coordinates for the Davis Cemetery. Although the coordinates have been estimated, they should be in the vicinity.<4>
- The Davis Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Davis Cemetery
- Mt. Tabor Baptist Church Cemetery
(10 miles [16.1 km] to the east)
- Mt. TaborCemetery
(10 miles [16.1 km] to the east)
- Williams Cemetery
(10 miles [16.1 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Williams Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Williams Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Williams Cemetery
- Sweeney Cemetery
(10 miles [16.1 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Sweeney Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Sweeney Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Sweeney Cemetery
- Workman Creek Cemetery
(10 miles [16.1 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Workman Creek Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Workman Creek Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Workman Creek Cemetery
- Dunbar Cemetery
(10 miles [16.1 km] to the north)
- The Dunbar Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Dunbar Cemetery
- Asbury Cemetery
(11 miles [17.7 km] to the northwest)
- Note: We haven't been able to verify our GPS coordinates for the Asbury Cemetery. Although the coordinates have been estimated, they should be in the vicinity.<4>
- The Asbury Cemetery is located in Boone County
- To give a relative sense of its location, the Asbury Cemetery is located in Montcoal.
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Asbury Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #2258135 <2>
- Asbury Cemetery
(11 miles [17.7 km] to the northwest)
- The Asbury Cemetery is located in Boone County
- To give a relative sense of its location, the Asbury Cemetery is located less than 2 miles<1> to the east of Stickney.
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Asbury Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #77599 <2>
- Workman Cemetery
(11 miles [17.7 km] to the west)
- Note: We haven't been able to verify our GPS coordinates for the Workman Cemetery. Although the coordinates have been estimated, they should be in the vicinity.<4>
- The Workman Cemetery is located in Boone County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Workman Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #2490968 <2>
- Hillcrest Memorial Gardens
(11 miles [17.7 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Hillcrest Memorial Gardens have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Hillcrest Memorial Gardens is located in Wyoming County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Hillcrest Memorial Gardens
- Sunset Memorial Park
(11 miles [17.7 km] to the east)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Sunset Memorial Park have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Sunset Memorial Park is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Sunset Memorial Park
- Biggs Cemetery
(11 miles [17.7 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Biggs Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Biggs Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Biggs Cemetery
- William Cemetery
(11 miles [17.7 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the William Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The William Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the William Cemetery
- Williams Cemetery
(11 miles [17.7 km] to the northeast)
- Note: We haven't been able to verify our GPS coordinates for the Williams Cemetery. Although the coordinates have been estimated, they should be in the vicinity.<4>
- The Williams Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Williams Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #2153404 <2>
- Maynor Cemetery
(11 miles [17.7 km] to the northeast)
- The Maynor Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Maynor Cemetery
- Maynor Cemetery
(11 miles [17.7 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Maynor Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Maynor Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Maynor Cemetery
- Ewing Fork Cemetery
(11 miles [17.7 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Ewing Fork Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Ewing Fork Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Ewing Fork Cemetery
- Workman Cemetery
(11 miles [17.7 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Workman Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Workman Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Workman Cemetery
- Maynor Cemetery
(11 miles [17.7 km] to the northeast)
- The Maynor Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Maynor Cemetery
- Hodge Cemetery
(11 miles [17.7 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Hodge Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Hodge Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Hodge Cemetery
- Moles Cemetery
(11 miles [17.7 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Moles Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Moles Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Moles Cemetery
- Jarrells Cemetery
(12 miles [19.3 km] to the northwest)
- Brown - Browning Cemetery
(12 miles [19.3 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Brown - Browning Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Brown - Browning Cemetery is located in Wyoming County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Brown - Browning Cemetery
- Pemberton Cemetery
(12 miles [19.3 km] to the east)
- St. Sebastians Cemetery
(12 miles [19.3 km] to the east)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the St. Sebastians Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The St. Sebastians Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the St. Sebastians Cemetery
- Tyree Cemetery
(12 miles [19.3 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Tyree Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Tyree Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Tyree Cemetery
- Lafferty Cemetery
(12 miles [19.3 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Lafferty Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Lafferty Cemetery is located in Fayette County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Lafferty Cemetery
- Shepard Cemetery
(12 miles [19.3 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Shepard Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Shepard Cemetery is located in Fayette County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Shepard Cemetery
- Sutphin Cemetery
(12 miles [19.3 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Sutphin Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Sutphin Cemetery is located in Fayette County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Sutphin Cemetery
- Thompson Cemetery
(12 miles [19.3 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Thompson Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Thompson Cemetery is located in Fayette County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Thompson Cemetery
- Artie Cemetery
(12 miles [19.3 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Artie Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Artie Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Artie Cemetery
- Fulton Cemetery
(12 miles [19.3 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Fulton Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Fulton Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Fulton Cemetery
- Stover Cemetery
(12 miles [19.3 km] to the north)
- The Stover Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Stover Cemetery
- Hodge Cemetery
(12 miles [19.3 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Hodge Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Hodge Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Hodge Cemetery
- Estep - Bailey Cemetery
(12 miles [19.3 km] to the north)
- The Estep - Bailey Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- The Estep - Bailey Cemetery has also been known as:
- Estep Cemetery
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Estep - Bailey Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #1981275 <2>
- Union Cemetery
(13 miles [20.9 km] to the north)
- The Union Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- To give a relative sense of its location, the Union Cemetery is located in the vicinity of Dorothy
- The Union Cemetery has also been known as:
- Lawson Cemetery
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Union Cemetery
- Hill Cemetery
(13 miles [20.9 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Hill Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Hill Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Hill Cemetery
- Jarrells Cemetery
(13 miles [20.9 km] to the northwest)
- The Jarrells Cemetery is located in Boone County
- The Jarrells Cemetery has also been known as:
- Lewis Jarrell Cemetery
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Jarrells Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #78802 <2>
- Jarrells Branch Cemetery
(13 miles [20.9 km] to the northwest)
- Note: We haven't been able to verify our GPS coordinates for the Jarrells Branch Cemetery. Although the coordinates have been estimated, they should be in the vicinity.<4>
- The Jarrells Branch Cemetery is located in Boone County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Jarrells Branch Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #2148996 <2>
- Jasper Workman Cemetery
(13 miles [20.9 km] to the northwest)
- Wright Hunter Cemetery
(13 miles [20.9 km] to the east)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Wright Hunter Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Wright Hunter Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Wright Hunter Cemetery
- Wildwood Cemetery
(13 miles [20.9 km] to the east)
- Teel Cemetery
(13 miles [20.9 km] to the east)
- The Teel Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- To give a relative sense of its location, the Teel Cemetery is located in Sprague.
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Teel Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #2442963 <2>
- W.T. Warden Family Cemetery
(13 miles [20.9 km] to the east)
- The W.T. Warden Family Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- The W.T. Warden Family Cemetery has also been known as:
- Warden Family Cemetery
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the W.T. Warden Family Cemetery
- Blue Ridge Memorial Gardens
(13 miles [20.9 km] to the east)
- Pax Cemetery
(13 miles [20.9 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Pax Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Pax Cemetery is located in Fayette County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Pax Cemetery
- Lively Cemetery
(13 miles [20.9 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Lively Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Lively Cemetery is located in Fayette County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Lively Cemetery
- Stover Cemetery
(13 miles [20.9 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Stover Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Stover Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Stover Cemetery
- Stanley Cemetery
(14 miles [22.5 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Stanley Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Stanley Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Stanley Cemetery
- Milam Cemetery
(14 miles [22.5 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Milam Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Milam Cemetery is located in Wyoming County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Milam Cemetery
- Greenwood Memorial Park
(14 miles [22.5 km] to the east)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Greenwood Memorial Park have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Greenwood Memorial Park is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Greenwood Memorial Park
- Davis Cemetery
(14 miles [22.5 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Davis Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Davis Cemetery is located in Fayette County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Davis Cemetery
- Cottle Cemetery
(14 miles [22.5 km] to the northeast)
- Hatfield Cemetery
(15 miles [24.1 km] to the northwest)
- The Hatfield Cemetery is located in Boone County
- To give a relative sense of its location, the Hatfield Cemetery is located outside and to the northwest of Barrett.
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Hatfield Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #685870 <2>
- Evans Cemetery
(15 miles [24.1 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Evans Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Evans Cemetery is located in Wyoming County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Evans Cemetery
- Lively Cemetery
(15 miles [24.1 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Lively Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Lively Cemetery is located in Fayette County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Lively Cemetery
- Mordue Cemetery
(16 miles [25.7 km] to the northwest)
- Note: We haven't been able to verify our GPS coordinates for the Mordue Cemetery. Although the coordinates have been estimated, they should be in the vicinity.<4>
- The Mordue Cemetery is located in Boone County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Mordue Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #79234 <2>
- Cook Cemetery
(16 miles [25.7 km] to the west)
- Hickory Ridge Cemetery
(16 miles [25.7 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Hickory Ridge Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Hickory Ridge Cemetery is located in Wyoming County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Hickory Ridge Cemetery
- Bud Mtn. Cemetery
(16 miles [25.7 km] to the south)
- Ellison Cemetery
(16 miles [25.7 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Ellison Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Ellison Cemetery is located in Fayette County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Ellison Cemetery
- Holly Cemetery
(16 miles [25.7 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Holly Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Holly Cemetery is located in Fayette County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Holly Cemetery
- Tyree Cemetery
(16 miles [25.7 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Tyree Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Tyree Cemetery is located in Fayette County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Tyree Cemetery
- Powers Cemetery
(16 miles [25.7 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Powers Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Powers Cemetery is located in Fayette County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Powers Cemetery
- Rinehart Cemetery
(16 miles [25.7 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Rinehart Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Rinehart Cemetery is located in Fayette County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Rinehart Cemetery
- Scarbro Cemetery
(16 miles [25.7 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Scarbro Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Scarbro Cemetery is located in Fayette County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Scarbro Cemetery
- Wriston Cemetery
(16 miles [25.7 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Wriston Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Wriston Cemetery is located in Fayette County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Wriston Cemetery
- Wriston Cemetery
(16 miles [25.7 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Wriston Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Wriston Cemetery is located in Fayette County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Wriston Cemetery
- Stover Cemetery
(16 miles [25.7 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Stover Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Stover Cemetery is located in Fayette County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Stover Cemetery
- Kingston Cemeteries
(16 miles [25.7 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Kingston Cemeteries have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Kingston Cemeteries is located in Fayette County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Kingston Cemeteries
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #78881 <2>
- Middle Ferrell Cemetery
(17 miles [27.4 km] to the northwest)
- The Middle Ferrell Cemetery is located in Boone County
- The Middle Ferrell Cemetery has also been known as:
- Mid Ferrell Cemetery
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Middle Ferrell Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #79169 <2>
- Jarrells Branch Cemetery
(17 miles [27.4 km] to the northwest)
- The Jarrells Branch Cemetery is located in Boone County
- To give a relative sense of its location, the Jarrells Branch Cemetery is located outside and to the east of Bim.
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Jarrells Branch Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #2151508 <2>
- Brammer Cemetery
(17 miles [27.4 km] to the southeast)
- Crook Cemetery
(17 miles [27.4 km] to the east)
- The Crook Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Crook Cemetery
- Russ Lilly Cemetery
(17 miles [27.4 km] to the east)
- The Russ Lilly Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- The Russ Lilly Cemetery has also been known as:
- Blue Jay Cemetery
- Lilly Cemetery
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Russ Lilly Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #2573093 <2>
- Hall Family Cemetery
(17 miles [27.4 km] to the east)
- Note: We haven't been able to verify our GPS coordinates for the Hall Family Cemetery. Although the coordinates have been estimated, they should be in the vicinity.<4>
- The Hall Family Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- To give a relative sense of its location, the Hall Family Cemetery is located less than 2 miles<1> to the south of Shady Spring.
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Hall Family Cemetery
- Wriston Cemetery
(17 miles [27.4 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Wriston Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Wriston Cemetery is located in Fayette County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Wriston Cemetery
- Perry Cemetery
(17 miles [27.4 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Perry Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Perry Cemetery is located in Kanawha County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Perry Cemetery
- Milty T Morgan Cemetery
(18 miles [29 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Milty T Morgan Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Milty T Morgan Cemetery is located in Wyoming County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Milty T Morgan Cemetery
- Mt. Pisgah Church Cemetery
(18 miles [29 km] to the southeast)
- Peters Cemetery
(18 miles [29 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Peters Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Peters Cemetery is located in Fayette County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Peters Cemetery
- Danville Cemetery
(19 miles [30.6 km] to the north)
- Note: We haven't been able to verify our GPS coordinates for the Danville Cemetery. Although the coordinates have been estimated, they should be in the vicinity.<4>
- The Danville Cemetery is located in Boone County
- To give a relative sense of its location, the Danville Cemetery is located 4 miles [6.4 km]<1> to the west of Orgas.
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Danville Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #2178298 <2>
- Stark Cemetery
(19 miles [30.6 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Stark Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Stark Cemetery is located in Boone County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Stark Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #2514213 <2>
- Hilltop Cemetery
(19 miles [30.6 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Hilltop Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Hilltop Cemetery is located in Fayette County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Hilltop Cemetery
- Meadow Haven Memorial Park
(19 miles [30.6 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Meadow Haven Memorial Park have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Meadow Haven Memorial Park is located in Fayette County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Meadow Haven Memorial Park
- Sight Hill Cemetery
(20 miles [32.2 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Sight Hill Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Sight Hill Cemetery is located in Kanawha County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Sight Hill Cemetery
- Lowe Family Cemetery
(20 miles [32.2 km] to the west)
- The Lowe Family Cemetery is located in Logan County
- To give a relative sense of its location, the Lowe Family Cemetery is located 5 miles [8 km]<1> to the southwest of Man.
- The Lowe Family Cemetery has also been known as:
- Lowe Cemetery
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Lowe Family Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #2498770 <2>
- Browning Cemetery
(20 miles [32.2 km] to the west)
- Note: We haven't been able to verify our GPS coordinates for the Browning Cemetery. Although the coordinates have been estimated, they should be in the vicinity.<4>
- The Browning Cemetery is located in Logan County
- The Browning Cemetery has also been known as:
- Church of God Cemetery
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Browning Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #2296025 <2>
- Elk Trace Cemetery
(20 miles [32.2 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Elk Trace Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Elk Trace Cemetery is located in Wyoming County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Elk Trace Cemetery
- Rotenberry Cemetery
(20 miles [32.2 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Rotenberry Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Rotenberry Cemetery is located in Wyoming County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Rotenberry Cemetery
- Lilly Cemetery
(20 miles [32.2 km] to the southeast)
- The Lilly Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Lilly Cemetery
- Williams Cemetery
(20 miles [32.2 km] to the east)
- The Williams Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- The Williams Cemetery has also been known as:
- Watts Cemetery
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Williams Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #2494974 <2>
- Plumley Cemetery
(20 miles [32.2 km] to the east)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Plumley Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Plumley Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Plumley Cemetery
- Johnson Cemetery
(20 miles [32.2 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Johnson Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Johnson Cemetery is located in Fayette County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Johnson Cemetery
- Sycamore Branch Cemetery
(20 miles [32.2 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Sycamore Branch Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Sycamore Branch Cemetery is located in Kanawha County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Sycamore Branch Cemetery
- Johnson Cemetery
(20 miles [32.2 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Johnson Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Johnson Cemetery is located in Kanawha County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Johnson Cemetery
- Little White Oak Cemetery
(21 miles [33.8 km] to the north)
- The Little White Oak Cemetery is located in Boone County
- To give a relative sense of its location, the Little White Oak Cemetery is located less than 2 miles<1> to the southwest of Orgas.
- The Little White Oak Cemetery has also been known as:
- White Oak Cemetery
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Little White Oak Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #80281 <2>
- White Oak Cemetery
(21 miles [33.8 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the White Oak Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The White Oak Cemetery is located in Logan County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the White Oak Cemetery
- Riley Cemetery
(21 miles [33.8 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Riley Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Riley Cemetery is located in Logan County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Riley Cemetery
- Claypool Cemetery
(21 miles [33.8 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Claypool Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Claypool Cemetery is located in Logan County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Claypool Cemetery
- Cline Cemetery
(21 miles [33.8 km] to the southwest)
- Bailey Cemetery
(21 miles [33.8 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Bailey Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Bailey Cemetery is located in Wyoming County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Bailey Cemetery
- Mitchem Cemetery
(21 miles [33.8 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Mitchem Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Mitchem Cemetery is located in Wyoming County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Mitchem Cemetery
- Bailey Cemetery
(21 miles [33.8 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Bailey Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Bailey Cemetery is located in Wyoming County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Bailey Cemetery
- Camp Creek Cemetery
(21 miles [33.8 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Camp Creek Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Camp Creek Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Camp Creek Cemetery
- William Kidwell Cemetery
(21 miles [33.8 km] to the east)
- The William Kidwell Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- The William Kidwell Cemetery has also been known as:
- Kidwell Cemetery
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the William Kidwell Cemetery
- Royal Cemetery
(21 miles [33.8 km] to the east)
- Note: We haven't been able to verify our GPS coordinates for the Royal Cemetery. Although the coordinates have been estimated, they should be in the vicinity.<4>
- The Royal Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Royal Cemetery
- High Lawn Memorial Park
(21 miles [33.8 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the High Lawn Memorial Park have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The High Lawn Memorial Park is located in Fayette County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the High Lawn Memorial Park
- Bays Cemetery
(21 miles [33.8 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Bays Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Bays Cemetery is located in Fayette County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Bays Cemetery
- Page Tabernackle Cemetery
(21 miles [33.8 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Page Tabernackle Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Page Tabernackle Cemetery is located in Fayette County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Page Tabernackle Cemetery
- Pineview Cemetery
(22 miles [35.4 km] to the north)
- The Pineview Cemetery is located in Boone County
- To give a relative sense of its location, the Pineview Cemetery is a large cemetery that is located outside and to the north of Orgas.
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Pineview Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #79563 <2>
- Williams Cemetery
(22 miles [35.4 km] to the northwest)
- The Williams Cemetery is located in Boone County
- The Williams Cemetery has also been known as:
- Williams Mtn. Cemetery
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Williams Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #80303 <2>
- Jarrells Cemetery
(22 miles [35.4 km] to the northwest)
- Workman Cemetery
(22 miles [35.4 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Workman Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Workman Cemetery is located in Boone County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Workman Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #80357 <2>
- Bias - Pauley Family Cemetery
(22 miles [35.4 km] to the northwest)
- The Bias - Pauley Family Cemetery is located in Boone County
- The Bias - Pauley Family Cemetery has also been known as:
- Pauley Cemetery
- Pauley Family Cemetery
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Bias - Pauley Family Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #2462177 <2>
- Ruffner Cemetery
(22 miles [35.4 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Ruffner Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Ruffner Cemetery is located in Logan County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Ruffner Cemetery
- Litz - Smith Cemetery
(22 miles [35.4 km] to the west)
- Note: We haven't been able to verify our GPS coordinates for the Litz - Smith Cemetery. Although the coordinates have been estimated, they should be in the vicinity.<4>
- The Litz - Smith Cemetery is located in Logan County
- To give a relative sense of its location, the Litz - Smith Cemetery is located outside and to the northwest of Accoville.
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Litz - Smith Cemetery
- Rockhouse Cemetery
(22 miles [35.4 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Rockhouse Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Rockhouse Cemetery is located in McDowell County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Rockhouse Cemetery
- Algoma Cemetery
(22 miles [35.4 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Algoma Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Algoma Cemetery is located in McDowell County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Algoma Cemetery
- Foster Cemetery
(23 miles [37 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Foster Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Foster Cemetery is located in Kanawha County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Foster Cemetery
- Oxley Cemetery
(23 miles [37 km] to the northwest)
- Note: We haven't been able to verify our GPS coordinates for the Oxley Cemetery. Although the coordinates have been estimated, they should be in the vicinity.<4>
- The Oxley Cemetery is located in Boone County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Oxley Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #79484 <2>
- Van Buren Jarrell Cemetery
(23 miles [37 km] to the northwest)
- The Van Buren Jarrell Cemetery is located in Boone County
- To give a relative sense of its location, the Van Buren Jarrell Cemetery is located between<5> the communities of Uneeda and Van. The cemetery lies 2 miles [3.2 km]<1> to the northwest of Van.
- The Van Buren Jarrell Cemetery has also been known as:
- Van Buren Cemetery
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Van Buren Jarrell Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #2144035 <2>
- Browning Cemetery
(23 miles [37 km] to the west)
- Yolyn Community Cemetery
(23 miles [37 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Yolyn Community Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Yolyn Community Cemetery is located in Logan County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Yolyn Community Cemetery
- Browning Cemetery
(23 miles [37 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Browning Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Browning Cemetery is located in Mingo County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Browning Cemetery
- New Belcher Mtn. Community Cemetery
(23 miles [37 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the New Belcher Mtn. Community Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The New Belcher Mtn. Community Cemetery is located in McDowell County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the New Belcher Mtn. Community Cemetery
- Old Belcher Mtn. Community Cemetery
(23 miles [37 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Old Belcher Mtn. Community Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Old Belcher Mtn. Community Cemetery is located in McDowell County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Old Belcher Mtn. Community Cemetery
- Mt. Hope Cemetery
(24 miles [38.6 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Mt. Hope Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Mt. Hope Cemetery is located in Kanawha County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Mt. Hope Cemetery
- Lawson Cemetery
(24 miles [38.6 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Lawson Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Lawson Cemetery is located in Boone County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Lawson Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #78929 <2>
- Hale Cemetery
(24 miles [38.6 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Hale Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Hale Cemetery is located in Logan County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Hale Cemetery
- McDonald Cemetery
(24 miles [38.6 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the McDonald Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The McDonald Cemetery is located in Logan County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the McDonald Cemetery
- McDonald Cemetery
(24 miles [38.6 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the McDonald Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The McDonald Cemetery is located in Logan County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the McDonald Cemetery
- Browning - Dye Cemetery
(24 miles [38.6 km] to the west)
- The Browning - Dye Cemetery is located in Mingo County
- The Browning - Dye Cemetery has also been known as:
- Browning Cemetery
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Browning - Dye Cemetery
- Hatcher Cemetery
(24 miles [38.6 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Hatcher Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Hatcher Cemetery is located in Mercer County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Hatcher Cemetery
- Craig Cemetery
(24 miles [38.6 km] to the north)
- The Craig Cemetery is located in Fayette County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Craig Cemetery
- Pettry Cemetery
(25 miles [40.2 km] to the north)
- The Pettry Cemetery is located in Boone County
- To give a relative sense of its location, the Pettry Cemetery is located 4 miles [6.4 km]<1> to the west of Comfort.
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Pettry Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #79538 <2>
- Bowen Cemetery
(25 miles [40.2 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Bowen Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Bowen Cemetery is located in Boone County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Bowen Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #77827 <2>
- Jarrell Cemetery
(25 miles [40.2 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Jarrell Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Jarrell Cemetery is located in Boone County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Jarrell Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #2525771 <2>
- Ashby Cemetery
(25 miles [40.2 km] to the northwest)
- Note: We haven't been able to verify our GPS coordinates for the Ashby Cemetery. Although the coordinates have been estimated, they should be in the vicinity.<4>
- The Ashby Cemetery is located in Boone County
- To give a relative sense of its location, the Ashby Cemetery is located less than 2 miles<1> to the southwest of Jeffrey.
- The Ashby Cemetery has also been known as:
- Bias Branch Cemetery
- Bias Cemetery
- Preacher Cemetery
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Ashby Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #2257165 <2>
- Baldwin Cemetery
(25 miles [40.2 km] to the northwest)
- Note: We haven't been able to verify our GPS coordinates for the Baldwin Cemetery. Although the coordinates have been estimated, they should be in the vicinity.<4>
- The Baldwin Cemetery is located in Boone County
- To give a relative sense of its location, the Baldwin Cemetery is located less than 2 miles<1> to the southwest of Jeffrey.
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Baldwin Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #2358852 <2>
- Adkins Cemetery
(25 miles [40.2 km] to the northwest)
- Note: We haven't been able to verify our GPS coordinates for the Adkins Cemetery. Although the coordinates have been estimated, they should be in the vicinity.<4>
- The Adkins Cemetery is located in Boone County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Adkins Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #77527 <2>
- Bob Hunter Cemetery
(25 miles [40.2 km] to the northwest)
- Note: We haven't been able to verify our GPS coordinates for the Bob Hunter Cemetery. Although the coordinates have been estimated, they should be in the vicinity.<4>
- The Bob Hunter Cemetery is located in Boone County
- The Bob Hunter Cemetery has also been known as:
- Hall Cemetery
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Bob Hunter Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #2359005 <2>
- Ball Cemetery
(25 miles [40.2 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Ball Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Ball Cemetery is located in Boone County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Ball Cemetery
- Ball Cemetery
(25 miles [40.2 km] to the northwest)
- Chambers Family Cemetery
(25 miles [40.2 km] to the west)
- Browning - Grimmet Cemetery
(25 miles [40.2 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Browning - Grimmet Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Browning - Grimmet Cemetery is located in Logan County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Browning - Grimmet Cemetery
- Morgan Cemetery
(25 miles [40.2 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Morgan Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Morgan Cemetery is located in Wyoming County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Morgan Cemetery
- Morgan Cemetery
(25 miles [40.2 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Morgan Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Morgan Cemetery is located in Wyoming County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Morgan Cemetery
- Prosperity Cemetery
(25 miles [40.2 km] to the south)
- Matoaka Cemetery
(25 miles [40.2 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Matoaka Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Matoaka Cemetery is located in Mercer County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Matoaka Cemetery
- Meador Cemetery
(25 miles [40.2 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Meador Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Meador Cemetery is located in Mercer County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Meador Cemetery
- Dunns Cemetery
(25 miles [40.2 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Dunns Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Dunns Cemetery is located in Mercer County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Dunns Cemetery
- Hatcher Cemetery
(25 miles [40.2 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Hatcher Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Hatcher Cemetery is located in Mercer County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Hatcher Cemetery
- Goodson Cemetery
(25 miles [40.2 km] to the east)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Goodson Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Goodson Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Goodson Cemetery
- New Salem Baptist Church Cemetery
(25 miles [40.2 km] to the east)
- Beechnut Cemetery
(25 miles [40.2 km] to the east)
- The Beechnut Cemetery is located in Fayette County
- The Beechnut Cemetery has also been known as:
- Charles Harrah Cemetery
- Harrah Cemetery
- Jim Harrah Cemetery
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Beechnut Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #2608668 <2>
- Pleasant View Cemetery
(25 miles [40.2 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Pleasant View Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Pleasant View Cemetery is located in Fayette County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Pleasant View Cemetery
- John Nugen Cemetery
(25 miles [40.2 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the John Nugen Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The John Nugen Cemetery is located in Fayette County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the John Nugen Cemetery
- Robson Cemetery
(25 miles [40.2 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Robson Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Robson Cemetery is located in Fayette County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Robson Cemetery
- Green Cemetery
(26 miles [41.8 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Green Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Green Cemetery is located in Kanawha County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Green Cemetery
- Adkins Family Cemetery
(26 miles [41.8 km] to the north)
- Note: We haven't been able to verify our GPS coordinates for the Adkins Family Cemetery. Although the coordinates have been estimated, they should be in the vicinity.<4>
- The Adkins Family Cemetery is located in Boone County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Adkins Family Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #2183378 <2>
- Ferrell Cemetery
(26 miles [41.8 km] to the north)
- Note: We haven't been able to verify our GPS coordinates for the Ferrell Cemetery. Although the coordinates have been estimated, they should be in the vicinity.<4>
- The Ferrell Cemetery is located in Boone County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Ferrell Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #78350 <2>
- Coon Cemetery
(26 miles [41.8 km] to the northwest)
- Gomez Cemetery
(26 miles [41.8 km] to the northwest)
- Lucas Cemetery
(26 miles [41.8 km] to the northwest)
- Note: We haven't been able to verify our GPS coordinates for the Lucas Cemetery. Although the coordinates have been estimated, they should be in the vicinity.<4>
- The Lucas Cemetery is located in Boone County
- The Lucas Cemetery has also been known as:
- Burley Lucas Cemetery
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Lucas Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #2515637 <2>
- Kentucky Knoll Cemetery
(26 miles [41.8 km] to the northwest)
- Note: We haven't been able to verify our GPS coordinates for the Kentucky Knoll Cemetery. Although the coordinates have been estimated, they should be in the vicinity.<4>
- The Kentucky Knoll Cemetery is located in Boone County
- To give a relative sense of its location, the Kentucky Knoll Cemetery is located in the vicinity of Greenview
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Kentucky Knoll Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #78865 <2>
- Powell Cemetery
(26 miles [41.8 km] to the northwest)
- The Powell Cemetery is located in Boone County
- To give a relative sense of its location, the Powell Cemetery is located outside and to the west of Greenview.
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Powell Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #79607 <2>
- Hunter Cemetery
(26 miles [41.8 km] to the northwest)
- Note: We haven't been able to verify our GPS coordinates for the Hunter Cemetery. Although the coordinates have been estimated, they should be in the vicinity.<4>
- The Hunter Cemetery is located in Boone County
- To give a relative sense of its location, the Hunter Cemetery is located in Ramage.
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Hunter Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #2359232 <2>
- Cook Cemetery
(26 miles [41.8 km] to the northwest)
- Note: We haven't been able to verify our GPS coordinates for the Cook Cemetery. Although the coordinates have been estimated, they should be in the vicinity.<4>
- The Cook Cemetery is located in Boone County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Cook Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #78064 <2>
- Webb Cemetery
(26 miles [41.8 km] to the northwest)
- Note: We haven't been able to verify our GPS coordinates for the Webb Cemetery. Although the coordinates have been estimated, they should be in the vicinity.<4>
- The Webb Cemetery is located in Boone County
- To give a relative sense of its location, the Webb Cemetery is located less than 2 miles<1> to the east of Ramage.
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Webb Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #2551384 <2>
- Obediah Bias Family Cemetery
(26 miles [41.8 km] to the northwest)
- Note: We haven't been able to verify our GPS coordinates for the Obediah Bias Family Cemetery. Although the coordinates have been estimated, they should be in the vicinity.<4>
- The Obediah Bias Family Cemetery is located in Boone County
- The Obediah Bias Family Cemetery has also been known as:
- Obidiah Bias Cemetery
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Obediah Bias Family Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #2515699 <2>
- Old Elkins Cemetery
(26 miles [41.8 km] to the northwest)
- Note: We haven't been able to verify our GPS coordinates for the Old Elkins Cemetery. Although the coordinates have been estimated, they should be in the vicinity.<4>
- The Old Elkins Cemetery is located in Boone County
- To give a relative sense of its location, the Old Elkins Cemetery is located less than 2 miles<1> to the east of Jeffrey.
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Old Elkins Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #2356250 <2>
- Bias Cemetery
(26 miles [41.8 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Bias Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Bias Cemetery is located in Boone County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Bias Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #77762 <2>
- Epling Cemetery
(26 miles [41.8 km] to the northwest)
- Bias Cemetery
(26 miles [41.8 km] to the northwest)
- Note: We haven't been able to verify our GPS coordinates for the Bias Cemetery. Although the coordinates have been estimated, they should be in the vicinity.<4>
- The Bias Cemetery is located in Boone County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Bias Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #2343734 <2>
- Bias Cemetery
(26 miles [41.8 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Bias Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Bias Cemetery is located in Logan County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Bias Cemetery
- Iaeger Memorial Cemetery
(26 miles [41.8 km] to the southwest)
- The Iaeger Memorial Cemetery is located in McDowell County
- To give a relative sense of its location, the Iaeger Memorial Cemetery is a large cemetery that is located outside and to the south of Roderfield.
- The Iaeger Memorial Cemetery has also been known as:
- Roderfield Cemetery
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Iaeger Memorial Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #151357 <2>
- Pierce Cemetery
(26 miles [41.8 km] to the northeast)
- Note: We haven't been able to verify our GPS coordinates for the Pierce Cemetery. Although the coordinates have been estimated, they should be in the vicinity.<4>
- The Pierce Cemetery is located in Fayette County
- To give a relative sense of its location, the Pierce Cemetery is located outside and to the southeast of Fayetteville.
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Pierce Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #79548 <2>
- Abbot Cemetery
(26 miles [41.8 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Abbot Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Abbot Cemetery is located in Fayette County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Abbot Cemetery
- Blake Cemetery
(26 miles [41.8 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Blake Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Blake Cemetery is located in Fayette County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Blake Cemetery
- Guthrie Cemetery
(26 miles [41.8 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Guthrie Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Guthrie Cemetery is located in Fayette County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Guthrie Cemetery
- Massey Cemetery
(27 miles [43.5 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Massey Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Massey Cemetery is located in Kanawha County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Massey Cemetery
- Meadows Cemetery
(27 miles [43.5 km] to the northwest)
- Indian Creek Cemetery
(27 miles [43.5 km] to the northwest)
- Bias Cemetery
(27 miles [43.5 km] to the northwest)
- Burnside - Byrnside Cemetery
(27 miles [43.5 km] to the northwest)
- Note: We haven't been able to verify our GPS coordinates for the Burnside - Byrnside Cemetery. Although the coordinates have been estimated, they should be in the vicinity.<4>
- The Burnside - Byrnside Cemetery is located in Boone County
- The Burnside - Byrnside Cemetery has also been known as:
- Byrnside Cemetery
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Burnside - Byrnside Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #2484468 <2>
- Price Cemetery
(27 miles [43.5 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Price Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Price Cemetery is located in Boone County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Price Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #79617 <2>
- Hager Cemetery
(27 miles [43.5 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Hager Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Hager Cemetery is located in Boone County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Hager Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #78541 <2>
- Hager Cemetery
(27 miles [43.5 km] to the northwest)
- The Hager Cemetery is located in Boone County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Hager Cemetery
- Nelson Cemetery
(27 miles [43.5 km] to the northwest)
- Note: We haven't been able to verify our GPS coordinates for the Nelson Cemetery. Although the coordinates have been estimated, they should be in the vicinity.<4>
- The Nelson Cemetery is located in Boone County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Nelson Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #2360951 <2>
- Gore Cemetery
(27 miles [43.5 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Gore Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Gore Cemetery is located in Boone County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Gore Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #78480 <2>
- Elkins Family Cemetery
(27 miles [43.5 km] to the northwest)
- Note: We haven't been able to verify our GPS coordinates for the Elkins Family Cemetery. Although the coordinates have been estimated, they should be in the vicinity.<4>
- The Elkins Family Cemetery is located in Boone County
- The Elkins Family Cemetery has also been known as:
- Elkins Cemetery
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Elkins Family Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #78276 <2>
- Ferrell Cemetery
(27 miles [43.5 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Ferrell Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Ferrell Cemetery is located in Logan County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Ferrell Cemetery
- Albright Cemetery
(27 miles [43.5 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Albright Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Albright Cemetery is located in Logan County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Albright Cemetery
- Baldwin Cemetery
(27 miles [43.5 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Baldwin Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Baldwin Cemetery is located in Logan County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Baldwin Cemetery
- Covey Cemetery
(27 miles [43.5 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Covey Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Covey Cemetery is located in Logan County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Covey Cemetery
- Mullens Cemetery
(27 miles [43.5 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Mullens Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Mullens Cemetery is located in Logan County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Mullens Cemetery
- Upper Hinchman Cemetery
(27 miles [43.5 km] to the west)
- Ellis Cemetery
(27 miles [43.5 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Ellis Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Ellis Cemetery is located in Mingo County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Ellis Cemetery
- Hatfield Cemetery
(27 miles [43.5 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Hatfield Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Hatfield Cemetery is located in Mingo County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Hatfield Cemetery
- Oak Log Cemetery
(27 miles [43.5 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Oak Log Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Oak Log Cemetery is located in Mingo County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Oak Log Cemetery
- Davis Cemetery
(27 miles [43.5 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Davis Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Davis Cemetery is located in Wyoming County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Davis Cemetery
- Lester Cemetery
(27 miles [43.5 km] to the southwest)
- Mt. Olive Cemetery
(27 miles [43.5 km] to the southeast)
- Lilly - Crews Cemetery
(27 miles [43.5 km] to the east)
- The Lilly - Crews Cemetery is located in Summers County
- To give a relative sense of its location, the Lilly - Crews Cemetery is a large cemetery that is located less than 2 miles<1> to the north of Nimitz.
- The Lilly - Crews Cemetery has also been known as:
- Crews Cemetery
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Lilly - Crews Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #1960819 <2>
- Restwood Cemetery
(27 miles [43.5 km] to the east)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Restwood Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Restwood Cemetery is located in Summers County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Restwood Cemetery
- Adkins Family Cemetery
(27 miles [43.5 km] to the east)
- Note: We haven't been able to verify our GPS coordinates for the Adkins Family Cemetery. Although the coordinates have been estimated, they should be in the vicinity.<4>
- The Adkins Family Cemetery is located in Summers County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Adkins Family Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #2454122 <2>
- St. Colmans Cemetery
(27 miles [43.5 km] to the east)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the St. Colmans Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The St. Colmans Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the St. Colmans Cemetery
- Layland Cemetery
(27 miles [43.5 km] to the east)
- The Layland Cemetery is located in Fayette County
- The Layland Cemetery has also been known as:
- Chestnut Knob Church Cemetery
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Layland Cemetery
- Huse Memorial Cemetery
(27 miles [43.5 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Huse Memorial Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Huse Memorial Cemetery is located in Fayette County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Huse Memorial Cemetery
- Hensley Cemetery
(28 miles [45.1 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Hensley Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Hensley Cemetery is located in Kanawha County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Hensley Cemetery
- Dry Branch Cemetery
(28 miles [45.1 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Dry Branch Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Dry Branch Cemetery is located in Kanawha County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Dry Branch Cemetery
- Fauber Cemetery
(28 miles [45.1 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Fauber Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Fauber Cemetery is located in Boone County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Fauber Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #78342 <2>
- Mechanics & Miners Cemetery
(28 miles [45.1 km] to the northwest)
- The Mechanics & Miners Cemetery is located in Boone County
- The Mechanics & Miners Cemetery has also been known as:
- Bloomingrose Cemetery
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Mechanics & Miners Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #79153 <2>
- Porter Cemetery
(28 miles [45.1 km] to the northwest)
- Note: We haven't been able to verify our GPS coordinates for the Porter Cemetery. Although the coordinates have been estimated, they should be in the vicinity.<4>
- The Porter Cemetery is located in Boone County
- To give a relative sense of its location, the Porter Cemetery is located in Bloomingrose.
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Porter Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #79599 <2>
- Evans Family Cemetery
(28 miles [45.1 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Evans Family Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Evans Family Cemetery is located in Boone County
- The Evans Family Cemetery has also been known as:
- Evans Cemetery
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Evans Family Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #78304 <2>
- Workman Cemetery
(28 miles [45.1 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Workman Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Workman Cemetery is located in Boone County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Workman Cemetery
- Drawdy Cemetery
(28 miles [45.1 km] to the northwest)
- Harless Cemetery
(28 miles [45.1 km] to the northwest)
- The Harless Cemetery is located in Boone County
- To give a relative sense of its location, the Harless Cemetery is located less than 2 miles<1> to the east of Andrew.
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Harless Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #78587 <2>
- Lloyd Wesley Miller Cemetery
(28 miles [45.1 km] to the northwest)
- The Lloyd Wesley Miller Cemetery is located in Boone County
- To give a relative sense of its location, the Lloyd Wesley Miller Cemetery is located outside and to the west of Andrew.
- The Lloyd Wesley Miller Cemetery has also been known as:
- Miller Cemetery
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Lloyd Wesley Miller Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #2456999 <2>
- Cooper's Cemetery
(28 miles [45.1 km] to the northwest)
- Note: We haven't been able to verify our GPS coordinates for the Cooper's Cemetery. Although the coordinates have been estimated, they should be in the vicinity.<4>
- The Cooper's Cemetery is located in Boone County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Cooper's Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #78073 <2>
- Miller Cemetery
(28 miles [45.1 km] to the northwest)
- The Miller Cemetery is located in Boone County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Miller Cemetery
- Miller Family Cemetery
(28 miles [45.1 km] to the northwest)
- Note: We haven't been able to verify our GPS coordinates for the Miller Family Cemetery. Although the coordinates have been estimated, they should be in the vicinity.<4>
- The Miller Family Cemetery is located in Boone County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Miller Family Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #2497688 <2>
- Ballard Cemetery
(28 miles [45.1 km] to the northwest)
- Note: We haven't been able to verify our GPS coordinates for the Ballard Cemetery. Although the coordinates have been estimated, they should be in the vicinity.<4>
- The Ballard Cemetery is located in Boone County
- To give a relative sense of its location, the Ballard Cemetery is located in Washington Heights.
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Ballard Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #2246043 <2>
- Burwell Ballard Cemetery
(28 miles [45.1 km] to the northwest)
- Note: We haven't been able to verify our GPS coordinates for the Burwell Ballard Cemetery. Although the coordinates have been estimated, they should be in the vicinity.<4>
- The Burwell Ballard Cemetery is located in Boone County
- The Burwell Ballard Cemetery has also been known as:
- Ballard Cemetery
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Burwell Ballard Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #2517970 <2>
- Caldwell Cemetery
(28 miles [45.1 km] to the northwest)
- Family Gardens Cemetery
(28 miles [45.1 km] to the northwest)
- The Family Gardens Cemetery is located in Boone County
- To give a relative sense of its location, the Family Gardens Cemetery is a large cemetery that is located 2 miles [3.2 km]<1> to the north of Madison.
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Family Gardens Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #2131766 <2>
- Memory Gardens
(28 miles [45.1 km] to the northwest)
- The Memory Gardens is located in Boone County
- The Memory Gardens has also been known as:
- Low Gap Memorial Gardens
- Madison Memory Gardens
- Memorial Gardens
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Memory Gardens
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #79156 <2>
- Ball Cemetery
(28 miles [45.1 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Ball Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Ball Cemetery is located in Boone County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Ball Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #77645 <2>
- Robert C. Ball Cemetery
(28 miles [45.1 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Robert C. Ball Cemetery came from an uncertain source and they still need to be verified:<6>
- The Robert C. Ball Cemetery is located in Boone County
- The Robert C. Ball Cemetery has also been known as:
- Ball Cemetery
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Robert C. Ball Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #2523953 <2>
- Rufus C. Ball Cemetery
(28 miles [45.1 km] to the northwest)
- The Rufus C. Ball Cemetery is located in Boone County
- The Rufus C. Ball Cemetery has also been known as:
- Ball Cemetery
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Rufus C. Ball Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #2540843 <2>
- Pauley Family Cemetery
(28 miles [45.1 km] to the northwest)
- Note: We haven't been able to verify our GPS coordinates for the Pauley Family Cemetery. Although the coordinates have been estimated, they should be in the vicinity.<4>
- The Pauley Family Cemetery is located in Boone County
- The Pauley Family Cemetery has also been known as:
- Pauley Cemetery
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Pauley Family Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #79510 <2>
- Workman Cemetery
(28 miles [45.1 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Workman Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Workman Cemetery is located in Boone County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Workman Cemetery
- Hager Cemetery
(28 miles [45.1 km] to the northwest)
- The Hager Cemetery is located in Boone County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Hager Cemetery
- Stolling Cemetery
(28 miles [45.1 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Stolling Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Stolling Cemetery is located in Boone County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Stolling Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #2285288 <2>
- Dent Family Cemetery
(28 miles [45.1 km] to the northwest)
- The Dent Family Cemetery is located in Boone County
- To give a relative sense of its location, the Dent Family Cemetery is located outside and to the west of Hewett.
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Dent Family Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #2246791 <2>
- Little Rock Cemetery
(28 miles [45.1 km] to the northwest)
- Note: We haven't been able to verify our GPS coordinates for the Little Rock Cemetery. Although the coordinates have been estimated, they should be in the vicinity.<4>
- The Little Rock Cemetery is located in Boone County
- To give a relative sense of its location, the Little Rock Cemetery is located less than 2 miles<1> to the east of Hewett.
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Little Rock Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #2230105 <2>
- Ball Cemetery
(28 miles [45.1 km] to the northwest)
- Note: We haven't been able to verify our GPS coordinates for the Ball Cemetery. Although the coordinates have been estimated, they should be in the vicinity.<4>
- The Ball Cemetery is located in Boone County
- To give a relative sense of its location, the Ball Cemetery is located 2 miles [3.2 km]<1> to the east of Hewett.
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Ball Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #2333838 <2>
- Richardson Cemetery
(28 miles [45.1 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Richardson Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Richardson Cemetery is located in Logan County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Richardson Cemetery
- Sanders Cemetery
(28 miles [45.1 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Sanders Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Sanders Cemetery is located in Logan County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Sanders Cemetery
- Verner - Ball Cemetery
(28 miles [45.1 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Verner - Ball Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Verner - Ball Cemetery is located in Logan County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Verner - Ball Cemetery
- Core Cemetery
(28 miles [45.1 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Core Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Core Cemetery is located in Logan County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Core Cemetery
- Avis Cemetery
(28 miles [45.1 km] to the west)
- Note: We haven't been able to verify our GPS coordinates for the Avis Cemetery. Although the coordinates have been estimated, they should be in the vicinity.<4>
- The Avis Cemetery is located in Logan County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Avis Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #2513390 <2>
- Smith Cemetery
(28 miles [45.1 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Smith Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Smith Cemetery is located in Mingo County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Smith Cemetery
- Mounts Cemetery
(28 miles [45.1 km] to the southwest)
- The Mounts Cemetery is located in Mingo County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Mounts Cemetery
- Rex Cline Cemetery
(28 miles [45.1 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Rex Cline Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Rex Cline Cemetery is located in Mingo County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Rex Cline Cemetery
- Ritchie & Cline Cemetery
(28 miles [45.1 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Ritchie & Cline Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Ritchie & Cline Cemetery is located in Mingo County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Ritchie & Cline Cemetery
- Thorpe Cemetery
(28 miles [45.1 km] to the south)
- Little Cemetery
(28 miles [45.1 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Little Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Little Cemetery is located in Mercer County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Little Cemetery
- Belcher Cemetery
(28 miles [45.1 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Belcher Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Belcher Cemetery is located in Mercer County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Belcher Cemetery
- Bell Cemetery
(28 miles [45.1 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Bell Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Bell Cemetery is located in Mercer County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Bell Cemetery
- Coffee Cemetery
(28 miles [45.1 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Coffee Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Coffee Cemetery is located in Mercer County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Coffee Cemetery
- Taylor Cemetery
(28 miles [45.1 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Taylor Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Taylor Cemetery is located in Mercer County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Taylor Cemetery
- Harless Cemetery
(28 miles [45.1 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Harless Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Harless Cemetery is located in Mercer County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Harless Cemetery
- Meadows Cemetery
(28 miles [45.1 km] to the east)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Meadows Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Meadows Cemetery is located in Raleigh County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Meadows Cemetery
- Meadows Family Cemetery
(28 miles [45.1 km] to the east)
- Goddard Cemetery
(28 miles [45.1 km] to the east)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Goddard Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Goddard Cemetery is located in Fayette County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Goddard Cemetery
- Abbott - Huddleston Cemetery
(28 miles [45.1 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Abbott - Huddleston Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Abbott - Huddleston Cemetery is located in Fayette County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Abbott - Huddleston Cemetery
- Slaughter Creek Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Slaughter Creek Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Slaughter Creek Cemetery is located in Kanawha County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Slaughter Creek Cemetery
- Wrightsville Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Wrightsville Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Wrightsville Cemetery is located in Kanawha County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Wrightsville Cemetery
- Foster Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Foster Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Foster Cemetery is located in Boone County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Foster Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #78401 <2>
- Barker Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the northwest)
- The Barker Cemetery is located in Boone County
- To give a relative sense of its location, the Barker Cemetery is located outside and to the north of Peytona.
- The Barker Cemetery has also been known as:
- Barker - Round Bottom Road Cemetery
- Round Bottom Road Cemetery
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Barker Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #2549037 <2>
- Javins Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the northwest)
- Note: We haven't been able to verify our GPS coordinates for the Javins Cemetery. Although the coordinates have been estimated, they should be in the vicinity.<4>
- The Javins Cemetery is located in Boone County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Javins Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #78808 <2>
- Javins Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the northwest)
- Atkins - Javins Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the northwest)
- Carpenter Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the northwest)
- Note: We haven't been able to verify our GPS coordinates for the Carpenter Cemetery. Although the coordinates have been estimated, they should be in the vicinity.<4>
- The Carpenter Cemetery is located in Boone County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Carpenter Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #2552451 <2>
- Dolin Family Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the northwest)
- Note: We haven't been able to verify our GPS coordinates for the Dolin Family Cemetery. Although the coordinates have been estimated, they should be in the vicinity.<4>
- The Dolin Family Cemetery is located in Boone County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Dolin Family Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #2482866 <2>
- Miller Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Miller Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Miller Cemetery is located in Boone County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Miller Cemetery
- Williams Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Williams Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Williams Cemetery is located in Boone County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Williams Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #80304 <2>
- Miller Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Miller Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Miller Cemetery is located in Boone County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Miller Cemetery
- Smoot
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the northwest)
- Note: We haven't been able to verify our GPS coordinates for the Smoot. Although the coordinates have been estimated, they should be in the vicinity.<4>
- The Smoot is located in Boone County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Smoot
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #2209910 <2>
- Stollings Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the northwest)
- The Stollings Cemetery is located in Boone County
- The Stollings Cemetery has also been known as:
- Leftwich Cemetery
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Stollings Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #2543409 <2>
- Allen Cemetery (Holly Hills)
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the northwest)
- Note: We haven't been able to verify our GPS coordinates for the Allen Cemetery (Holly Hills). Although the coordinates have been estimated, they should be in the vicinity.<4>
- The Allen Cemetery (Holly Hills) is located in Boone County
- The Allen Cemetery (Holly Hills) has also been known as:
- Allen Hill Cemetery
- Holly Hills Cemetery
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Allen Cemetery (Holly Hills)
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #2543593 <2>
- Miller Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Miller Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Miller Cemetery is located in Boone County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Miller Cemetery
- Boone Memorial Park
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the northwest)
- The Boone Memorial Park is located in Boone County
- To give a relative sense of its location, the Boone Memorial Park is a large cemetery that is located outside and to the southwest of Madison.
- The Boone Memorial Park has also been known as:
- Madison Memorial Park
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Boone Memorial Park
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #205001 <2>
- Miller / Patrick Miller Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the northwest)
- Note: We haven't been able to verify our GPS coordinates for the Miller / Patrick Miller Cemetery. Although the coordinates have been estimated, they should be in the vicinity.<4>
- The Miller / Patrick Miller Cemetery is located in Boone County
- The Miller / Patrick Miller Cemetery has also been known as:
- Miller Cemetery
- Patrick Miller Cemetery
- Sylvansus Miller Cemetery
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Miller / Patrick Miller Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #2542975 <2>
- Bias Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Bias Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Bias Cemetery is located in Boone County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Bias Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #2543116 <2>
- Canterberry Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Canterberry Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Canterberry Cemetery is located in Boone County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Canterberry Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #77942 <2>
- Canterbury Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the northwest)
- Note: We haven't been able to verify our GPS coordinates for the Canterbury Cemetery. Although the coordinates have been estimated, they should be in the vicinity.<4>
- The Canterbury Cemetery is located in Boone County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Canterbury Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #2543144 <2>
- Floyd Miller Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the northwest)
- Note: We haven't been able to verify our GPS coordinates for the Floyd Miller Cemetery. Although the coordinates have been estimated, they should be in the vicinity.<4>
- The Floyd Miller Cemetery is located in Boone County
- To give a relative sense of its location, the Floyd Miller Cemetery is located 2 miles [3.2 km]<1> to the northeast of Washington Heights.
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Floyd Miller Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #2320388 <2>
- Miller Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Miller Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Miller Cemetery is located in Boone County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Miller Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #79199 <2>
- Ball - Bias Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the northwest)
- Note: We haven't been able to verify our GPS coordinates for the Ball - Bias Cemetery. Although the coordinates have been estimated, they should be in the vicinity.<4>
- The Ball - Bias Cemetery is located in Boone County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Ball - Bias Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #2492913 <2>
- Sander Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the northwest)
- Miller Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Miller Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Miller Cemetery is located in Boone County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Miller Cemetery
- Campbell Family Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the northwest)
- Note: We haven't been able to verify our GPS coordinates for the Campbell Family Cemetery. Although the coordinates have been estimated, they should be in the vicinity.<4>
- The Campbell Family Cemetery is located in Boone County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Campbell Family Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #2231479 <2>
- Craddock Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Craddock Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Craddock Cemetery is located in Logan County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Craddock Cemetery
- Foley Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Foley Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Foley Cemetery is located in Logan County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Foley Cemetery
- George F. Browning Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the George F. Browning Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The George F. Browning Cemetery is located in Logan County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the George F. Browning Cemetery
- Logan Memorial Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Logan Memorial Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Logan Memorial Cemetery is located in Logan County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Logan Memorial Cemetery
- Hatfield Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Hatfield Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Hatfield Cemetery is located in Mingo County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Hatfield Cemetery
- Chapman Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Chapman Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Chapman Cemetery is located in Mingo County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Chapman Cemetery
- Collins Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Collins Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Collins Cemetery is located in McDowell County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Collins Cemetery
- Robert Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Robert Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Robert Cemetery is located in McDowell County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Robert Cemetery
- Hollinsworth Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Hollinsworth Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Hollinsworth Cemetery is located in Mercer County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Hollinsworth Cemetery
- Mt. Tabor Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Mt. Tabor Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Mt. Tabor Cemetery is located in Mercer County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Mt. Tabor Cemetery
- Johnson Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Johnson Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Johnson Cemetery is located in Mercer County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Johnson Cemetery
- Patterson Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Patterson Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Patterson Cemetery is located in Mercer County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Patterson Cemetery
- Barnett Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Barnett Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Barnett Cemetery is located in Mercer County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Barnett Cemetery
- Owens Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Owens Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Owens Cemetery is located in Mercer County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Owens Cemetery
- Hall Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Hall Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Hall Cemetery is located in Mercer County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Hall Cemetery
- Neal Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Neal Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Neal Cemetery is located in Mercer County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Neal Cemetery
- St. Peters Lutheran Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the St. Peters Lutheran Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The St. Peters Lutheran Cemetery is located in Wythe County (VA)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the St. Peters Lutheran Cemetery
- Richmond Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the east)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Richmond Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Richmond Cemetery is located in Summers County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Richmond Cemetery
- Anderson Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Anderson Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Anderson Cemetery is located in Fayette County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Anderson Cemetery
- Good Shepherd Church Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Good Shepherd Church Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Good Shepherd Church Cemetery is located in Kanawha County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Good Shepherd Church Cemetery
- Lacie - Gray - Morris Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Lacie - Gray - Morris Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Lacie - Gray - Morris Cemetery is located in Kanawha County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Lacie - Gray - Morris Cemetery
- Cooper Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Cooper Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Cooper Cemetery is located in Kanawha County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Cooper Cemetery
- Sawmill Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Sawmill Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Sawmill Cemetery is located in Kanawha County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Sawmill Cemetery
- Frye Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Frye Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Frye Cemetery is located in Kanawha County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Frye Cemetery
- Wade Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Wade Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Wade Cemetery is located in Boone County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Wade Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #80200 <2>
- Harless Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the northwest)
- Note: We haven't been able to verify our GPS coordinates for the Harless Cemetery. Although the coordinates have been estimated, they should be in the vicinity.<4>
- The Harless Cemetery is located in Boone County
- To give a relative sense of its location, the Harless Cemetery is located less than 2 miles<1> to the northwest of Brushton.
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Harless Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #2463456 <2>
- G.W. Estep Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the northwest)
- Note: We haven't been able to verify our GPS coordinates for the G.W. Estep Cemetery. Although the coordinates have been estimated, they should be in the vicinity.<4>
- The G.W. Estep Cemetery is located in Boone County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the G.W. Estep Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #2330582 <2>
- Dolin Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the northwest)
- The Dolin Cemetery is located in Boone County
- The Dolin Cemetery has also been known as:
- Camp Creek Cemetery
- Dolin Family Cemetery
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Dolin Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #2520733 <2>
- Ballard Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the northwest)
- Note: We haven't been able to verify our GPS coordinates for the Ballard Cemetery. Although the coordinates have been estimated, they should be in the vicinity.<4>
- The Ballard Cemetery is located in Boone County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Ballard Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #77651 <2>
- Dolin Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Dolin Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Dolin Cemetery is located in Boone County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Dolin Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #78211 <2>
- Perdue Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the northwest)
- The Perdue Cemetery is located in Boone County
- To give a relative sense of its location, the Perdue Cemetery is located outside and to the west of Foster.
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Perdue Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #79525 <2>
- Ashby Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the northwest)
- Atkins - Halstead Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the northwest)
- Note: We haven't been able to verify our GPS coordinates for the Atkins - Halstead Cemetery. Although the coordinates have been estimated, they should be in the vicinity.<4>
- The Atkins - Halstead Cemetery is located in Boone County
- To give a relative sense of its location, the Atkins - Halstead Cemetery is located outside and to the west of Foster.
- The Atkins - Halstead Cemetery has also been known as:
- Halstead - Cabell Cemetery
- Halstead Cemetery
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Atkins - Halstead Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #78565 <2>
- Gunnoes - Miller Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the northwest)
- Mullins Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the northwest)
- Note: We haven't been able to verify our GPS coordinates for the Mullins Cemetery. Although the coordinates have been estimated, they should be in the vicinity.<4>
- The Mullins Cemetery is located in Boone County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Mullins Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #79362 <2>
- Price Family Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the northwest)
- W.H. Turley Family Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the northwest)
- Hager Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the northwest)
- Note: We haven't been able to verify our GPS coordinates for the Hager Cemetery. Although the coordinates have been estimated, they should be in the vicinity.<4>
- The Hager Cemetery is located in Boone County
- To give a relative sense of its location, the Hager Cemetery is located less than 2 miles<1> to the northeast of Danville.
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Hager Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #2487828 <2>
- Ball Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the northwest)
- Note: We haven't been able to verify our GPS coordinates for the Ball Cemetery. Although the coordinates have been estimated, they should be in the vicinity.<4>
- The Ball Cemetery is located in Boone County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Ball Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #2508522 <2>
- Stacy Belle Miller Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the northwest)
- Note: We haven't been able to verify our GPS coordinates for the Stacy Belle Miller Cemetery. Although the coordinates have been estimated, they should be in the vicinity.<4>
- The Stacy Belle Miller Cemetery is located in Boone County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Stacy Belle Miller Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #2251174 <2>
- Zatto Miller Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the northwest)
- Note: We haven't been able to verify our GPS coordinates for the Zatto Miller Cemetery. Although the coordinates have been estimated, they should be in the vicinity.<4>
- The Zatto Miller Cemetery is located in Boone County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Zatto Miller Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #2549893 <2>
- Fowler Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the northwest)
- The Fowler Cemetery is located in Boone County
- The Fowler Cemetery has also been known as:
- Wheatley Family Cemetery
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Fowler Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #2469055 <2>
- Barker Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Barker Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Barker Cemetery is located in Logan County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Barker Cemetery
- Barker Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Barker Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Barker Cemetery is located in Logan County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Barker Cemetery
- Steele Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Steele Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Steele Cemetery is located in Logan County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Steele Cemetery
- Chauncey Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Chauncey Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Chauncey Cemetery is located in Logan County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Chauncey Cemetery
- Beechfork Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the west)
- The Beechfork Cemetery is located in Mingo County
- The Beechfork Cemetery has also been known as:
- Beech Fork Cemetery
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Beechfork Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #1975435 <2>
- Cline Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Cline Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Cline Cemetery is located in McDowell County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Cline Cemetery
- Lockhart Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Lockhart Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Lockhart Cemetery is located in McDowell County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Lockhart Cemetery
- Meadows Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Meadows Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Meadows Cemetery is located in McDowell County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Meadows Cemetery
- Bowles Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Bowles Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Bowles Cemetery is located in McDowell County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Bowles Cemetery
- Swim Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Swim Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Swim Cemetery is located in Tazewell County (VA)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Swim Cemetery
- Music Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Music Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Music Cemetery is located in Tazewell County (VA)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Music Cemetery
- Rutherford Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Rutherford Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Rutherford Cemetery is located in Tazewell County (VA)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Rutherford Cemetery
- Green Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Green Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Green Cemetery is located in Tazewell County (VA)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Green Cemetery
- Green Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Green Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Green Cemetery is located in Tazewell County (VA)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Green Cemetery
- Mohawk Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Mohawk Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Mohawk Cemetery is located in Tazewell County (VA)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Mohawk Cemetery
- Mohawk Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Mohawk Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Mohawk Cemetery is located in Tazewell County (VA)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Mohawk Cemetery
- Mohawk Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Mohawk Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Mohawk Cemetery is located in Mercer County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Mohawk Cemetery
- Mohawk Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Mohawk Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Mohawk Cemetery is located in Mercer County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Mohawk Cemetery
- Coopers Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Coopers Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Coopers Cemetery is located in Mercer County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Coopers Cemetery
- Belcher Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Belcher Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Belcher Cemetery is located in Mercer County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Belcher Cemetery
- Oak Hill Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Oak Hill Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Oak Hill Cemetery is located in Mercer County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Oak Hill Cemetery
- Miles Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Miles Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Miles Cemetery is located in Mercer County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Miles Cemetery
- Powell Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Powell Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Powell Cemetery is located in Mercer County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Powell Cemetery
- Dillon Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Dillon Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Dillon Cemetery is located in Mercer County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Dillon Cemetery
- Shrader Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Shrader Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Shrader Cemetery is located in Mercer County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Shrader Cemetery
- Wall Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Wall Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Wall Cemetery is located in Mercer County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Wall Cemetery
- Belcher Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Belcher Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Belcher Cemetery is located in Mercer County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Belcher Cemetery
- Bailey Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Bailey Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Bailey Cemetery is located in Mercer County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Bailey Cemetery
- King Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the King Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The King Cemetery is located in Mercer County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the King Cemetery
- Herndon Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Herndon Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Herndon Cemetery is located in Mercer County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Herndon Cemetery
- Wright Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Wright Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Wright Cemetery is located in Mercer County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Wright Cemetery
- Robinett Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Robinett Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Robinett Cemetery is located in Mercer County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Robinett Cemetery
- Ross Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Ross Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Ross Cemetery is located in Mercer County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Ross Cemetery
- Snider Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Snider Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Snider Cemetery is located in Summers County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Snider Cemetery
- Hilltop Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the east)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Hilltop Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Hilltop Cemetery is located in Summers County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Hilltop Cemetery
- Bragg Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the east)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Bragg Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Bragg Cemetery is located in Summers County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Bragg Cemetery
- Smailes Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Smailes Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Smailes Cemetery is located in Fayette County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Smailes Cemetery
- Willis Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Willis Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Willis Cemetery is located in Fayette County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Willis Cemetery
- Montgomery Memorial Park
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the north)
- The Montgomery Memorial Park is located in Kanawha County
- The Montgomery Memorial Park has also been known as:
- Montgomery Memorial Cemetery
- Montgomery Memorial Gardens
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Montgomery Memorial Park
- Kanawha Valley Memorial Gardens
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Kanawha Valley Memorial Gardens have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Kanawha Valley Memorial Gardens is located in Kanawha County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Kanawha Valley Memorial Gardens
- Ameagle Cemetery (Orphan)
- We believe the Ameagle Cemetery to be orphaned - although we don't have its GPS coordinates, we believe it to be located in Raleigh County
- Johns Creek Cemetery (Orphan)
- We believe the Johns Creek Cemetery to be orphaned - although we don't have its GPS coordinates, we believe it to be located in Raleigh County
- Pine Knob Cemetery (Orphan)
- We believe the Pine Knob Cemetery to be orphaned - although we don't have its GPS coordinates, we believe it to be located in Raleigh County
- Kemper Clay Cemetery (Orphan)
- We believe the Kemper Clay Cemetery to be orphaned - although we don't have its GPS coordinates, we believe it to be located in Raleigh County
- Vanwood Cemetery (Orphan)
- We believe the Vanwood Cemetery to be orphaned - although we don't have its GPS coordinates, we believe it to be located in Raleigh County
Off-the-Road Links ...
The official website for State of West Virginia: https://www.wv.gov/
Footnotes ...
<1> | Our distances are not driving distances, but are calculated as a 'point-to-point' distance. A straight line distance ignores things like rivers, canyons, lakes, et cetera - it's truly a line from Point A (ie- ) to Point B.Our distance measurements begin at a specific point at the Accord Cemetery. The point we use is located at these GPS coordinates - Latitude: 37.7659, Longitude: -81.4270 |
<2> | The Find-a-Grave website is an excellent research tool with information about a cemetery's location and interments. They also offer a forum for their members which can provide additional help. More information about Find-a-Grave can be found on their website: findagrave.com. |
<3> | The location has been supplied by the Geographic Names Information System - which is maintained by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). While these values should be definitive, we found that accuracy can vary and you should double-check the location if accuracy is required. |
<4> | An 'estimated' location is one where we have been given GPS coordinates, but are unable to verify the accuracy of those coordinates. That said, we have some confidence that we have placed the marker near the actual location. A typical reason for being unable to verify a location is that it might be on private property or maybe historic and gone without an obvious trace. |
<5> | To help visualize the location of the cemetery, we've drawn a straight line between the communities of Uneeda and Van. The cemetery can be found near that line and roughly halfway between the two communities. Remember that this is just an approximate location. |
<6> | If we found a location and have questions about the accuracy of our information, we will simply say that the marker is 'in the vicinity'. We are not confident about the location and the position of our marker is only a rough guide. If we have too many doubts about the location, we will not include it in our database. |