Local Newspapers for the Smith Cemetery ...
Below are the newspapers that have been published in the vicinity of the Smith Cemetery.
Our newspaper information for the Smith Cemetery is based on data supplied by the Chronicling America website. For more information, please see our description of the Chronicling America website.
Hint: When we started searching newspapers, we only looked for obituaries. Eventually we realized that our search was too narrow and there was much that we were missing. Now we include things like around-the-town and gossip columns, birth and death announcements.
We have some family members who owned businesses and now we search for articles and advertistments for those businesses. Some family members could have been better behaved and a search of police blotters contained some surprises.
The following newspapers were published within 12 miles [19.3 km]<1> of the Smith Cemetery. These papers have been grouped by the community in which they were published, with the communities listed in the order of their distance from the Smith Cemetery.
- Published In Irving
- Irving Daily News (from Irving Daily News)
- The Irving Daily News Texan (from The Irving Daily News Texan)
- The Irving Index (from The Irving Index)
- The Irving News Citizen (from The Irving News Citizen)
- The Irving News Record (from The Irving News Record)
- The Irving News (from The Irving News)
- Jump to our expanded list of Newspapers Published in Irving.
- Published In Dallas
- Irving Daily News (from Arlington Free Press)
- The Irving Daily News Texan (from Burnett's Budget)
- The Irving Index (from Christian Chronicle)
- The Irving News Citizen (from Christian Courier)
- The Irving News Record (from Daily Intelligencer)
- The Irving News (from Daily Times-Herald)
- Grand Prairie Daily News (from Dallas Americano)
- Grand Prairie News-Texan (from Dallas Business)
- Grand Prairie News (from Dallas Church World)
- The Daily News-Texan (from Dallas Daily Commercial)
- The Daily News (from Dallas Daily Times-Herald)
- The Grand Prairie Banner (from Dallas Herald)
- The Grand Prairie Daily News-Texan (from Dallas Herald)
- The Grand Prairie Hustler (from Dallas Independent Press)
- The Grand Prairie Texan (from Dallas News)
- The News-Texan (from Dallas News)
- Arlington Free Press (from Dallas Notes)
- Burnett's Budget (from Dallas Notes)
- Christian Chronicle (from Dallas Saturday Night)
- Christian Courier (from Dallas Sunday Dispatch)
- Daily Intelligencer (from Dallas Voice)
- Daily Times-Herald (from Dallas/Fort Worth Gay News)
- Dallas Americano (from Democracy : Official Organ Of The Good Government Forum)
- Years of publication: Democracy : Official Organ Of The Good Government Forum to 19??
- Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
- Catalog Card for the Dallas Americano
- Holdings for: LCCN SN86089499
- Locate a copy thru WorldCat: OCLC 14366784
- Dallas Business (from Dispatch-Journal)
- Dallas Church World (from Diversified Farming)
- Dallas Daily Commercial (from East Dallas Banner)
- Dallas Daily Times-Herald (from East Dallas News)
- Dallas Herald (from East Dallas Progress)
- Dallas Herald (from East Dallas Today)
- Dallas Independent Press (from El Extra)
- Dallas News (from El Hispano News)
- Years of publication: El Hispano News to current
- Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
- Catalog Card for the Dallas News
- Holdings for: LCCN SN94052479
- Locate a copy thru WorldCat: OCLC 31394783
- Dallas News (from El Sol De Texas)
- Years of publication: El Sol De Texas to current
- Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
- Catalog Card for the Dallas News
- Holdings for: LCCN SN87090186
- Locate a copy thru WorldCat: OCLC 5285396
- Dallas Notes (from Elite News)
- Dallas Notes (from Everybody's Business)
- Years of publication: Everybody's Business to 19??
- Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
- Catalog Card for the Dallas Notes
- Holdings for: LCCN SN86090193
- Locate a copy thru WorldCat: OCLC 14642737
- Dallas Saturday Night (from Facts And Tidings)
- Dallas Sunday Dispatch (from Farm Bureau News)
- Dallas Voice (from Feld Und Flur)
- Dallas/Fort Worth Gay News (from Freedom's Journal)
- Democracy : Official Organ Of The Good Government Forum (from Hard Times)
- Dispatch-Journal (from Highland & University Park News)
- Years of publication: Highland & University Park News to 19??
- Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
- Catalog Card for the Dispatch-Journal
- Holdings for: LCCN SN87090687
- Locate a copy thru WorldCat: OCLC 9963540
- Diversified Farming (from Highland Park Press)
- East Dallas Banner (from Highland-University Park News)
- East Dallas News (from Home Visitor)
- East Dallas Progress (from Hooka Notes)
- East Dallas Today (from Hooka)
- El Extra (from Human Security)
- Years of publication: Human Security to 19??
- Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
- Catalog Card for the El Extra
- Holdings for: LCCN SN92066418
- Locate a copy thru WorldCat: OCLC 26508731
- El Hispano News (from Iconoclast)
- El Sol De Texas (from La Aurora)
- Elite News (from La Aurora)
- Years of publication: La Aurora to current
- Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
- Catalog Card for the Elite News
- Holdings for: LCCN SN87090620
- Locate a copy thru WorldCat: OCLC 16515429
- Everybody's Business (from La Tribuna Italiana)
- Facts And Tidings (from Lakewood Banner)
- Farm Bureau News (from Lone Star And Texas Presbyterian)
- Feld Und Flur (from Lone Star Weekly)
- Freedom's Journal (from Mexican Daily Chronicle)
- Hard Times (from Missionary Worker)
- Years of publication: Missionary Worker to 19??
- Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
- Catalog Card for the Hard Times
- Holdings for: LCCN SN86090713
- Locate a copy thru WorldCat: OCLC 15027420
- Highland & University Park News (from National Oil And Mining Journal)
- Highland Park Press (from New Mexico United Methodist Reporter)
- Highland-University Park News (from Nord Texas Presse)
- Home Visitor (from North City News)
- Hooka Notes (from North Dallas Times)
- Years of publication: North Dallas Times to ????
- Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
- Catalog Card for the Hooka Notes
- Holdings for: LCCN SN87090867
- Locate a copy thru WorldCat: OCLC 16767595
- Hooka (from Northeast News)
- Years of publication: Northeast News to ????
- Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
- Catalog Card for the Hooka
- Holdings for: LCCN SN87090884
- Locate a copy thru WorldCat: OCLC 16775129
- Human Security (from Norton's Daily Intelligencer)
- Years of publication: Norton's Daily Intelligencer to 1881
- Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
- Catalog Card for the Human Security
- Holdings for: LCCN SN86071133
- Locate a copy thru WorldCat: OCLC 13188083
- Iconoclast (from Norton's Daily Union Intelligencer)
- Years of publication: Norton's Daily Union Intelligencer to 1883
- Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
- Catalog Card for the Iconoclast
- Holdings for: LCCN SN86071132
- Locate a copy thru WorldCat: OCLC 13188046
- La Aurora (from Norton's Union Intelligencer)
- Years of publication: Norton's Union Intelligencer to 1898
- Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
- Catalog Card for the La Aurora
- Holdings for: LCCN SN84022280
- Locate a copy thru WorldCat: OCLC 10331254
- La Aurora (from Norton's Union Intelligencer)
- Years of publication: Norton's Union Intelligencer to 1885
- Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
- Catalog Card for the La Aurora
- Holdings for: LCCN SN86071131
- Locate a copy thru WorldCat: OCLC 13182135
- La Tribuna Italiana (from Notes From The Underground)
- Lakewood Banner (from Notes From The Underground)
- Lone Star And Texas Presbyterian (from Notes On Pot)
- Lone Star Weekly (from Novedades = News)
- Mexican Daily Chronicle (from Oak Lawn Banner)
- Missionary Worker (from Our Community)
- National Oil And Mining Journal (from Park Cities People)
- New Mexico United Methodist Reporter (from Petroleum Daily)
- Nord Texas Presse (from Praetorian Guard)
- North City News (from Prohibition Advocate)
- The first year of publication was in Prohibition Advocate, with an unknown end date
- Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
- Catalog Card for the North City News
- Holdings for: LCCN SN92066426
- Locate a copy thru WorldCat: OCLC 26508784
- North Dallas Times (from S.M.U. Times)
- Northeast News (from Sky Ranger)
- Norton's Daily Intelligencer (from Sonntagsblatt Der Texas Post)
- Norton's Daily Union Intelligencer (from Southern Mercury United With Farmers' Union Password)
- Norton's Union Intelligencer (from Southwestern Jewish Sentiment)
- Norton's Union Intelligencer (from Star Tribune)
- Notes From The Underground (from Suburban News)
- Notes From The Underground (from Sunday Mercury)
- Notes On Pot (from Tejano)
- Novedades = News (from Texas Advance)
- Oak Lawn Banner (from Texas Baptist Standard)
- Our Community (from Texas Baptist)
- Park Cities People (from Texas Centennial Review)
- Petroleum Daily (from Texas Cotton Grower)
- Praetorian Guard (from Texas Farmer)
- Prohibition Advocate (from Texas Prohibition Advocate)
- S.M.U. Times (from Texas Real Estate And Immigration Journal)
- Years of publication: Texas Real Estate And Immigration Journal to ????
- Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
- Catalog Card for the S.M.U. Times
- Holdings for: LCCN SN87091155
- Locate a copy thru WorldCat: OCLC 16953998
- Sky Ranger (from Texas Sifter)
- The first year of publication was in Texas Sifter, with an unknown end date
- Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
- Catalog Card for the Sky Ranger
- Holdings for: LCCN SN86088440
- Locate a copy thru WorldCat: OCLC 14077673
- Sonntagsblatt Der Texas Post (from Texas Volksblatt)
- Southern Mercury United With Farmers' Union Password (from The Advance)
- Southwestern Jewish Sentiment (from The Advance)
- Star Tribune (from The African Herald)
- Years of publication: The African Herald to current
- Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
- Catalog Card for the Star Tribune
- Holdings for: LCCN SN93007490
- Locate a copy thru WorldCat: OCLC 26849024
- Suburban News (from The Baptist Standard)
- Years of publication: The Baptist Standard to current
- Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
- Catalog Card for the Suburban News
- Holdings for: LCCN SN87090369
- Locate a copy thru WorldCat: OCLC 15036100
- Sunday Mercury (from The Baptist Standard)
- Tejano (from The Bulletin)
- Years of publication: The Bulletin to 1922
- Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
- Catalog Card for the Tejano
- Holdings for: LCCN SN86089281
- Locate a copy thru WorldCat: OCLC 14233466
- Texas Advance (from The Camp Dick Weekly Avion)
- Years of publication: The Camp Dick Weekly Avion to 19??
- Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
- Catalog Card for the Texas Advance
- Holdings for: LCCN SN00061506
- Locate a copy thru WorldCat: OCLC 43725018
- Texas Baptist Standard (from The Chieftan)
- Texas Baptist (from The Common Cause)
- Texas Centennial Review (from The Craftsman)
- Texas Cotton Grower (from The Daily Advocate)
- Texas Farmer (from The Daily Metropolitan)
- Years of publication: The Daily Metropolitan to 19??
- Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
- Catalog Card for the Texas Farmer
- Holdings for: LCCN SN86090219
- Locate a copy thru WorldCat: OCLC 14639951
- Texas Prohibition Advocate (from The Daily Times)
- Texas Real Estate And Immigration Journal (from The Dallas Advocate)
- Texas Sifter (from The Dallas County Tribune)
- Years of publication: The Dallas County Tribune to 1953
- Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
- Catalog Card for the Texas Sifter
- Holdings for: LCCN SN88083203
- Locate a copy thru WorldCat: OCLC 17761988
- Texas Volksblatt (from The Dallas Daily Herald)
- The Advance (from The Dallas Daily Herald)
- Years of publication: The Dallas Daily Herald to 1887
- Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
- Catalog Card for The Advance
- Holdings for: LCCN 2013218989
- Locate a copy thru WorldCat: OCLC 858923174
- The Advance (from The Dallas Democrat)
- Years of publication: The Dallas Democrat to 1923
- Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
- Catalog Card for The Advance
- Holdings for: LCCN SN83026381
- Locate a copy thru WorldCat: OCLC 9938605
- The African Herald (from The Dallas Dispatch)
- The Baptist Standard (from The Dallas Downtown News)
- The Baptist Standard (from The Dallas Examiner)
- The Bulletin (from The Dallas Gazette)
- The Camp Dick Weekly Avion (from The Dallas Jeffersonian)
- The Chieftan (from The Dallas Journal)
- The Common Cause (from The Dallas Mercury)
- The Craftsman (from The Dallas Morning News)
- Years of publication: The Dallas Morning News to current
- Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
- Catalog Card for The Craftsman
- Holdings for: LCCN SN83045278
- Locate a copy thru WorldCat: OCLC 9475176
- The Daily Advocate (from The Dallas Morning News)
- The Daily Metropolitan (from The Dallas Morning News)
- The Daily Times (from The Dallas Post Tribune)
- The Dallas Advocate (from The Dallas Semi-Weekly News)
- The Dallas County Tribune (from The Dallas Standard)
- The Dallas Daily Herald (from The Dallas Star Post)
- The Dallas Daily Herald (from The Dallas Telegraph)
- The Dallas Democrat (from The Dallas Times Herald)
- The Dallas Dispatch (from The Dallas Vanguard)
- The Dallas Downtown News (from The Dallas Weekly Herald)
- The Dallas Examiner (from The Dallas Weekly Herald)
- The Dallas Gazette (from The Dallas Weekly Herald)
- The Dallas Jeffersonian (from The Dallas Weekly News)
- The Dallas Journal (from The Dallas Weekly)
- The Dallas Mercury (from The East Dallas Extra)
- The Dallas Morning News (from The Evangelist)
- The Dallas Morning News (from The Evening Journal)
- The Dallas Morning News (from The Evening Mail)
- The Dallas Post Tribune (from The Farmers World)
- The Dallas Semi-Weekly News (from The Flying V)
- The Dallas Standard (from The Free Lance)
- The Dallas Star Post (from The Good Government News)
- The Dallas Telegraph (from The Item)
- The Dallas Times Herald (from The Jewish American)
- The Dallas Vanguard (from The Jewish Observer)
- The Dallas Weekly Herald (from The Key News)
- The Dallas Weekly Herald (from The Korean Journal)
- The Dallas Weekly Herald (from The Link)
- The Dallas Weekly News (from The Lone Star Presbyterian)
- The Dallas Weekly (from The Metroplex News)
- The East Dallas Extra (from The Morning Mail)
- The Evangelist (from The National Christian Reporter)
- Years of publication: The National Christian Reporter to 2004
- Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
- Catalog Card for The Evangelist
- Holdings for: LCCN SN81000957
- Locate a copy thru WorldCat: OCLC 7335174
- The Evening Journal (from The New Mexico Methodist)
- The Evening Mail (from The New Mexico United Methodist)
- The Farmers World (from The New Tribune)
- The Flying V (from The North Dallas Journal)
- Years of publication: The North Dallas Journal to ????
- Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
- Catalog Card for The Flying V
- Holdings for: LCCN SN87090866
- Locate a copy thru WorldCat: OCLC 16767525
- The Free Lance (from The Oak Cliff Tribunes Advertiser)
- Years of publication: The Oak Cliff Tribunes Advertiser to 1983
- Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
- Catalog Card for The Free Lance
- Holdings for: LCCN SN88083662
- Locate a copy thru WorldCat: OCLC 18047458
- The Good Government News (from The Oak Cliff Tribune)
- The Item (from The Park Cities News)
- Years of publication: The Park Cities News to current
- Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
- Catalog Card for The Item
- Holdings for: LCCN SN87090848
- Locate a copy thru WorldCat: OCLC 16751850
- The Jewish American (from The Pleasant Grove News)
- The Jewish Observer (from The Political Observer : Texas For Hoover)
- The Key News (from The Political Observer)
- The Korean Journal (from The Portales Methodist)
- The Link (from The Presbyterian Record)
- Years of publication: The Presbyterian Record to ????
- Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
- Catalog Card for The Link
- Holdings for: LCCN SN94092995
- Locate a copy thru WorldCat: OCLC 33390427
- The Lone Star Presbyterian (from The Presbyterian Record)
- The Metroplex News (from The SMU Campus)
- The Morning Mail (from The Semi-Weekly Farm News)
- The National Christian Reporter (from The Southeast Journal)
- The New Mexico Methodist (from The Southern Mercury, Texas Farmers' Alliance Advocate)
- The New Mexico United Methodist (from The Southern Mercury)
- The New Tribune (from The Southern Mercury)
- The North Dallas Journal (from The Southern Mercury)
- The Oak Cliff Tribunes Advertiser (from The Southwestern Advocate)
- The Oak Cliff Tribune (from The Suburban Tribune)
- The Park Cities News (from The Texas 100 Per Cent American)
- The Pleasant Grove News (from The Texas Catholic)
- The Political Observer : Texas For Hoover (from The Texas Catholic)
- The Political Observer (from The Texas Cowboy)
- The Portales Methodist (from The Texas Crusader)
- The Presbyterian Record (from The Texas Farm Journal)
- The Presbyterian Record (from The Texas Herald)
- The SMU Campus (from The Texas Kourier)
- The Semi-Weekly Farm News (from The Texas Methodist)
- The Southeast Journal (from The Texas Republican)
- The Southern Mercury, Texas Farmers' Alliance Advocate (from The Texas State Journal)
- The Southern Mercury (from The Texas Tribune)
- The Southern Mercury (from The Texas Voice)
- The Southern Mercury (from The Texas Wilkie Worker)
- The Southwestern Advocate (from The Texas Woman's News)
- The Suburban Tribune (from The United Methodist Reporter)
- The Texas 100 Per Cent American (from The United Methodist Reporter)
- The Texas Catholic (from The United Methodist Reporter)
- The Texas Catholic (from The United Methodist Reporter)
- The Texas Cowboy (from The United Methodist Review)
- The Texas Crusader (from The Watchman)
- The Texas Farm Journal (from The Weekly Mail)
- The Texas Herald (from The Weekly Times-Herald)
- The first year of publication was in The Weekly Times-Herald, with an unknown end date
- Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
- Catalog Card for The Texas Herald
- Holdings for: LCCN SN86088896
- Locate a copy thru WorldCat: OCLC 14201742
- The Texas Kourier (from The Weekly Times)
- The first year of publication was in The Weekly Times, with an unknown end date
- Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
- Catalog Card for The Texas Kourier
- Holdings for: LCCN SN86088897
- Locate a copy thru WorldCat: OCLC 14201745
- The Texas Methodist (from The White Rocker News)
- The Texas Republican (from The White Rocker)
- The Texas State Journal (from The White Rocker)
- The Texas Tribune (from United Methodist Reporter)
- The Texas Voice (from United Methodist Reporter)
- The Texas Wilkie Worker (from United Methodist Review)
- The Texas Woman's News (from United Methodist Review)
- The United Methodist Reporter (from United Methodist Review)
- The United Methodist Reporter (from University Park News)
- The United Methodist Reporter (from Western Baptist)
- The United Methodist Reporter (from Western Newspaper Union)
- The United Methodist Review (from Womansight)
- Jump to our expanded list of Newspapers Published in Dallas.
- Published In Grand Prairie
- Irving Daily News (from Grand Prairie Daily News)
- The Irving Daily News Texan (from Grand Prairie News-Texan)
- The Irving Index (from Grand Prairie News)
- The Irving News Citizen (from The Daily News-Texan)
- The Irving News Record (from The Daily News)
- The Irving News (from The Grand Prairie Banner)
- Grand Prairie Daily News (from The Grand Prairie Daily News-Texan)
- Grand Prairie News-Texan (from The Grand Prairie Hustler)
- Grand Prairie News (from The Grand Prairie Texan)
- The Daily News-Texan (from The News-Texan)
- Jump to our expanded list of Newspapers Published in Grand Prairie.
- Published In Coppell
- Published In Lisbon - Historic
- Irving Daily News (from The Lisbon Record--Trinity Heights Press)
- Years of publication: The Lisbon Record--Trinity Heights Press to 19??
- Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
- Catalog Card for the Irving Daily News
- Holdings for: LCCN SN96092503
- Locate a copy thru WorldCat: OCLC 34921412
- The Irving Daily News Texan (from The Lisbon Record)
- The Irving Index (from The Lisbon Tribune)
- Jump to our expanded list of Newspapers Published in Lisbon.
- Published In Duncanville
- Irving Daily News (from Duncanville Daily News)
- The Irving Daily News Texan (from Southwest Dallas County Suburban)
- The Irving Index (from The Weekly Chronicle)
- The Irving News Citizen (from Today Cedar Hill)
- Jump to our expanded list of Newspapers Published in Duncanville.
Off-the-Road Links ...
The official website for Dallas County: www.dallascounty.org/ The official website for State of Texas: https://texas.gov/
Footnotes ...
<1> | Our distances are not driving distances, but are calculated as a 'straight-line' distance. A straight line distance ignores things like rivers, canyons, lakes, et cetera - it's truly a line from Point A (ie- ) to Point B.Our distance measurements begin at a specific point at the Smith Cemetery. The point we use is located at these GPS coordinates - Latitude: 32.8273, Longitude: -96.9113 In this case, the coordinates for the Smith Cemetery have been provided by the Geographic Names Information System (GNIS). |