Local Newspapers for the Mespiah Cemetery ...
Below are the newspapers that have been published in the vicinity of the Mespiah Cemetery.
Our newspaper information for the Mespiah Cemetery is based on data supplied by the Chronicling America website. For more information, please see our description of the Chronicling America website.
Hint: When we started searching newspapers, we only looked for obituaries. Eventually we realized that our search was too narrow and there was much that we were missing. Now we include things like around-the-town and gossip columns, birth and death announcements.
We have some family members who owned businesses and now we search for articles and advertistments for those businesses. Some family members could have been better behaved and a search of police blotters contained some surprises.
The following newspapers were published within 13 miles [20.9 km]<1> of the Mespiah Cemetery. These papers have been grouped by the community in which they were published, with the communities listed in the order of their distance from the Mespiah Cemetery.
- Published In Irmo [Lexington County, SC]
- The Independent News Of Irmo (from The Independent News Of Irmo)
- The Irmese Independent (from The Irmese Independent)
- Jump to our expanded list of Newspapers Published in Irmo.
- Published In Columbia
- The Independent News Of Irmo (from Black News)
- The Irmese Independent (from Black On News)
- Black News (from Black On To The Bone)
- Years of publication: Black On To The Bone to 1973
- Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
- Catalog Card for the Black News
- Holdings for: LCCN SN93067909
- Locate a copy thru WorldCat: OCLC 28731176
- Black On News (from Black Post)
- Black On To The Bone (from Black Star)
- Black Post (from Black Sun)
- Years of publication: Black Sun to current
- Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
- Catalog Card for the Black Post
- Holdings for: LCCN SN93067908
- Locate a copy thru WorldCat: OCLC 21182039
- Black Star (from Black Times)
- Years of publication: Black Times to 198?
- Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
- Catalog Card for the Black Star
- Holdings for: LCCN SN89080109
- Locate a copy thru WorldCat: OCLC 25161635
- Black Sun (from Black Views)
- Years of publication: Black Views to ????
- Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
- Catalog Card for the Black Sun
- Holdings for: LCCN SN89080113
- Locate a copy thru WorldCat: OCLC 25162770
- Black Times (from Black Voice)
- Black Views (from Carolina Afro-Weekly)
- Years of publication: Carolina Afro-Weekly to 1974
- Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
- Catalog Card for the Black Views
- Holdings for: LCCN SN93067915
- Locate a copy thru WorldCat: OCLC 28640953
- Black Voice (from Carolina Free Press)
- Years of publication: Carolina Free Press to 1940
- Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
- Catalog Card for the Black Voice
- Holdings for: LCCN SN92065729
- Locate a copy thru WorldCat: OCLC 27159607
- Carolina Afro-Weekly (from Carolina Panorama)
- Carolina Free Press (from Carolina Telegraph)
- Carolina Panorama (from Christian Neighbor)
- Carolina Telegraph (from Columbia Banner)
- Christian Neighbor (from Columbia Phoenix)
- Columbia Banner (from Columbia Phoenix)
- Columbia Phoenix (from Columbia Semi-Weekly Record)
- The first year of publication was in Columbia Semi-Weekly Record, with an unknown end date
- Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
- Catalog Card for the Columbia Phoenix
- Holdings for: LCCN SN97064665
- Locate a copy thru WorldCat: OCLC 36280151
- Columbia Phoenix (from Columbia Semi-Weekly Union)
- Columbia Semi-Weekly Record (from Columbia Telescope, And South Carolina State Journal)
- Columbia Semi-Weekly Union (from Columbia Telescope)
- Columbia Telescope, And South Carolina State Journal (from Columbia Telescope)
- Columbia Telescope (from Columbia's Black News)
- Columbia Telescope (from Columbia's Northeastern Observer)
- Columbia's Black News (from Cotton News)
- Columbia's Northeastern Observer (from Daily Southern Light)
- Cotton News (from Daily State-rights Republican)
- The first year of publication was in Daily State-rights Republican, with an unknown end date
- Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
- Catalog Card for the Cotton News
- Holdings for: LCCN SN94051541
- Locate a copy thru WorldCat: OCLC 30305484
- Daily Southern Light (from Diamond dust)
- Daily State-rights Republican (from Five Point News)
- Diamond dust (from Horizon Newspaper)
- Five Point News (from Illustrated Family Friend)
- Horizon Newspaper (from La Voz Latina)
- Illustrated Family Friend (from Labor Advocate)
- La Voz Latina (from Lutheran Church Visitor)
- Years of publication: Lutheran Church Visitor to 1919
- Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
- Catalog Card for the La Voz Latina
- Holdings for: LCCN SN93060374
- Locate a copy thru WorldCat: OCLC 7639202
- Labor Advocate (from Lutheran Church Visitor)
- Years of publication: Lutheran Church Visitor to 1919
- Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
- Catalog Card for the Labor Advocate
- Holdings for: LCCN 221401
- Locate a copy thru WorldCat: OCLC 43968076
- Lutheran Church Visitor (from New Era)
- Lutheran Church Visitor (from Palmetto Times)
- New Era (from Palmetto Yeoman)
- Years of publication: Palmetto Yeoman to 1883
- Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
- Catalog Card for the New Era
- Holdings for: LCCN SN92065727
- Locate a copy thru WorldCat: OCLC 27091924
- Palmetto Times (from Palmetto-State Banner)
- Palmetto Yeoman (from Richland Chronicle)
- Palmetto-State Banner (from Richland Northeast)
- Richland Chronicle (from Samuel Sanders' Journal)
- Richland Northeast (from Short Times)
- Samuel Sanders' Journal (from South Carolina Independent)
- Short Times (from South Carolina State Journal And Columbia Telescope)
- Years of publication: South Carolina State Journal And Columbia Telescope to 182?
- Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
- Catalog Card for the Short Times
- Holdings for: LCCN SN92065680
- Locate a copy thru WorldCat: OCLC 26987707
- South Carolina Independent (from South Carolina Temperance Advocate And Register Of Agriculture And General Literature)
- Years of publication: South Carolina Temperance Advocate And Register Of Agriculture And General Literature to 1851
- Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
- Catalog Card for the South Carolina Independent
- Holdings for: LCCN SN95079550
- Locate a copy thru WorldCat: OCLC 32404210
- South Carolina State Journal And Columbia Telescope (from South-Carolina State Gazette And Columbia Advertiser)
- South Carolina Temperance Advocate And Register Of Agriculture And General Literature (from South-Carolina State Gazette, And Columbian Advertiser)
- South-Carolina State Gazette And Columbia Advertiser (from South-Carolina Temperance Advocate)
- South-Carolina State Gazette, And Columbian Advertiser (from South-Carolinian)
- South-Carolina Temperance Advocate (from SouthCarolinian)
- South-Carolinian (from Southern Christian Herald)
- SouthCarolinian (from Southern Presbyterian)
- The first year of publication was in Southern Presbyterian, with an unknown end date
- Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
- Catalog Card for the SouthCarolinian
- Holdings for: LCCN SN93052706
- Locate a copy thru WorldCat: OCLC 30055397
- Southern Christian Herald (from Southern Times & State Gazette)
- Southern Presbyterian (from State Gazette, And Columbian Advertiser)
- Southern Times & State Gazette (from Straight-Out Democrat)
- State Gazette, And Columbian Advertiser (from Tailspin Topics)
- Straight-Out Democrat (from Temperance Advocate)
- Tailspin Topics (from Temperance Banner)
- Temperance Advocate (from Temperance Worker)
- Temperance Banner (from The Business Newspaper)
- Temperance Worker (from The Carolina Free Press)
- The Business Newspaper (from The Carolina Plain Dealer : Columbia Supplement)
- The Carolina Free Press (from The Carolina Tribune)
- The Carolina Plain Dealer : Columbia Supplement (from The Christian Soldier)
- The Carolina Tribune (from The Citizen)
- The Christian Soldier (from The Columbia Advertiser)
- The Citizen (from The Columbia Daily Phoenix)
- The Columbia Advertiser (from The Columbia Daily Record)
- The Columbia Daily Phoenix (from The Columbia Daily Register)
- The Columbia Daily Record (from The Columbia Daily Sun)
- The Columbia Daily Register (from The Columbia Daily Union)
- The Columbia Daily Sun (from The Columbia Free Press And Hive)
- The Columbia Daily Union (from The Columbia Gazette)
- The Columbia Free Press And Hive (from The Columbia Hive)
- The Columbia Gazette (from The Columbia Inquirer)
- The Columbia Hive (from The Columbia Journal)
- The Columbia Inquirer (from The Columbia Monitor)
- The Columbia Journal (from The Columbia Record)
- The Columbia Monitor (from The Columbia Record)
- The Columbia Record (from The Columbia Star)
- The Columbia Record (from The Columbia Telescope And Southern Political And Literary Register)
- Years of publication: The Columbia Telescope And Southern Political And Literary Register to 1822
- Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
- Catalog Card for The Columbia Record
- Holdings for: LCCN SN92065687
- Locate a copy thru WorldCat: OCLC 27008220
- The Columbia Star (from The Confederate Baptist)
- The Columbia Telescope And Southern Political And Literary Register (from The Daily American Patriot)
- The Confederate Baptist (from The Daily Carolina Times)
- The Daily American Patriot (from The Daily Chronicle)
- The Daily Carolina Times (from The Daily Evening Herald)
- The Daily Chronicle (from The Daily Gamecock)
- The Daily Evening Herald (from The Daily Index)
- The Daily Gamecock (from The Daily Phoenix)
- The Daily Index (from The Daily Record)
- The Daily Phoenix (from The Daily Record)
- The Daily Record (from The Daily Record)
- The Daily Record (from The Daily Republican)
- The Daily Record (from The Daily South Carolinian)
- The Daily Republican (from The Daily Southern Guardian)
- The Daily South Carolinian (from The Daily Southern Guardian)
- The Daily Southern Guardian (from The Daily Telegraph)
- The Daily Southern Guardian (from The Daily Union-Herald)
- The Daily Telegraph (from The Daily Union)
- The Daily Union-Herald (from The Eagle)
- The Daily Union (from The Evening News)
- The Eagle (from The Evening Palmetto Yeoman)
- Years of publication: The Evening Palmetto Yeoman to 1885
- Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
- Catalog Card for The Eagle
- Holdings for: LCCN SN92065741
- Locate a copy thru WorldCat: OCLC 27091860
- The Evening News (from The Gamecock)
- The Evening Palmetto Yeoman (from The Jacksonian)
- The Gamecock (from The Jacksonian)
- The Jacksonian (from The Lighthouse)
- The Jacksonian (from The Light)
- The Lighthouse (from The Lutheran And Visitor)
- The Light (from The Lutheran And Visitor)
- Years of publication: The Lutheran And Visitor to 1869
- Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
- Catalog Card for The Light
- Holdings for: LCCN 221339
- Locate a copy thru WorldCat: OCLC 43812784
- The Lutheran And Visitor (from The Palmetto Leader)
- The Lutheran And Visitor (from The Palmetto Post)
- The Palmetto Leader (from The Palmetto Post)
- The Palmetto Post (from The Palmetto Times)
- The Palmetto Post (from The Palmetto-State Banner)
- The Palmetto Times (from The Portfolio)
- The Palmetto-State Banner (from The Public Defender)
- The Portfolio (from The Recorder-indicator)
- The Public Defender (from The Shandon Times)
- The Recorder-indicator (from The Soldier)
- The Shandon Times (from The South Carolina Gazette)
- The Soldier (from The South Carolina Gazette)
- Years of publication: The South Carolina Gazette to 1794
- Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
- Catalog Card for The Soldier
- Holdings for: LCCN SN83025769
- Locate a copy thru WorldCat: OCLC 9788949
- The South Carolina Gazette (from The South Carolina Observer)
- The South Carolina Gazette (from The South Carolina Weekly)
- The South Carolina Observer (from The South Carolinian)
- The South Carolina Weekly (from The South Carolinian)
- The South Carolinian (from The South-Carolina Gazette, And Columbian Advertiser)
- The South Carolinian (from The South-Carolina State Gazette, And Columbian Advertiser)
- Years of publication: The South-Carolina State Gazette, And Columbian Advertiser to 1816
- Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
- Catalog Card for The South Carolinian
- Holdings for: LCCN SN86053343
- Locate a copy thru WorldCat: OCLC 13546169
- The South-Carolina Gazette, And Columbian Advertiser (from The South-Carolina State Gazette, And General Advertiser)
- The South-Carolina State Gazette, And Columbian Advertiser (from The Southern Afro-Chronicle)
- The South-Carolina State Gazette, And General Advertiser (from The Southern Chronicle)
- The Southern Afro-Chronicle (from The Southern Indicator)
- The Southern Chronicle (from The Southern Indicator)
- The Southern Indicator (from The Southern Sun)
- The Southern Indicator (from The Southern Times)
- The Southern Sun (from The Southern Times)
- The Southern Times (from The St. Andrews News)
- The Southern Times (from The Standard)
- The St. Andrews News (from The Star-Reporter)
- The Standard (from The State Gazette)
- The Star-Reporter (from The State-rights Republican)
- The State Gazette (from The State-rights Republican)
- The State-rights Republican (from The State)
- The State-rights Republican (from The Sunday Record)
- The State (from The Sunday Sun)
- Years of publication: The Sunday Sun to 1876
- Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
- Catalog Card for The State
- Holdings for: LCCN SN92065614
- Locate a copy thru WorldCat: OCLC 26523675
- The Sunday Record (from The Telegraph)
- The Sunday Sun (from The Telescope)
- The Telegraph (from The Trade Review)
- The Telescope (from The Transcript)
- The Trade Review (from The Tri-Weekly Register)
- The Transcript (from The Tri-Weekly Southern Guardian)
- Years of publication: The Tri-Weekly Southern Guardian to 1862
- Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
- Catalog Card for The Transcript
- Holdings for: LCCN SN85042786
- Locate a copy thru WorldCat: OCLC 12852651
- The Tri-Weekly Register (from The Truth)
- The Tri-Weekly Southern Guardian (from The Union-Herald)
- The Truth (from The Way Of Faith And Neglected Themes)
- Years of publication: The Way Of Faith And Neglected Themes to 1931
- Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
- Catalog Card for The Truth
- Holdings for: LCCN SN93060288
- Locate a copy thru WorldCat: OCLC 28528894
- The Union-Herald (from The Weekly Carolina Times)
- The Way Of Faith And Neglected Themes (from The Weekly Gleaner, a Home Companion)
- The Weekly Carolina Times (from The Weekly Register)
- The Weekly Gleaner, a Home Companion (from The Weekly Southern Guardian)
- The Weekly Register (from The Weekly Union)
- The Weekly Southern Guardian (from The Working Man)
- The Weekly Union (from Trench And Camp)
- The Working Man (from Tri-Weekly Carolina Times)
- Trench And Camp (from Tri-Weekly Chronicle)
- Tri-Weekly Carolina Times (from Tri-Weekly Guardian)
- Tri-Weekly Chronicle (from Tri-Weekly Phoenix)
- Tri-Weekly Guardian (from Tri-Weekly South Carolinian)
- Tri-Weekly Phoenix (from Venture)
- Tri-Weekly South Carolinian (from Weekly South Carolinian)
- Jump to our expanded list of Newspapers Published in Columbia.
- Published In West Columbia [Lexington County, SC]
- The Independent News Of Irmo (from The Cayce-West Columbia News)
- The Irmese Independent (from The Congaree Chronicle)
- Black News (from The Journal)
- Years of publication: The Journal to 1987
- Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
- Catalog Card for the Black News
- Holdings for: LCCN SN93067631
- Locate a copy thru WorldCat: OCLC 27274276
- Black On News (from The Lexington County Journal)
- Years of publication: The Lexington County Journal to 1987
- Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
- Catalog Card for the Black On News
- Holdings for: LCCN SN93067643
- Locate a copy thru WorldCat: OCLC 27274401
- Black On To The Bone (from Viva!)
- Black Post (from West Columbia-Cayce Journal)
- Years of publication: West Columbia-Cayce Journal to 1960
- Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
- Catalog Card for the Black Post
- Holdings for: LCCN SN93067614
- Locate a copy thru WorldCat: OCLC 27272244
- Jump to our expanded list of Newspapers Published in West Columbia.
- Published In Lexington [Lexington County, SC]
- The Independent News Of Irmo (from Lexington County Chronicle & The Dispatch-News)
- The Irmese Independent (from Lexington County Chronicle)
- Black News (from Lexington Dispatch-News)
- Black On News (from Lexington Dispatch-News)
- Black On To The Bone (from South Carolina Temperance Standard)
- Black Post (from South Carolina Temperance Standard)
- Years of publication: South Carolina Temperance Standard to 1855
- Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
- Catalog Card for the Black Post
- Holdings for: LCCN SN92065513
- Locate a copy thru WorldCat: OCLC 25615569
- Black Star (from The Dispatch-News)
- Years of publication: The Dispatch-News to 2001
- Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
- Catalog Card for the Black Star
- Holdings for: LCCN 2015218791
- Locate a copy thru WorldCat: OCLC 233144496
- Black Sun (from The Dispatch-News)
- Black Times (from The Lexington Dispatch)
- Black Views (from The Lexington Dispatch)
- Years of publication: The Lexington Dispatch to 1917
- Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
- Catalog Card for the Black Views
- Holdings for: LCCN 2015218793
- Locate a copy thru WorldCat: OCLC 910918953
- Black Voice (from The Lexington Flag)
- Years of publication: The Lexington Flag to 1861
- Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
- Catalog Card for the Black Voice
- Holdings for: LCCN SN92065514
- Locate a copy thru WorldCat: OCLC 25615562
- Carolina Afro-Weekly (from The Lexington News)
- Jump to our expanded list of Newspapers Published in Lexington.
- Published In Ridgeway [Fairfield County, SC]
Off-the-Road Links ...
The official website for Richland County: www.richlandonline.com/ The official website for State of South Carolina: https://sc.gov/
Footnotes ...
<1> | Our distances are not driving distances, but are calculated as a 'straight-line' (or point-to-point) distance. A straight line distance ignores things like rivers, canyons, lakes, et cetera - it's truly a line from Point A (ie- ) to Point B.Our distance measurements begin at a specific point at the Mespiah Cemetery. The point we use is located at these GPS coordinates - Latitude: 34.1493, Longitude: -81.1012 In this case, the coordinates for the Mespiah Cemetery have been provided by the Geographic Names Information System (GNIS). |