Extended Newspaper ListIntroduction ...
Below are 126 newspapers that have been published within 6 miles [9.7 km]<1> of Pathfinder Valley. The list has been sorted by paper name.
- A.m. Berks (from 1988)
- A.m. Berks (from 1988)
- Alt Berks, Der Stern Im Osten (from 1840)
- American Weekly Tribune And Commercial Advertiser (from 1875)
- American Weekly Tribune (from 1874)
- Banner Von Berks, Und Wochenblatt Der Reading Post (from 1878)
- Banner Von Berks (from 1864)
- Berks Caunty Adler (from 1826)
- Berks County Demokrat (from 1858)
- Berks County Free Press (from 1830)
- Berks County Press (from 1847)
- Berks County Record (from 1959)
- Berks County Reporter (from 1967)
- Berks County Zeitung (from 1864)
- Berks Patriot (from 1934)
- Birdsboro Weekly Record (from 1878)
- Chronicle Of The Times, And Berks & Schuylkill Advertiser (from 1822)
- Chronicle Of The Times (from 1823)
- Chronicle Of The Times (from 1833)
- Comixscene (from 1972)
- Daily Reading Gazette (from 1857)
- Daily Spirit Of Berks (from 1881)
- Democratic Press (from 1835)
- Der Liberale Beobachter Und Berks, Montgomery Und Schuylkill Caunties Allgemeine Anzeiger (from 1839)
- Der Liberale Beobachter Und Berks, Montgomery Und Schuylkill Caunties Allgemeine Anzeiger (from 1839)
- Der Pilger durch Welt Und Kirche (from 1870)
- Der Pilger (from 1869)
- Der Readinger Adler (from 1801)
- Der Readinger Gegen=Freymaurer Democrat (from 183?)
- Der Readinger Postbothe Und Berks, Schuylkill Und Montgomery Caunties Adverteiser (from 1816)
- Der Reformirte Hausfreund (from 1867)
- Der Republikaner Von Berks (from 1868)
- Der Standhafte Patriot, Und Berks Cauntier Adverteiser, In Reading (from 1806)
- Der Standhafte Patriot, Von Berks Und Schuylkill Caunty, In Reading (from 1814)
- Der Unpartheyische Reading Adler (from 1796)
- Der Unpartheyische Readinger Adler (from 1797)
- Der Welt Bothe Und Wahre Republicaner Von Berks, Schuylkill Und Libanon Caunties (from 1814)
- Der Weltbothe, Und Wahre Republikaner Von Berks Caunty (from 1810)
- Die Biene (from 1867)
- Die Deutsche eiche (from 18??)
- Die Reading Post (from 1868)
- El Pueblo (from 1981)
- Evening Record (from 1864)
- Evening Telegram (from 1887)
- Gazeta Readingska (from 1909)
- Jackson Democrat (from 1826)
- Neue Unpartheyische Readinger Zeitung, Und Anzeigs-Nachrichten (from 1789)
- North End Bulletin (from 1931)
- Pennsylvania Telegram (from 1890)
- Reading Adler (from 1855)
- Reading Daily Eagle (from 1868)
- Reading Daily Reporter (from 1864)
- Reading Daily Times (from 1858)
- Reading Daily Times (from 1866)
- Reading Eagle (from 1883)
- Reading Gazette And Democrat (from 1850)
- Reading Gazette, And Jefferson Democrat (from 1848)
- Reading Gazette (from 1840)
- Reading Herald (from 1846)
- Reading Journal (from 1949)
- Reading Labor Advocate (from 19??)
- Reading Ledger (from 1883)
- Reading Morning Herald (from 1890)
- Reading News-Times (from 1914)
- Reading Newsweek (from 1943)
- Reading Record (from 1956)
- Reading Republican (from 1894)
- Reading Sunday News (from 1875)
- Reading Telegram (from 1889)
- Reading Times And Dispatch (from 1870)
- Reading Times (from 1923)
- Reading Times (from 1881)
- Reading Times (from 1869)
- Reading Weekly Tribune And Commercial Advertiser (from 187?)
- Reading Weekly Tribune (from 187?)
- Readinger Democrat Und Anti=Freymaurer Herold (from 18??)
- Readinger Democrat (from 1826)
- Reformed Church Record (from 1888)
- Saturday Evening Review (from 1876)
- Shalom (from 1971)
- Sunday Morning Review (from 1876)
- The Berks And Schuylkill Journal (from 1816)
- The Birdsboro Dispatch And Birdsboro Review (from 19??)
- The Birdsboro Dispatch (from 1922)
- The Birdsboro Pioneer (from 1873)
- The Daily Herald (from 1881)
- The Daily Leader (from 1860)
- The Daily People (from 1876)
- The Daily Review (from 1895)
- The Daily Times (from 186?)
- The Democrat (from 1868)
- The Democrat (from 1910)
- The Evening Dispatch (from 1866)
- The Evening Star (from 1869)
- The Evening World (from 1890)
- The Globe (from 1892)
- The Greater Reading (from 189?)
- The Herald (from 1885)
- The Impartial Reading Herald (from 1796)
- The Industrial Pioneer (from 1876)
- The Industrious Flea (from 1848)
- The Jefferson Democrat (from 1837)
- The Lincoln Club (from 1864)
- The Loud Speaker (from 1931)
- The Morning Herald (from 1883)
- The New Era (from 1942)
- The News (from 1880)
- The Pennsylvania Socialist (from 1919)
- The People's Advocate And Berks County Advertiser (from 1832)
- The People's Advocate And Chronicle Of The Times (from 1850)
- The People's Advocate (from 1851)
- The Pioneer (from 1930)
- The Reading Chronicle (from 1831)
- The Reading Daily News (from 1883)
- The Reading Democrat (from 1894)
- The Reading Evening World (from 189?)
- The Reading Herald (from 1895)
- The Reading Kicker (from 1895)
- The Reading News (from 1912)
- The Reading Press (from 1887)
- The Reading Ripple (from 1878)
- The Reading Sunday Graphic (from 1881)
- The Reading Weekly Advertiser For The Counties Of Berks And Schuylkill (from 1815)
- The Reading Weekly Eagle (from 1878)
- The Reading Weekly News (from 1881)
- The Revelation (from 193?)
- The Sentinel (from 1984)
- The Spirit Of Berks (from 1876)
- The Weekly Advertiser Of Reading, For Berks And Schuylkill County (from 1814)
- The Weekly Advertiser, Of Reading, In The County Of Berks (from 1796)
- The Weekly Leader (from 1860)
Off-the-Road Links ...
The official website for Chronicling America
Unfortunately, we don't know of an official website for Pathfinder Valley. If you can help, please contact us through our Feedback Page. The official website for Berks County: www.co.berks.pa.us/ The official website for Commonwealth of Pennsylvania: https://www.pa.gov/
Footnotes ...
<1> | Our distances are not driving distances, but are calculated as a 'straight-line' (or point-to-point) distance. A straight line distance ignores things like rivers, canyons, lakes, et cetera - it's truly a line from Point A (ie- Pathfinder Valley) to Point B.Our distance measurements begin at a specific point in Pathfinder Valley. The point we use is located at these GPS coordinates - Latitude: 40.3054, Longitude: -75.8371 In this case, the coordinates for Pathfinder Valley have been provided by the Geographic Names Information System (GNIS). |