Local Newspapers
Introduction ...
Below are the newspapers that have been published in the vicinity of Milroy.
Our newspaper information for Milroy is based on data taken from the Chronicling America website. For more information, please see our description of the Chronicling America website.
The following list contains the names of 2 papers that were published in the immediate area of Milroy. In addition, the list contains another 46 papers that were published in the broader area that surrounded Milroy. In total, we've identified 48 papers within 16 miles [25.7 km]<1> of Milroy.
To keep this list from growing too long, not all of the papers have been listed. We have another list where all the papers have been listed in alphabetical order. The complete list can be found on the Extended Newspaper Page for Milroy.
Note: The Extended Newspaper Page is quite large and may take extra time to load.
Newspapers Published In Milroy ...
The following newspapers have been published in the immediate area of Milroy:
- Civic Liberty (from 1902)
- The Milroy Herald (from 1890)
Newspapers Neighboring Milroy ...
The following newspapers were published within 16 miles [25.7 km]<1> of Milroy.
The papers have been grouped by the community in which they were published, with the communities listed in order of their distance from Milroy.
- Published In Reedsville ...
- The County Observer (from 1982)
- Published In Lewistown ...
- We know of 35 newspapers that have been published in the vicinity of Lewistown. The list of those papers is too long to repeat here, but can be found on the Local Newspaper Page for Lewistown
- We have an extended list that contains all the papers within 16 miles [25.7 km]<1> of Milroy. This extended list includes all the papers from Lewistown. The list is sorted by the paper's name. This merged list can be found on the Extended Newspaper Page for Milroy.
Note: The Extended Newspaper Page is quite large and may take extra time to load
- Published In Belleville ...
- The County Observer (from 1978)
- Published In Centre Hall [Centre County] ...
- Centre County Times (from 1886)
- Centre Hall Reporter (from 1868)
- Daily Times (from 1887)
- The first year of publication was in 1887, with an unknown end date
- Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
- Catalog Card for the Daily Times
- Holdings for: LCCN SN85054907
- Locate a copy thru WorldCat: OCLC 11953015
- The Centre Reporter (from 1871)
- The News (from 1902)
- Thoughts And Events (from 1883)
- Published In Mifflin [Juniata County] ...
- Licking Creek Pioneer (from 1935)
- Published In Millheim [Centre County] ...
- Der Centre Berichter (from 1867)
- Millheim Journal (from 1876)
- Published In Aaronsburg [Centre County] ...
- Berichter Anzeiger (from 1867)
- Berichter Und Anzeiger (from 1858)
- Democratischer Berichter Und Centre County Anzeiger (from 1847)
- Der Centre Berichter (from 1827)
- Der Democratische Berichter (from 1847)
- Published In McClure [Snyder County] ...
- The McClure Plain Dealer And Snyder County Weekly Herald, Consolidated (from 1923)
- The McClure Plain Dealer (from 1908)
- The Plain Dealer (from 1905)
- Published In Mifflintown [Juniata County] ...
- We know of 29 newspapers that have been published in the vicinity of Mifflintown. The list of those papers is too long to repeat here, but can be found on the Local Newspaper Page for Mifflintown
- We have an extended list that contains all the papers within 16 miles [25.7 km]<1> of Milroy. This extended list includes all the papers from Mifflintown. The list is sorted by the paper's name. This merged list can be found on the Extended Newspaper Page for Milroy.
Note: The Extended Newspaper Page is quite large and may take extra time to load
- Published In State College [Centre County] ...
- Centre Daily Times (from 1934)
- Daily Blotter
- The first year of publication is unknown, with the last issue in current
- Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
- Catalog Card for the Daily Blotter
- Holdings for: LCCN SN2002061478
- Locate a copy thru WorldCat: OCLC 15193128
- Garfield Thomas Water Tunnel (from 196?)
- Henderson Station (from 1971)
- Penn State Collegian (from 1911)
- Pennsylvania Mirror (from 1968)
- State College A.M. (from 1979)
- State Collegian (from 1904)
- Sunday Mirror (from 1972)
- The Free Lance (from 1887)
- The State College Courier
- The State College Times (from 1932)
- The Times (from 1898)
- Turning Point (from 197?)
- Published In University Park [Centre County] ...
- The Daily Collegian (from 1940)
- The Phaily Phollegian (from 2005)
- The Phroth Phollegian (from 2007)
- Weekly Collegian (from 1979)
- Published In Bellefonte [Centre County] ...
- We know of 40 newspapers that have been published in the vicinity of Bellefonte. The list of those papers is too long to repeat here, but can be found on the Local Newspaper Page for Bellefonte
- We have an extended list that contains all the papers within 16 miles [25.7 km]<1> of Milroy. This extended list includes all the papers from Bellefonte. The list is sorted by the paper's name. This merged list can be found on the Extended Newspaper Page for Milroy.
Note: The Extended Newspaper Page is quite large and may take extra time to load
- Published In McVeytown ...
- Mifflin County Democrat (from 1912)
- The McVeytown Journal (from 1873)
- Village Herald, And Farmers And Mechanics Register (from 1843)
- Village Herald (from 1844)
- Published In Port Royal [Juniata County] ...
- The Port Royal Times (from 1876)
- The Times (from 1976)
Off-the-Road Links ...
The official website for Chronicling America
Unfortunately, we don't know of an official website for Milroy. If you can help, please contact us through our Feedback Page.
The official website for Mifflin County: www.co.mifflin.pa.us/
The official website for Commonwealth of Pennsylvania: https://www.pa.gov/
Footnotes ...
<1> | Our distances are not driving distances, but are calculated as a 'point-to-point' distance. A straight line distance ignores obstructions like rivers, canyons, lakes, et cetera - it's truly a line drawn from Point A (ie- Milroy) to Point B.Our distance measurements begin at a specific point in Milroy. The point we use is located at these GPS coordinates - Latitude: 40.7140, Longitude: -77.5906 In this case, the coordinates for Milroy have been provided by the Geographic Names Information System (GNIS). |