Extended Newspaper ListIntroduction ...
Below are 162 newspapers that have been published within 14 miles [22.5 km]<1> of Grove City. The list has been sorted by paper name.
- Advance Argus And Mercer County News (from 1917)
- Advance Argus (from 1887)
- Allied News Grove City Reporter-Herald (from 1967)
- Allied News (from 1968)
- Allied News (from 1968)
- Allied News (from 1968)
- Amerikai Magyar Hirlap = American Magyar Journal (from 1911)
- Amerikai Magyar Hirlap = American Magyar Journal (from 1911)
- Bulletin (from 1963)
- Catholic Exponent (from 1944)
- Cortland Gazette (from 1876)
- Cortland Independent (from 1985)
- Critique (from 1967)
- Daily Miner And Manufacturer (from 1873)
- Daily Register And Tribune (from 1877)
- Democratic Register (from 1858)
- Dispatch And Republican (from 1887)
- Evening Eagle (from 1876)
- Farrell Sentinel (from 1913)
- Freemen's Monitor, Literary Gazette (from 1839)
- Girard Grit (from 1890)
- Girard Weekly Journal (from 1904)
- Globe And New Wilmington Globe (from 1971)
- Goniec = The Courier (from 1924)
- Greenville Advance (from 1876)
- Greenville Argus (from 1865)
- Grove City Reporter-Herald (from 1926)
- Grove City Reporter (from 1896)
- Grove City Telephone (from 1882)
- Hubbard Eagle (from 1966)
- Il Cittadino Italo-Americano = The Italian-American Citizen (from 1902)
- Independent Democrat (from 1850)
- Labor Record (from 1908)
- Lowellville Citizen (from 1968)
- Mahoning County Register (from 1855)
- Mahoning Courier (from 1865)
- Mahoning Free Democrat (from 1852)
- Mahoning Register (from 1859)
- Mahoning Sentinel (from 1860)
- Mahoning Valley Challenger (from 1967)
- Mahoning Valley Vindicator (from 1875)
- Mahoning Vindicator (from 1869)
- Mercer County Dispatch (from 1857)
- Mercer County Herald (from 1906)
- Mercer County Whig (from 1844)
- Mercer Eagle (from 1875)
- Mercer Luminary (from 1830)
- Miner And Manufacturer (from 1872)
- News-Reporter (from 1963)
- News-Telegraph (from 1924)
- News (from 19??)
- Niles Daily Times (from 1979)
- Niles Daily Times (from 1924)
- Niles Evening Register (from 1922)
- Niles Home Record (from 1874)
- Niles Independent (from 1869)
- Ohio Sun (from 1892)
- Oles Jubilee News (from 1931)
- Oles Shopping Guide (from 1931)
- Political Regulator (from 1846)
- Register And Tribune (from 1875)
- Register And Tribune (from 1875)
- Semi-Weekly Telegram (from 1898)
- Sharon Times (from 1868)
- Sharon Weekly Herald (from 1864)
- Sharon Weekly Telegraph (from 188?)
- Sharon Weekly Telegraph (from 19??)
- Sharpsville Advertiser (from 1870)
- Shenango Valley News (from 1882)
- The Advance (from 1873)
- The Advertiser (from 1870)
- The Bazaar News (from 1876)
- The Boomerang (from 1865)
- The Buckeye Review (from 1937)
- The Buyers Guide (from 1933)
- The Campbell Journal (from 1936)
- The Campbell News (from 1950)
- The Citizen (from 1915)
- The Cortland Home News (from 1924)
- The Daily Fireman (from 1883)
- The Daily Legal News (from 1925)
- The Daily Reveille (from 1889)
- The Daily Times (from 1962)
- The Daily Times (from 1903)
- The Democratic Signal (from 1870)
- The Evening News (from 1877)
- The Evening Record (from 1897)
- The Evening Vindicator (from 1889)
- The Farrell News (from 1912)
- The Farrell Press (from 1939)
- The Freeman (from 1852)
- The Gazette And National Republican Advocate (from 1832)
- The Girard News (from 1927)
- The Globe And New Wilmington Globe (from 1968)
- The Globe And New Wilmington Globe (from 197?)
- The Globe And New Wilmington Globe (from 1968)
- The Globe (from 1978)
- The Greenville Advance Argus (from 1878)
- The Greenville Advance (from 1871)
- The Greenville Progress (from 1877)
- The Greenville Record-Argus (from 1975)
- The Grove City Herald (from 1903)
- The Grove City Herald (from 1921)
- The Herald (from 1970)
- The Hoot Owl (from 1931)
- The Hubbard Enterprise (from 1880)
- The Hubbard News And Reporter (from 1967)
- The Hubbard News And Suburban Reporter (from 1962)
- The Hubbard News (from 1974)
- The Hubbard News (from 1926)
- The Independent (from 1885)
- The Jambar (from 1931)
- The Jewish Journal (from 1987)
- The Journal (from 1967)
- The Keynote (from 1902)
- The Mercer Dispatch And Republican (from 1896)
- The Mercer Dispatch (from 1865)
- The Mercer Dispatch (from 1945)
- The Mercer Gazette (from 1825)
- The Mercer Republican (from 1882)
- The Mineral Ridge Echo (from 1890)
- The Morning Star (from 1875)
- The New Star (from 1879)
- The New Wilmington Globe (from 1880)
- The News
- The Niles Daily News (from 1890)
- The Niles Standard (from 1932)
- The Niles Times (from 1989)
- The Ohio Citizen (from 1925)
- The Ohio Prohibitionist (from 1887)
- The Ohio Republican (from 1847)
- The Ohio State News (from 1891)
- The Olive Branch And Literary Messenger (from 1844)
- The Outlook (from 1913)
- The Press (from 1865)
- The Record-Argus (from 1985)
- The Record-Argus (from 1924)
- The Sharon Daily Telegraph (from 1893)
- The Sharon Eagle (from 1885)
- The Sharon Herald (from 18??)
- The Sharon Herald (from 1909)
- The Sharon Record (from 1892)
- The Sharon Star (from 1892)
- The Sharon Telegraph (from 190?)
- The Sharon Telegraph (from 1896)
- The Shenango Valley Argus (from 1874)
- The Shenango Valley News (from 1904)
- The Struthers Journal (from 1928)
- The Times (from 1874)
- The Tri-Weekly Telegram (from 1897)
- The True American (from 1855)
- The Vindicator (from 1984)
- The Weekly Telegram (from 1898)
- The Weekly Telegram (from 1891)
- The Welder (from 1968)
- The Western Press (from 1829)
- The Western Press (from 1811)
- The Whig And Dispatch (from 1864)
- The Yield (from 1971)
- The Youngstown College Jambar (from 1931)
- The Youngstown Evening News (from 1880)
- The Youngstown Evening Vindicator (from 1889)
- The Youngstown Jewish Times (from 1935)
- The Youngstown News (from 1878)
- The Youngstown Telegram (from 1895)
- The Youngstown Telegram (from 1898)
- Trumbull County Independent (from 1875)
- Weekly News-Register (from 1882)
- West Middlesex News (from 1907)
- Western Press, And Mercer County Gazette (from 1827)
- Western Press (from 1866)
- Youngstown Advocate (from 19??)
- Youngstown Business Journal (from 1984)
- Youngstown College Summer School News (from 1934)
- Youngstown Commercial (from 187?)
- Youngstown Daily News (from 1885)
- Youngstown Daily Register (from 1880)
- Youngstown Daily Vindicator (from 1880)
- Youngstown Daily Vindicator (from 1893)
- Youngstown Evening Register (from 1874)
- Youngstown Evening Telegram (from 1885)
- Youngstown Free Press (from 1881)
- Youngstown Methodist (from 1892)
- Youngstown Municipal Journal (from 1926)
- Youngstown News-Register (from 1882)
- Youngstown Register (from 1880)
- Youngstown Rundschau (from 1874)
- Youngstown Vindicator And The Youngstown Telegram (from 1936)
- Youngstown Vindicator (from 1876)
- Youngstown Vindicator (from 1893)
- Youngstown Vindicator (from 1960)
- Youngstown Weekly Telegram (from 1885)
- Youngstown Weekly Telegram (from 1895)
- Youngstown Weekly Tribune (from 1874)
- Youngstown Yield (from 1968)
- Youngstown Yield (from 1977)
- Youngstownske' Slovenske' Noviny = Youngstown Slovak News (from 1910)
Off-the-Road Links ...
The official website for Chronicling America
Unfortunately, we don't know of an official website for Grove City. If you can help, please contact us through our Feedback Page. The official website for Mercer County: www.mcc.co.mercer.pa.us/ The official website for Commonwealth of Pennsylvania: https://www.pa.gov/
Footnotes ...
<1> | Our distances are not driving distances, but are calculated as a 'straight-line' distance. A straight line distance ignores obstructions like rivers, canyons, lakes, et cetera - it's truly a line drawn from Point A (ie- Grove City) to Point B.Our distance measurements begin at a specific point in Grove City. The point we use is located at these GPS coordinates - Latitude: 41.2326, Longitude: -80.5103 In this case, the coordinates for Grove City have been provided by the Geographic Names Information System (GNIS). |