Local Newspapers for the Evergreen Cemetery ...
Below are the newspapers that have been published in the vicinity of the Evergreen Cemetery.
Our newspaper information for the Evergreen Cemetery is based on data supplied by the Chronicling America website. For more information, please see our description of the Chronicling America website.
Hint: When we started searching newspapers, we only looked for obituaries. Eventually we realized that our search was too narrow and there was much that we were missing. Now we include things like around-the-town and gossip columns, birth and death announcements.
We have some family members who owned businesses and now we search for articles and advertistments for those businesses. Some family members could have been better behaved and a search of police blotters contained some surprises.
The following newspapers were published within 11 miles [17.7 km]<1> of the Evergreen Cemetery. These papers have been grouped by the community in which they were published, with the communities listed in the order of their distance from the Evergreen Cemetery.
- Published In Duncannon
- Duncannon Record Marysville Journal (from Duncannon Record Marysville Journal)
- Duncannon Record (from Duncannon Record)
- Duncannon Record (from Duncannon Record)
- The Duncannon Record Marysville Journal People's Advocate (from The Duncannon Record Marysville Journal People's Advocate)
- The Duncannon Record The Marysville Journal (from The Duncannon Record The Marysville Journal)
- The Duncannon Record (from The Duncannon Record)
- Jump to our expanded list of Newspapers Published in Duncannon.
- Published In Marysville
- Published In Halifax [Dauphin County, PA]
- Duncannon Record Marysville Journal (from Halifax Gazette)
- Duncannon Record (from Halifax Herald)
- The first year of publication was in Halifax Herald, with an unknown end date
- Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
- Catalog Card for the Duncannon Record
- Holdings for: LCCN SN88086109
- Locate a copy thru WorldCat: OCLC 17656273
- Jump to our expanded list of Newspapers Published in Halifax.
- Published In Newport
- Duncannon Record Marysville Journal (from Newport Gazette)
- Duncannon Record (from Newport Ledger)
- Duncannon Record (from Newport Standard)
- The Duncannon Record Marysville Journal People's Advocate (from The Ledger)
- The Duncannon Record The Marysville Journal (from The Newport News)
- The Duncannon Record (from The Newport News)
- Marysville Weekly Advance (from The News-Sun)
- Halifax Gazette (from The News)
- Halifax Herald (from The News)
- Newport Gazette (from The Public Servant)
- Newport Ledger (from Weekly News-Sun)
- Jump to our expanded list of Newspapers Published in Newport.
- Published In Harrisburg [Dauphin County, PA]
- Duncannon Record Marysville Journal (from American Reformer Pennsylvania State Temperance Organ)
- Duncannon Record (from American Standard)
- Duncannon Record (from Anti-Masonic State Democrat)
- The Duncannon Record Marysville Journal People's Advocate (from Crystal Fountain And Pennsylvania Temperance Journal)
- The Duncannon Record The Marysville Journal (from Daily Evening Mercury)
- The Duncannon Record (from Daily Herald)
- Marysville Weekly Advance (from Daily Intelligencer)
- Halifax Gazette (from Daily Legislative Union)
- Halifax Herald (from Daily Morning Patriot)
- Newport Gazette (from Daily Patriot And Union)
- Newport Ledger (from Daily Pennsylvania Telegraph And Legislative Register)
- Years of publication: Daily Pennsylvania Telegraph And Legislative Register to 1841
- Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
- Catalog Card for the Newport Ledger
- Holdings for: LCCN SN84035953
- Locate a copy thru WorldCat: OCLC 2260101
- Newport Standard (from Daily Pennsylvania Telegraph)
- The Ledger (from Daily Pennsylvania Telegraph)
- Years of publication: Daily Pennsylvania Telegraph to 1865
- Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
- Catalog Card for The Ledger
- Holdings for: LCCN SN84035981
- Locate a copy thru WorldCat: OCLC 11431227
- The Newport News (from Daily Reporter & Journal)
- The Newport News (from Daily State Guard)
- The News-Sun (from Daily Telegraph & Intelligencer)
- Years of publication: Daily Telegraph & Intelligencer to 1840
- Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
- Catalog Card for The News-Sun
- Holdings for: LCCN SN84035954
- Locate a copy thru WorldCat: OCLC 2260107
- The News (from Daily Topic)
- Years of publication: Daily Topic to 187?
- Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
- Catalog Card for The News
- Holdings for: LCCN SN93059207
- Locate a copy thru WorldCat: OCLC 27730389
- The News (from Dauphin Caunty Journal)
- Years of publication: Dauphin Caunty Journal to 1887
- Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
- Catalog Card for The News
- Holdings for: LCCN SN89077517
- Locate a copy thru WorldCat: OCLC 19703586
- The Public Servant (from Dauphin Guardian)
- Weekly News-Sun (from Democratic Champion)
- American Reformer Pennsylvania State Temperance Organ (from Democratic Union-Extra)
- American Standard (from Democratic Union)
- Anti-Masonic State Democrat (from Der Americanische Bauer Und Pennsylvanische Democrat)
- Crystal Fountain And Pennsylvania Temperance Journal (from Der Pennsylvanische Schutzgeist)
- Daily Evening Mercury (from Elder & Tash's Monthly Intelligencer)
- Daily Herald (from Evening Mercury)
- Daily Intelligencer (from Evening News)
- Daily Legislative Union (from Evening Telegraph)
- Daily Morning Patriot (from Evening Telegraph)
- Daily Patriot And Union (from Every Saturday Night)
- Daily Pennsylvania Telegraph And Legislative Register (from Greater Harrisburg Shopping Guide)
- Daily Pennsylvania Telegraph (from Harrisburg Argus)
- Daily Pennsylvania Telegraph (from Harrisburg Argus)
- Daily Reporter & Journal (from Harrisburg Chronicle)
- Daily State Guard (from Harrisburg Daily Herald)
- Daily Telegraph & Intelligencer (from Harrisburg Daily Independent)
- Daily Topic (from Harrisburg Daily Record)
- Years of publication: Harrisburg Daily Record to 1854
- Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
- Catalog Card for the Daily Topic
- Holdings for: LCCN SN86053603
- Locate a copy thru WorldCat: OCLC 13919908
- Dauphin Caunty Journal (from Harrisburg Daily Telegraph)
- Dauphin Guardian (from Harrisburg Daily Telegraph)
- Democratic Champion (from Harrisburg Daily Telegraph)
- Democratic Union-Extra (from Harrisburg Daily Telegraph)
- Democratic Union (from Harrisburg Demokrat)
- Der Americanische Bauer Und Pennsylvanische Democrat (from Harrisburg Guide)
- Der Pennsylvanische Schutzgeist (from Harrisburg Home News)
- Elder & Tash's Monthly Intelligencer (from Harrisburg Home Star)
- Evening Mercury (from Harrisburg Independent Press)
- Evening News (from Harrisburg Independent)
- Years of publication: Harrisburg Independent to 1877
- Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
- Catalog Card for the Evening News
- Holdings for: LCCN SN86081320
- Locate a copy thru WorldCat: OCLC 12926065
- Evening Telegraph (from Harrisburg Morning Telegraph)
- Evening Telegraph (from Harrisburg Repository)
- Every Saturday Night (from Harrisburg Republican)
- Greater Harrisburg Shopping Guide (from Harrisburg Saturday Night)
- Harrisburg Argus (from Harrisburg Star Independent)
- Harrisburg Argus (from Harrisburg Sunday Courier)
- Harrisburg Chronicle (from Harrisburg Telegram)
- The first year of publication was in Harrisburg Telegram, with an unknown end date
- Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
- Catalog Card for the Harrisburg Chronicle
- Holdings for: LCCN SN86063523
- Locate a copy thru WorldCat: OCLC 13379171
- Harrisburg Daily Herald (from Harrisburg Telegraph)
- Harrisburg Daily Independent (from Harrisburg Telegraph)
- Harrisburg Daily Record (from Harrisburg Telegraph)
- Harrisburg Daily Telegraph (from Harrisburg Telegraph)
- Harrisburg Daily Telegraph (from Harrisburg Weekly American)
- Harrisburg Daily Telegraph (from Harrisburg Weekly Independent)
- Harrisburg Daily Telegraph (from Harrisburg Weekly Telegraph)
- Harrisburg Demokrat (from Home Star)
- Harrisburg Guide (from La Voce Italo-Americana = The Italo-American Voice)
- Years of publication: La Voce Italo-Americana = The Italo-American Voice to current
- Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
- Catalog Card for the Harrisburg Guide
- Holdings for: LCCN SN87080337
- Locate a copy thru WorldCat: OCLC 15613713
- Harrisburg Home News (from Labor Press)
- Harrisburg Home Star (from Log Cabin Rifle)
- Harrisburg Independent Press (from Morning Herald)
- Harrisburg Independent (from Morning Patriot)
- Harrisburg Morning Telegraph (from Morning Telegraph)
- Harrisburg Repository (from Morning Telegraph)
- Harrisburg Republican (from National Enquirer And Democratic Signal)
- Harrisburg Saturday Night (from Patriot And Union)
- Harrisburg Star Independent (from Penna Labor News)
- Harrisburg Sunday Courier (from Pennsylvania Bulletin)
- Harrisburg Telegram (from Pennsylvania Daily Telegraph)
- Harrisburg Telegraph (from Pennsylvania Daily Telegraph)
- Harrisburg Telegraph (from Pennsylvania Intelligencer, And Farmers' And Mechanics' Journal)
- Years of publication: Pennsylvania Intelligencer, And Farmers' And Mechanics' Journal to 1831
- Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
- Catalog Card for the Harrisburg Telegraph
- Holdings for: LCCN SN83032139
- Locate a copy thru WorldCat: OCLC 2265824
- Harrisburg Telegraph (from Pennsylvania Intelligencer, And State Democrat)
- Harrisburg Telegraph (from Pennsylvania Intelligencer)
- Harrisburg Weekly American (from Pennsylvania Intelligencer)
- Harrisburg Weekly Independent (from Pennsylvania Intelligencer)
- Harrisburg Weekly Telegraph (from Pennsylvania Methodist)
- Home Star (from Pennsylvania Methodist)
- Years of publication: Pennsylvania Methodist to 1906
- Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
- Catalog Card for the Home Star
- Holdings for: LCCN SN86083257
- Locate a copy thru WorldCat: OCLC 14261464
- La Voce Italo-Americana = The Italo-American Voice (from Pennsylvania Reporter And Democratic State Journal)
- Labor Press (from Pennsylvania Reporter, And Democratic Herald)
- Years of publication: Pennsylvania Reporter, And Democratic Herald to 1830
- Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
- Catalog Card for the Labor Press
- Holdings for: LCCN SN83032150
- Locate a copy thru WorldCat: OCLC 2265850
- Log Cabin Rifle (from Pennsylvania Reporter)
- Morning Herald (from Pennsylvania Republican)
- Years of publication: Pennsylvania Republican to 1816
- Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
- Catalog Card for the Morning Herald
- Holdings for: LCCN SN83025990
- Locate a copy thru WorldCat: OCLC 2265852
- Morning Patriot (from Pennsylvania State Sentinel)
- Morning Telegraph (from Pennsylvania Statesman)
- Morning Telegraph (from Pennsylvania Telegraph And Whig State Journal)
- Years of publication: Pennsylvania Telegraph And Whig State Journal to 1855
- Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
- Catalog Card for the Morning Telegraph
- Holdings for: LCCN SN84035973
- Locate a copy thru WorldCat: OCLC 2265864
- National Enquirer And Democratic Signal (from Pennsylvania Telegraph)
- Patriot And Union (from Pennsylvania Telegraph)
- Penna Labor News (from Pennsylvania Telegraph)
- Pennsylvania Bulletin (from Pennsylvania Telegraph)
- Pennsylvania Daily Telegraph (from Pennsylvania Temperance Vindicator And Family Journal)
- Pennsylvania Daily Telegraph (from Pennsylvania Weekly Telegraph)
- Pennsylvania Intelligencer, And Farmers' And Mechanics' Journal (from Pennsylvania Weekly Telegraph)
- Pennsylvania Intelligencer, And State Democrat (from Pennsylvanische Staats-Zeitung Und Dauphin County Journal)
- Pennsylvania Intelligencer (from State Capitol Gazette)
- Pennsylvania Intelligencer (from State Journal)
- Pennsylvania Intelligencer (from Sunday Capital)
- Pennsylvania Methodist (from Sunday Dawn)
- Pennsylvania Methodist (from Sunday Dawn)
- Pennsylvania Reporter And Democratic State Journal (from Telegraph And Intelligencer)
- Pennsylvania Reporter, And Democratic Herald (from Temperance Vindicator And Keystone Good Templar)
- Pennsylvania Reporter (from Temperance Vindicator, And Family Journal)
- Pennsylvania Republican (from Temperance Vindicator)
- Pennsylvania State Sentinel (from The American Reformer And Pennsylvania State Temperance Organ)
- Pennsylvania Statesman (from The Blue Stocking)
- Pennsylvania Telegraph And Whig State Journal (from The Bomb-Shell)
- Pennsylvania Telegraph (from The Borough Item)
- Pennsylvania Telegraph (from The Capitolian)
- Pennsylvania Telegraph (from The Chronicle, Or, Harrisburgh Visitor)
- Pennsylvania Telegraph (from The Chronicle)
- Pennsylvania Temperance Vindicator And Family Journal (from The Clay Bugle)
- Pennsylvania Weekly Telegraph (from The Commonwealth)
- Pennsylvania Weekly Telegraph (from The Commonwealth)
- Pennsylvanische Staats-Zeitung Und Dauphin County Journal (from The Commonwealth)
- State Capitol Gazette (from The Conference News)
- State Journal (from The Courier)
- Sunday Capital (from The Daily American)
- Sunday Dawn (from The Daily Dawn)
- Sunday Dawn (from The Daily Morning Patriot)
- Years of publication: The Daily Morning Patriot to 1875
- Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
- Catalog Card for the Sunday Dawn
- Holdings for: LCCN SN83032123
- Locate a copy thru WorldCat: OCLC 10185634
- Telegraph And Intelligencer (from The Daily Morning Patriot)
- Temperance Vindicator And Keystone Good Templar (from The Daily Telegraph)
- Temperance Vindicator, And Family Journal (from The Daily Telegraph)
- Temperance Vindicator (from The Daily Times)
- The American Reformer And Pennsylvania State Temperance Organ (from The Democratic State Journal)
- The Blue Stocking (from The Evening News)
- The Bomb-Shell (from The Farmers Instructor, And Harrisburgh Courant)
- Years of publication: The Farmers Instructor, And Harrisburgh Courant to 1802
- Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
- Catalog Card for The Bomb-Shell
- Holdings for: LCCN SN86071409
- Locate a copy thru WorldCat: OCLC 12850938
- The Borough Item (from The Freedman's Appeal)
- The first year of publication was in The Freedman's Appeal, with an unknown end date
- Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
- Catalog Card for The Borough Item
- Holdings for: LCCN SN85054814
- Locate a copy thru WorldCat: OCLC 12617504
- The Capitolian (from The Harrisburg Daily American)
- The Chronicle, Or, Harrisburgh Visitor (from The Harrisburg Daily Patriot)
- The Chronicle (from The Harrisburg Journal)
- The Clay Bugle (from The Harrisburg Patriot)
- The Commonwealth (from The Home Journal)
- The Commonwealth (from The Investigator)
- The Commonwealth (from The Item)
- The Conference News (from The Key Stone)
- The Courier (from The Keystone)
- The Daily American (from The Magician)
- The Daily Dawn (from The Morning Call)
- The Daily Morning Patriot (from The National Era)
- The Daily Morning Patriot (from The News)
- The Daily Telegraph (from The Old Warrior And that Same Old Coon)
- The Daily Telegraph (from The Old Warrior)
- The Daily Times (from The Oracle Of Dauphin, And Harrisburgh Advertiser)
- Years of publication: The Oracle Of Dauphin, And Harrisburgh Advertiser to 1807
- Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
- Catalog Card for The Daily Times
- Holdings for: LCCN SN83032127
- Locate a copy thru WorldCat: OCLC 10185761
- The Democratic State Journal (from The Oracle Of Dauphin)
- The Evening News (from The Patriot-News)
- The Farmers Instructor, And Harrisburgh Courant (from The Patriot)
- The Freedman's Appeal (from The Patriot)
- The Harrisburg Daily American (from The Paxton Herald)
- The Harrisburg Daily Patriot (from The Pennsylvania Patriot)
- The Harrisburg Journal (from The Pennsylvania Reporter And Democratic Herald)
- The Harrisburg Patriot (from The Pennsylvania Reporter, And Home Journal)
- The Home Journal (from The Pennsylvania Reporter)
- The Investigator (from The Pennsylvanian)
- The Item (from The Penny Advertiser)
- Years of publication: The Penny Advertiser to 1843
- Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
- Catalog Card for The Item
- Holdings for: LCCN SN86081396
- Locate a copy thru WorldCat: OCLC 12850952
- The Key Stone (from The Religious Visiter [sic] And Journal Of Agriculture, Literature, And The Arts)
- Years of publication: The Religious Visiter [sic] And Journal Of Agriculture, Literature, And The Arts to 18??
- Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
- Catalog Card for The Key Stone
- Holdings for: LCCN SN95068502
- Locate a copy thru WorldCat: OCLC 31800572
- The Keystone (from The Reporter And State Journal)
- Years of publication: The Reporter And State Journal to 1836
- Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
- Catalog Card for The Keystone
- Holdings for: LCCN SN84035985
- Locate a copy thru WorldCat: OCLC 11391480
- The Magician (from The Republican And Anti-Masonic Inquirer)
- Years of publication: The Republican And Anti-Masonic Inquirer to 1831
- Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
- Catalog Card for The Magician
- Holdings for: LCCN SN83032141
- Locate a copy thru WorldCat: OCLC 10221273
- The Morning Call (from The Rolling Ball)
- The National Era (from The Signal)
- The News (from The Star-Independent)
- The Old Warrior And that Same Old Coon (from The Stars And Stripes)
- The Old Warrior (from The State Journal)
- The Oracle Of Dauphin, And Harrisburgh Advertiser (from The State Journal)
- The Oracle Of Dauphin (from The State Paper)
- The Patriot-News (from The Statesman, And Anti-Masonic Republican)
- Years of publication: The Statesman, And Anti-Masonic Republican to 1831
- Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
- Catalog Card for The Patriot-News
- Holdings for: LCCN SN84035963
- Locate a copy thru WorldCat: OCLC 2268115
- The Patriot (from The Statesman)
- The Patriot (from The Tax-Payer's Friend)
- Years of publication: The Tax-Payer's Friend to 1897
- Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
- Catalog Card for The Patriot
- Holdings for: LCCN SN88080876
- Locate a copy thru WorldCat: OCLC 16576880
- The Paxton Herald (from The Watchman)
- The Pennsylvania Patriot (from The Weekly Patriot)
- The Pennsylvania Reporter And Democratic Herald (from The Weekly Telegraph)
- The Pennsylvania Reporter, And Home Journal (from Weekly Journal)
- The Pennsylvania Reporter (from Weekly Patriot And Union)
- The Pennsylvanian (from Whig State Journal)
- Jump to our expanded list of Newspapers Published in Harrisburg.
- Published In Millersburg [Dauphin County, PA]
- Duncannon Record Marysville Journal (from Millersburg Herald)
- Duncannon Record (from Millersburg Sentinel)
- Duncannon Record (from The Millersburg Times)
- The Duncannon Record Marysville Journal People's Advocate (from Upper Dauphin Sentinel)
- Jump to our expanded list of Newspapers Published in Millersburg.
Off-the-Road Links ...
The official website for Perry County: www.perryco.org/ The official website for Commonwealth of Pennsylvania: https://www.pa.gov/
Footnotes ...
<1> | Our distances are not driving distances, but are calculated as a 'straight-line' (or point-to-point) distance. A straight line distance ignores obstructions like rivers, canyons, lakes, et cetera - it's truly a line from Point A (ie- ) to Point B.Our distance measurements begin at a specific point at the Evergreen Cemetery. The point we use is located at these GPS coordinates - Latitude: 40.3945, Longitude: -77.0331 |