Local Newspapers
Introduction ...
Below are the newspapers that have been published in the vicinity of Chillicothe.
Our newspaper information for Chillicothe is based on data taken from the Chronicling America website. For more information, please see our description of the Chronicling America website.
The following list contains the names of 76 papers that were published in the immediate area of Chillicothe. In addition, the list contains another 33 papers that were published in the broader area that surrounded Chillicothe. In total, we've identified 109 papers within 19 miles [30.6 km]<1> of Chillicothe.
To keep this list from growing too long, not all of the papers have been listed. We have another list where all the papers have been listed in alphabetical order. The complete list can be found on the Extended Newspaper Page for Chillicothe.
Newspapers Published In Chillicothe ...
We know of 76 newspapers that have been published in the immediate area of Chillicothe:
- Ancient Metropolis (from 1845)
- Chillicothe Advertiser (from 1831)
- Chillicothe Advertiser (from 1878)
- Chillicothe Daily Hustler (from 1890)
- Chillicothe Daily News (from 1880)
- Chillicothe Evening Post (from 1830)
- Chillicothe Fair Daily (from 1890)
- Chillicothe Gazette (from 1940)
- Chillicothe Intelligencer (from 1842)
- Chillicothe Intelligencer (from 1842)
- Chillicothe Morning Advertiser (from 1855)
- Chillicothe News-Advertiser (from 1899)
- Continue List (64 more) ...
- Chillicothe Scioto Gazette (from 1930)
- Chillicothe Times (from 1824)
- Daily Evening Despatch [sic] (from 1849)
- Der Ohio Correspondent Und Chillicothe Anzeiger (from 1849)
- Freeman's Journal And Chillicothe Advertiser (from 1800)
- Friend Of Freedom (from 1824)
- Log Cabin Herald (from 1840)
- Ohio Herald (from 1867)
- Ohioan And Chillicothe Advertiser (from 1829)
- Printers Devil (from 1851)
- Scioto Gazette And Independent Whig (from 1834)
- Scioto Gazette (from 1849)
- Scioto Valley Free Press (from 1939)
- Scioto Valley Post (from 1871)
- Shrapnel (from 1918)
- The Advertiser (from 1876)
- The Ancient Metropolis (from 1850)
- The Appeal (from 1898)
- The first year of publication was in 1898, with an unknown end date
- Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
- Catalog Card for The Appeal
- Holdings for: LCCN SN90068345
- Locate a copy thru WorldCat: OCLC 21769101
- The Buckeye (from 1834)
- The Chillicothe Advertiser (from 1875)
- The Chillicothe Cavalier (from 1949)
- The Chillicothe Gazette (from 1841)
- The Chillicothe Leader (from 1883)
- The Chillicothe Star (from 1891)
- The Chillicothe Weekly Advertiser (from 1870)
- The Chillicothean (from 1826)
- The City Observer (from 1852)
- The Daily Advertiser (from 1896)
- The Daily Ancient Metropolis (from 1849)
- The Daily Ancient Metropolis (from 1853)
- The Daily Gazette (from 1892)
- The Daily Scioto Gazette (from 1850)
- The Eighty-third Division News (from 1917)
- The Eighty-third Division News (from 1917)
- The Flag Of The Union (from 1861)
- The Fountain (from 1847)
- The Fredonian (from 1807)
- The Goosetown Astonisher (from 1890)
- The Independent Republican (from 1809)
- The Leader-Gazette (from 1893)
- The National Express (from 1878)
- The Ohio Herald (from 1805)
- The Ohio Plough-boy (from 1828)
- The Ohio Soldier And National Picket Guard (from 1891)
- The Ohio Soldier (from 1887)
- The Pledge Of Honor (from 1847)
- The Ross County Register (from 1868)
- The Scioto Gazette And Fredonian Chronicle (from 1815)
- The Scioto Gazette (from 1827)
- The Scioto Gazette (from 1860)
- The Scioto Gazette (from 1900)
- The Scioto Gazette (from 1900)
- The Scioto Gazette (from 188?)
- The Scioto Gazette (from 1835)
- The Sharp Stick (from 1844)
- The Supporter And Scioto Gazette (from 1821)
- The Supporter (from 1808)
- The Weekly Recorder (from 1814)
- The Weekly Recorder (from 1814)
- The Weekly Recorder (from 1814)
- The Weekly Sentinel (from 1871)
- True Democrat (from 1843)
- Unsere Zeit = Our Era (from 1868)
- Weekly Scioto Gazette (from 1854)
Newspapers Neighboring Chillicothe ...
The following newspapers were published within 19 miles [30.6 km]<1> of Chillicothe.
The papers have been grouped by the community in which they were published, with the communities listed in order of their distance from Chillicothe.
- Published In Kingston ...
- The Kingston Blade (from 1887)
- The Kingston Review (from 1940)
- Published In Waverly [Pike County] ...
- Pike County Republican (from 1868)
- Pike County Republican (from 186?)
- The Courier-Watchman (from 1896)
- The News-Watchman (from 1975)
- The Pike County News Watchman (from 1991)
- The Republican Herald (from 1914)
- The Waverly Democrat (from 1906)
- The Waverly Democrat (from 1832)
- The Waverly News And Republican-Herald (from 1952)
- The Waverly News (from 1893)
- The Waverly Watchman (from 1867)
- The Waverly Watchman (from 1912)
- Waverly Courier (from 1889)
- Waverly Democrat (from 1862)
- Published In Clarksburg ...
- Clarksburg Telegraph (from 1892)
- The Clarksburg Star (from 1926)
- Published In Laurelville [Hocking County] ...
- The Border News (from 1927)
- Published In Bainbridge ...
- Bainbridge Banter (from 1990)
- The Bainbridge Reminder (from 1929)
- The Ohio Spectator, And Paint Valley Register (from 1846)
- The Paint Valley News (from 1949)
- Published In Piketon [Pike County] ...
- Pike County Democrat (from 1851)
- Pike County Press (from 1861)
- Pike County Tocsin (from 1845)
- The Hickory Sprout (from 1844)
- The Piketon Independent (from 1904)
- The Piketon Sun (from 1886)
- The Piketon Tribune (from 1885)
- The Piketonian (from 1845)
- The Scioto Valley Times (from 1854)
- The Weekly Piketon Union (from 185?)
- The Weekly Scioto Valley Union (from 1856)
- Published In Williamsport [Pickaway County] ...
- The Williamsport News (from 1889)
- The Williamsport Rip-saw (from 1886)
- Williamsport's Rag-Baby (from 1888)
- Published In Circleville [Pickaway County] ...
- We know of 33 newspapers that have been published in the vicinity of Circleville. The list of those papers is too long to repeat here, but can be found on the Local Newspaper Page for Circleville
- We have an extended list that contains all the papers within 19 miles [30.6 km]<1> of Chillicothe. This extended list includes all the papers from Circleville. The list is sorted by the paper's name. This merged list can be found on the Extended Newspaper Page for Chillicothe
Off-the-Road Links ...
The official website for Chronicling America
Unfortunately, we don't know of an official website for Chillicothe. If you can help, please contact us through our Feedback Page.
The official website for Ross County: www.co.ross.oh.us/
The official website for State of Ohio: https://ohio.gov/
Footnotes ...
<1> | Our distances are not driving distances, but are calculated as a 'straight-line' (or point-to-point) distance. A straight line distance ignores obstructions like rivers, canyons, lakes, et cetera - it's truly a line drawn from Point A (ie- Chillicothe) to Point B.Our distance measurements begin at a specific point in Chillicothe. The point we use is located at these GPS coordinates - Latitude: 39.3332, Longitude: -82.9822 |