A Gazetteer for the United States and Canada
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Do you know of Granite ???

This page is an orphan - a placeholder until we can discover more about Granite. When we encounter a name that is new to us, we add it to our Gazetteer with the hope that we'll discover more information in the future. Such is the case with Granite.<1>

We found mention of Granite as a community (see Mentions and References below), but haven't been able to determine its location - other than being located somewhere in Marquette County, Michigan.

Communities Also Named Granite ...

We found 23 communities that share the name Granite.

Within Michigan, the name Granite is unique.

Beyond Michigan, we know of another 23 communities that are located throughout in the United States and Canada. Of these 23 communities, 22 are located in the United States and one is in Canada.

  • Communities Elsewhere In North America ...
    • British Columbia
      • Please visit our profile page for the British Columbia community of Granite.
    • Colorado
      • Chaffee County
      • Please visit our profile page for the Colorado community of Granite [Chaffee County].
    • Idaho
      • Boise County
      • Please visit our profile page for the Idaho community of Granite [Boise County].
      • Bonner County
      • Please visit our profile page for the Idaho community of Granite [Bonner County].
      • Kootenai County
      • We found mention of this community, but have little information.<2> For the information that we do have, please visit our profile page for the Idaho community of Granite [Kootenai County].
      • Shoshone County
      • We found mention of this community, but have little information. For the information that we do have, please visit our profile page for the Idaho community of Granite [Shoshone County].
    • Iowa
      • Lyon County
      • Please visit our profile page for the Iowa community of Granite [Lyon County].
    • Maine
      • Hancock County
      • We found mention of this community, but have little information.<2> For the information that we do have, please visit our profile page for the Maine community of Granite [Hancock County].
    • Maryland
      • Baltimore County
      • Please visit our profile page for the Maryland community of Granite [Baltimore County].
    • Montana
      • Deer Lodge County
      • We found mention of this community, but have little information.<2> For the information that we do have, please visit our profile page for the Montana community of Granite [Deer Lodge County].
      • Granite County
      • Please visit our profile page for the Montana community of Granite [Granite County].
    • Nevada
      • Mineral County
      • Please visit our profile page for the Nevada community of Granite [Mineral County].
      • Nye County
      • Please visit our profile page for the Nevada community of Granite [Nye County].
    • New Hampshire
      • Carroll County
      • Please visit our profile page for the New Hampshire community of Granite [Carroll County].
    • New York
      • Ulster County
      • Please visit our profile page for the New York community of Granite [Ulster County].
    • Oklahoma
      • Greer County
      • Please visit our profile page for the Oklahoma community of Granite [Greer County].
    • Oregon
      • Grant County
      • Please visit our profile page for the Oregon community of Granite [Grant County].
    • Pennsylvania
      • Adams County
      • We found mention of this community, but have little information.<2> For the information that we do have, please visit our profile page for the Pennsylvania community of Granite [Adams County].
    • Tennessee
      • Anderson County
      • Please visit our profile page for the Tennessee community of Granite [Anderson County].
    • Utah
      • Salt Lake County
      • Please visit our profile page for the Utah community of Granite [Salt Lake County].
    • Virginia
      • Chesterfield County
      • We found mention of this community, but have little information.<2> For the information that we do have, please visit our profile page for the Virginia community of Granite [Chesterfield County].
      • Richmond City
      • Please visit our profile page for the Virginia community of Granite [Richmond City].
    • Wyoming
      • Laramie County
      • Please visit our profile page for the Wyoming community of Granite [Laramie County].

Miscellaneous References and Mentions for Granite ...

We've created the following list to keep track of the sources that proved useful in adding to our knowledge about Granite:

Along The Tracks, A Directory of Named Places on Michigan Railroads
Written by: Meints, Graydon M.
Published by Clarke Historical Library, Central Michigan University - 1987
(Available from

Business Atlas and Shippers' Guide (1895)
Published by Rand McNally & Co.

A note taken from the Shipper's Guide for Granite - Services available: had a Railroad Station, no Post Office mentioned

SPV's Comprehensive Railroad Atlas of North America - Great Lakes West
Written by: Walker, Mike
Published by Steam Powered Video (SPV), 2005
(Available from

More Orphans in  Marquette County ...

Can you help?

As we explained above, when we encounter a name that might be a community or a post office we add it to our Gazetteer. If we have little information to go with the name, we call them Orphans. Below are Orphans that we believe to be located in Marquette County.

Adams MineKeystone Mine
Albion MineKloman Mine
Allen MineKruse Mine
American Mine Junction 
AndersonLake Angeline Mine
Archibald MineLake Sally Mine
AshLake Superior Mine
Athens MineLarsons Spur
Austin JunctionLefke
Bagdad JunctionLillie Mine
BagdadLloyd Mine
BancroftLong Siding
Barnum MineLow Moor
Barnum SidingLucy Mine
BasilMaas Mine
BayshoreMackinaw Mine
BeaverMagnetic Mine
Bennett MineMaitland Mine
Bessie Mine JunctionManey
Bessie MineMangum Mill
Big CreekManistee
Blueberry Mine JunctionMarcus
Blueberry MineMarigold
Boston JunctionMartin
Boston MineMary Charlotte Mine
Brasted MineMcDermitts
Breitung Hematite MineMcOmber Mine
Breitung MineMcReavey
Brotherton MineMichigamme Mine
Browns CrossingMiddle Island Point
Brown's SidingMidway
BruceMillers Spur
Buffalo MineMilwaukee Junction
BunnsMilwaukee Mine
BurtisMineral Branch
 Mitchell Mine
Cambria - Jackson MineMorgan
Cambria MineMorris Mine
Carp FurnaceMour
Carp River 
Cascade JunctionNeganunee Mine
Cascade MineNew England Mine
Champion JunctionNew Furnace
Champion MineNew Richmond
Chase MineNew York Hematite Mine
Cheshire JunctionNew York Mine
Cheshire MineNorth Jackson
Chicago MineNorthampton Mine
ChocolayNorthwestern Mine
Cleveland Hematite Mine 
Cleveland MineOgden Mine
Cliffs MineOld Richmond Mine
Coal DockOntonagon
Columbia MineOro
Copps Spur 
CrescentPalmer Mine
Cyr MineParker Spur
CyrePascoe Mine
 Penegor Spur
Davis MinePickeral Lake
Dead RiverPinehill
Deer LakePioneer Mine
Detroit MinePowder Hill
Dexter JunctionPower
DexterPresque Isle
Dey MinePrinceton Mine
Dishneau Pit 
DishneauQueen Mine
 Reichells Mill
East Cambria MineRepublic Junction
East Champion MineRepublic Mine
East Chicago MineRiverside Mine
East New York MineRobbins Spur
EmmetRolling Mill Mine
Empire MineRoss
Erie Mine 
Excelsior MineSaginaw Mine
 Saint Lawrence
FinneganSalisbury Mine
FirminSand River
Fitch MineSchneider
FlynnShenango Mine
Fort WilkinsSkeel
Foster MineSmith Mine Junction
Francis MineSmith Mine
 South Buffalo
Gardner MineSpears
GleasonStar West Mine
GoodmanStegmiller Mine
Goose LakeStimson
Greenwood Mine JunctionSuperior
Greenwood Mine 
Gwinn MineTaylors
 Tilden Mine
Hartford MineTurin
Hematite MineTylers
Himrod MineUnion Park
HoistVan Iderstine
Holmes MineViking Spur
HumboldtVolunteer Mine
Iron Mountain MineWashington Mine
Iron Valley MineWatson Mine
Isabella MineWest Branch
 West End Mine
Jackson MineWest Republic Mine
JacksonWheeling Mine
Johnsons SidingWinthrop Mine
Kates Lake 

Footnotes ...

<1>This entry could have originated in error. It might be that a source had a misprint, was simply wrong or we made a transcription error while referencing it. Many of the documents we reference are from the 1800s and the early 1900s, with some easier to read than others.
<2>If we encounter the name of what might be a community, our methodology is to add that name to our Gazetteer as a placeholder. As we find more information about that community, it will be added to our Gazetteer.

Just as a reminder: Our definition of a community is rather broad and includes those places (or areas) where several families lived and had a name which identified that place. For example, you might hear somebody say that they are going over to Mile's to see Pete ... Mile's is just a gas station and a couple of homes at the crossroads. While it might not be on the map, everybody in the area knows it by that name.

Places of interest include buildings at a crossroad, several families clustered in a hollow or maybe the location of a way station. It also includes places like mines, lumber camps, ferry crossings, etc. The community might still exist, is now gone or only existed for just a short period of time.

Also keep in mind that Granite could have been on the original document by mistake, misspelled, the original/alternate name of a community that we've listed elsewhere or was placed in the wrong county. Sometimes a post office or train station would have a different name than the community where it's located, so two names might be referring to the same community - we're working to straighten it all out.


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In closing, please keep in mind that we can not guarantee the accuracy or timeliness of the information on this website, so use with care. We encourage you to double-check the information that is critical to you.

If you've found an error or have additional information that you would like to share, please don't hesitate to write: Click here to contact us.

This page was last modified/updated: 18 Feb 2025