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Local Newspapers for the Parker Cemetery ...

Below are the newspapers that have been published in the vicinity of the Parker Cemetery.

Our newspaper information for the Parker Cemetery is based on data supplied by the Chronicling America website. For more information, please see our description of the Chronicling America website.

Hint: When we started searching newspapers, we only looked for obituaries. Eventually we realized that our search was too narrow and there was much that we were missing. Now we include things like around-the-town and gossip columns, birth and death announcements.

We have some family members who owned businesses and now we search for articles and advertistments for those businesses. Some family members could have been better behaved and a search of police blotters contained some surprises.

The following newspapers were published within 13 miles [20.9 km]<1> of the Parker Cemetery. These papers have been grouped by the community in which they were published, with the communities listed in the order of their distance from the Parker Cemetery.

  • Published In Brewer   [Penobscot County, ME]
  • Published In Bangor   [Penobscot County, ME]
    • New England Coastal News (from Bangor Commercial Advertiser)
    • New England Fisherman (from Bangor Commercial Advertiser)
    • The Item (from Bangor Commercial)
      • Years of publication:  Bangor Commercial to 1954
      • Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
      • Catalog Card for The Item
      • Holdings for:   LCCN SN83045561
      • Locate a copy thru WorldCat:   OCLC 9573992
    • Penobscot View Press (from Bangor Courier)
    • Winterport Advertiser (from Bangor Courier)
    • Bangor Commercial Advertiser (from Bangor Courier)
    • Bangor Commercial Advertiser (from Bangor Daily Commercial)
    • Bangor Commercial (from Bangor Daily Evening Mercury)
    • Bangor Courier (from Bangor Daily Gazette)
    • Bangor Courier (from Bangor Daily Journal)
    • Bangor Courier (from Bangor Daily Post)
    • Bangor Daily Commercial (from Bangor Daily Whig & Courier)
    • Bangor Daily Evening Mercury (from Bangor Daily Whig & Courier)
    • Bangor Daily Gazette (from Bangor Daily Whig)
    • Bangor Daily Journal (from Bangor Evening Commercial)
    • Bangor Daily Post (from Bangor Gazette)
    • Bangor Daily Whig & Courier (from Bangor Gazette)
    • Bangor Daily Whig & Courier (from Bangor Independent)
    • Bangor Daily Whig (from Bangor Journal)
    • Bangor Evening Commercial (from Bangor Mercury)
    • Bangor Gazette (from Bangor Post)
    • Bangor Gazette (from Bangor Record)
    • Bangor Independent (from Bangor Register And Penobscot Advertiser)
      • Years of publication:  Bangor Register And Penobscot Advertiser to 1822
      • Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
      • Catalog Card for the Bangor Independent
      • Holdings for:   LCCN SN82015896
      • Locate a copy thru WorldCat:   OCLC 8818306
    • Bangor Journal (from Bangor Register)
    • Bangor Mercury (from Bangor Register)
    • Bangor Post (from Bangor Register)
      • Years of publication:  Bangor Register to 1820
      • Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
      • Catalog Card for the Bangor Post
      • Holdings for:   LCCN SN83021297
      • Locate a copy thru WorldCat:   OCLC 10075555
    • Bangor Record (from Bangor Semi-Weekly News)
      • Years of publication:  Bangor Semi-Weekly News to 19??
      • Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
      • Catalog Card for the Bangor Record
      • Holdings for:   LCCN SN95068001
      • Locate a copy thru WorldCat:   OCLC 33827543
    • Bangor Register And Penobscot Advertiser (from Bangor Tri-Weekly Gazette)
    • Bangor Register (from Bangor Tribune)
    • Bangor Register (from Bangor Weekly Commercial And Democrat)
      • Years of publication:  Bangor Weekly Commercial And Democrat to 1882
      • Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
      • Catalog Card for the Bangor Register
      • Holdings for:   LCCN SN98065802
      • Locate a copy thru WorldCat:   OCLC 38942015
    • Bangor Register (from Bangor Weekly Courier)
      • Years of publication:  Bangor Weekly Courier to 19??
      • Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
      • Catalog Card for the Bangor Register
      • Holdings for:   LCCN SN82014255
      • Locate a copy thru WorldCat:   OCLC 8818248
    • Bangor Semi-Weekly News (from Bangor Weekly Register)
    • Bangor Tri-Weekly Gazette (from City Crier And Country Intelligencer)
    • Bangor Tribune (from Commercial)
    • Bangor Weekly Commercial And Democrat (from Daily Commercial Advertiser)
    • Bangor Weekly Courier (from Daily Mercury)
    • Bangor Weekly Register (from Daily Republican)
    • City Crier And Country Intelligencer (from Democratic Flag)
    • Commercial (from Dirigo Rural)
      • Years of publication:  Dirigo Rural to 18??
      • Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
      • Catalog Card for the Commercial
      • Holdings for:   LCCN SN97062688
      • Locate a copy thru WorldCat:   OCLC 36873548
    • Daily Commercial Advertiser (from Dow Field Observer)
    • Daily Mercury (from Dow Thunderjet)
      • Years of publication:  Dow Thunderjet to 1949
      • Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
      • Catalog Card for the Daily Mercury
      • Holdings for:   LCCN SN83045509
      • Locate a copy thru WorldCat:   OCLC 9547681
    • Daily Republican (from Dow Thunderstreak)
    • Democratic Flag (from Eastern Maine Sunday Reporter)
      • Years of publication:  Eastern Maine Sunday Reporter to 19??
      • Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
      • Catalog Card for the Democratic Flag
      • Holdings for:   LCCN SN96075099
      • Locate a copy thru WorldCat:   OCLC 35110953
    • Dirigo Rural (from Eastern Republican And Penobscot Gazette)
      • Years of publication:  Eastern Republican And Penobscot Gazette to 1827
      • Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
      • Catalog Card for the Dirigo Rural
      • Holdings for:   LCCN SN85041080
      • Locate a copy thru WorldCat:   OCLC 12330917
    • Dow Field Observer (from Eastern Republican)
    • Dow Thunderjet (from Eastern Republican)
      • Years of publication:  Eastern Republican to 1838
      • Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
      • Catalog Card for the Dow Thunderjet
      • Holdings for:   LCCN SN82015893
      • Locate a copy thru WorldCat:   OCLC 8818251
    • Dow Thunderstreak (from Illustrated Staples' News)
    • Eastern Maine Sunday Reporter (from Maine Labor Advocate)
    • Eastern Republican And Penobscot Gazette (from Mechanic And Farmer)
    • Eastern Republican (from Paine)
    • Eastern Republican (from Patriot)
    • Illustrated Staples' News (from Penobscot Freeman)
    • Maine Labor Advocate (from Penobscot Gazette)
    • Mechanic And Farmer (from Penobscot Journal)
    • Paine (from The Bangor Booster)
      • Years of publication:  The Bangor Booster to 19??
      • Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
      • Catalog Card for the Paine
      • Holdings for:   LCCN SN95067999
      • Locate a copy thru WorldCat:   OCLC 33827514
    • Patriot (from The Bangor Boys)
      • The first year of publication was in The Bangor Boys, with an unknown end date
      • Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
      • Catalog Card for the Patriot
      • Holdings for:   LCCN SN95068000
      • Locate a copy thru WorldCat:   OCLC 33827510
    • Penobscot Freeman (from The Bangor Daily Evening Times)
      • Years of publication:  The Bangor Daily Evening Times to 1867
      • Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
      • Catalog Card for the Penobscot Freeman
      • Holdings for:   LCCN SN82015183
      • Locate a copy thru WorldCat:   OCLC 8804766
    • Penobscot Gazette (from The Bangor Daily News)
    • Penobscot Journal (from The Bangor Daily Union)
    • The Bangor Booster (from The Bangor Jeffersonian)
    • The Bangor Boys (from The Bangor Journal Of Literature, Science, Morals, And Religion)
      • Years of publication:  The Bangor Journal Of Literature, Science, Morals, And Religion to 1838
      • Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
      • Catalog Card for The Bangor Boys
      • Holdings for:   LCCN SN84025741
      • Locate a copy thru WorldCat:   OCLC 10370981
    • The Bangor Daily Evening Times (from The Bangor Messenger)
    • The Bangor Daily News (from The Bangor Weekly Commercial)
    • The Bangor Daily Union (from The Bangor Weekly News)
    • The Bangor Jeffersonian (from The Bangorean)
    • The Bangor Journal Of Literature, Science, Morals, And Religion (from The Bluehill Times)
    • The Bangor Messenger (from The Coon Dissector)
    • The Bangor Weekly Commercial (from The Crusader)
    • The Bangor Weekly News (from The Daily News)
    • The Bangorean (from The Democrat)
    • The Bluehill Times (from The Dow Air Strip)
    • The Coon Dissector (from The Eastern Democrat And Sunrise News)
    • The Crusader (from The Enterprise)
      • The first year of publication was in The Enterprise, with an unknown end date
      • Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
      • Catalog Card for The Crusader
      • Holdings for:   LCCN SN00062515
      • Locate a copy thru WorldCat:   OCLC 45216350
    • The Daily News (from The Free Community Observer)
      • Years of publication:  The Free Community Observer to ????
      • Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
      • Catalog Card for The Daily News
      • Holdings for:   LCCN SN98065812
      • Locate a copy thru WorldCat:   OCLC 38942039
    • The Democrat (from The Freeholder)
      • The first year of publication was in The Freeholder, with an unknown end date
      • Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
      • Catalog Card for The Democrat
      • Holdings for:   LCCN SN00062516
      • Locate a copy thru WorldCat:   OCLC 45216352
    • The Dow Air Strip (from The Greenbacker)
    • The Eastern Democrat And Sunrise News (from The Home Advocate)
    • The Enterprise (from The Jeffersonian Daily Evening News)
      • Years of publication:  The Jeffersonian Daily Evening News to 18??
      • Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
      • Catalog Card for The Enterprise
      • Holdings for:   LCCN SN98065815
      • Locate a copy thru WorldCat:   OCLC 38942053
    • The Free Community Observer (from The Jeffersonian)
    • The Freeholder (from The Northern Border)
    • The Greenbacker (from The Penny Advertiser)
    • The Home Advocate (from The People's Press)
    • The Jeffersonian Daily Evening News (from The Plain Dealer)
    • The Jeffersonian (from The Tanker Times)
    • The Northern Border (from The Velocipede)
      • The first year of publication was in The Velocipede, with an unknown end date
      • Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
      • Catalog Card for The Northern Border
      • Holdings for:   LCCN SN95068004
      • Locate a copy thru WorldCat:   OCLC 33947924
    • The Penny Advertiser (from The Weekly Mercury)
    • The People's Press (from The Weekly)
    • The Plain Dealer (from The Word And The Work)
    • Jump to our expanded list of Newspapers Published in Bangor.
  • Published In Hampden   [Penobscot County, ME]
    • New England Coastal News (from Bay And River Record)
    • New England Fisherman (from Hampden Observer)
    • The Item (from Penobscot Patriot And The Hancock & Washington Advertiser)
      • Years of publication:  Penobscot Patriot And The Hancock & Washington Advertiser to 180?
      • Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
      • Catalog Card for The Item
      • Holdings for:   LCCN SN94055767
      • Locate a copy thru WorldCat:   OCLC 30677279
    • Jump to our expanded list of Newspapers Published in Hampden.
  • Published In Winterport   [Waldo County, ME]
  • Published In Bucksport
    • New England Coastal News (from Bucksport Clipper)
    • New England Fisherman (from Bucksport Searchlight)
    • The Item (from The Bucksport Eagle)
      • The first year of publication was in The Bucksport Eagle, with an unknown end date
      • Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
      • Catalog Card for The Item
      • Holdings for:   LCCN SN97062763
      • Locate a copy thru WorldCat:   OCLC 38243968
    • Penobscot View Press (from The Bucksport Enterprise)
    • Winterport Advertiser (from The Bucksport Free Press)
    • Bangor Commercial Advertiser (from The Bucksport Hen)
    • Bangor Commercial Advertiser (from The Bucksport Herald)
    • Bangor Commercial (from The Bucksport Times And Bi-County Free Lance)
      • Years of publication:  The Bucksport Times And Bi-County Free Lance to 19??
      • Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
      • Catalog Card for the Bangor Commercial
      • Holdings for:   LCCN SN98065864
      • Locate a copy thru WorldCat:   OCLC 40695033
    • Bangor Courier (from The Bucksport Times)
    • Bangor Courier (from The Bucksport Visitor)
      • The first year of publication was in The Bucksport Visitor, with an unknown end date
      • Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
      • Catalog Card for the Bangor Courier
      • Holdings for:   LCCN SN95067980
      • Locate a copy thru WorldCat:   OCLC 33600152
    • Bangor Courier (from The Enterprise)
    • Jump to our expanded list of Newspapers Published in Bucksport.
  • Published In Frankfort   [Waldo County, ME]
  • Published In Orono   [Penobscot County, ME]

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The official website for State of Maine:

Footnotes ...

<1>Our distances are not driving distances, but are calculated as a 'point-to-point' distance. A straight line distance ignores obstructions like rivers, canyons, lakes, et cetera - it's truly a line drawn from Point A (ie- ) to Point B.Our distance measurements begin at a specific point at the Parker Cemetery. The point we use is located at these GPS coordinates - Latitude: 44.6927, Longitude: -68.6646       In this case, the coordinates for the Parker Cemetery have been provided by the Geographic Names Information System (GNIS).


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This page was last modified/updated: 09 Sep 2024