Notable Births & Deaths for Mechanicsville ...
Below is our list of notable people who were born, died or were buried in the area surrounding Mechanicsville. Please note that while we are collecting data on an ongoing basis, it's a big task and it's unlikely that our list will ever be more than a sample.
- Wernher Von Braun
- Scientist. He was born in Wielkopolskie (Poland) on March 23, 1912 (a Saturday) and died in Alexandria (VA) on June 16, 1977 (a Thursday) at the age of 65. We don't have any burial details.
- Alexandria is located 29 miles [46.7 km] to the northwest of Mechanicsville.
- Find-A-Grave Memorial: Wernher Von Braun<1>
- Herbert 'Herb' Kalin
- Bristol Robotham Lord
- James Monroe
- 5th President of the US (1817 - 1825). He was born in Monroe Hall (VA) on April 28, 1758 (a Friday) and died in New York (NY) on July 4, 1831 (a Monday) at the age of 73. He is buried at Hollywood Cemetery (Richmond City, Virginia).
- Monroe Hall is located 19 miles [30.6 km] to the southwest of Mechanicsville.
- Find-A-Grave Memorial: James Monroe<1>
- Dr. Samuel Alexander Mudd
- Physician. He was born on December 20, 1833 (a Friday) and died in Waldorf (MD) on January 10, 1883 (a Wednesday) at the age of 49.
- Waldorf is located 15 miles [24.1 km] to the northwest of Mechanicsville.
- Find-A-Grave Memorial: Dr. Samuel Alexander Mudd<1>
- Wernher von Braun
- Full name: Magnus Maximilian Freiherr von Braun
- Scientist. He was born in Wyrzysk (Poland) on March 23, 1912 (a Saturday) and died in Alexandria (VA) on June 16, 1977 (a Thursday) at the age of 65. He is buried at Ivy Hill Cemetery (Alexandria City, Virginia).
- Alexandria is located 29 miles [46.7 km] to the northwest of Mechanicsville.
- Find-A-Grave Memorial: Wernher von Braun<1>
- George Washington
- 1st President of the US (1789 - 1797). He was born in Colonial Beach (VA) on February 22, 1732 (a Friday) and died in Mount Vernon (VA) on December 14, 1799 (a Saturday) at the age of 67.
- Colonial Beach is located 17 miles [27.4 km] to the southwest of Mechanicsville.
- Mount Vernon is located 27 miles [43.5 km] to the northwest of Mechanicsville.
- Find-A-Grave Memorial: George Washington<1>
- Martha Washington
- Wife and First lady to the Presidency of George Washington (1789 - 1797). She was born in New Kent (VA) on June 13, 1731 (a Wednesday) and died in Mount Vernon (VA) on May 22, 1802 (a Saturday) at the age of 70.
- Mount Vernon is located 27 miles [43.5 km] to the northwest of Mechanicsville.
- Find-A-Grave Memorial: Martha Washington<1>
Off-the-Road Links ...
Unfortunately, we don't know of a website for Mechanicsville. If you can help, please contact us through our Feedback Page. The official website for Saint Mary's County: www.co.saint-marys.md.us/ The official website for State of Maryland: https://www.maryland.gov/
Footnotes ...
<1> | The Find-a-Grave website is an excellent research tool with information about a cemetery's location and interments. They also offer a forum for their members which can provide additional help. More information about Find-a-Grave can be found on their website: findagrave.com. |