Local Newspapers
Introduction ...
Below are the newspapers that have been published in the vicinity of Beverly.
Our newspaper information for Beverly is based on data taken from the Chronicling America website. For more information, please see our description of the Chronicling America website.
The following list contains the names of 9 papers that were published in the immediate area of Beverly. In addition, the list contains another 126 papers that were published in the broader area that surrounded Beverly. In total, we've identified 135 papers within 13 miles [20.9 km]<1> of Beverly.
To keep this list from growing too long, not all of the papers have been listed. We have another list where all the papers have been listed in alphabetical order. The complete list can be found on the Extended Newspaper Page for Beverly.
Note: The Extended Newspaper Page is quite large and may take extra time to load.
Newspapers Published In Beverly ...
We know of 9 newspapers that have been published in the immediate area of Beverly:
- Beverly Citizen (from 1995)
- Beverly Evening Times (from 1893)
- Saturday Morning Citizen (from 1901)
- The Beverly Citizen (from 1851)
- The Beverly Herald (from 1916)
- The Beverly Record (from 1881)
- The Beverly Times (from 1882)
- The Beverly Times (from 1964)
- The Nifty Nickel News (from 1974)
Newspapers Neighboring Beverly ...
The following newspapers were published within 13 miles [20.9 km]<1> of Beverly.
The papers have been grouped by the community in which they were published, with the communities listed in order of their distance from Beverly.
- Published In Salem ...
- We know of 132 newspapers that have been published in the vicinity of Salem. The list of those papers is too long to repeat here, but can be found on the Local Newspaper Page for Salem
- We have an extended list that contains all the papers within 13 miles [20.9 km]<1> of Beverly. This extended list includes all the papers from Salem. The list is sorted by the paper's name. This merged list can be found on the Extended Newspaper Page for Beverly.
Note: The Extended Newspaper Page is quite large and may take extra time to load
- Published In Danvers ...
- Danvers Eagle (from 1844)
- Danvers Evening Press (from 1899)
- Danvers Free Mirror (from 18??)
- Danvers Herald (from 1920)
- Danvers Mirror (from 1870)
- Danvers Monitor (from 1865)
- Danvers Whig (from 1844)
- Essex County Citizen (from 1878)
- North Shore Sunday (from 1977)
- Salem Village Gazette (from 1869)
- The Common Weal (from 1910)
- The Danvers Advance (from 1875)
- The Danvers Semi-Weekly Courier (from 1901)
- The Danvers Times (from 1883)
- The Meteor (from 187?)
- The first year of publication was in 187?, with an unknown end date
- Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
- Catalog Card for The Meteor
- Holdings for: LCCN SN95072042
- Locate a copy thru WorldCat: OCLC 33123769
- The Semi-Weekly Press (from 1901)
- Published In Peabody ...
- Essex Democrat (from 1912)
- Peabody Daily Press (from 1912)
- Peabody Enterprise (from 1912)
- Plain Truth (from 1879)
- The Peabody Advertiser (from 1893)
- The Peabody Free Press (from 1905)
- The Peabody Press (from 1911)
- The Peabody Press (from 1868)
- The Peabody Progress (from 1910)
- The Peabody Star (from 1899)
- The Peabody Times (from 1924)
- The Peabody Union (from 1895)
- Published In Wenham ...
- Published In Marblehead ...
- We know of 26 newspapers that have been published in the vicinity of Marblehead. The list of those papers is too long to repeat here, but can be found on the Local Newspaper Page for Marblehead
- We have an extended list that contains all the papers within 13 miles [20.9 km]<1> of Beverly. This extended list includes all the papers from Marblehead. The list is sorted by the paper's name. This merged list can be found on the Extended Newspaper Page for Beverly.
Note: The Extended Newspaper Page is quite large and may take extra time to load
- Published In Swampscott ...
- Swampscott Enterprise (from 1876)
- Swampscott Review (from 1925)
- Swampscott Standard (from 1886)
- The Swampscott Reporter (from 1965)
- Published In Topsfield ...
- The Topsfield Townsman (from 1895)
- Topsfield Herald (from 1881)
- Published In Essex ...
- Essex Cabinet And Village Advertiser (from 1843)
- Essex Echo (from 1887)
- Essex Weekly Enterprise (from 1875)
- The New Star (from 1875)
- Published In Lynn ...
- We know of 76 newspapers that have been published in the vicinity of Lynn. The list of those papers is too long to repeat here, but can be found on the Local Newspaper Page for Lynn
- We have an extended list that contains all the papers within 13 miles [20.9 km]<1> of Beverly. This extended list includes all the papers from Lynn. The list is sorted by the paper's name. This merged list can be found on the Extended Newspaper Page for Beverly.
Note: The Extended Newspaper Page is quite large and may take extra time to load
- Published In Ipswich ...
- Ipswich Advance (from 1871)
- Ipswich Bulletin (from 1866)
- Ipswich Clarion (from 1850)
- Ipswich Independent (from 1886)
- Ipswich Journal (from 1827)
- Ipswich Register (from 1837)
- Ipswich Today (from 1970)
- The Ipswich Chronicle (from 1872)
- The Ipswich Chronicle (from 1945)
- The Ipswich News And Chronicle (from 1936)
- The People's Choice (from 1874)
- Published In Lynnfield ...
- Lynnfield Shoppers News (from 1957)
- The Lynnfield Villager (from 1973)
- The Village Press (from 1939)
- Published In Saugus ...
- Saugus Evening News (from 1876)
- Saugus Weekly Advertiser (from 1940)
- The Saugus Advertiser (from 1943)
- The Saugus Herald (from 1887)
- The Saugus Press (from 1965)
- The Saugus Republican (from 1900)
- Continue List (10 more) ...
- Published In Wakefield [Middlesex County] ...
- Daily Evening Banner (from 1899)
- Local News (from 18??)
- The Bullseye (from 1918)
- The Citizen (from 1872)
- The Evening News (from 1894)
- The Wakefield Advocate (from 18??)
- The Wakefield Bulletin (from 18??)
- The Wakefield Casket (from 1871)
- Wakefield Banner (from 187?)
- Wakefield Banner (from 1868)
- Wakefield Citizen And Banner (from 1874)
- Wakefield Citizen (from 1873)
- Wakefield Daily Item (from 1894)
- Published In Gloucester ...
- We know of 30 newspapers that have been published in the vicinity of Gloucester. The list of those papers is too long to repeat here, but can be found on the Local Newspaper Page for Gloucester
- We have an extended list that contains all the papers within 13 miles [20.9 km]<1> of Beverly. This extended list includes all the papers from Gloucester. The list is sorted by the paper's name. This merged list can be found on the Extended Newspaper Page for Beverly.
Note: The Extended Newspaper Page is quite large and may take extra time to load
- Published In Melrose [Middlesex County] ...
- Melrose Evening News (from 1969)
- Melrose Journal (from 1870)
- Melrose Record (from 1875)
- Melrose Weekly Visitor (from 1878)
- The Melrose Free Press (from 1901)
- The Melrose Gazette (from 1856)
- The Melrose Reporter (from 1887)
- The Melrose Visitor (from 1879)
- Published In Reading [Middlesex County] ...
- Foster's Reporter (from 18??)
- Reading Chronicle (from 1870)
- Reading Reporter (from 1876)
- Reading Weekly News And Chronicle (from 1876)
- The Daily Times And Chronicle (from 1980)
- The Reading Chronicle Wakefield, North Reading And Wilmington News (from 1880)
- The Reading Chronicle (from 1881)
- The Suburban News (from 197?)
- Published In Revere [Suffolk County] ...
- The Revere Journal (from 1881)
- Published In Stoneham [Middlesex County] ...
- Stoneham Independent (from 1874)
- Stoneham Ledger (from 1973)
- Stoneham Press (from 1895)
- Stoneham Sentinel (from 1864)
- Stoneham Sentinel (from 1868)
- The Amateur (from 1870)
- The Independent (from 1901)
- The Regulator, And Middlesex Advertiser (from 1840)
- The Stoneham Amateur (from 1871)
- The Stoneham Independent (from 1908)
- The Stoneham News (from 1880)
- Published In Chelsea [Suffolk County] ...
- Chelsea Advertiser (from 1853)
- Chelsea Evening Record (from 1890)
- Chelsea Gazette (from 1886)
- Chelsea Herald And Winnisimmet Chronicle (from 185?)
- Chelsea Record And Temperance Advocate (from 1843)
- Chelsea Record (from 1876)
- Chelsea Union (from 1851)
- Telegraph And Pioneer (from 1857)
- The Catholic Citizen (from 1888)
- The Chelsea Bulletin (from 1865)
- The Chelsea Herald (from 1857)
- The Chelsea Pioneer (from 1848)
- The Chelsea Public (from 1872)
- The Chelsea Record (from 1948)
- The Chelsea Telegraph And Pioneer (from 1851)
- The Chelsea Telegraph (from 1850)
- The Chelsea Weekly News (from 1976)
- The Mystic Press (from 1869)
- Winnisimmet Chronicle And Chelsea Advertiser (from 1847)
- Winnisimmet Chronicle (from 1838)
- Winnisimmet Pioneer (from 1847)
- Published In Everett [Middlesex County] ...
- Everett Daily Tribune (from 1927)
- Everett Evening News-Gazette (from 1937)
- Everett Evening News (from 1928)
- Everett Leader Herald (from 1941)
- Everett Leader-Herald And News-Gazette (from 1953)
- Everett News-Gazette (from 1952)
- Everett News (from 1969)
- Everett Republican (from 1893)
- Malden Tribune (from 1989)
- The Everett Citizen (from 1892)
- The Everett Free Press (from 1873)
- The Everett Gazette (from 1913)
- The Everett Herald And Republican (from 1913)
- The Everett Herald (from 1885)
- The Everett Independent (from 1894)
- The Everett News (from 1892)
- The Everett Pioneer (from 1871)
- Published In Malden [Middlesex County] ...
- Malden City Press (from 1881)
- Malden Evening News (from 1995)
- Malden Evening News (from 1892)
- Malden Mirror (from 1871)
- Malden Outlook (from 1904)
- Malden Press (from 1934)
- Malden Press (from 1880)
- The Daily News-Mercury (from 1989)
- The Evening Mail (from 1887)
- The Headlight (from 1881)
- The Malden City Press (from 1993)
- The Malden Evening Mail (from 1892)
- The Malden Free Press And Malden Mirror (from 1914)
- The Malden Free Press (from 1915)
- The Malden Messenger (from 1856)
- The Malden Sun-Times (from 1971)
- The Malden Telegram (from 1921)
- Published In Winthrop [Suffolk County] ...
- The Sun Transcript (from 1959)
- The Sun (from 1927)
- Years of publication: 1927 to 1959
- Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
- Catalog Card for The Sun
- Holdings for: LCCN SN89063481
- Locate a copy thru WorldCat: OCLC 23057750
- The Transcript (from 1944)
- The Visitor (from 1885)
- The Winthrop Review (from 1919)
- The Winthrop Sun (from 1892)
- The Winthrop Sun (from 1918)
- The Winthrop Tribune (from 1883)
- Winthrop Gazette (from 1885)
- Winthrop Independent (from 1909)
- Winthrop Sun And Visitor (from 1905)
- Winthrop Transcript (from 1944)
- Winthrop Visitor (from 1886)
Off-the-Road Links ...
The official website for Chronicling America
The official website for Beverly: www.ci.beverly.ma.us/
The official website for State of Massachusetts: https://www.mass.gov/
Footnotes ...
<1> | Our distances are not driving distances, but are calculated as a 'point-to-point' distance. A straight line distance ignores obstructions like rivers, canyons, lakes, et cetera - it's truly a line drawn from Point A (ie- Beverly) to Point B.Our distance measurements begin at a specific point in Beverly. The point we use is located at these GPS coordinates - Latitude: 42.5579, Longitude: -70.8803 |