Extended Newspaper ListIntroduction ...
Below are 543 newspapers that have been published within 21 miles [33.8 km]<1> of Lafitte. The list has been sorted by paper name.
- Argus (from 1970)
- Argus (from 1970)
- Avispa De Nueva Orleans (from 1843)
- Balls, The Ungarbled Word (from 1968)
- Black Data Newsweekly (from 1980)
- Boy Of The South (from 18??)
- Broken Barriers (from 1975)
- Bywater Marigny Current (from 2002)
- California True Delta (from 1850)
- Carrollton Free Press (from 1955)
- Carrollton News (from 193?)
- Catholic Action Of The South (from 1932)
- Catholic Standard (from 1855)
- Church News (from 1934)
- Church World (from 1934)
- Clarion Herald (from 1963)
- Commercial Bulletin, Price-current And Shipping List (from 1882)
- Crescent City Star (from 1990)
- Daily Commercial Advertiser (from 1857)
- Daily Construction And Industrial News (from 1922)
- Daily Journal Of Commerce (from 1923)
- Daily Shipping Guide (from 1921)
- Daily Shipping Guide (from 1941)
- Daily Southern Standard (from 1849)
- Daily Tropic (from 1842)
- Data Newsweekly (from 1984)
- Data (from 1967)
- Der Deutsche Courier (from 1842)
- Der Deutsche Kritiker (from 1896)
- Der Deutsche (from 18??)
- Der Familien Freund (from 18??)
- Der Familienfreund (from 1868)
- Die Deutsche Zeitung (from 1848)
- East Bank Guide Jefferson Parish Times Advertiser (from 1977)
- East Bank Guide (from 1970)
- Echo Von New Orleans (from 1870)
- El Hablador (from 1845)
- El Independiente (from 1853)
- El Indicador (from 1865)
- El Iris De Paz (from 1841)
- El Latino (from 19??)
- El Misisipi (from 1808)
- El Misisipi (from 1834)
- El Moro De Paz (from 1888)
- El Observador Ibero (from 188?)
- El Pelayo (from 1851)
- El Pelayo (from 1851)
- El Porvenir (from 1863)
- El Tiempo De Nueva Orleans (from 1962)
- Emigrant's Register (from 1844)
- Evening Chronicle (from 1883)
- Evening National (from 18??)
- Evening Sentinel (from 1860)
- Evening Times (from 1857)
- Facts (from 1933)
- Fed's n' Heads (from 19??)
- Figaro (from 1972)
- Figaro (from 1891)
- Free Men Speak (from 1955)
- Free Men Speak (from 1955)
- Free Press (from 1971)
- Free University (from 19??)
- Gambit Weekly (from 199?)
- Gazette (from 1825)
- Gazzetta Italiana (from 1889)
- Gentilly Herald (from 1949)
- Good News (from 1970)
- Great Western (from 1839)
- Il Messaggero = The Messenger (from 1933)
- Impact : New Orleans Gay News (from 1977)
- In Arcane Logos (from 1969)
- Inside New Orleans (from 1964)
- Inside New Orleans (from 1964)
- Italian-American Digest (from 197?)
- Italian-American International Review (from 1962)
- Italo-American News (from 1955)
- Jefferson Parish Times The Jefferson Democrat (from 1981)
- Jefferson Parish Times (from 1944)
- Jeffersonian Republican (from 1844)
- Journal De Tout Le Monde (from 1848)
- Journal Of Commerce (from 182?)
- L'Ami Des Lois = Friend Of The Laws (from 1809)
- L'Avenir du Peuple (from 1840)
- L'Encan (from 1856)
- L'Italo-Americano Di Nuova Orleans
- L'Italo-Americano (from 19??)
- L'Italo-Americano (from 1884)
- L'ami Des Lois Et Journal du Commerce (from 1819)
- L'opinion (from 1886)
- La Lanterne Magique (from 1808)
- La Loge d'opera : The Opera Box (from 1856)
- La Patria (from 1846)
- La Prensa Nueva Orleans (from 1995)
- La Prensa U.S.A (from 1983)
- La Prensa (from 1983)
- La Semaine De La Nouvelle-Orleans (from 1851)
- La Voce Coloniale (from 1915)
- La Voz Latina (from 1935)
- Le Charivari Louisianais (from 1842)
- Le Gratis, Journal du Soir (from 1855)
- Le Patriote (from 1876)
- Le Patriote (from 1838)
- Le Renard Democrate (from 1834)
- Louisiana Advertiser (from 1820)
- Louisiana American (from 1841)
- Louisiana Clubwoman (from 1937)
- Louisiana Courier = Courrier De La Louisiane (from 181?)
- Louisiana Courier (from 1807)
- Louisiana Gazette (from 1817)
- Louisiana Guardsman (from 1989)
- Louisiana Legal News (from 1922)
- Louisiana Republican (from 1911)
- Louisiana Review (from 1890)
- Louisiana Staats-Zeitung (from 1850)
- Louisiana Standard (from 1883)
- Louisiana State Gazette (from 1826)
- Louisiana State Gazette (from 1826)
- Louisiana State Gazette (from 1826)
- Louisiana Tax Reformer (from 1890)
- Louisiana Weekly Advertiser (from 1824)
- MDS Newsletter (from 1967)
- MDS (from 1967)
- Mercantile Advertiser And Evening Recorder (from 1820)
- Mercantile Advertiser (from 18??)
- Mercantile Advertiser (from 1852)
- Merchants' And Brokers' Price Current (from 1867)
- Merchants' Transcript And New-Orleans Price Current (from 1839)
- Merchants' Transcript Of News And New-Orleans Price Current (from 1838)
- Merchants' Transcript, And New-Orleans Prices Current And Shipping List (from 18??)
- Moniteur De La Louisiane (from 1794)
- Moniteur De La Louisiane (from 1794)
- Morning Herald (from 184?)
- Morning Intelligencer (from 1840)
- NOLA Express (from 1968)
- NOLA Express (from 1968)
- NOLA Express (from 1968)
- National Advocate (from 1862)
- National Negro Voice (from 1924)
- Neue Deutsche Zeitung (from 1907)
- New Orleans American (from 1914)
- New Orleans America (from 1905)
- New Orleans Baptist Chronicle (from 1852)
- New Orleans Commercial Herald (from 1837)
- New Orleans Commercial (from 1866)
- New Orleans Cotton And Produce Circular (from 1867)
- New Orleans Cotton Circular (from 1867)
- New Orleans Courier (from 1902)
- New Orleans Daily Creole (from 1856)
- New Orleans Daily Creole (from 1856)
- New Orleans Daily Crescent (from 1851)
- New Orleans Daily Crescent (from 1851)
- New Orleans Daily Journal Of Commerce (from 1925)
- New Orleans Daily Shipping Guide (from 1920)
- New Orleans Data News Weekly (from 1986)
- New Orleans Data News Weekly (from 197?)
- New Orleans Deutsche Presse (from 1868)
- New Orleans Deutsche Zeitung (from 1889)
- New Orleans Evening Democrat (from 1876)
- New Orleans Free Press (from 1930)
- New Orleans Informer And Sentinel (from 194?)
- New Orleans Journal (from 1860)
- New Orleans Journal (from 1901)
- New Orleans News (from 1970)
- New Orleans Observer (from 1835)
- New Orleans Post Journal (from 1971)
- New Orleans Protestant (from 1844)
- New Orleans Republican (from 1867)
- New Orleans Republican (from 1867)
- New Orleans Republican (from 1890)
- New Orleans Sentinel (from 1940)
- New Orleans Sentinel (from 1940)
- New Orleans States And New Orleans Item (from 1958)
- New Orleans States-Item (from 1960)
- New Orleans States (from 1918)
- New Orleans Sun (from 1838)
- New Orleans Telegram (from 18??)
- New Orleans Telegraph (from 1916)
- New Orleans Today (from 1973)
- New Orleans Tribune (from 1864)
- New Orleans Tribune (from 1864)
- New Orleans Tribune (from 1900)
- New Orleans Weekly Bulletin (from 1841)
- New Orleans Weekly Commercial Bulletin (from 1861)
- New Orleans Weekly Crescent (from 185?)
- New Orleans Weekly Delta (from 1846)
- New Orleans Weekly Republican (from 1867)
- New Orleans Weekly True Delta (from 1851)
- New Orleanser Deutsche Zeitung (from 18??)
- New Orleanser Deutsche Zeitung (from 1899)
- New-Orleans Argus (from 1827)
- New-Orleans Chronicle (from 181?)
- New-Orleans Commercial Bulletin (from 1839)
- New-Orleans Commercial Bulletin (from 1832)
- New-Orleans Daily Chronicle (from 1818)
- New-Orleans Daily Times (from 1840)
- New-Orleans Democrat (from 1839)
- New-Orleans General Weekly Price Current (from 1817)
- New-Orleans News-letter And General Weekly Review (from 18??)
- New-Orleans Price-current And Commercial Intelligencer (from 1822)
- New-Orleans Price-current And Commercial Intelligencer (from 1822)
- New-Orleans Republican (from 1842)
- New-Orleans Semi-Weekly Bulletin (from 1850)
- New-Orleans Semi-Weekly Commercial Bulletin (from 185?)
- New-Orleans Times (from 1839)
- New-Orleans Wholesale Prices Current (from 1834)
- Olive And Blue (from 1896)
- Orleans Gazette And Commercial Advertiser (from 181?)
- Orleans Gazette, And Commercial Advertiser (from 1804)
- Our Home Journal And Rural Southland (from 18??)
- Parley (from 1976)
- Pulse (from 1974)
- Reference Journal (from 18??)
- Rights Of Man (from 1969)
- Rural South Land (from 18??)
- Semi-Weekly Delta (from 1861)
- Semi-Weekly Louisianian (from 1871)
- Semi-Weekly Louisianian (from 1871)
- Siempre (from 1968)
- South-Western Baptist Chronicle (from 1847)
- South-Western Presbyterian (from 1869)
- Southern Free Press (from 1896)
- Southern Industry (from 1885)
- Southern Reformer (from 1847)
- Southern Republican (from 1898)
- Southern Rights (from 1840)
- Southern Standard (from 1855)
- Southern Temperance Organ (from 1872)
- Southwestern Advocate (from 1873)
- Southwestern Advocate (from 1873)
- Southwestern Christian Advocate (from 1877)
- Sunday Figaro (from 1893)
- Sunday Illustrated (from 1887)
- TCG News (from 19??)
- The Acorn (from 1863)
- The Age, Political, Commercial And Literary (from 184?)
- The Algerine Newsboy (from 1860)
- The Algerine Newsboy (from 1860)
- The Algiers Herald (from 1893)
- The Algiers Press (from 1888)
- The American Crusader (from 1936)
- The American Leader (from 1935)
- The American (from 1889)
- The American (from 1936)
- The Anti-taxer (from 1933)
- The Argus (from 1824)
- The Bee (from 1830)
- The Black PAC epitaph (from 197?)
- The Black Republican (from 1865)
- The Black Republican (from 1865)
- The Blunderbuss (from 1841)
- The Bull Frog (from 1841)
- The Bulletin (from 1884)
- The Bulletin (from 1901)
- The Call (from 1876)
- The Carrollton Advocate (from 1970)
- The Carrollton Progress (from 1935)
- The Carrolltonian (from 1927)
- The Carrolltonian (from 1938)
- The Catalyst (from 1968)
- The Choctaw Democrat (from 1933)
- The Chronicle (from 1868)
- The Citizens' Guard (from 1871)
- The City Journal (from 1825)
- The Club Woman (from 1939)
- The Collective (from 1973)
- The Commercial Press, And New-Orleans Daily Advertiser (from 1817)
- The Commercial-Comet (from 1890)
- The Confederate Knapsack (from 1883)
- The Country Visitor (from 1878)
- The Courier = Le Courrier (from 1824)
- The Courier (from 1859)
- The Courier (from 1923)
- The Crescent City Amateur (from 187?)
- The Crescent City (from 1840)
- The Cricket (from 1897)
- The Crisis (from 1840)
- The Critic (from 188?)
- The Crusader (from 1889)
- The Crusader (from 1889)
- The Daily Advertiser (from 1868)
- The Daily Atlas (from 1847)
- The Daily Call (from 1876)
- The Daily Call (from 1876)
- The Daily City Item (from 1877)
- The Daily Crescent (from 1848)
- The Daily Crescent (from 1848)
- The Daily Crusader (from 1891)
- The Daily Delta (from 1845)
- The Daily Delta (from 1857)
- The Daily Fashion (from 1843)
- The Daily Item (from 1893)
- The Daily Morning Herald (from 184?)
- The Daily National (from 1847)
- The Daily News (from 1834)
- The Daily News (from 1886)
- The Daily News (from 1857)
- The Daily Orleanian (from 1847)
- The Daily Picayune (from 1837)
- The Daily Picayune (from 1837)
- The Daily Picayune (from 1848)
- The Daily Picayune (from 1837)
- The Daily Picayune (from 1849)
- The Daily Record (from 196?)
- The Daily Reformer (from 184?)
- The Daily Republic (from 1848)
- The Daily Southern Star (from 1865)
- The Daily Spokesman (from 1914)
- The Daily States (from 1880)
- The Daily Times (from 1857)
- The Daily Times (from 1839)
- The Daily Times (from 1852)
- The Daily True Delta (from 1849)
- The Daily True Witness (from 1858)
- The Daily Truth (from 1891)
- The Delta (from 18??)
- The East Orleans News (from 1974)
- The Empire (from 1876)
- The Era (from 1863)
- The Era (from 1864)
- The Era (from 1863)
- The Evening Crescent (from 1866)
- The Evening Delta (from 1868)
- The Evening Delta (from 185?)
- The Evening Mercury (from 1846)
- The Evening News (from 1879)
- The Evening Telegram (from 18??)
- The Evening True Delta (from 18??)
- The Federationist (from 1917)
- The Free South (from 1868)
- The Gentilly News (from 1969)
- The Gentilly Reporter (from 1946)
- The Gentilly Times (from 1948)
- The Gentilly-Lakeview Herald (from 1952)
- The German-American (from 1840)
- The Gretna Courier (from 1879)
- The Gretna Sun (from 1885)
- The Gulf Daily Shipping Guide (from 1921)
- The Halcyon (from 182?)
- The Head Light (from 18??)
- The Heptasoph (from 1869)
- The Holy Family (from 1885)
- The Independent (from 1894)
- The International Review = La Rivista Internazionale (from 1963)
- The Issue (from 1891)
- The Jefferson Democrat (from 1896)
- The Jefferson Echo (from 1898)
- The Jefferson News (from 1970)
- The Jefferson Parish American (from 1931)
- The Jefferson Progress (from 1934)
- The Jefferson Sentinel (from 1875)
- The Jeffersonian (from 1845)
- The Jeffersonian (from 1842)
- The Jewish Civic Press (from 196?)
- The Jewish Outlook (from 1937)
- The Jewish South (from 18??)
- The Jewish Times (from 1974)
- The Jewish Times (from 1974)
- The Jewish Times (from 1894)
- The Labor Record (from 1908)
- The Lantern (from 1886)
- The Louisiana Builder And Real Estate Index (from 189?)
- The Louisiana Gazette And New-Orleans Advertiser (from 1812)
- The Louisiana Gazette And New-Orleans Daily Advertiser (from 1810)
- The Louisiana Gazette And New-Orleans' Mercantile Advertiser (from 1815)
- The Louisiana Gazette For The Country (from 1810)
- The Louisiana Gazette (from 1804)
- The Louisiana Guardian (from 1931)
- The Louisiana Republican (from 1855)
- The Louisiana Republican (from 1897)
- The Louisiana Sentinel (from 1953)
- The Louisiana Signal (from 1860)
- The Louisiana Watchman (from 1946)
- The Louisiana Weekly (from 1925)
- The Louisiana Weekly (from 1925)
- The Louisianian And Friend Of The Laws (from 1822)
- The Louisianian And Journal Of Commerce (from 1839)
- The Louisianian (from 1870)
- The Louisianian (from 1870)
- The Mercantile Advertiser, And Daily Business Directory (from 1851)
- The Merchants' Daily News (from 1833)
- The Merchant (from 1838)
- The Morning Advertiser (from 18??)
- The Morning Chronicle (from 188?)
- The Morning Star And Catholic Messenger (from 1868)
- The Morning Star (from 1881)
- The Morning Tribune (from 1924)
- The Morning World (from 1907)
- The National Forecast (from 1892)
- The National Republican (from 1871)
- The Native American (from 18??)
- The Native American (from 1839)
- The Native American (from 18??)
- The Negro Gazette (from 1872)
- The New Delta (from 1890)
- The New Delta (from 1890)
- The New Delta (from 1877)
- The New Era (from 1877)
- The New Orleans Advocate (from 1866)
- The New Orleans Advocate (from 2013)
- The New Orleans Advocate (from 2013)
- The New Orleans Advocate (from 1866)
- The New Orleans Bulletin (from 1874)
- The New Orleans Bulletin (from 1874)
- The New Orleans Bulletin (from 18??)
- The New Orleans Committee To End The War In Vietnam Newsletter (from 1967)
- The New Orleans Crescent (from 1866)
- The New Orleans Daily Delta (from 1853)
- The New Orleans Daily Democrat (from 1877)
- The New Orleans Daily Democrat (from 1877)
- The New Orleans Daily Independent (from 1865)
- The New Orleans Delta (from 1892)
- The New Orleans Democrat (from 1875)
- The New Orleans Democrat (from 1880)
- The New Orleans Democrat (from 1875)
- The New Orleans Democrat (from 1870)
- The New Orleans Herald (from 1873)
- The New Orleans Herald (from 1925)
- The New Orleans Herald (from 1893)
- The New Orleans Item (from 1902)
- The New Orleans Mitrailleuse (from 1871)
- The New Orleans News Digest (from 1942)
- The New Orleans Observer (from 1878)
- The New Orleans Truth (from 1909)
- The New Orleans Union (from 1835)
- The New Orleans Weekly Democrat (from 1876)
- The New South (from 18??)
- The New-Orleans Bee, For The Country (from 184?)
- The New-Orleans Bee (from 1835)
- The New-Orleans Bee (from 1835)
- The New-Orleans Chronicle (from 1818)
- The New-Orleans Commercial Times (from 1845)
- The New-Orleans Commercial Times (from 1845)
- The New-Orleans Emporium, And Daily Evening Journal (from 1832)
- The New-Orleans Republican (from 1844)
- The New-Orleans Times (from 1863)
- The New-Orleans Times (from 1863)
- The New-Orleans Times (from 186?)
- The New-Orleans Weekly Times (from 1863)
- The Newspaper Of New Orleans (from 1969)
- The Newspaper (from 1968)
- The News (from 1970)
- The Official Daily Court Record (from 1897)
- The Old French Quarter News (from 1941)
- The Orleanian (from 1875)
- The Orleans American (from 1916)
- The Orleans Gazette, For The Country (from 1804)
- The Orleans Guide (from 1974)
- The People (from 1848)
- The Picayune (from 1837)
- The Plain Truth Of New Orleans (from 1969)
- The Plaquemines Gazette (from 1987)
- The Plaquemines Watchman Gazette (from 1985)
- The Plaquemines Watchman (from 1981)
- The Post (from 1893)
- The Republican Courier (from 1899)
- The Republican (from 18??)
- The Republic (from 1848)
- The Royal Herald (from 18??)
- The Semi-Monthly California Delta (from 18??)
- The Semi-Weekly Courier (from 18??)
- The Semi-Weekly Creole (from 1853)
- The Semi-Weekly Item (from 1896)
- The Semi-Weekly States (from 1892)
- The Semi-Weekly Times-Democrat (from 1895)
- The Sepia Socialite (from 1937)
- The Sepia Socialite (from 1937)
- The Southern Advertiser : And Monthly Register Of Literature, Fine Arts, & C (from 1842)
- The Southern Democrat (from 1852)
- The Southern Economist And Trade Unionist (from 1897)
- The Southern Jewish Press (from 1973)
- The Southern Pilot (from 1862)
- The Southern Watchword (from 1858)
- The Southerner And People's Friend (from 1837)
- The Southerner (from 1847)
- The South (from 1865)
- The South (from 1895)
- The Spectator News Journal (from 1983)
- The Spectator (from 1982)
- The Spirit Of The Age (from 1880)
- The Spirit Of The South (from 188?)
- The Sporting South (from 1888)
- The Square Deal (from 1921)
- The St. Bernard Eagle (from 188?)
- The St. Bernard Protector (from 192?)
- The Standard (from 1836)
- The Star Spangled Pentangle Of New Orleans (from 196?)
- The States-Item (from 1970)
- The Sugar Planters' Journal (from 18??)
- The Sunday Delta (from 1855)
- The Sunday Delta (from 1875)
- The Sunday Delta (from 1877)
- The Sunday Free Press (from 1892)
- The Sunday Sun (from 1888)
- The Sun (from 1839)
- The Tax Payers' Organ And Journal Of Reform (from 1881)
- The Thunderbolt (from 1899)
- The Times-Democrat (from 1881)
- The Times-democrat, The Daily Picayune (from 1914)
- The Times-picayune (from 1914)
- The Times-picayune (from 1986)
- The Times (from 1872)
- The Tribune (from 1937)
- The True Democrat (from 1892)
- The True Democrat (from 1856)
- The True Republican (from 1869)
- The True Witness (from 1861)
- The Trumpeter (from 1811)
- The Twice-A-Week New Orleans Picayune (from 1899)
- The Ungarbled Word Of New Orleans (from 1968)
- The Union, &c (from 1804)
- The Union, Or, New-Orleans Advertiser And Price Current (from 1803)
- The Vieux Carre News (from 1925)
- The Weekly Courier (from 185?)
- The Weekly Crescent City (from 1841)
- The Weekly Crescent (from 1866)
- The Weekly Crusader (from 1936)
- The Weekly Delta (from 1857)
- The Weekly Delta (from 1845)
- The Weekly Jeffersonian (from 184?)
- The Weekly Louisianian (from 1872)
- The Weekly Louisianian (from 1872)
- The Weekly Mercury (from 1846)
- The Weekly Mercury (from 1846)
- The Weekly Mirror (from 1858)
- The Weekly National Republican (from 1871)
- The Weekly Native American (from 1839)
- The Weekly Pelican (from 1886)
- The Weekly Pelican (from 1886)
- The Weekly Picayune (from 1838)
- The Weekly Picayune (from 1838)
- The Weekly Times-Democrat New Orleans Picayune (from 1914)
- The Weekly Times-Democrat (from 1881)
- The Weekly Times-Democrat (from 1912)
- The Weekly Times-picayune (from 1914)
- The Weekly Times (from 1857)
- The Weekly Tribune (from 1864)
- Third Ward News (from 1949)
- Times Advertiser (from 1966)
- Times-picayune The States-Item (from 1980)
- Town Of Carrollton News (from 1974)
- True American (from 1835)
- True American (from 1835)
- Union Advocate Official Organ Of The New Orleans Central Trades And Labor Council (from 1902)
- Union Advocate (from 1902)
- Universe (from 1896)
- Uptown Collegiate (from 1975)
- Voice Of Louisiana (from 1885)
- W.D.S. (from 1925)
- Weekly Budget (from 1878)
- Weekly Crescent (from 1848)
- Weekly Louisiana Gazette (from 1825)
- Weekly Louisiana Review (from 1888)
- Weekly Picayune (from 18??)
- Weekly Register (from 1828)
- Weekly States (from 1884)
- Weekly Times (from 1840)
- Weekly Tropic (from 1842)
- West Bank Guide (from 1962)
Off-the-Road Links ...
The official website for Chronicling America
Unfortunately, we don't know of an official website for Lafitte. If you can help, please contact us through our Feedback Page. The official website for Jefferson Parish: www.jeffparish.net/ The official website for State of Louisiana: https://www.louisiana.gov/
Footnotes ...
<1> | Our distances are not driving distances, but are calculated as a 'point-to-point' distance. A straight line distance ignores things like rivers, canyons, lakes, et cetera - it's truly a line drawn from Point A (ie- Lafitte) to Point B.Our distance measurements begin at a specific point in Lafitte. The point we use is located at these GPS coordinates - Latitude: 29.6669, Longitude: -90.1084 In this case, the coordinates for Lafitte have been provided by the Geographic Names Information System (GNIS). |