Extended Newspaper ListIntroduction ...
Below are 74 newspapers that have been published within 14 miles [22.5 km]<1> of Edwardsville. The list has been sorted by paper name.
- Advertiser (from 183?)
- Advertiser (from 19??)
- Advertiser (from 183?)
- All Around The Week (from 1873)
- All Around The Week (from 1873)
- American Baptist (from 1879)
- American Baptist (from 1879)
- American Democrat & Weekly Courier (from 184?)
- Beiwagen Des Louisville Omnibus (from 186?)
- Beobachter Am Ohio (from 184?)
- Bon-Ton (from 184?)
- Campaign Tribune (from 1852)
- Catholic Advocate (from 1841)
- Central Catholic-Advocate (from 1879)
- Christian Observer (from 1870)
- Christian Observer (from 1870)
- City Paper (from 1979)
- Civic Opinion (from 1920)
- Clarion News (from 1992)
- Clark County Journal (from 1920)
- Clark County Journal (from 1920)
- Colored Democratic Voice (from 1932)
- Corydon Press, And Anti-Masonic Democrat (from 1829)
- Daily City Gazette (from 18??)
- Daily Evening News (from 186?)
- Daily Gazette And Reporter (from 1839)
- Daily Journal And Focus (from 1832)
- Daily Journal (from 183?)
- Daily Ledger-Standard (from 1872)
- Daily Louisville City Gazette (from 1836)
- Daily Louisville Democrat (from 1855)
- Daily Louisville Democrat (from 185?)
- Daily Louisville Herald & Commercial Gazette (from 183?)
- Daily Louisville Herald (from 183?)
- Daily Louisville Public Advertiser (from 1830)
- Daily Louisville Times (from 1852)
- Daily Messenger (from 1840)
- Daily Morning Herald (from 1854)
- Daily New Albany Democrat (from 1849)
- Daily Standard (from 1844)
- Daily Times (from 183?)
- Democratic Banner (from 184?)
- Democratic Facts (from 1923)
- Dollar Weekly Democrat (from 18??)
- Emporium & Commercial Advertiser (from 18??)
- Evening Democrat (from 18??)
- Evening Express (from 18??)
- Evening News (from 186?)
- Exposition Gazetteer (from 18??)
- Falls City Amateur (from 188?)
- Farmers Advocate (from 1892)
- Floyd County News And Tribune (from 2011)
- Floyd County News (from 19??)
- Fonda & Kieroff's Daily Review (from 186?)
- Free Christian Commonwealth (from 1865)
- Free Press Of Louisville (from 1970)
- Freedom's Banner (from 189?)
- French's Republican (from 1854)
- Haldeman's Monthly Gleaner (from 1849)
- Harrison County Democrat (from 1886)
- Harrison County Press (from 1971)
- Harrison Gazette (from 1842)
- Herald-Post (from 1925)
- Herold Des Westens (from 1853)
- Herold Des Westens (from 1853)
- Hickory Club, Or, Federal Exterminator (from 183?)
- Highland Citizen (from 1954)
- Home Organizer (from 18??)
- Indiana Recorder And Public Advertiser (from 1825)
- Indiana Republican (from 1883)
- Jefferson County Republican (from 1933)
- Jeffersonian Democrat (from 1870)
- Jeffersonville Evening News (from 1872)
- Jeffersonville Journal (from 1839)
- Jeffersonville News (from 1891)
- Journal And Focus (from 183?)
- Justice (from 1894)
- Katholischer Glaubensbote (from 1866)
- Kent's Family Friend (from 189?)
- Kentucky Herald & Mercantile Advertiser (from 1817)
- Kentucky Irish American (from 1898)
- Kentucky Red Man (from 1906)
- Liberty News (from 18??)
- Lights And Shadows Of Modern Times (from 183?)
- Lincoln Republican News (from 1936)
- Louisville And Great Southern Monthly Railway Guide (from 1874)
- Louisville Anzeiger (from 184?)
- Louisville Anzeiger (from 1849)
- Louisville Anzeiger (from 18??)
- Louisville Argus (from 1892)
- Louisville Bulletin (from 1839)
- Louisville Chronicle (from 184?)
- Louisville Correspondent (from 18??)
- Louisville Courier (from 1842)
- Louisville Daily Democrat (from 1843)
- Louisville Daily Democrat (from 1843)
- Louisville Daily Democrat (from 1862)
- Louisville Daily Democrat (from 1862)
- Louisville Daily Express (from 1862)
- Louisville Daily Express (from 1869)
- Louisville Daily Gazette (from 18??)
- Louisville Daily Journal (from 1830)
- Louisville Daily Journal (from 1830)
- Louisville Daily Ledger (from 1871)
- Louisville Daily Sun (from 184?)
- Louisville Daily Union Press (from 1864)
- Louisville Democrat (from 1881)
- Louisville Democrat (from 19??)
- Louisville Enquirer (from 1837)
- Louisville Evening Bulletin (from 1851)
- Louisville Gazette & Indiana Correspondent (from 1807)
- Louisville Gazette, And Western Advertiser (from 1807)
- Louisville Gazette (from 1825)
- Louisville Gazette (from 1841)
- Louisville Herald And Commercial Gazette (from 1832)
- Louisville Herald-Commercial (from 1902)
- Louisville Herald-Commercial (from 1902)
- Louisville Industrial And Commercial Gazette (from 1865)
- Louisville Journal, Extra (from 1844)
- Louisville Journal (from 1831)
- Louisville Journal (from 18??)
- Louisville Literary News-Letter (from 1838)
- Louisville Morning Courier And American Democrat (from 1844)
- Louisville Morning Courier (from 1846)
- Louisville Morning Courier (from 1846)
- Louisville National Union Press (from 186?)
- Louisville News And Enquirer (from 1935)
- Louisville Public Advertiser (from 18??)
- Louisville Public Advertiser (from 1828)
- Louisville Public Advertiser (from 1844)
- Louisville Public Advertiser (from 1819)
- Louisville Public Advertiser (from 1834)
- Louisville Public Advertiser (from 18??)
- Louisville Public Advertiser (from 1825)
- Louisville Skyline (from 1986)
- Louisville Weekly Bulletin (from 1851)
- Louisville Weekly Courier And American Republican (from 184?)
- Louisville Weekly Courier (from 1846)
- Louisville Weekly Democrat (from 1843)
- Louisville Weekly Gazette (from 184?)
- Louisville Weekly Journal (from 1840)
- Louisville Weekly Public Advertiser (from 1827)
- Louisville Weekly Sun (from 1842)
- Louisville Weekly Union Press (from 1864)
- Louisville Whig (from 1843)
- Louisviller Adler (from 1852)
- Motor Weekly (from 1923)
- New Albany Daily Commercial (from 1865)
- New Albany Daily Ledger (from 1871)
- New Albany Daily Ledger (from 1890)
- New Albany Daily Standard (from 1871)
- New Albany Daily Tribune (from 1852)
- New Albany Daily Tribune (from 1872)
- New Albany Evening Tribune (from 1888)
- New Albany Ledger-Standard (from 1872)
- New Albany Ledger-Standard (from 1872)
- New Albany Ledger-Standard (from 1872)
- New Albany Ledger (from 1871)
- New Albany Standard (from 1871)
- New Albany Tribune (from 1913)
- New Albany Weekly Commercial (from 1865)
- New Albany Weekly Ledger (from 1925)
- New Albany Weekly Standard (from 1871)
- New Albany Weekly Tribune (from 1888)
- New Albany Weekly With Daily Combined Ledger (from 1922)
- News And Tribune (from 2011)
- News And Tribune (from 2011)
- O'Sullivan's Weekly (from 1919)
- Omnibus (from 1867)
- Our American Youth (from 187?)
- Pleasure Valley Advertiser (from 196?)
- Portland Civic News (from 1923)
- Post-Sentinel (from 1947)
- Presbyterian Herald (from 18??)
- Presbyterian Visitor (from 190?)
- Public Advertiser (from 183?)
- Public Advertiser (from 1830)
- Public Advertiser (from 1822)
- Public Advertiser (from 1818)
- Republican (from 1970)
- Riverside Weekly (from 18??)
- Rough And Ready (from 1847)
- Sellersburg News (from 1961)
- Servicemen's Louisville Dispatch (from 1945)
- Shively Newsweek (from 195?)
- Skyline (from 198?)
- Sonntags-Post (from 1867)
- Southwest Advertiser (from 1979)
- Spirit Of The West (from 1840)
- St. Matthews Booster (from 18??)
- St. Matthews Sun (from 193?)
- Temperance Advocate (from 1870)
- The Aegis And Louisville Literary Gazette (from 183?)
- The Agriculturist (from 18??)
- The Amateur World (from 1872)
- The American Red Man (from 1895)
- The Aurora (from 1839)
- The Baptist Banner (from 1848)
- The Bee (from 1979)
- The Bible Advocate (from 1851)
- The Black Rag (from 19??)
- The Bulletin (from 18??)
- The Bulletin (from 18??)
- The Bulletin (from 192?)
- The Campaign Democrat (from 1848)
- The Catholic Advocate (from 1869)
- The Catholic Advocate (from 1889)
- The Clark County Mirror (from 1927)
- The Clark Post (from 1964)
- The Columbian
- The Commercial Review And Louisville Prices Current (from 1855)
- The Commuter (from 1940)
- The Corydon Argus (from 18??)
- The Corydon Comet (from 1892)
- The Corydon Cricket (from 1878)
- The Corydon Democrat (from 1865)
- The Corydon Democrat (from 1879)
- The Corydon Republican (from 1868)
- The Corydon Republican (from 1908)
- The Corydon Weekly Democrat (from 1858)
- The Corydon Whig (from 1840)
- The Courier-Journal And The Louisville Times (from 1918)
- The Courier-Journal (from 1869)
- The Courier-Journal (from 1957)
- The Courier-Journal (from 1979)
- The Courier-Journal (from 1944)
- The Courier-Journal (from 1918)
- The Courier-Journal (from 1869)
- The Cresset (from 1828)
- The Critic (from 1889)
- The Daily Evening News (from 187?)
- The Daily Evening Sun (from 186?)
- The Daily Globe (from 1875)
- The Daily Kentuckian (from 1842)
- The Daily Ledger-Standard (from 1874)
- The Daily Press (from 1964)
- The Daily Reflector (from 1908)
- The Daily Whig (from 184?)
- The Daily World (from 189?)
- The Democratic News (from 1899)
- The Democratic Rooster
- The Democrat (from 1878)
- The Dollar Democrat (from 187?)
- The East End Voice (from 1986)
- The Enquirer (from 1837)
- The Evening Bulletin (from 18??)
- The Evening Bulletin (from 192?)
- The Evening Herald (from 187?)
- The Evening Journal (from 1896)
- The Evening News And The Jeffersonville Star (from 1922)
- The Evening News (from 1873)
- The Evening News (from 1924)
- The Evening News (from 1897)
- The Evening Post (from 1878)
- The Evening Post (from 1893)
- The Evening Times (from 1884)
- The Examiner (from 1847)
- The Extra Ledger (from 1852)
- The Farmer's Library, Or, Ohio Intelligencer (from 180?)
- The Farmer's Library (from 180?)
- The Flood (from 1937)
- The Focus Of Politics, Commerce, And Literature (from 1826)
- The Focus (from 1827)
- The Free Press (from 1940)
- The Free Republic (from 1895)
- The Gateway (from 1933)
- The Glee Club Clay Trumpet (from 1844)
- The Guardian (from 1858)
- The Halcyon (from 1841)
- The Harrison County News (from 1881)
- The Harrison Democrat (from 1856)
- The Herald (from 1984)
- The Highland Herald (from 19??)
- The Highlander (from 19??)
- The Hill & Highlander (from 197?)
- The Horizon (from 19??)
- The Indiana Official (from 1959)
- The Indiana Times (from 19??)
- The Indianian (from 1818)
- The Investigator (from 1835)
- The Jefferson County Post (from 1946)
- The Jefferson Weekly Times (from 185?)
- The Jeffersonian (from 197?)
- The Jeffersonville Post (from 1931)
- The Jeffersonville Star (from 1903)
- The Jeffersonville Times (from 18??)
- The Kentuckian (from 1842)
- The Kentucky Freeman (from 1862)
- The Kentucky Gazette (from 193?)
- The Kentucky Jewish Post And Opinion (from 19??)
- The Kentucky Reporter (from 19??)
- The Kentucky Tribune (from 18??)
- The Labor Union (from 1920)
- The Letter (from 19??)
- The Letter (from 1990)
- The Lincoln Republican (from 1931)
- The Louisville American (from 19??)
- The Louisville Catholic Advocate (from 1870)
- The Louisville City Gazette (from 183?)
- The Louisville Clipper, And Daily Public Ledger (from 1846)
- The Louisville Commercial (from 1869)
- The Louisville Commercial (from 1869)
- The Louisville Courier-Journal (from 1868)
- The Louisville Courier-Journal (from 1868)
- The Louisville Daily Courier (from 1861)
- The Louisville Daily Dime (from 184?)
- The Louisville Daily Focus (from 1831)
- The Louisville Daily Journal (from 1833)
- The Louisville Daily Journal (from 1833)
- The Louisville Daily Journal (from 1833)
- The Louisville Daily News (from 1896)
- The Louisville Daily Rover (from 184?)
- The Louisville Daily Sun (from 1870)
- The Louisville Defender (from 1933)
- The Louisville Democrat Extra (from 1852)
- The Louisville Dispatch (from 1897)
- The Louisville Dispatch (from 189?)
- The Louisville Examiner (from 1850)
- The Louisville Herald (from 1903)
- The Louisville Idea
- The Louisville Leader (from 1917)
- The Louisville Leader (from 1917)
- The Louisville News (from 189?)
- The Louisville Post (from 1880)
- The Louisville Post (from 1922)
- The Louisville Price Current And Commercial Register (from 1831)
- The Louisville Republican (from 1887)
- The Louisville Sun (from 187?)
- The Louisville Times (from 1885)
- The Louisville Times (from 1852)
- The Louisville Tribune (from 1937)
- The Louisville Weekly Courier-Journal (from 1868)
- The Louisville Weekly Dispatch (from 1899)
- The Louisville Weekly Herald (from 1869)
- The Louisville Weekly Ledger (from 1871)
- The Louisville Weekly Planet (from 1872)
- The Messenger (from 1976)
- The Microscope And General Advertiser (from 1824)
- The Microscope And General Advertiser (from 1824)
- The Microscope And General Advertiser (from 1824)
- The Midland Review (from 189?)
- The Morning Post And Commercial Advertiser (from 1822)
- The National Democrat And The Citizen-Record (from 1919)
- The National Democrat (from 1854)
- The National Granger (from 1875)
- The Nautilus (from 188?)
- The New Albany Citizen (from 1962)
- The New Albany Daily Ledger (from 1849)
- The New Albany Daily Ledger (from 1849)
- The New Albany Democrat (from 1844)
- The New Albany Ledger And Tribune (from 1937)
- The New Albany Ledger (from 1881)
- The New Albany Ledger (from 1935)
- The New Albany Ledger (from 193?)
- The New Albany Sentinel (from 1937)
- The New Albany Valley News (from 1959)
- The New Albany Weekly Ledger (from 1849)
- The New Albany Weekly Ledger (from 1881)
- The New Albany Weekly Tribune (from 1852)
- The New Deal (from 1934)
- The New Highlander (from 1928)
- The New Voice (from 1987)
- The News Letter (from 1889)
- The News Of The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) (from 1988)
- The Newsweek (from 1973)
- The Night Hawk (from 1895)
- The Ohio Falls Express (from 1878)
- The Ohio Falls Express (from 1878)
- The Owl (from 188?)
- The Palmyra Gazette (from 1921)
- The Paper (from 1975)
- The Portland Anchor (from 197?)
- The Prestonia Messenger (from 1946)
- The Probable Era (from 1918)
- The Probable Error (from 1918)
- The Public Ledger And Commercial Bulletin (from 18??)
- The Public Ledger (from 1845)
- The Public Press (from 1881)
- The Reflector (from 1908)
- The Reporter (from 1976)
- The Republican Star (from 1888)
- The Republican (from 188?)
- The Saturday Herald (from 18??)
- The Saturday (from 1877)
- The Sellersburg Leader (from 1957)
- The Sellersburg Star (from 1979)
- The Shawnee-Chickasaw Gleaner (from 1976)
- The Southern Indiana Review (from 1958)
- The Southern Weekly (from 194?)
- The Southwest News (from 1980)
- The Spirit Of Progress (from 183?)
- The Star-Bulletin (from 1951)
- The Star (from 195?)
- The Star (from 191?)
- The Suburban Mirror (from 1969)
- The Sunday Argus (from 1876)
- The Sunday Star (from 1895)
- The Times (from 1884)
- The Tophatter (from 1946)
- The Tribune (from 1967)
- The True Democrat (from 187?)
- The True Presbyterian (from 1862)
- The True Republican (from 184?)
- The Twice-A-Week Courier-Journal (from 1897)
- The Union Volunteer (from 1863)
- The Voice Of The Nation (from 1930)
- The Voice-Tribune (from 1994)
- The Voice (from 1973)
- The Weekly Campaigner (from 184?)
- The Weekly Journal (from 1896)
- The Weekly Louisville Times (from 1852)
- The Weekly Review (from 1881)
- The Weekly Review (from 1881)
- The Weekly World (from 189?)
- The Western Argus (from 1851)
- The Western Courier (from 1811)
- The Western World And Weekly Messenger (from 18??)
- Tippecanoe Banner And Spirit Of Democracy (from 1840)
- Tri-Weekly New Albany Democrat (from 1847)
- Truth Teller (from 1889)
- Truth (from 1885)
- Vox Populi (from 1874)
- Weekly Courier-Journal (from 1874)
- Weekly Dollar Democrat (from 185?)
- Weekly Louisville Commercial (from 187?)
- Weekly Louisville Democrat (from 1855)
- Weekly Sun & Advertiser (from 1842)
- West End Weekly News (from 1934)
- Western Recorder Baptist Banner And Pioneer (from 1857)
- Western Recorder (from 18??)
- Western Recorder (from 1825)
- Western Recorder (from 1851)
- Young Folks' Evening Post
- Young's Spirit Of The South And Central American (from 185?)
Off-the-Road Links ...
The official website for Chronicling America
Unfortunately, we don't know of an official website for Edwardsville. If you can help, please contact us through our Feedback Page. The official website for Floyd County: www.floydcounty.in.gov/ The official website for State of Indiana: https://www.in.gov
Footnotes ...
<1> | Our distances are not driving distances, but are calculated as a 'point-to-point' distance. A straight line distance ignores things like rivers, canyons, lakes, et cetera - it's truly a line drawn from Point A (ie- Edwardsville) to Point B.Our distance measurements begin at a specific point in Edwardsville. The point we use is located at these GPS coordinates - Latitude: 38.2842, Longitude: -85.9094 In this case, the coordinates for Edwardsville have been provided by the Geographic Names Information System (GNIS). |