Extended Newspaper ListIntroduction ...
Below are 34 newspapers that have been published within 27 miles [43.5 km]<1> of Burnettsville. The list has been sorted by paper name.
- Alford's Golden Leaf (from 186?)
- Alford's Golden Leaf (from 186?)
- Bauls (from 1969)
- Bunker Hill Press (from 1880)
- Camden Record (from 1913)
- Canal Telegraph (from 1834)
- Carroll County Bulletin (from 1882)
- Carroll County Bulletin (from 1882)
- Carroll County Citizen-Times (from 1900)
- Carroll County Citizen (from 1892)
- Carroll County Comet (from 1974)
- Carroll County Press (from 1912)
- Carroll Express (from 1840)
- Cass County Times (from 1831)
- Commercial Intelligencer (from 1837)
- Commercial Intelligencer (from 1837)
- Daily Advertiser (from 1881)
- Daily Journal (from 1878)
- Daily Lafayette Courier (from 1849)
- Daily Miami County Sentinel (from 1854)
- Daily Miami County Sentinel (from 1854)
- Das Logansporter Banner (from 1871)
- Delphi Dollar Journal (from 1853)
- Delphi Herald (from 1848)
- Delphi Journal (from 1855)
- Delphi Republican (from 1846)
- Delphi Times (from 1885)
- Delphi Weekly Journal (from 1850)
- Delphi Weekly Journal (from 1864)
- Delphi Weekly Times (from 187?)
- Der Logansport Demokrat (from 1867)
- Exponent (from 2000)
- Family Museum (from 1844)
- Francesville Tribune (from 1897)
- Galveston Leader (from 1897)
- Galveston News (from 1868)
- Galveston Sun (from 18??)
- Greenback Journal (from 1878)
- Herald Journal (from 1984)
- Home Banner (from 1873)
- Indiana Eagle (from 1838)
- Indiana State Commercial And Home Advocate (from 1867)
- Indiana State Commercial (from 1866)
- Indiana Trade Gazette (from 1869)
- Indiana Union (from 1868)
- Journal & Free-Press (from 1846)
- Journal And Courier (from 1972)
- Journal And Free-Press (from 1855)
- Journal-Citizen (from 1967)
- Kewanna Post (from 1875)
- Lafayette American (from 1854)
- Lafayette Daily Dispatch (from 1869)
- Lafayette Daily Journal (from 1849)
- Lafayette Democrat-Leader (from 1929)
- Lafayette Free-Press (from 1829)
- Lafayette Home Advocate (from 1865)
- Lafayette Morning Democrat (from 1864)
- Lafayette Morning Journal (from 1896)
- Lafayette Temperance Herald (from 1879)
- Lafayette Weekly Call (from 1885)
- Lafayette Weekly Commercial Advertiser (from 1864)
- Lafayette Weekly Courier (from 1853)
- Lafayette Weekly Dispatch (from 1869)
- Lafayette Weekly Gazette (from 1854)
- Lafayette Weekly Journal (from 1849)
- Lafayette Weekly Journal (from 1859)
- Logan Chief (from 1845)
- Logansport Canal Telegraph (from 1834)
- Logansport Chronicle (from 1877)
- Logansport Daily Journal (from 1876)
- Logansport Daily Journal (from 1899)
- Logansport Daily News (from 1870)
- Logansport Daily Pharos (from 1874)
- Logansport Daily Pharos (from 1881)
- Logansport Daily Reporter (from 1889)
- Logansport Daily Reporter (from 1896)
- Logansport Daily Star (from 1873)
- Logansport Daily Times (from 1871)
- Logansport Daily Tribune (from 1916)
- Logansport Deutsche Zeitung (from 1882)
- Logansport Journal-Tribune (from 1912)
- Logansport Leader (from 1889)
- Logansport Morning Journal (from 1901)
- Logansport Pharos-Reporter (from 1913)
- Logansport Pharos-Tribune (from 1920)
- Logansport Pharos (from 1874)
- Logansport Pharos (from 1896)
- Logansport Reporter (from 1894)
- Logansport Reporter (from 18??)
- Logansport Republican (from 1866)
- Logansport Saturday Night (from 1882)
- Logansport Sunday Herald (from 1874)
- Logansport Telegraph (from 1837)
- Logansport Weekly Journal (from 1866)
- Logansport Weekly Pharos (from 1881)
- Logansport Weekly Reporter (from 1908)
- Logansport, Indiana Freie Presse (from 1894)
- Logansporter Wecker (from 1872)
- Lux Verite (from 1967)
- Lux Verite (from 1967)
- Main Street (from 1982)
- Medaryville Journal (from 1916)
- Miami County Record (from 1894)
- Miami County Sentinel (from 1848)
- Miami County Sentinel (from 1876)
- Monticello Daily Herald Journal (from 1952)
- Monticello Herald-Journal (from 1939)
- Monticello Republican (from 1855)
- Monticello Spectator (from 1859)
- Monticello Sun (from 1989)
- Morning Journal (from 1889)
- New Waverly Enterprise (from 189?)
- Our Herald (from 1881)
- Our Village Weekly News (from 1872)
- Peru Daily Chronicle (from 1894)
- Peru Daily Sentinel (from 1890)
- Peru Daily Tribune (from 1980)
- Peru Daily Tribune (from 1921)
- Peru Evening Bulletin (from 1893)
- Peru Evening Journal (from 1884)
- Peru Forester (from 1837)
- Peru Journal Chronicle (from 1926)
- Peru Journal (from 1914)
- Peru Morning Chronicle (from 19??)
- Peru Morning Journal (from 190?)
- Peru Republican (from 1856)
- Peru Tribune (from 1994)
- Peru Weekly News (from 1855)
- Pharos-Tribune & Press (from 1966)
- Potawattimie & Miami Times (from 1829)
- Public Opinion (from 1871)
- Pulaski County Democrat (from 1889)
- Pulaski County Independent (from 197?)
- Pulaski County Journal (from 1957)
- Pulaski County Press (from 1978)
- Pulaski Democrat (from 185?)
- Pulaski Democrat (from 1864)
- Royal Center Record (from 1890)
- Royal Centre Record (from 190?)
- Sedalia Courier (from 1893)
- Semi-Weekly Times (from 1897)
- Star City (from 1851)
- Temperance Banner (from 1883)
- The Advertiser (from 1894)
- The Bon Ton (from 1885)
- The Bunker Hill News (from 1874)
- The Burnettsville News (from 1907)
- The Call (from 1902)
- The Camden Expositor (from 1880)
- The Camden Record-News (from 1926)
- The Chronicle (from 1882)
- The Chronicle (from 1877)
- The Colored Visitor (from 1879)
- The Colored Visitor (from 1879)
- The Comet (from 1885)
- The Conference Times (from 1873)
- The Constitutionalist (from 1866)
- The Daily Journal (from 1887)
- The Daily News (from 1868)
- The Daily Pharos-Reporter (from 1913)
- The Daily Reporter (from 1912)
- The Daily Republican (from 1873)
- The Delphi Citizen (from 1924)
- The Delphi Journal (from 1866)
- The Delphi Journal (from 1859)
- The Delphi Merchant (from 199?)
- The Delphi Oracle (from 1836)
- The Delphi Oracle (from 1869)
- The Delphi Review (from 1980)
- The Delphi Times (from 1866)
- The Delphi Times (from 1899)
- The Delphi Weekly Journal (from 1858)
- The Delphi Weekly Times (from 1851)
- The Democratic Journal (from 1883)
- The Emerald (from 1891)
- The Evening Call (from 1885)
- The Evening Herald (from 1898)
- The Evening Journal (from 1896)
- The Evening News (from 1877)
- The Evening Pharos (from 187?)
- The Evening Star (from 1873)
- The Flora Enterprise-Sentinel (from 1901)
- The Flora Sentinel (from 1893)
- The Fountain City Enterprise (from 1885)
- The Friday Lafayette Leader (from 1949)
- The Fulton Leader (from 1901)
- The Fulton Review (from 1957)
- The Galveston Free Press (from 1871)
- The Galveston Herald (from 1880)
- The Galveston Times (from 1884)
- The Herald (from 1966)
- The Herald (from 184?)
- The Home Journal, And The Lafayette Weekly Call (from 1902)
- The Home Journal (from 1879)
- The Home Journal (from 1903)
- The Hoosier Democrat (from 1897)
- The Independent Press (from 1875)
- The Independent (from 1981)
- The Journal-Tribune (from 1912)
- The Journal (from 1985)
- The Kewanna Herald (from 1883)
- The Kewanna Herald (from 1913)
- The Kewanna Observer (from 1946)
- The La Fayette Daily American (from 1856)
- The La Fayette Weekly Journal (from 1887)
- The Lafayette Argus (from 1857)
- The Lafayette Call (from 1896)
- The Lafayette Courier (from 1999)
- The Lafayette Courier (from 1845)
- The Lafayette Courier (from 1916)
- The Lafayette Daily Argus (from 1864)
- The Lafayette Daily Courier (from 1851)
- The Lafayette Daily Courier (from 1863)
- The Lafayette Dispatch (from 1872)
- The Lafayette Evening Call (from 1896)
- The Lafayette Free-Press, And Commercial Advertiser (from 183?)
- The Lafayette Journal And Courier (from 1920)
- The Lafayette Journal (from 1914)
- The Lafayette Leader (from 1935)
- The Lafayette Leader (from 1952)
- The Lafayette Morning News (from 1887)
- The Lafayette News (from 1946)
- The Lafayette Star (from 1882)
- The Lafayette Sunday Herald (from 1896)
- The Lafayette Sunday Leader (from 188?)
- The Lafayette Sunday Times (from 188?)
- The Lafayette Weekly Bee (from 1872)
- The Leader (from 1966)
- The Leader (from 1893)
- The Logansport Advance (from 1892)
- The Logansport Daily Journal (from 1884)
- The Logansport Daily Tribune (from 1907)
- The Logansport Index And Business Guide (from 1869)
- The Logansport Journal (from 1849)
- The Logansport Journal (from 1895)
- The Logansport Journal (from 1902)
- The Logansport Journal (from 189?)
- The Logansport Morning Press (from 1921)
- The Logansport Press (from 1926)
- The Logansport Republican And Indiana Herald (from 1833)
- The Logansport Times (from 1890)
- The Logansport Weekly Star (from 1874)
- The Macy Monitor (from 1885)
- The Mayflower (from 186?)
- The Medaryville Herald (from 1922)
- The Monon Dispatch (from 1884)
- The Monon News (from 1890)
- The Monon Times (from 1889)
- The Monticello Democrat (from 1877)
- The Monticello Herald (from 1862)
- The Monticello Herald (from 1870)
- The Monticello Journal (from 1929)
- The Monticello Weekly Herald (from 1864)
- The Morning Leader (from 1894)
- The Morning News (from 1882)
- The Morning Post (from 1894)
- The National Greenbacker (from 1878)
- The New Wolcott Enterprise (from 1967)
- The News & Review (from 1998)
- The News-Letter (from 1885)
- The Orphan (from 18??)
- The Peru Cork-screw And Gimlet Of Attraction (from 1844)
- The Peru Cork-screw And Gimlet Of Reform (from 1844)
- The Peru Daily Herald (from 1879)
- The Peru Evening News (from 1897)
- The Peru Free Press (from 1852)
- The Peru Gazette (from 1839)
- The Peru Herald (from 1846)
- The Peru Observer (from 1844)
- The Peru Republican Argus (from 1854)
- The Peru Tribune (from 1975)
- The Peru Weekly Times (from 1876)
- The Pharos-Tribune (from 1976)
- The Pioneer (from 1848)
- The Political Frame (from 1856)
- The Port-folio (from 1852)
- The Prairie Chieftain (from 1850)
- The Pulaski Guard (from 1874)
- The Record (from 189?)
- The Reynolds Journal (from 1910)
- The Royal Center Sun (from 1903)
- The Saturday Night Review (from 1894)
- The Saturday Pharos (from 189?)
- The Sentinel (from 1915)
- The Spy (from 1841)
- The Star City Trumpet (from 18??)
- The Sun Appendix (from 1878)
- The Sunday Chronicle (from 1875)
- The Sunday Critic (from 1884)
- The Sunday Lafayette Leader (from 1949)
- The Sunday Leader (from 1894)
- The Sunday Leader (from 1883)
- The Sunday Local (from 1874)
- The Sunday Morning Leader (from 1874)
- The Sunday Rambler (from 1876)
- The Sunday Record (from 1915)
- The Sunday Times (from 1879)
- The Sun (from 1872)
- The Times (from 188?)
- The Times (from 1920)
- The Tippecanoe Journal And Lafayette Free-Press (from 1847)
- The Tippecanoe Journal, And Lafayette Free Press (from 1841)
- The Tippecanoe Journal (from 1843)
- The Wabash Standard (from 1843)
- The Wabash Valley Olio (from 1853)
- The Wabash Valley Times (from 1965)
- The Walton Enterprise (from 192?)
- The Weekly Journal (from 1890)
- The Weekly Journal (from 1885)
- The Weekly Pharos-Reporter (from 1913)
- The Weekly Times (from 1849)
- The White County Democrat (from 1859)
- The Winamac Democrat (from 1864)
- The Winamac Journal (from 1880)
- The Yeoman Localizer (from 1894)
- Tippecanoe American (from 1855)
- Tippecanoe County Democrat (from 1908)
- Tippecanoe County Democrat (from 1922)
- Tippecanoe Tomahawk (from 1883)
- Tri-Weekly Journal (from 1845)
- Tri-Weekly Logansport Journal (from 1854)
- Village Merchant (from 19??)
- Wabash Atlas (from 1848)
- Wabash Gazette (from 1842)
- Wabash Mercury (from 1833)
- Wabash Scratches (from 1847)
- Weekly Journal (from 1877)
- Western Banner (from 1836)
- Western Granger And Agriculturist (from 1874)
- Western Granger And Home Journal (from 1875)
- Western Republican (from 1846)
- White County Banner (from 1871)
- White County Democrat (from 1882)
- White County National (from 1896)
- White County Times (from 1956)
- Winamac Democrat-Journal (from 1892)
- Winamac Prefect (from 1888)
- Winamac Republican (from 1867)
- Winamac Republican (from 1974)
- Winamac Weekly Herald (from 1864)
- Wolcott Beacon (from 1938)
- Wolcott Enterprise (from 1892)
Off-the-Road Links ...
The official website for Chronicling America
Unfortunately, we don't know of an official website for Burnettsville. If you can help, please contact us through our Feedback Page. The official website for State of Indiana: https://www.in.gov
Footnotes ...
<1> | Our distances are not driving distances, but are calculated as a 'straight-line' (or point-to-point) distance. A straight line distance ignores obstructions like rivers, canyons, lakes, et cetera - it's truly a line from Point A (ie- Burnettsville) to Point B.Our distance measurements begin at a specific point in Burnettsville. The point we use is located at these GPS coordinates - Latitude: 40.7612, Longitude: -86.5947 In this case, the coordinates for Burnettsville have been provided by the Geographic Names Information System (GNIS). |