Nearby Cemeteries
Below are cemeteries that are within 30 miles [48.3 km]<1> of the Oakland Cemetery. The cemeteries are listed in alphabetical order.
Since our focus is on geography, we don't have any burial or interment information. Nor do we have any contact information for the Oakland Cemetery. For information of that nature, we recommend you visit Find-A-Grave's<2> entry for the Oakland Cemetery (FG ID #1977705).
We are always looking for corrections and additions to our Gazetteer. If you can help, we are looking for information such as the name of the cemetery, its GPS coordinates, whether the cemetery is still in use or if it is historic (ie- defunct, abandoned, etc.). If it applies, we would also like to learn of any past or alternate names that the cemetery may have been known by.
We've listed the following cemeteries based on their distance from Oakland Cemetery, with the nearest first.
- Eugene Cemetery
(Less than 2 miles to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Eugene Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Eugene Cemetery is located in Ringgold County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Eugene Cemetery
- Bever Cemetery
(Less than 2 miles to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Bever Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Bever Cemetery is located in Ringgold County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Bever Cemetery
- Quinn Cemetery
(2 miles [3.2 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Quinn Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Quinn Cemetery is located in Ringgold County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Quinn Cemetery
- Mortimor Cemetery
(3 miles [4.8 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Mortimor Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Mortimor Cemetery is located in Ringgold County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Mortimor Cemetery
- Harmony Cemetery
(4 miles [6.4 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Harmony Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Harmony Cemetery is located in Union County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Harmony Cemetery
- Tingley Cemetery
(4 miles [6.4 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Tingley Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Tingley Cemetery is located in Ringgold County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Tingley Cemetery
- Centenary Cemetery
(5 miles [8 km] to the southwest)
- The Centenary Cemetery is located in Ringgold County
- To give a relative sense of its location, the Centenary Cemetery is a large cemetery that is located less than 2 miles<1> to the southwest of Diagonal.
- The Centenary Cemetery has also been known as:
- Knowlton Cemetery
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Centenary Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #2153874 <2>
- Keller Cemetery
(6 miles [9.7 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Keller Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Keller Cemetery is located in Ringgold County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Keller Cemetery
- Ide Family Cemetery
(7 miles [11.3 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Ide Family Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Ide Family Cemetery is located in Union County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Ide Family Cemetery
- Grove Chapel Cemetery
(7 miles [11.3 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Grove Chapel Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Grove Chapel Cemetery is located in Union County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Grove Chapel Cemetery
- Bruening Cemetery
(7 miles [11.3 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Bruening Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Bruening Cemetery is located in Union County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Bruening Cemetery
- Rising Sun Cemetery
(7 miles [11.3 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Rising Sun Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Rising Sun Cemetery is located in Ringgold County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Rising Sun Cemetery
- Tindle Cemetery
(7 miles [11.3 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Tindle Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Tindle Cemetery is located in Ringgold County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Tindle Cemetery
- Diagonal Cemetery
(7 miles [11.3 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Diagonal Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Diagonal Cemetery is located in Ringgold County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Diagonal Cemetery
- McDuthies Cemetery
(8 miles [12.9 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the McDuthies Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The McDuthies Cemetery is located in Union County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the McDuthies Cemetery
- Bethel Cemetery
(8 miles [12.9 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Bethel Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Bethel Cemetery is located in Ringgold County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Bethel Cemetery
- Bohemian Cemetery
(8 miles [12.9 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Bohemian Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Bohemian Cemetery is located in Ringgold County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Bohemian Cemetery
- Ellston Cemetery
(8 miles [12.9 km] to the southeast)
- Cornwall Cemetery
(8 miles [12.9 km] to the east)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Cornwall Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Cornwall Cemetery is located in Union County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Cornwall Cemetery
- Abel Cemetery
(8 miles [12.9 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Abel Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Abel Cemetery is located in Union County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Abel Cemetery
- Morgan Cemetery
(9 miles [14.5 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Morgan Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Morgan Cemetery is located in Union County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Morgan Cemetery
- Cabaret Cemetery
(9 miles [14.5 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Cabaret Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Cabaret Cemetery is located in Ringgold County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Cabaret Cemetery
- Johnston Cemetery
(9 miles [14.5 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Johnston Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Johnston Cemetery is located in Ringgold County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Johnston Cemetery
- Norris Family Cemetery
(9 miles [14.5 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Norris Family Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Norris Family Cemetery is located in Union County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Norris Family Cemetery
- Dead Man's Curve Cemetery
(10 miles [16.1 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Dead Man's Curve Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Dead Man's Curve Cemetery is located in Ringgold County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Dead Man's Curve Cemetery
- Pumptown Cemetery
(10 miles [16.1 km] to the east)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Pumptown Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Pumptown Cemetery is located in Ringgold County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Pumptown Cemetery
- Green Lawn Cemetery
(10 miles [16.1 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Green Lawn Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Green Lawn Cemetery is located in Union County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Green Lawn Cemetery
- Calvary Cemetery
(10 miles [16.1 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Calvary Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Calvary Cemetery is located in Union County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Calvary Cemetery
- County Home Cemetery
(10 miles [16.1 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the County Home Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The County Home Cemetery is located in Union County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the County Home Cemetery
- Graceland Cemetery
(11 miles [17.7 km] to the northwest)
- Clearfield Cemetery
(11 miles [17.7 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Clearfield Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Clearfield Cemetery is located in Ringgold County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Clearfield Cemetery
- Oak Ridge Cemetery
(11 miles [17.7 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Oak Ridge Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Oak Ridge Cemetery is located in Ringgold County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Oak Ridge Cemetery
- Oliver Cemetery
(11 miles [17.7 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Oliver Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Oliver Cemetery is located in Ringgold County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Oliver Cemetery
- Homewood Cemetery
(11 miles [17.7 km] to the east)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Homewood Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Homewood Cemetery is located in Union County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Homewood Cemetery
- Otterbein Cemetery
(11 miles [17.7 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Otterbein Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Otterbein Cemetery is located in Union County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Otterbein Cemetery
- Lytles Grove Cemetery
(12 miles [19.3 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Lytles Grove Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Lytles Grove Cemetery is located in Union County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Lytles Grove Cemetery
- Benton Cemetery
(12 miles [19.3 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Benton Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Benton Cemetery is located in Ringgold County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Benton Cemetery
- Marshalltown Cemetery
(12 miles [19.3 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Marshalltown Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Marshalltown Cemetery is located in Ringgold County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Marshalltown Cemetery
- Rose Hill Cemetery
(12 miles [19.3 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Rose Hill Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Rose Hill Cemetery is located in Ringgold County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Rose Hill Cemetery
- Bear Cemetery
(12 miles [19.3 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Bear Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Bear Cemetery is located in Ringgold County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Bear Cemetery
- Leas Cemetery
(12 miles [19.3 km] to the east)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Leas Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Leas Cemetery is located in Union County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Leas Cemetery
- Calvary Cemetery
(13 miles [20.9 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Calvary Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Calvary Cemetery is located in Union County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Calvary Cemetery
- Sweet Home Cemetery
(13 miles [20.9 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Sweet Home Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Sweet Home Cemetery is located in Ringgold County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Sweet Home Cemetery
- Woodland Cemetery
(13 miles [20.9 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Woodland Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Woodland Cemetery is located in Ringgold County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Woodland Cemetery
- Reasoner Cemetery
(13 miles [20.9 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Reasoner Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Reasoner Cemetery is located in Union County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Reasoner Cemetery
- West Union Cemetery
(13 miles [20.9 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the West Union Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The West Union Cemetery is located in Union County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the West Union Cemetery
- Brown Family Cemetery
(13 miles [20.9 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Brown Family Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Brown Family Cemetery is located in Union County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Brown Family Cemetery
- Mt. Pisgah Cemetery
(13 miles [20.9 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Mt. Pisgah Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Mt. Pisgah Cemetery is located in Union County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Mt. Pisgah Cemetery
- Maple Hill Cemetery
(14 miles [22.5 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Maple Hill Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Maple Hill Cemetery is located in Union County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Maple Hill Cemetery
- O'Grady Cemetery
(14 miles [22.5 km] to the east)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the O'Grady Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The O'Grady Cemetery is located in Decatur County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the O'Grady Cemetery
- Hopeville Cemetery
(14 miles [22.5 km] to the east)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Hopeville Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Hopeville Cemetery is located in Clarke County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Hopeville Cemetery
- Claypool Cemetery
(14 miles [22.5 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Claypool Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Claypool Cemetery is located in Union County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Claypool Cemetery
- Evergreen Cemetery
(15 miles [24.1 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Evergreen Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Evergreen Cemetery is located in Union County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Evergreen Cemetery
- Jerusalem Cemetery
(15 miles [24.1 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Jerusalem Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Jerusalem Cemetery is located in Union County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Jerusalem Cemetery
- Thompson Cemetery
(15 miles [24.1 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Thompson Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Thompson Cemetery is located in Ringgold County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Thompson Cemetery
- Merritt Cemetery
(15 miles [24.1 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Merritt Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Merritt Cemetery is located in Ringgold County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Merritt Cemetery
- Grand River Cemetery
(15 miles [24.1 km] to the east)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Grand River Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Grand River Cemetery is located in Decatur County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Grand River Cemetery
- Westervelt Cemetery
(15 miles [24.1 km] to the east)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Westervelt Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Westervelt Cemetery is located in Decatur County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Westervelt Cemetery
- Thayer Cemetery
(15 miles [24.1 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Thayer Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Thayer Cemetery is located in Union County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Thayer Cemetery
- Bethel Cemetery
(15 miles [24.1 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Bethel Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Bethel Cemetery is located in Union County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Bethel Cemetery
- Beulah Cemetery
(15 miles [24.1 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Beulah Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Beulah Cemetery is located in Union County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Beulah Cemetery
- Cedar Grove Cemetery
(15 miles [24.1 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Cedar Grove Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Cedar Grove Cemetery is located in Union County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Cedar Grove Cemetery
- Summit Cemetery
(16 miles [25.7 km] to the northwest)
- Stringtown Cemetery
(16 miles [25.7 km] to the west)
- North Fairview Cemetery
(16 miles [25.7 km] to the west)
- The North Fairview Cemetery is located in Taylor County
- The North Fairview Cemetery has also been known as:
- North Fairview Cemetery
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the North Fairview Cemetery
- East Fairview Cemetery
(16 miles [25.7 km] to the west)
- The East Fairview Cemetery is located in Taylor County
- The East Fairview Cemetery has also been known as:
- Fairview Cemetery
- St. Patricks Cemetery
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the East Fairview Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #94625 <2>
- West Fairview Cemetery
(16 miles [25.7 km] to the west)
- The West Fairview Cemetery is located in Taylor County
- The West Fairview Cemetery has also been known as:
- Fairview Cemetery
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the West Fairview Cemetery
- St. Marys Cemetery
(16 miles [25.7 km] to the southwest)
- The St. Marys Cemetery is located in Ringgold County
- To give a relative sense of its location, the St. Marys Cemetery is located outside and to the northeast of Maloy.
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the St. Marys Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #2193998 <2>
- Oakland Cemetery
(16 miles [25.7 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Oakland Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Oakland Cemetery is located in Ringgold County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Oakland Cemetery
- Tedrow Cemetery
(16 miles [25.7 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Tedrow Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Tedrow Cemetery is located in Ringgold County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Tedrow Cemetery
- Gregg Cemetery
(16 miles [25.7 km] to the east)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Gregg Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Gregg Cemetery is located in Clarke County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Gregg Cemetery
- Groesbeck Cemetery
(16 miles [25.7 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Groesbeck Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Groesbeck Cemetery is located in Union County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Groesbeck Cemetery
- Dodge Center Cemetery
(16 miles [25.7 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Dodge Center Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Dodge Center Cemetery is located in Union County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Dodge Center Cemetery
- Prairie Lawn Cemetery
(17 miles [27.4 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Prairie Lawn Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Prairie Lawn Cemetery is located in Union County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Prairie Lawn Cemetery
- Spaulding Center Cemetery
(17 miles [27.4 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Spaulding Center Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Spaulding Center Cemetery is located in Union County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Spaulding Center Cemetery
- Salem Church Cemetery
(17 miles [27.4 km] to the west)
- The Salem Church Cemetery is located in Adams County
- The Salem Church Cemetery has also been known as:
- Salem Cemetery
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Salem Church Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #96275 <2>
- Platte River Cemetery
(17 miles [27.4 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Platte River Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Platte River Cemetery is located in Ringgold County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Platte River Cemetery
- Forest Home Cemetery
(17 miles [27.4 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Forest Home Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Forest Home Cemetery is located in Ringgold County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Forest Home Cemetery
- Maple Row Cemetery
(17 miles [27.4 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Maple Row Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Maple Row Cemetery is located in Ringgold County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Maple Row Cemetery
- Young Cemetery
(17 miles [27.4 km] to the east)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Young Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Young Cemetery is located in Decatur County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Young Cemetery
- Tennessee Cemetery
(17 miles [27.4 km] to the east)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Tennessee Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Tennessee Cemetery is located in Decatur County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Tennessee Cemetery
- Warrick Cemetery
(17 miles [27.4 km] to the east)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Warrick Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Warrick Cemetery is located in Decatur County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Warrick Cemetery
- Troy Cemetery
(17 miles [27.4 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Troy Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Troy Cemetery is located in Clarke County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Troy Cemetery
- Bragg Cemetery
(17 miles [27.4 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Bragg Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Bragg Cemetery is located in Union County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Bragg Cemetery
- Liberty Cemetery
(18 miles [29 km] to the north)
- Tando - Winslow Cemetery
(18 miles [29 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Tando - Winslow Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Tando - Winslow Cemetery is located in Taylor County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Tando - Winslow Cemetery
- Shaha Cemetery
(18 miles [29 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Shaha Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Shaha Cemetery is located in Ringgold County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Shaha Cemetery
- Oak Hill Cemetery
(18 miles [29 km] to the east)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Oak Hill Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Oak Hill Cemetery is located in Decatur County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Oak Hill Cemetery
- Old Funk Cemetery
(18 miles [29 km] to the east)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Old Funk Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Old Funk Cemetery is located in Decatur County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Old Funk Cemetery
- Murray Cemetery
(18 miles [29 km] to the northeast)
- Lorimor Cemetery
(18 miles [29 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Lorimor Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Lorimor Cemetery is located in Union County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Lorimor Cemetery
- Kickman Cemetery
(18 miles [29 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Kickman Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Kickman Cemetery is located in Madison County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Kickman Cemetery
- Caledonia Cemetery
(19 miles [30.6 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Caledonia Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Caledonia Cemetery is located in Ringgold County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Caledonia Cemetery
- Millsap Cemetery
(19 miles [30.6 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Millsap Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Millsap Cemetery is located in Decatur County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Millsap Cemetery
- Sanders Cemetery
(19 miles [30.6 km] to the east)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Sanders Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Sanders Cemetery is located in Clarke County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Sanders Cemetery
- West Branch Cemetery
(19 miles [30.6 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the West Branch Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The West Branch Cemetery is located in Madison County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the West Branch Cemetery
- Old Evergreen Cemetery
(20 miles [32.2 km] to the northwest)
- The Old Evergreen Cemetery is located in Adams County
- The Old Evergreen Cemetery has also been known as:
- Castle Cemetery
- Old Prescott Cemetery
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Old Evergreen Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #95718 <2>
- Prescott Evergreen Cemetery
(20 miles [32.2 km] to the northwest)
- The Prescott Evergreen Cemetery is located in Adams County
- The Prescott Evergreen Cemetery has also been known as:
- Evergreen Cemetery
- New Prescott Cemetery
- Prescott Cemetery
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Prescott Evergreen Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #94717 <2>
- Grove Cemetery
(20 miles [32.2 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Grove Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Grove Cemetery is located in Taylor County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Grove Cemetery
- Blue Grove Cemetery
(20 miles [32.2 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Blue Grove Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Blue Grove Cemetery is located in Taylor County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Blue Grove Cemetery
- Conway Cemetery
(20 miles [32.2 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Conway Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Conway Cemetery is located in Taylor County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Conway Cemetery
- Redding Cemetery
(20 miles [32.2 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Redding Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Redding Cemetery is located in Ringgold County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Redding Cemetery
- Middle Fork Cemetery
(20 miles [32.2 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Middle Fork Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Middle Fork Cemetery is located in Ringgold County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Middle Fork Cemetery
- Hickory Grove Cemetery
(20 miles [32.2 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Hickory Grove Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Hickory Grove Cemetery is located in Ringgold County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Hickory Grove Cemetery
- Lewis Cemetery
(20 miles [32.2 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Lewis Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Lewis Cemetery is located in Ringgold County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Lewis Cemetery
- Elk Cemetery
(20 miles [32.2 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Elk Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Elk Cemetery is located in Decatur County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Elk Cemetery
- Munyon Cemetery
(20 miles [32.2 km] to the east)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Munyon Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Munyon Cemetery is located in Decatur County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Munyon Cemetery
- West Cemetery
(20 miles [32.2 km] to the east)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the West Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The West Cemetery is located in Decatur County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the West Cemetery
- Lacelle Cemetery
(20 miles [32.2 km] to the east)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Lacelle Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Lacelle Cemetery is located in Clarke County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Lacelle Cemetery
- Hill of Zion Cemetery
(21 miles [33.8 km] to the north)
- The Hill of Zion Cemetery is located in Adair County
- The Hill of Zion Cemetery has also been known as:
- Mt. Zion Cemetery
- Zion Cemetery
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Hill of Zion Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #2167201 <2>
- Oakdale Cemetery
(21 miles [33.8 km] to the south)
- The Oakdale Cemetery is located in Ringgold County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Oakdale Cemetery
- Ringgold Cemetery
(21 miles [33.8 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Ringgold Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Ringgold Cemetery is located in Ringgold County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Ringgold Cemetery
- Woodmansee Cemetery
(21 miles [33.8 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Woodmansee Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Woodmansee Cemetery is located in Decatur County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Woodmansee Cemetery
- McKee Cemetery
(21 miles [33.8 km] to the east)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the McKee Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The McKee Cemetery is located in Decatur County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the McKee Cemetery
- Boone Cemetery
(21 miles [33.8 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Boone Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Boone Cemetery is located in Madison County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Boone Cemetery
- Moon Cemetery
(21 miles [33.8 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Moon Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Moon Cemetery is located in Madison County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Moon Cemetery
- Rose Hill Cemetery
(22 miles [35.4 km] to the northwest)
- Bohemian National Cemetery
(22 miles [35.4 km] to the northwest)
- Mt. Zion Cemetery
(22 miles [35.4 km] to the northwest)
- Icarian Cemetery
(22 miles [35.4 km] to the west)
- Rosehill Cemetery
(22 miles [35.4 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Rosehill Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Rosehill Cemetery is located in Taylor County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Rosehill Cemetery
- Fairview Cemetery
(22 miles [35.4 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Fairview Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Fairview Cemetery is located in Ringgold County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Fairview Cemetery
- Clark - Allen Cemetery
(22 miles [35.4 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Clark - Allen Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Clark - Allen Cemetery is located in Ringgold County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Clark - Allen Cemetery
- Crim Cemetery
(22 miles [35.4 km] to the south)
- The Crim Cemetery is located in Worth County (MO)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Crim Cemetery
- Mt. Zion Cemetery
(22 miles [35.4 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Mt. Zion Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Mt. Zion Cemetery is located in Ringgold County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Mt. Zion Cemetery
- Cash Cemetery
(22 miles [35.4 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Cash Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Cash Cemetery is located in Decatur County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Cash Cemetery
- Trinity Hills Cemetery
(22 miles [35.4 km] to the southeast)
- The Trinity Hills Cemetery is located in Decatur County
- The Trinity Hills Cemetery has also been known as:
- Trinity Hills Lutheran Church Cemetery
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Trinity Hills Cemetery
- Clinton Cemetery
(22 miles [35.4 km] to the east)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Clinton Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Clinton Cemetery is located in Decatur County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Clinton Cemetery
- Barney Cemetery
(22 miles [35.4 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Barney Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Barney Cemetery is located in Madison County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Barney Cemetery
- Wilson Cemetery
(22 miles [35.4 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Wilson Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Wilson Cemetery is located in Adair County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Wilson Cemetery
- Wilson Chapel
(22 miles [35.4 km] to the north)
- Orient Cemetery
(23 miles [37 km] to the north)
- Taylor County Farm Cemetery
(23 miles [37 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Taylor County Farm Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Taylor County Farm Cemetery is located in Taylor County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Taylor County Farm Cemetery
- Bower Cemetery
(23 miles [37 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Bower Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Bower Cemetery is located in Taylor County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Bower Cemetery
- Platteville Cemetery
(23 miles [37 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Platteville Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Platteville Cemetery is located in Taylor County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Platteville Cemetery
- Lotts Grove Cemetery
(23 miles [37 km] to the south)
- Patrick Cemetery
(23 miles [37 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Patrick Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Patrick Cemetery is located in Ringgold County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Patrick Cemetery
- Lillie Cemetery
(23 miles [37 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Lillie Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Lillie Cemetery is located in Decatur County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Lillie Cemetery
- Bullock Cemetery
(23 miles [37 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Bullock Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Bullock Cemetery is located in Madison County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Bullock Cemetery
- Kivett Cemetery
(23 miles [37 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Kivett Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Kivett Cemetery is located in Madison County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Kivett Cemetery
- Mt. Pleasant Cemetery
(24 miles [38.6 km] to the northwest)
- The Mt. Pleasant Cemetery is located in Adams County
- To give a relative sense of its location, the Mt. Pleasant Cemetery is located 4 miles [6.4 km]<1> to the southwest of Corning.
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Mt. Pleasant Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #95547 <2>
- Old Queen City Cemetery
(24 miles [38.6 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Old Queen City Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Old Queen City Cemetery is located in Adams County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Old Queen City Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #95721 <2>
- Queen City Cemetery
(24 miles [38.6 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Queen City Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Queen City Cemetery is located in Adams County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Queen City Cemetery
- Lexington Cemetery
(24 miles [38.6 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Lexington Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Lexington Cemetery is located in Taylor County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Lexington Cemetery
- Tent Chapel Cemetery
(24 miles [38.6 km] to the southwest)
- Honey Grove Cemetery
(24 miles [38.6 km] to the south)
- Douglas Cemetery
(24 miles [38.6 km] to the south)
- Note: We haven't been able to verify our GPS coordinates for the Douglas Cemetery. Although the coordinates have been estimated, they should be in the vicinity.<4>
- The Douglas Cemetery is located in Gentry County (MO)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Douglas Cemetery
- Douglas Cemetery
(24 miles [38.6 km] to the south)
- The Douglas Cemetery is located in Worth County (MO)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Douglas Cemetery
- Hollen Cemetery
(24 miles [38.6 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Hollen Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Hollen Cemetery is located in Decatur County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Hollen Cemetery
- Rose Hill Cemetery
(24 miles [38.6 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Rose Hill Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Rose Hill Cemetery is located in Decatur County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Rose Hill Cemetery
- Bucy Cemetery
(24 miles [38.6 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Bucy Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Bucy Cemetery is located in Decatur County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Bucy Cemetery
- Terre Haute Cemetery
(24 miles [38.6 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Terre Haute Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Terre Haute Cemetery is located in Decatur County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Terre Haute Cemetery
- Miller Cemetery
(24 miles [38.6 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Miller Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Miller Cemetery is located in Decatur County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Miller Cemetery
- Decatur City Cemetery
(24 miles [38.6 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Decatur City Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Decatur City Cemetery is located in Decatur County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Decatur City Cemetery
- Van Wert Cemetery
(24 miles [38.6 km] to the east)
- Union Cemetery
(24 miles [38.6 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Union Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Union Cemetery is located in Clarke County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Union Cemetery
- Hamblin Cemetery
(24 miles [38.6 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Hamblin Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Hamblin Cemetery is located in Madison County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Hamblin Cemetery
- Hebron Cemetery
(25 miles [40.2 km] to the north)
- Boley Farm Cemetery
(25 miles [40.2 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Boley Farm Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Boley Farm Cemetery is located in Adair County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Boley Farm Cemetery
- Oak Hill Calvary Cemetery
(25 miles [40.2 km] to the west)
- The Oak Hill Calvary Cemetery is located in Adams County
- The Oak Hill Calvary Cemetery has also been known as:
- Calvary Cemetery
- Oak Hill Cemetery
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Oak Hill Calvary Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #94406 <2>
- Athelstan Cemetery
(25 miles [40.2 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Athelstan Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Athelstan Cemetery is located in Taylor County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Athelstan Cemetery
- Petry Cemetery
(25 miles [40.2 km] to the south)
- The Petry Cemetery is located in Worth County (MO)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Petry Cemetery
- Lincoln Center Cemetery
(25 miles [40.2 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Lincoln Center Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Lincoln Center Cemetery is located in Harrison County (MO)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Lincoln Center Cemetery
- Payne Cemetery
(25 miles [40.2 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Payne Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Payne Cemetery is located in Harrison County (MO)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Payne Cemetery
- Waller Cemetery
(25 miles [40.2 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Waller Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Waller Cemetery is located in Decatur County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Waller Cemetery
- Shy Cemetery
(25 miles [40.2 km] to the east)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Shy Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Shy Cemetery is located in Decatur County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Shy Cemetery
- Green Bay Cemetery
(25 miles [40.2 km] to the east)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Green Bay Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Green Bay Cemetery is located in Clarke County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Green Bay Cemetery
- Clark Cemetery
(25 miles [40.2 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Clark Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Clark Cemetery is located in Madison County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Clark Cemetery
- Penn Ave. Cemetery
(26 miles [41.8 km] to the northwest)
- Old Union Cemetery
(26 miles [41.8 km] to the northwest)
- The Old Union Cemetery is located in Adair County
- The Old Union Cemetery has also been known as:
- Union Cemetery
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Old Union Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #96522 <2>
- Carl Cemetery
(26 miles [41.8 km] to the northwest)
- Walnut Grove Cemetery
(26 miles [41.8 km] to the west)
- Prairie Rose Cemetery
(26 miles [41.8 km] to the west)
- Holt Cemetery
(26 miles [41.8 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Holt Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Holt Cemetery is located in Taylor County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Holt Cemetery
- Washington Cemetery
(26 miles [41.8 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Washington Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Washington Cemetery is located in Taylor County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Washington Cemetery
- Gravity Cemetery
(26 miles [41.8 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Gravity Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Gravity Cemetery is located in Taylor County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Gravity Cemetery
- Fletchall Cemetery
(26 miles [41.8 km] to the south)
- The Fletchall Cemetery is located in Worth County (MO)
- To give a relative sense of its location, the Fletchall Cemetery is a large cemetery that is located 3 miles [4.8 km]<1> to the southwest of Grant City (MO).
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Fletchall Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #1017772 <2>
- Brown Cemetery
(26 miles [41.8 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Brown Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Brown Cemetery is located in Harrison County (MO)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Brown Cemetery
- Sweet Home Cemetery
(26 miles [41.8 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Sweet Home Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Sweet Home Cemetery is located in Decatur County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Sweet Home Cemetery
- Creveling Cemetery
(26 miles [41.8 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Creveling Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Creveling Cemetery is located in Decatur County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Creveling Cemetery
- Palenstine Cemetery
(26 miles [41.8 km] to the east)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Palenstine Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Palenstine Cemetery is located in Decatur County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Palenstine Cemetery
- Maple Hill Cemetery
(26 miles [41.8 km] to the east)
- The Maple Hill Cemetery is located in Clarke County
- To give a relative sense of its location, the Maple Hill Cemetery is a large cemetery that is located outside and to the southwest of Osceola.
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Maple Hill Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #95393 <2>
- Cox Cemetery
(26 miles [41.8 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Cox Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Cox Cemetery is located in Clarke County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Cox Cemetery
- Grand River Center Cemetery
(27 miles [43.5 km] to the north)
- Cutler Cemetery
(27 miles [43.5 km] to the northwest)
- The Cutler Cemetery is located in Adair County
- The Cutler Cemetery has also been known as:
- Mormon Cemetery
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Cutler Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #2351381 <2>
- Avondale Cemetery
(27 miles [43.5 km] to the northwest)
- Campbell Cemetery
(27 miles [43.5 km] to the northwest)
- Homan Cemetery
(27 miles [43.5 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Homan Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Homan Cemetery is located in Adams County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Homan Cemetery
- Forest Hill Cemetery
(27 miles [43.5 km] to the northwest)
- The Forest Hill Cemetery is located in Adams County
- To give a relative sense of its location, the Forest Hill Cemetery is located 7 miles [11.3 km]<1> to the south of Corning.
- The Forest Hill Cemetery has also been known as:
- First Baptist Cemetery
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Forest Hill Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #94799 <2>
- Old Brooks Cemetery
(27 miles [43.5 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Old Brooks Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Old Brooks Cemetery is located in Adams County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Old Brooks Cemetery
- Forest Grove Cemetery
(27 miles [43.5 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Forest Grove Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Forest Grove Cemetery is located in Taylor County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Forest Grove Cemetery
- Kirk Cemetery
(27 miles [43.5 km] to the south)
- The Kirk Cemetery is located in Worth County (MO)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Kirk Cemetery
- Kline Cemetery
(27 miles [43.5 km] to the east)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Kline Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Kline Cemetery is located in Decatur County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Kline Cemetery
- Ellis Cemetery
(27 miles [43.5 km] to the east)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Ellis Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Ellis Cemetery is located in Clarke County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Ellis Cemetery
- Field Cemetery
(27 miles [43.5 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Field Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Field Cemetery is located in Clarke County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Field Cemetery
- Pleasant View Cemetery
(27 miles [43.5 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Pleasant View Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Pleasant View Cemetery is located in Madison County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Pleasant View Cemetery
- Pleasant Grove Cemetery
(28 miles [45.1 km] to the northwest)
- Old Mt. Etna Cemetery
(28 miles [45.1 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Old Mt. Etna Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Old Mt. Etna Cemetery is located in Adams County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Old Mt. Etna Cemetery
- Brooks Cemetery
(28 miles [45.1 km] to the west)
- Mohler Cemetery
(28 miles [45.1 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Mohler Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Mohler Cemetery is located in Taylor County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Mohler Cemetery
- Isadora Cemetery
(28 miles [45.1 km] to the southwest)
- The Isadora Cemetery is located in Worth County (MO)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Isadora Cemetery
- Allendale Cemetery
(28 miles [45.1 km] to the south)
- Leon Cemetery
(28 miles [45.1 km] to the east)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Leon Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Leon Cemetery is located in Decatur County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Leon Cemetery
- Chaney Cemetery
(28 miles [45.1 km] to the east)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Chaney Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Chaney Cemetery is located in Clarke County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Chaney Cemetery
- Ebenezer Cemetery
(28 miles [45.1 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Ebenezer Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Ebenezer Cemetery is located in Madison County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Ebenezer Cemetery
- Peru Cemetery
(28 miles [45.1 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Peru Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Peru Cemetery is located in Madison County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Peru Cemetery
- Welty Cemetery
(28 miles [45.1 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Welty Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Welty Cemetery is located in Madison County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Welty Cemetery
- Wight Cemetery
(28 miles [45.1 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Wight Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Wight Cemetery is located in Madison County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Wight Cemetery
- Greenfield Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the north)
- Winn Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the northwest)
- Mt. Etna Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the northwest)
- Old Quincy Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the west)
- The Old Quincy Cemetery is located in Adams County
- The Old Quincy Cemetery has also been known as:
- Quincy Cemetery
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Old Quincy Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #95906 <2>
- Oakland Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the west)
- Baldwin Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the west)
- Methodist Grove Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the west)
- Ladoga Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Ladoga Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Ladoga Cemetery is located in Taylor County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Ladoga Cemetery
- Bedford Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Bedford Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Bedford Cemetery is located in Taylor County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Bedford Cemetery
- Fairview Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Fairview Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Fairview Cemetery is located in Taylor County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Fairview Cemetery
- Kemery Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Kemery Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Kemery Cemetery is located in Taylor County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Kemery Cemetery
- Grant City Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the south)
- Andover Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Andover Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Andover Cemetery is located in Harrison County (MO)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Andover Cemetery
- Davis City Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Davis City Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Davis City Cemetery is located in Decatur County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Davis City Cemetery
- Gore Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Gore Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Gore Cemetery is located in Decatur County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Gore Cemetery
- Manchester Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Manchester Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Manchester Cemetery is located in Decatur County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Manchester Cemetery
- Johnson Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the east)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Johnson Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Johnson Cemetery is located in Decatur County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Johnson Cemetery
- Hebron Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the east)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Hebron Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Hebron Cemetery is located in Clarke County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Hebron Cemetery
- Hartman Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Hartman Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Hartman Cemetery is located in Madison County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Hartman Cemetery
- Beardsley Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Beardsley Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Beardsley Cemetery is located in Madison County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Beardsley Cemetery
- Hooten Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Hooten Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Hooten Cemetery is located in Madison County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Hooten Cemetery
- Witt Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the northwest)
- Garner Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the northwest)
- Guss Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Guss Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Guss Cemetery is located in Taylor County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Guss Cemetery
- Ross Twp. Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Ross Twp. Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Ross Twp. Cemetery is located in Taylor County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Ross Twp. Cemetery
- Ross Twp. Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Ross Twp. Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Ross Twp. Cemetery is located in Taylor County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Ross Twp. Cemetery
- Bethel Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the southwest)
- Freeland Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the south)
- The Freeland Cemetery is located in Worth County (MO)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Freeland Cemetery
- Isabelle Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the south)
- The Isabelle Cemetery is located in Worth County (MO)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Isabelle Cemetery
- New Buda Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the New Buda Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The New Buda Cemetery is located in Decatur County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the New Buda Cemetery
- Bethel Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the southeast)
- The Bethel Cemetery is located in Decatur County
- To give a relative sense of its location, the Bethel Cemetery is located 2 miles [3.2 km]<1> to the southwest of Davis City.
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Bethel Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #1337189 <2>
- Campbell Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Campbell Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Campbell Cemetery is located in Decatur County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Campbell Cemetery
- Franklin Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the east)
- The Franklin Cemetery is located in Decatur County
- To give a relative sense of its location, the Franklin Cemetery is located 3 miles [4.8 km]<1> to the southwest of Leon.
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Franklin Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #1104436 <2>
- Fremont Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Fremont Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Fremont Cemetery is located in Clarke County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Fremont Cemetery
- Gordon Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Gordon Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<3> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Gordon Cemetery is located in Madison County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Gordon Cemetery
- Roberts Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the north)
Off-the-Road Links ...
The official website for State of Iowa: https://www.iowa.gov/
Footnotes ...
<1> | Our distances are not driving distances, but are calculated as a 'straight-line' (or point-to-point) distance. A straight line distance ignores things like rivers, canyons, lakes, et cetera - it's truly a line from Point A (ie- ) to Point B.Our distance measurements begin at a specific point at the Oakland Cemetery. The point we use is located at these GPS coordinates - Latitude: 40.8928, Longitude: -94.2631 |
<2> | The Find-a-Grave website is an excellent research tool with information about a cemetery's location and interments. They also offer a forum for their members which can provide additional help. More information about Find-a-Grave can be found on their website: findagrave.com. |
<3> | The location has been supplied by the Geographic Names Information System - which is maintained by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). While these values should be definitive, we found that accuracy can vary and you should double-check the location if accuracy is required. |
<4> | An 'estimated' location is one where we have been given GPS coordinates, but are unable to verify the accuracy of those coordinates. That said, we have some confidence that we have placed the marker near the actual location. A typical reason for being unable to verify a location is that it might be on private property or maybe historic and gone without an obvious trace. |