Local NewspapersIntroduction ...
Below are the newspapers that have been published in the vicinity of Hartford.
Our newspaper information for Hartford is based on data taken from the Chronicling America website. For more information, please see our description of the Chronicling America website.
The following list contains the names of 262 papers that were published in the immediate area of Hartford. In addition, the list contains another 60 papers that were published in the broader area that surrounded Hartford. In total, we've identified 322 papers within 12 miles [19.3 km]<1> of Hartford.
To keep this list from growing too long, not all of the papers have been listed. We have another list where all the papers have been listed in alphabetical order. The complete list can be found on the Extended Newspaper Page for Hartford.
Newspapers Published In Hartford ...
We know of 262 newspapers that have been published in the immediate area of Hartford:
- America News (from 1994)
- American Dispatch (from 1855)
- Anti-Masonic Intelligencer (from 1828)
- Blue Hill News (from 196?)
- Blue Hill News (from 1989)
- Charter Oak (from 1838)
- Christian Freeman (from 1843)
- Christian Secretary (from 1822)
- Christian Secretary (from 1822)
- Christian Secretary (from 1824)
- Christian Secretary (from 1838)
- Christian Secretary (from 1822)
- Continue List (250 more) ...
- Christian Secretary (from 1822)
- Connecticut Advertiser (from 187?)
- Connecticut Chronicle (from 194?)
- Connecticut Courant (from 1778)
- Connecticut Fountain (from 1848)
- Connecticut General Advertiser (from 1868)
- Connecticut Hebrew Record (from 1920)
- Connecticut Intelligencer (from 1804)
- Connecticut Mirror (from 1809)
- Connecticut Mirror (from 1809)
- Connecticut Observer (from 1825)
- Connecticut Odd Fellow (from 184?)
- Connecticut Temperance Journal And Family Visitor (from 1870)
- Connecticut Weekly Review (from 1846)
- Connecticut Whig (from 1847)
- Daily Courant (from 1837)
- Daily Evening Whig (from 1848)
- Daily Morning Review (from 1833)
- Der Hartforder Herold (from 188?)
- Der Hartforder Stadt=Bote (from 1881)
- El Extra News (from 1991)
- El Imparcial (from 1989)
- El Observador = The Observer (from 197?)
- El Periodico (from 1983)
- El Transcrito Catolico (from 199?)
- El Xtra News (from 1993)
- Episcopal Watchman (from 1827)
- Episcopal Watchman (from 1827)
- Farmington Valley Herald & Journal (from 18??)
- Fountain And Son Of Temperance (from 1850)
- Free Soil Advocate (from 1848)
- Government News (from 1968)
- Hartford Advocate (from 1975)
- Hartford Chronicle (from 194?)
- Hartford Clarion (from 187?)
- Hartford Columbian (from 1845)
- Hartford Courier (from 184?)
- Hartford Daily Courant (from 1840)
- Hartford Daily News (from 18??)
- Hartford Daily Times (from 1846)
- Hartford Evening Courier (from 1839)
- Hartford Evening Herald (from 1883)
- Hartford Evening Journal (from 1843)
- Hartford Evening Post (from 1907)
- Hartford Evening Post (from 1917)
- Hartford Evening Press (from 1856)
- Hartford Independent (from 1933)
- Hartford Journal (from 1889)
- Hartford Journal (from 1843)
- Hartford Labor (from 1894)
- Hartford Morning Post (from 1867)
- Hartford Morning Record (from 1888)
- Hartford Morning World (from 1880)
- Hartford Newsdaily (from 1940)
- Hartford Patriot And State Eagle (from 1841)
- Hartford Post (from 1919)
- Hartford Post (from 1911)
- Hartford Republican (from 1847)
- Hartford Sunday Journal (from 1874)
- Hartford Town Gossip (from 1921)
- Hartford Watchman (from 1837)
- Hartford Weekly Journal (from 1843)
- Hartford Weekly Post (from 1858)
- Hartford Weekly Star (from 18??)
- Hartford Weekly Times (from 1847)
- Hartford Woman (from 1981)
- Hartforder Anzeiger (from 1877)
- Hartforder Zeitung (from 1858)
- Hispano (from 1975)
- Years of publication: 1975 to 19??
- Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
- Catalog Card for the Hispano
- Holdings for: LCCN SN92051473
- Locate a copy thru WorldCat: OCLC 26945221
- Independent Press (from 1833)
- Independent Whig (from 1843)
- La Capitale Tribuna Di Hartford (from 192?)
- La Tribuna Di Hartford = The Hartford Tribune (from 1930)
- Le Bulletin (from 1936)
- Le Programme (from 1929)
- Literary Journal (from 1844)
- National American (from 1856)
- New England Bulletin (from 1949)
- New England Fountain And Son Of Temperance (from 1850)
- New England Fountain (from 1850)
- New England Review (from 1834)
- New England Weekly Review (from 1846)
- New-England Daily Review (from 1833)
- New-England Examiner (from 1834)
- New-England Religious Herald (from 1847)
- News And Advertiser (from 1839)
- North Hartford Truth (from 1971)
- Northend Agent's (from 1975)
- Northern Watchman (from 1838)
- Old Guard (from 185?)
- Patriot And Democrat (from 1835)
- Patriot And Eagle (from 1841)
- Que Pasa (from 1977)
- Years of publication: 1977 to 1992
- Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
- Catalog Card for the Que Pasa
- Holdings for: LCCN SN93054082
- Locate a copy thru WorldCat: OCLC 28537426
- Religious Inquirer (from 1821)
- Religious Inquirer (from 1821)
- Republican Courier (from 1840)
- Review And Telegraph (from 1836)
- Saturday Life (from 1901)
- Saturday World (from 1892)
- Southside Neighborhood News (from 1977)
- State Eagle (from 1840)
- Telegram Record (from 1889)
- Temperance Gem (from 187?)
- Temperance Journal And Family Visitor (from 1871)
- The American Mercury (from 1784)
- The American Mercury (from 1784)
- The American Protector (from 1841)
- The American Standard (from 192?)
- The American Toiler (from 188?)
- The Battery (from 1848)
- The Catholic Press (from 1829)
- The Catholic Transcript (from 1898)
- The Cauldron (from 196?)
- The Cauldron
- The Charter Oak (from 1846)
- The Clarion (from 186?)
- The Columbian (from 1844)
- The Comet (from 1859)
- The Congregationalist (from 1839)
- The Connecticut Catholic (from 1876)
- The Connecticut Courant And Hartford Weekly Intelligencer (from 1774)
- The Connecticut Courant And Hartford Weekly Intelligencer (from 1774)
- The Connecticut Courant And Hartford Weekly Intelligencer (from 1774)
- The Connecticut Courant And Hartford Weekly Intelligencer (from 1774)
- The Connecticut Courant And The Weekly Intelligencer (from 1778)
- The Connecticut Courant, And The Weekly Intelligencer (from 1778)
- The Connecticut Courant, And The Weekly Intelligencer (from 1778)
- The Connecticut Courant, And The Weekly Intelligencer (from 1778)
- The Connecticut Courant, And The Weekly Intelligencer (from 1778)
- The Connecticut Courant (from 1778)
- The Connecticut Courant (from 1764)
- The Connecticut Courant (from 1791)
- The Connecticut Courant (from 1764)
- The Connecticut Courant (from 1791)
- The Connecticut Courant (from 1764)
- The Connecticut Courant (from 1778)
- The Connecticut Courant (from 1791)
- The Connecticut Courant (from 1764)
- The Connecticut Courant (from 1778)
- The Connecticut Courant (from 1791)
- The Connecticut Craftsman (from 193?)
- The Connecticut Farmer (from 1879)
- The Connecticut General Advertiser (from 187?)
- The Connecticut Italian Bulletin And Review (from 196?)
- The Connecticut Italian Bulletin (from 1974)
- The Connecticut Observer, And New-York Congregationalist (from 1839)
- The Connecticut Observer (from 1842)
- The Connecticut Organ (from 1854)
- The Connecticut Post (from 1868)
- The Connecticut Press (from 1856)
- The Connecticut Union (from 1853)
- The Daily Review (from 1838)
- The Daily Times (from 1841)
- The Daily Times (from 1841)
- The Democrat (from 1841)
- The Evening Post (from 1904)
- The Evening Post (from 1868)
- The Examiner (from 1881)
- The Force (from 1982)
- The Free Elector And Journal Of Morals, Literature, And Intelligence (from 1835)
- The Free Elector (from 1834)
- The Freemen's Chronicle, Or, The American Advertiser (from 1783)
- The Gaslight (from 186?)
- The Globe (from 188?)
- The Greater Hartford (from 191?)
- The Hartford Bulletin (from 1950)
- The Hartford Courant (from 1887)
- The Hartford Courant (from 1994)
- The Hartford Daily Post (from 1858)
- The Hartford Era (from 1878)
- The Hartford Evening Post (from 187?)
- The Hartford Gazette (from 1794)
- The Hartford Globe (from 188?)
- The Hartford Guardian (from 2004)
- The Hartford Inquirer (from 1975)
- The Hartford Inquirer (from 1975)
- The Hartford News (from 1987)
- The Hartford Post (from 1890)
- The Hartford Sentinel (from 1987)
- The Hartford Sunday Globe (from 1876)
- The Hartford Telegram (from 1891)
- The Hartford Telegram (from 1883)
- The Hartford Times Morning Line (from 1976)
- The Hartford Times (from 1839)
- The Hartford Times (from 1837)
- The Hartford Times (from 1828)
- The Hartford Times (from 1883)
- The Hartford Times (from 1840)
- The Hartford Times (from 1837)
- The Hartford Weekly Advertiser (from 1880)
- The Hill Ink (from 1972)
- The Home Circle (from 1851)
- The Home News (from 1906)
- The Informer (from 1977)
- The Jeffersonian (from 1832)
- The Jewish Ledger (from 1942)
- The Jewish Ledger (from 1944)
- The Jewish Ledger (from 1944)
- The Jewish Ledger (from 1955)
- The Jewish Ledger (from 1944)
- The Jewish Ledger (from 1944)
- The Knapsack (from 1873)
- The Labor Standard (from 1908)
- The Manchester Tradewinds (from 1986)
- The National Issue (from 1886)
- The New England Weekly Gazette (from 1848)
- The New England Weekly Review (from 1839)
- The New Haven Inquirer (from 19??)
- The New Haven Inquirer (from 19??)
- The New Star (from 1796)
- The New Star (from 1796)
- The New Star (from 1796)
- The New-England Weekly Review (from 1828)
- The Northern Courier (from 1836)
- The Parkville Picayune (from 1977)
- The Progressive Democrat (from 1848)
- The Religious Herald (from 1853)
- The Religious Herald (from 1843)
- The Republican (from 1849)
- The Saturday Journal (from 1901)
- The Soldiers' Record (from 1868)
- The Southender (from 1977)
- The State Temperance Journal And Home Visitor (from 1868)
- The Steadfast (from 18??)
- The Sunday Gazette (from 1887)
- The Sunday Truth (from 1884)
- The Thistle (from 1840)
- The Times & Hartford Advertiser (from 1825)
- The Times, And Hartford Advertiser (from 1833)
- The Times, And Hartford Advertiser (from 1822)
- The Times, And Weekly Advertiser (from 1819)
- The Times, And Weekly Advertiser (from 1819)
- The Times (from 1841)
- The Times (from 1834)
- The Times (from 1817)
- The Times (from 1834)
- The Travelers Journal (from 1869)
- The Voter (from 1904)
- The Watchman (from 1836)
- The Weekly Acorn (from 1851)
- The Weekly Examiner (from 188?)
- The West Hartford Press (from 1929)
- The West Indian American (from 1992)
- The Westender (from 1973)
- The Wooden Nutmeg (from 1884)
- United States Catholic Press (from 1831)
- Valley Advocate (from 1974)
- Vanguardia (from 1989)
- Weekly Times (from 1897)
- Wild Raspberry (from 1971)
Newspapers Neighboring Hartford ...
The following newspapers were published within 12 miles [19.3 km]<1> of Hartford.
The papers have been grouped by the community in which they were published, with the communities listed in order of their distance from Hartford.
- Published In East Hartford ...
- East Hartford Leader (from 1964)
- The American Enterprise (from 1888)
- The East Hartford Crossroads (from 1973)
- The Leader (from 1977)
- The Weekly Gazette (from 1885)
- Published In Elmwood ...
- Enfield City Times (from 1916)
- Enfield Rooster (from 1915)
- The Community Gazette (from 198?)
- The Elmwood Press (from 1879)
- The Northern Connecticut Bazaar (from 196?)
- Published In West Hartford ...
- Avon News (from 1981)
- Canton News (from 198?)
- Connecticut Jewish Ledger (from 1996)
- Echo-Tally (from 1947)
- Echo (from 1948)
- Years of publication: 1948 to 19??
- Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
- Catalog Card for the Echo
- Holdings for: LCCN SN93054149
- Locate a copy thru WorldCat: OCLC 29424624
- Hartford Jewish Ledger (from 1992)
- Metropolitan Shopping News (from 1932)
- New Haven Jewish Ledger (from 1977)
- The Bridgeport Jewish Ledger (from 197?)
- The Comet (from 1878)
- The Farmington News (from 198?)
- The Metropolitan News (from 194?)
- The Post (from 193?)
- The Simsbury News (from 1986)
- The Source (from 19??)
- The Stamford Jewish Ledger (from 19??)
- The Windsor Locks Journal (from 1984)
- Valley News (from 1996)
- West Hartford Metropolitan News (from 1947)
- West Hartford News (from 1947)
- West Hartford News (from 1931)
- Wethersfield Post (from 1959)
- Published In Wethersfield ...
- Tally (from 1944)
- Years of publication: 1944 to 1947
- Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
- Catalog Card for the Tally
- Holdings for: LCCN SN93054147
- Locate a copy thru WorldCat: OCLC 29424507
- The Wethersfield Farmer (from 1889)
- The Wethersfield Farmer (from 1886)
- The Wethersfield Farmer (from 1889)
- The Wethersfield News (from 1925)
- The Wethersfield Weekly Farmer (from 1886)
- Wethersfield Chronicle (from 1933)
- Published In Newington ...
- The Berlin Eagle (from 197?)
- The Newington Citizen (from 1958)
- The Town Crier (from 1959)
- Published In Windsor ...
- The Dial (from 1896)
- The News-Weekly (from 1944)
- The Town Crier (from 1916)
- The Windsor Booster (from 1937)
- The Windsor Herald (from 192?)
- The Windsor Herald (from 1886)
- The Windsor News And Northern Connecticut Crier (from 196?)
- The Windsor News (from 1968)
- The Windsor Town Crier (from 1916)
- Windsor Booster-Herald (from 1939)
- Windsor News-Weekly (from 1961)
- Windsor Townsman (from 1961)
- Published In Farmington ...
- Farmington-Unionville Press (from 1932)
- The Hartford Tribune (from 1977)
- Published In Rocky Hill ...
- Published In Manchester ...
- East Hartford Evening Herald (from 1978)
- Evening Herald (from 197?)
- Glastonbury Evening Herald (from 197?)
- Manchester Evening Herald (from 192?)
- Manchester Evening Herald (from 1914)
- Manchester Half/weekly Herald (from 189?)
- Manchester Observer (from 1975)
- Manchester Semi-Weekly Herald (from 1893)
- The Evening Herald (from 191?)
- The Herald (from 1981)
- The Manchester Herald (from 1981)
- The Manchester News (from 1874)
- Published In New Britain ...
- We know of 33 newspapers that have been published in the vicinity of New Britain. The list of those papers is too long to repeat here, but can be found on the Local Newspaper Page for New Britain
- We have an extended list that contains all the papers within 12 miles [19.3 km]<1> of Hartford. This extended list includes all the papers from New Britain. The list is sorted by the paper's name. This merged list can be found on the Extended Newspaper Page for Hartford
- Published In Simsbury ...
- The Simsbury Echo (from 1887)
- The Simsbury Siftings (from 1887)
- The Valley Press (from 2009)
- Published In Berlin ...
- The Berlin News (from 1892)
- The Berlin Weekly News (from 1891)
- Continue List (9 more) ...
- Published In East Berlin ...
- The Berlin Citizen (from 1997)
- Published In Tariffville ...
- The Penciled Paper (from 1994)
- Published In Vernon [Tolland County] ...
- Reminder (from 19??)
- Years of publication: 19?? to current
- Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
- Catalog Card for the Reminder
- Holdings for: LCCN SN93054170
- Locate a copy thru WorldCat: OCLC 29583777
- Published In Windsor Locks ...
- Observer Of Windsor Locks (from 1979)
- The Windsor Locks Journal (from 1880)
- The Windsor Locks Journal (from 1973)
- Windsor Locks Herald (from 187?)
- Published In Plainville ...
- Plainville Observer (from 1931)
- Plainville Pinnacle (from 1940)
- The Observer (from 1978)
- The Plainville Citizen : Plainville's Own Weekly Newspaper (from 2002)
- The Plainville News (from 18??)
- The Plainville News (from 1927)
- The Plainville Weekly News (from 187?)
- Published In Warehouse Point ...
- East Windsor Enterprise (from 1959)
- Published In Collinsville ...
- Farmers And Mechanics Journal (from 188?)
- The Collinsville Star (from 1858)
- The Rising Star (from 1858)
- Published In Cromwell [Middlesex County] ...
- New Cromwell Chronicle (from 1995)
- The Cromwell Chronicle (from 1986)
- The Rocky Hill Weekly News (from 1987)
- Published In East Granby ...
- The Newgate Script (from 1974)
Off-the-Road Links ...
The official website for Chronicling America
The official website for Hartford: www.hartford.gov/ The official website for State of Connecticut: https://portal.ct.gov/
Footnotes ...
<1> | Our distances are not driving distances, but are calculated as a 'straight-line' distance. A straight line distance ignores things like rivers, canyons, lakes, et cetera - it's truly a line drawn from Point A (ie- Hartford) to Point B.Our distance measurements begin at a specific point in Hartford. The point we use is located at these GPS coordinates - Latitude: 41.7708, Longitude: -72.6813 |