Extended Newspaper ListIntroduction ...
Below are 44 newspapers that have been published within 20 miles [32.2 km]<1> of Saint Helena. The list has been sorted by paper name.
- Agricultural News (from 1929)
- Agricultural News (from 1929)
- Agricultural Weekly (from 1928)
- Ang Pagsasamahan (from 1973)
- Argus-Courier (from 1966)
- Calistoga Centennial Express (from 1985)
- Calistoga Free Press (from 1874)
- Calistoga Tribune (from 1871)
- Calistoga Tribune (from 2002)
- Central County Clarion (from 1969)
- Cossack Steppes (from 1962)
- Daily Courier (from 1891)
- Daily Evening Times (from 1879)
- Daily Evening Times (from 1879)
- Daily Morning Imprint (from 188?)
- Daily Morning Times (from 1879)
- Daily Republican (from 1880)
- Dirt Farmer (from 193?)
- Dirt Farmer (from 193?)
- Howell Mountain News (from 1957)
- Independent Calistogian (from 1877)
- Journal And Argus (from 1870)
- La Ventana (from 1987)
- Lake Berryessa News (from 19??)
- Mid-valley Press (from 19??)
- Middletown Farm Center Tribune (from 1925)
- Middletown Independent (from 188?)
- Middletown Times Star (from 1983)
- Middletown Times Star (from 1968)
- Middletown Times Star (from 1972)
- Montgomery Village News (from 19??)
- Morning Glory (from 1975)
- Napa County Record And Napa Valley News (from 19??)
- Napa County Record (from 19??)
- Napa County Reporter (from 1874)
- Napa Journal (from 1957)
- Napa Sunday Journal (from 1949)
- Napa Valley News (from 1966)
- Napa Weekly Journal (from 1901)
- Napa Weekly Reporter (from 1889)
- News Herald (from 1966)
- News Herald (from 1991)
- North Bay Progressive (from 2002)
- Petaluma Argus-Courier (from 1928)
- Petaluma Argus-Courier (from 1989)
- Petaluma Courier Semiweekly (from 1894)
- Petaluma Crescent (from 1871)
- Petaluma Daily Argus (from 18??)
- Petaluma Daily Crescent (from 1870)
- Petaluma Daily Imprint (from 188?)
- Petaluma Daily Morning Courier (from 1913)
- Petaluma Evening Argus (from 1872)
- Petaluma Journal And Argus (from 1864)
- Petaluma Morning Argus (from 1873)
- Petaluma News (from 1940)
- Petaluma Post (from 1987)
- Petaluma Weekly Argus (from 1873)
- Pope Valley Herald (from 189?)
- Progress (from 19??)
- Record (from 1936)
- Redwood Guide (from 1976)
- Rohnert Park News (from 1973)
- Rohnert Park Press And Central Sonoma News (from 19??)
- Rohnert Park-Cotati Times (from 1977)
- Santa Rosa Daily Daybook (from 1886)
- Santa Rosa Daily Democrat (from 1875)
- Santa Rosa Herald
- Santa Rosa News Herald (from 19??)
- Santa Rosa News (from 19??)
- Santa Rosa Press Democrat (from 1897)
- Santa Rosa Press Democrat (from 1897)
- Santa Rosa Republican (from 1899)
- Santa Rosa Republican (from 1880)
- Santa Rosa Times (from 1875)
- Saul's Letter (from 190?)
- Sebastopol Journal (from 19??)
- Sebastopol Times & News (from 1986)
- Sonoma Bulletin (from 185?)
- Sonoma County Bugle (from 1971)
- Sonoma County Democrat (from 1858)
- Sonoma County Herald Weekly News Digest
- Sonoma County Herald
- Sonoma County Independent (from 19??)
- Sonoma County Independent (from 19??)
- Sonoma County Journal (from 18??)
- Sonoma Expositor-forum
- Sonoma State Morning Glory (from 1974)
- Sonoma Valley Expositor (from 189?)
- Sonoma Valley Moon (from 1925)
- Sonoma Valley Republican (from 1890)
- Sonoma Valley Whistle (from 1889)
- Sonoma West Times & News (from 1995)
- St. Helena Daily News (from 188?)
- St. Helena Daily Reflector (from 18??)
- St. Helena Sentinel (from 189?)
- Steppes (from 196?)
- Steppes (from 1961)
- Stony Point Gazette (from 1977)
- The Altrurian (from 1894)
- The Analy Standard
- The Calistoga Citizen (from 1997)
- The Clarion (from 1970)
- The Community Voice, Rohnert Park/Cotati (from 1993)
- The Cotatian (from 1945)
- The Evening Press And Santa Rosa Republican (from 1948)
- The Harbinger (from 1969)
- The Independent (from 19??)
- The Kenwood Express (from 19??)
- The Kenwood Press (from 198?)
- The Mid Week Shopping News (from 1947)
- The Midweek Shopping News (from 1947)
- The Morning Argus (from 1899)
- The Napa Daily Journal (from 1890)
- The Napa Daily Morning Journal (from 1922)
- The Napa Daily Register (from 1872)
- The Napa Daily Reporter (from 1880)
- The Napa Independent (from 1989)
- The Napa Journal Shopping News (from 1941)
- The Napa Journal (from 1884)
- The Napa Journal (from 1941)
- The Napa Register, The Napa Journal (from 1960)
- The Napa Register (from 1941)
- The Napa Register (from 1984)
- The Napa Sentinel (from 198?)
- The Napa Valley Register (from 1991)
- The News, Napa's Illustrated Weekly (from 1952)
- The Outlaw Steppes (from 1970)
- The Petaluma Argus (from 1859)
- The Petaluma Argus (from 1899)
- The Petaluma Courier (from 1895)
- The Petaluma Courier (from 1876)
- The Petaluma Daily Courier (from 1895)
- The Petaluma Weekly Journal And Sonoma County Advertiser (from 1855)
- The Press Democrat (from 1901)
- The Reflector (from 1897)
- The Rohnert Park And Cotati World (from 1969)
- The Santa Rosa Press (from 1874)
- The Santa Rosa Sun (from 1991)
- The Sebastopol Times And Sonoma County News (from 1915)
- The Sebastopol Times (from 18??)
- The Sebastopol Times (from 1917)
- The Sentinel (from 1966)
- The Sky Courier (from 1945)
- The Sonoma County Daily Herald-Recorder (from 1976)
- The Sonoma County Independent (from 1994)
- The Sonoma County Journal (from 1856)
- The Sonoma Democrat (from 1857)
- The Sonoma Democrat (from 1866)
- The Sonoma Index-Tribune (from 1884)
- The Sonoma News (from 189?)
- The Sonoman (from 1961)
- The Sonowoman (from 1971)
- The St. Helena Star (from 1874)
- The Wahl Street Journal, Also The Windsor Press (from 1977)
- The Wahl Street Journal (from 197?)
- The Weekly Calistogian (from 1896)
- The Weekly Calistogian (from 1876)
- The Weekly News (from 1879)
- The Windsor Times (from 1993)
- Times Star (from 1979)
- Times Star (from 19??)
- Times Star (from 1988)
- Times-Star (from 1926)
- Windsor Herald (from 1899)
- Windsor Journal (from 1981)
- Windsor's Journal, The Wahl Street Journal, Also The Windsor Press (from 1981)
- Yountville Journal (from 1960)
- Yountville News (from 1960)
- Yountville Weekly News (from 1964)
Off-the-Road Links ...
The official website for Chronicling America
The official website for Saint Helena: www.city.ci.st-helena.ca.us/ The official website for Napa County: www.co.napa.ca.us/ The official website for State of California: https://www.ca.gov/
Footnotes ...
<1> | Our distances are not driving distances, but are calculated as a 'straight-line' (or point-to-point) distance. A straight line distance ignores things like rivers, canyons, lakes, et cetera - it's truly a line from Point A (ie- Saint Helena) to Point B.Our distance measurements begin at a specific point in Saint Helena. The point we use is located at these GPS coordinates - Latitude: 38.5039, Longitude: -122.4680 |