Extended Newspaper ListIntroduction ...
Below are 82 newspapers that have been published within 21 miles [33.8 km]<1> of Lakeview. The list has been sorted by paper name.
- Anza Zip (from 1943)
- Anza Zip (from 1943)
- Banning Shopper's Guide (from 19??)
- Bayou Talk (from 1987)
- Beacon (from 19??)
- Beaumont Advertiser (from 19??)
- Beaumont Gazette (from 1928)
- Beaumont Leader (from 19??)
- Beaumont News (from 1959)
- Beaumont San Gorgonio Leader (from 1925)
- Beaumont Sentinel (from 1887)
- Black Voice (from 197?)
- Calimesa News-mirror (from 1990)
- Canyon Lake Week (from 1990)
- Citrus Belt Bulletin (from 1924)
- Colton City News (from 1993)
- Colton Daily Courier And Chronicle-Sentinel (from 1912)
- Colton Daily Courier (from 1913)
- Colton Daily Courier
- Colton Semi-Tropic (from 1876)
- Comunidad Al Dia (from 199?)
- Daily Banning Record (from 1957)
- Daily Beaumont Gazette (from 1957)
- Daily Courier (from 1887)
- Daily Courier (from 1887)
- Daily Gazette (from 19??)
- Daily Moreno Valley News (from 198?)
- Daily Morning Argus (from 1874)
- Daily Orange Belt News (from 1934)
- Daily Record-daily Gazette (from 1966)
- Daily Record (from 1959)
- Daily Times-Index And Evening Transcript (from 1903)
- Daily Times-Index (from 1903)
- East Base Line News-Advertiser (from 19??)
- East Valley View (from 1982)
- El Amigo Del Hogar (from 1906)
- El Chicano De Riverside (from 1975)
- El Chicano (from 1974)
- El Chicano (from 1967)
- El Chican (from 1973)
- El Monitor (from 1933)
- El Sol (from 19??)
- Evening Telegram And The Evening Index (from 1966)
- Free Press And Loma Linda Bulletin (from 1974)
- Globetrotter (from 19??)
- Grand Terrace City News (from 199?)
- Hayden's Weekly (from 1934)
- Hayden's (from 1934)
- Hemetweek (from 1990)
- High-Land News (from 1975)
- Highland Community News (from 1994)
- Highland Messenger (from 18??)
- Highland News Enterprise (from 1978)
- Highland/Del Rosa News Enterprise (from 19??)
- Highlander Star-News (from 19??)
- Independent Press (from 1970)
- Inland Empire Hispanic News (from 19??)
- La Prensa (from 19??)
- La Semana (from 1976)
- Lake Elsinore News (from 1990)
- Lake Elsinore Valley Sun-Tribune (from 1981)
- Lake Elsinore Valley Sun (from 1949)
- Lake Elsinore Valley Tribune (from 1981)
- Loma Linda Advertiser (from 192?)
- Loma Linda Argus (from 1928)
- Loma Linda Beacon (from 194?)
- Loma Linda Bulletin San Bernardino Valley News (from 1973)
- Loma Linda Bulletin (from 1974)
- Loma Linda Bulletin (from 1975)
- Loma Linda Life Grand Terrace Times (from 1979)
- Loma Linda Messenger (from 1970)
- Loma Linda Pulse (from 1972)
- Loma Linda University Observer And Loma Linda Bulletin (from 1974)
- Lugonia Chronicle (from 1884)
- Magnolia Center News (from 19??)
- Menifee Valley News (from 19??)
- Menifee Week (from 1990)
- Mentone Herald (from 1949)
- Mentone Herald (from 1962)
- Mobile Homes Courier (from 199?)
- Mom's The Word (from 1990)
- Moreno Valley Butterfield Express (from 1987)
- Moreno Valley Community Report (from 1988)
- Moreno Valley News (from 1985)
- Moreno Valley Times Butterfield Express (from 1991)
- Morning Hour (from 18??)
- News Express (from 199?)
- Norton Globetrotter (from 1966)
- Oakglen Bugle (from 191?)
- Precinct Reporter (from 1965)
- Precinct-Reporter (from 19??)
- Press And Horticulturist And Riverside County Reflex (from 1897)
- Press And Horticulturist (from 1885)
- Press And Horticulturist (from 1899)
- Press And Horticulturist (from 1880)
- Reche Canyon News (from 1978)
- Record-Gazette (from 1968)
- Redlands Daily Facts (from 1897)
- Redlands Daily Record (from 1897)
- Redlands Daily Review (from 1901)
- Redlands Facts (from 1895)
- Redlands Record (from 1898)
- Riverside County Ad-vantage (from 1977)
- Riverside County Record-News (from 198?)
- Riverside County Record (from 19??)
- Riverside County Record (from 19??)
- Riverside County Reflex (from 1893)
- Riverside Daily Enterprise (from 1891)
- Riverside Daily Press (from 1886)
- Riverside Enterprise (from 1890)
- Riverside Enterprise (from 1903)
- Riverside Enterprise (from 1912)
- Riverside Enterprise (from 194?)
- Riverside Independent Enterprise (from 1930)
- Riverside Morning Enterprise (from 1899)
- Riverside Morning Enterprise (from 1910)
- Riverside News And News-Advertiser (from 1942)
- Riverside News-Advertiser (from 19??)
- Riverside News (from 1942)
- Riverside Reflex (from 1892)
- Riverside Tribune (from 1887)
- Riverside Weekly News (from 1875)
- Riverside Weekly (from 2009)
- Riverside's Weekly Reader (from 1980)
- San Bernardino Daily Courier (from 1886)
- San Bernardino Daily Courier (from 1889)
- San Bernardino Daily Index (from 1881)
- San Bernardino Daily Orange Belt News (from 19??)
- San Bernardino Daily Sun (from 1902)
- San Bernardino Daily Times (from 188?)
- San Bernardino Evening Telegram And The Evening Index (from 1921)
- San Bernardino Independent And News-Advertiser (from 1942)
- San Bernardino Independent Combined With The San Bernardino Shopping Revue And News-Advertiser (from 1942)
- San Bernardino Independent Press (from 1970)
- San Bernardino Independent Press (from 1971)
- San Bernardino Independent (from 19??)
- San Bernardino Independent (from 1969)
- San Bernardino Independent (from 1971)
- San Bernardino Index (from 1881)
- San Bernardino News And The Free Press
- San Bernardino News (from 1914)
- San Bernardino Valley Index (from 18??)
- San Bernardino Valley News (from 1971)
- San Bernardino Weekly Argus (from 1873)
- San Bernardino Weekly Courier (from 1886)
- San Bernardino Weekly Times (from 1875)
- San Bernardino's Free Press And The Muscoy News (from 1964)
- San Bernardino's Free Press (from 1964)
- San Bernardino's Free Press (from 1966)
- San Bernardino's Independent Free Press (from 1969)
- San Jacinto Week (from 1990)
- Sun City News And The Menifee Valley News (from 19??)
- Sun City News (from 1976)
- Sun City News (from 1962)
- Sun City Week (from 1990)
- Sun City, California News (from 1970)
- The Airfoil (from 1950)
- The Banning Herald (from 1893)
- The Banning Live Wire (from 1939)
- The Banning Record (from 1908)
- The Banning-Beaumont Community Adviser (from 1995)
- The Beaumont Advertiser (from 1939)
- The Beaumont Progress (from 1939)
- The Black Voice News (from 1990)
- The Bulletin (from 19??)
- The Colored Citizen (from 1905)
- The Colton Advocate (from 1876)
- The Colton Argus (from 1912)
- The Colton Chronicle (from 18??)
- The Colton Courier (from 1942)
- The Colton News (from 1890)
- The Colton Sentinel And Chronicle-News (from 1912)
- The Colton Sentinel And The Colton News (from 1910)
- The Colton Sentinel
- The Community Adviser (from 19??)
- The Community Adviser (from 1997)
- The Cricket (from 1894)
- The Daily Courier (from 1890)
- The Daily Courier (from 1893)
- The Daily Enterprise (from 1962)
- The Daily Enterprise (from 1881)
- The Daily Facts (from 1893)
- The Daily Guardian (from 1875)
- The Daily Independent Enterprise (from 1955)
- The Daily News (from 189?)
- The Daily Record-Gazette (from 1966)
- The Daily Sun (from 1894)
- The Daily Times-Index (from 1889)
- The Daily Times (from 1875)
- The Daily Times (from 187?)
- The East Valley News (from 199?)
- The El Chicano Weekly (from 2005)
- The Enterprise (from 18??)
- The Enterprise (from 1977)
- The Evening Index And San Bernardino News (from 191?)
- The Evening Index (from 19??)
- The Evening Index (from 1920)
- The Evening Press-Enterprise (from 1981)
- The Evening Transcript (from 1898)
- The Facts (from 1892)
- The Facts (from 1890)
- The Free Press (from 1896)
- The Friday Flyer (from 19??)
- The Gateway Gazette (from 1908)
- The Guardian (from 1867)
- The Hemet News (from 1893)
- The Herald Of Banning, California (from 1888)
- The Herald Of Banning, California (from 1928)
- The Herald Of Banning (from 1939)
- The Herald (from 195?)
- The Highland Banner (from 1971)
- The Highland Citrus Belt (from 1892)
- The Highland Word (from 1992)
- The Highlander And Mountain Green Sheet (from 19??)
- The Highlander (from 19??)
- The Kaleidoscope (from 18??)
- The Labor Journal (from 19??)
- The Lake Elsinore Sun (from 1976)
- The Lake Elsinore Wildomar News (from 19??)
- The Leader (from 1893)
- The Leader (from 189?)
- The March Beacon (from 1993)
- The Mentone News (from 1939)
- The Mission Indian (from 189?)
- The Morning Mission And Riverside Enterprise (from 1909)
- The Morning Press-Enterprise (from 1981)
- The News (from 19??)
- The Norton Newscone (from 19??)
- The Pass Observer (from 1960)
- The Post Beacon (from 1940)
- The Press-Enterprise (from 1983)
- The Press (from 1960)
- The Progress Of Beaumont And Riverside County (from 1940)
- The Ranger (from 1936)
- The Record (from 1987)
- The Redlander (from 1895)
- The Redlands Graphic (from 192?)
- The Redlands Review (from 1911)
- The Redlands Review
- The Riverside Enterprise (from 188?)
- The Riverside News (from 19??)
- The Riverside Press (from 1878)
- The Riverside Reporter (from 1887)
- The Riverside Republican (from 1882)
- The Riverside Times-picayune (from 1974)
- The San Bernardino Advertiser (from 1875)
- The San Bernardino American (from 19??)
- The San Bernardino County Sun (from 1986)
- The San Bernardino Daily Courier (from 1892)
- The San Bernardino Times (from 1876)
- The San Gorgonio Leader (from 192?)
- The San Gorgonio Pass Daily Banning Record (from 19??)
- The San Gorgonio Pass Daily Beaumont Gazette (from 1957)
- The Saturday Enterprise (from 188?)
- The Saturday Review And Kaleidoscope (from 18??)
- The Saturday Review (from 1895)
- The Southern Californian (from 1887)
- The Southern Californian (from 1887)
- The Sun-Telegram (from 1974)
- The Sun (from 1966)
- The Sun (from 1978)
- The Team March Beacon (from 1993)
- The Tribune Herald (from 1930)
- The Tribune (from 197?)
- The Valley Echo (from 1884)
- The Valley Times (from 1992)
- The Valley Tribune (from 1976)
- The Weekly Courier (from 189?)
- The Weekly Sun (from 189?)
- The Weekly Times-Index (from 18??)
- The Yucaipa News (from 1915)
- The Yucaipa Record (from 19??)
- Tri-County Bulletin (from 194?)
- Valley Examiner And Valley Herald (from 19??)
- Valley News & Pictorial (from 1978)
- Valley Pictorial & News (from 1977)
- Victor Valley Leader (from 193?)
- Voice (from 1984)
- Weekend Arlington Times (from 1977)
- Westside Story (from 19??)
- Wildomar News (from 1990)
- Yucaipa And Calimesa News Mirror (from 1964)
- Yucaipa News-mirror (from 1990)
- Yucaipa News-mirror (from 1954)
- Yucaipa Valley Mirror (from 195?)
Off-the-Road Links ...
The official website for Chronicling America
Unfortunately, we don't know of an official website for Lakeview. If you can help, please contact us through our Feedback Page. The official website for Riverside County: www.co.riverside.ca.us/ The official website for State of California: https://www.ca.gov/
Footnotes ...
<1> | Our distances are not driving distances, but are calculated as a 'straight-line' distance. A straight line distance ignores things like rivers, canyons, lakes, et cetera - it's truly a line drawn from Point A (ie- Lakeview) to Point B.Our distance measurements begin at a specific point in Lakeview. The point we use is located at these GPS coordinates - Latitude: 33.8386, Longitude: -117.1181 In this case, the coordinates for Lakeview have been provided by the Geographic Names Information System (GNIS). |