Nearby Communities
Below you will find our list of the communities that are in the vicinity of the Austin - Cameron Cemetery.
Just a reminder ...
Since our focus is on geography, we don't have any burial or interment information. Nor do we have any contact information for the Austin - Cameron Cemetery.
List of Neighboring Communities ...
Below are the communities that are within 30 miles [48.3 km]<1> of the Austin - Cameron Cemetery. We've listed the following cemeteries based on their distance, with the closest first.
- New Town
(2 miles [3.2 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for New Town have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for New Town
- New Town is located in Jackson County
- Stevenson
(2 miles [3.2 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for Stevenson have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for Stevenson
- Stevenson is located in Jackson County
- Population from the 2020 Census: 1,896 people
- Jump to TripAdvisor's Tourism page for Stevenson <3>
- Haynes Crossing
(2 miles [3.2 km] to the southeast)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for Haynes Crossing
- Haynes Crossing is located in Jackson County
- Rash
(3 miles [4.8 km] to the southwest)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for Rash
- Rash is located in Jackson County
- Browns Valley ‑ Historic
(4 miles [6.4 km] to the east)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for Browns Valley have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for Browns Valley
- Browns Valley is located in Jackson County
- Anderson
(6 miles [9.7 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for Anderson have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for Anderson
- Anderson is located in Franklin County (TN)
- Bridgeport
(7 miles [11.3 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for Bridgeport have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for Bridgeport
- Bridgeport is located in Jackson County
- Population from the 2020 Census: 2,272 people
- Former name for Bridgeport:
- Jonesville
- Jump to TripAdvisor's Tourism page for Bridgeport <3>
- Orme
(7 miles [11.3 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for Orme have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for Orme
- Orme is located in Marion County (TN)
- Population from the 2020 Census: 107 people
- Fackler
(8 miles [12.9 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for Fackler have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for Fackler
- Fackler is located in Jackson County
- Copenhagen ‑ Historic
(8 miles [12.9 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for Copenhagen have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for Copenhagen
- Copenhagen is located in Jackson County
- Richard City
(8 miles [12.9 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for Richard City have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for Richard City
- Richard City is located in Marion County (TN)
- Long Island
(10 miles [16.1 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for Long Island have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for Long Island
- Long Island is located in Jackson County
- South Pittsburg
(10 miles [16.1 km] to the northeast)
- Kyles
(12 miles [19.3 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for Kyles have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for Kyles
- Kyles is located in Jackson County
- Flat Rock
(12 miles [19.3 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for Flat Rock have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for Flat Rock
- Flat Rock is located in Jackson County
- Jump to TripAdvisor's Tourism page for Flat Rock <3>
- Bryant
(12 miles [19.3 km] to the east)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for Bryant have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for Bryant
- Bryant is located in Jackson County
- Jump to TripAdvisor's Tourism page for Bryant <3>
- New Hope
(12 miles [19.3 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for New Hope have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for New Hope
- New Hope is located in Marion County (TN)
- Population from the 2020 Census: 1,047 people
- Mud Creek ‑ Historic
(13 miles [20.9 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for Mud Creek have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for Mud Creek
- Mud Creek is located in Jackson County
- Fairfield ‑ Historic
(13 miles [20.9 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for Fairfield have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for Fairfield
- Fairfield is located in Jackson County
- Higdon
(13 miles [20.9 km] to the east)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for Higdon have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for Higdon
- Higdon is located in Jackson County
- Jump to TripAdvisor's Tourism page for Higdon <3>
- Kimball
(13 miles [20.9 km] to the northeast)
- Hytop
(13 miles [20.9 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for Hytop have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for Hytop
- Hytop is located in Jackson County
- Population from the 2020 Census: 412 people
- Hollywood
(14 miles [22.5 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for Hollywood have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for Hollywood
- Hollywood is located in Jackson County
- Population from the 2020 Census: 982 people
- Jump to TripAdvisor's Tourism page for Hollywood <3>
- Maynard Cove
(15 miles [24.1 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for Maynard Cove have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for Maynard Cove
- Maynard Cove is located in Jackson County
- Blackankle
(15 miles [24.1 km] to the southwest)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for Blackankle
- Blackankle is located in Jackson County
- Bellefonte ‑ Historic
(15 miles [24.1 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for Bellefonte have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for Bellefonte
- Bellefonte is located in Jackson County
- Pisgah
(15 miles [24.1 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for Pisgah have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for Pisgah
- Pisgah is located in Jackson County
- Population from the 2020 Census: 687 people
- Jump to TripAdvisor's Tourism page for Pisgah <3>
- Cole City
(15 miles [24.1 km] to the east)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for Cole City have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for Cole City
- Cole City is located in Dade County (GA)
- Population from the 2010 Census: 127 people
- Sal City
(15 miles [24.1 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for Sal City have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for Sal City
- Sal City is located in Franklin County (TN)
- Greerton ‑ Historic
(15 miles [24.1 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for Greerton have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for Greerton
- Greerton is located in Jackson County
Off-the-Road Links ...
The official website for State of Alabama: https://www.alabama.gov/
Footnotes ...
<1> | Our distances are not driving distances, but are calculated as a 'point-to-point' distance. A straight line distance ignores things like rivers, canyons, lakes, et cetera - it's truly a line drawn from Point A (ie- ) to Point B.Our distance measurements begin at a specific point at the Austin - Cameron Cemetery. The point we use is located at these GPS coordinates - Latitude: 34.9101, Longitude: -85.8422 In this case, the coordinates for the Austin - Cameron Cemetery have been provided by the Geographic Names Information System (GNIS). |
<2> | The location has been supplied by the Geographic Names Information System - which is maintained by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). While these values should be definitive, we found that accuracy can vary and you should double-check the location if accuracy is required. |
<3> | While we're fans and frequent users of TripAdvisor, you should know that we're also members of the TripAdvisor affiliate program. |