Local Newspapers
Introduction ...
Below are the newspapers that have been published in the vicinity of Puyallup.
Our newspaper information for Puyallup is based on data taken from the Chronicling America website. For more information, please see our description of the Chronicling America website.
The following list contains the names of 19 papers that were published in the immediate area of Puyallup. In addition, the list contains another 53 papers that were published in the broader area that surrounded Puyallup. In total, we've identified 72 papers within 16 miles [25.7 km]<1> of Puyallup.
To keep this list from growing too long, not all of the papers have been listed. We have another list where all the papers have been listed in alphabetical order. The complete list can be found on the Extended Newspaper Page for Puyallup.
Note: The Extended Newspaper Page is quite large and may take extra time to load.
Newspapers Published In Puyallup ...
We know of 19 newspapers that have been published in the immediate area of Puyallup:
- Camp Harmony News-Letter (from 1942)
- Mount Tacoma Herald (from 1911)
- Mount Tacoma Herald (from 1911)
- Pierce County Herald And Puyallup Valley Tribune (from 1967)
- Pierce County Herald (from 1974)
- Pierce County Herald (from 1974)
- Puyallup Citizen (from 18??)
- Puyallup Commerce (from 1886)
- Puyallup Commerce (from 188?)
- Puyallup Herald (from 1999)
- Puyallup Herald (from 1911)
- Puyallup Herald (from 1911)
- Continue List (7 more) ...
- Puyallup Press And Pierce County Shopper (from 1946)
- Puyallup Press (from 1930)
- Puyallup Press (from 1930)
- Puyallup Republican (from 1905)
- Puyallup Republican (from 1905)
- Puyallup Valley Tribune (from 1903)
- The Herald (from 2003)
Newspapers Neighboring Puyallup ...
The following newspapers were published within 16 miles [25.7 km]<1> of Puyallup.
The papers have been grouped by the community in which they were published, with the communities listed in order of their distance from Puyallup.
- Published In Sumner ...
- American Standard (from 1916)
- Sumner Herald (from 1889)
- Sumner Herald (from 1889)
- Sumner News-Index And Sumner Standard (from 1951)
- Sumner News-Index (from 1966)
- Sumner Standard (from 1928)
- The News Review (from 1972)
- The Sumner Index (from 1900)
- The Sumner News-Index (from 1915)
- The Sumner News (from 1914)
- Published In Parkland ...
- The Pierce County Recorder (from 1927)
- Published In Orting ...
- Carbon River Heritage (from 1986)
- The Orting Gazette (from 1979)
- The Orting Newsletter (from 1986)
- The Orting Observer (from 1973)
- The Orting Oracle (from 1889)
- The Orting Oracle (from 1889)
- Published In Auburn [King County] ...
- Auburn Globe-News (from 1943)
- Auburn Globe-news (from 1943)
- Auburn News-shopper (from 19??)
- Auburn News (from 1934)
- Daily Globe News (from 1979)
- Daily Globe News (from 1979)
- Globe News (from 1972)
- Globe News (from 1972)
- The Auburn Argus (from 1893)
- The Auburn Argus (from 1893)
- The Auburn Globe-Republican (from 1916)
- The Auburn Globe-Republican (from 1916)
- The Auburn Globe (from 1913)
- The Auburn Globe (from 1913)
- The Auburn News (from 1927)
- The Auburn Republican (from 1911)
- The Washington Co-Operator (from 1922)
- Published In Spanaway ...
- The New Frontier (from 1978)
- Published In Tacoma ...
- We know of 147 newspapers that have been published in the vicinity of Tacoma. The list of those papers is too long to repeat here, but can be found on the Local Newspaper Page for Tacoma
- We have an extended list that contains all the papers within 16 miles [25.7 km]<1> of Puyallup. This extended list includes all the papers from Tacoma. The list is sorted by the paper's name. This merged list can be found on the Extended Newspaper Page for Puyallup.
Note: The Extended Newspaper Page is quite large and may take extra time to load
- Published In Federal Way [King County] ...
- Federal Way City Herald (from 1991)
- Federal Way Mirror (from 1998)
- Federal Way News (from 1998)
- Federal Way News (from 1998)
- Federal Way News (from 1958)
- Greater Federal Way News-Review (from 1956)
- Greater Federal Way News (from 1953)
- Sea-Tac Beacon (from 19??)
- Seattle-Tacoma Key (from 1958)
- Published In South Prairie ...
- South Prairie Echo (from 1890)
- Published In South Tacoma ...
- The South Tacoma Star (from 1926)
- Published In Buckley ...
- Buckley Banner (from 1889)
- Buckley Banner (from 1889)
- Buckley News-Banner (from 1945)
- Buckley News-Banner (from 1945)
- The News (from 1937)
- The News (from 1937)
- Published In Kent [King County] ...
- We know of 30 newspapers that have been published in the vicinity of Kent. The list of those papers is too long to repeat here, but can be found on the Local Newspaper Page for Kent
- We have an extended list that contains all the papers within 16 miles [25.7 km]<1> of Puyallup. This extended list includes all the papers from Kent. The list is sorted by the paper's name. This merged list can be found on the Extended Newspaper Page for Puyallup.
Note: The Extended Newspaper Page is quite large and may take extra time to load
- Published In Tillicum ...
- Continue List (4 more) ...
- Published In Enumclaw [King County] ...
- Enumclaw Courier-Herald (from 1933)
- Enumclaw Herald (from 1908)
- The Enumclaw Courier (from 1900)
- The Enumclaw Courier (from 1900)
- The Enumclaw Herald (from 1908)
- Published In Steilacoom ...
- Lakewood Log (from 19??)
- Lakewood Log (from 19??)
- Puget Sound Courier (from 1855)
- Puget Sound Herald (from 1858)
- Tacoma Suburban Times (from 1961)
- The Steilacoom News (from 1890)
- Truth Teller (from 1858)
- Published In Fort Lewis ...
- Fort Lewis Sentinel (from 1941)
- Neue Deutsche Woche (from 1945)
- The Flame-Spearhead (from 1947)
- The Flame (from 1944)
- The Fort Lewis Eagle (from 1943)
- The Warrior (from 1944)
- Published In Gig Harbor ...
- Bay Island News (from 1917)
- Bay-Island News (from 1917)
- The Peninsula Gateway (from 1923)
- The Peninsula Gateway (from 1923)
Off-the-Road Links ...
The official website for Chronicling America
The official website for Puyallup: www.ci.puyallup.wa.us/
The official website for Pierce County: www.co.pierce.wa.us/
The official website for State of Washington: https://wa.gov/
Footnotes ...
<1> | Our distances are not driving distances, but are calculated as a 'point-to-point' distance. A straight line distance ignores things like rivers, canyons, lakes, et cetera - it's truly a line drawn from Point A (ie- Puyallup) to Point B.Our distance measurements begin at a specific point in Puyallup. The point we use is located at these GPS coordinates - Latitude: 47.1852, Longitude: -122.2936 |