Nearby Cemeteries
Below are cemeteries that are within 30 miles [48.3 km]<1> of the George P Brown Cemetery. The cemeteries are listed in alphabetical order.
Since our focus is on geography, we don't have any burial or interment information. Nor do we have any contact information for the George P Brown Cemetery..
We are always looking for corrections and additions to our Gazetteer. If you can help, we are looking for information such as the name of the cemetery, its GPS coordinates, whether the cemetery is still in use or if it is historic (ie- defunct, abandoned, etc.). If it applies, we would also like to learn of any past or alternate names that the cemetery may have been known by.
We've listed the following cemeteries based on their distance from George P Brown Cemetery, with the nearest first.
- Morgan Cemetery
(Less than 2 miles to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Morgan Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Morgan Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Morgan Cemetery
- Day Cemetery
(Less than 2 miles to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Day Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Day Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Day Cemetery
- William Butler Cemetery
(Less than 2 miles to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the William Butler Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The William Butler Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the William Butler Cemetery
- Chandler - Johnson Cemetery
(Less than 2 miles to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Chandler - Johnson Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Chandler - Johnson Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Chandler - Johnson Cemetery
- McDonald Cemetery
(Less than 2 miles to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the McDonald Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The McDonald Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the McDonald Cemetery
- Nelson McDonald Cemetery
(Less than 2 miles to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Nelson McDonald Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Nelson McDonald Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Nelson McDonald Cemetery
- Elisha Cox Cemetery
(Less than 2 miles to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Elisha Cox Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Elisha Cox Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Elisha Cox Cemetery
- Ed McDonald Cemetery
(Less than 2 miles to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Ed McDonald Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Ed McDonald Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Ed McDonald Cemetery
- William Abner Hargis Cemetery
(Less than 2 miles to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the William Abner Hargis Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The William Abner Hargis Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the William Abner Hargis Cemetery
- Long Fork Cemetery
(Less than 2 miles to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Long Fork Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Long Fork Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Long Fork Cemetery
- Poney McDonald Cemetery
(Less than 2 miles to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Poney McDonald Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Poney McDonald Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Poney McDonald Cemetery
- Andrews Cemetery
(Less than 2 miles to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Andrews Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Andrews Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Andrews Cemetery
- McCrary Cemetery
(2 miles [3.2 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the McCrary Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The McCrary Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the McCrary Cemetery
- Joe Wilson Meador Cemetery
(2 miles [3.2 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Joe Wilson Meador Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Joe Wilson Meador Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Joe Wilson Meador Cemetery
- Haley Cemetery
(2 miles [3.2 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Haley Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Haley Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Haley Cemetery
- Lovelady Cemetery
(2 miles [3.2 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Lovelady Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Lovelady Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Lovelady Cemetery
- Charlie Wilburn Cemetery
(2 miles [3.2 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Charlie Wilburn Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Charlie Wilburn Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Charlie Wilburn Cemetery
- Barnfield - Shrum - Andrews Cemetery
(2 miles [3.2 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Barnfield - Shrum - Andrews Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Barnfield - Shrum - Andrews Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Barnfield - Shrum - Andrews Cemetery
- Jesse Ira West Cemetery
(2 miles [3.2 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Jesse Ira West Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Jesse Ira West Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Jesse Ira West Cemetery
- John R Brooks Cemetery
(2 miles [3.2 km] to the east)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the John R Brooks Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The John R Brooks Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the John R Brooks Cemetery
- Bray Cemetery
(2 miles [3.2 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Bray Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Bray Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Bray Cemetery
- Bradley Cemetery
(3 miles [4.8 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Bradley Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Bradley Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Bradley Cemetery
- Lafayette City Cemetery
(3 miles [4.8 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Lafayette City Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Lafayette City Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Lafayette City Cemetery
- Chamberlain - Carter Cemetery
(3 miles [4.8 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Chamberlain - Carter Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Chamberlain - Carter Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Chamberlain - Carter Cemetery
- Marshall - Selley Cemetery
(3 miles [4.8 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Marshall - Selley Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Marshall - Selley Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Marshall - Selley Cemetery
- Jesse West Cemetery
(3 miles [4.8 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Jesse West Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Jesse West Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Jesse West Cemetery
- Roark Cemetery
(3 miles [4.8 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Roark Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Roark Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Roark Cemetery
- Galbraith - Meador Cemetery
(3 miles [4.8 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Galbraith - Meador Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Galbraith - Meador Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Galbraith - Meador Cemetery
- Meador - Ferguson Cemetery
(3 miles [4.8 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Meador - Ferguson Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Meador - Ferguson Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Meador - Ferguson Cemetery
- Jim Meador Cemetery
(3 miles [4.8 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Jim Meador Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Jim Meador Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Jim Meador Cemetery
- Meador Family Cemetery
(3 miles [4.8 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Meador Family Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Meador Family Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Meador Family Cemetery
- East Fork of Goose Creek Cemetery
(3 miles [4.8 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the East Fork of Goose Creek Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The East Fork of Goose Creek Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the East Fork of Goose Creek Cemetery
- A.W. Ferguson Cemetery
(3 miles [4.8 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the A.W. Ferguson Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The A.W. Ferguson Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the A.W. Ferguson Cemetery
- Josephus Cartwright Cemetery
(3 miles [4.8 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Josephus Cartwright Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Josephus Cartwright Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Josephus Cartwright Cemetery
- Chesley Evetts Cemetery
(3 miles [4.8 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Chesley Evetts Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Chesley Evetts Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Chesley Evetts Cemetery
- Brown Cemetery
(3 miles [4.8 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Brown Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Brown Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Brown Cemetery
- Patterson - Kelley Cemetery
(3 miles [4.8 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Patterson - Kelley Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Patterson - Kelley Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Patterson - Kelley Cemetery
- Kirby Family Cemetery
(3 miles [4.8 km] to the east)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Kirby Family Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Kirby Family Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Kirby Family Cemetery
- McCawley Cemetery
(3 miles [4.8 km] to the east)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the McCawley Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The McCawley Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the McCawley Cemetery
- Frog Pond - Friendship Cemetery
(3 miles [4.8 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Frog Pond - Friendship Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Frog Pond - Friendship Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Frog Pond - Friendship Cemetery
- Holland - Cothron Cemetery
(4 miles [6.4 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Holland - Cothron Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Holland - Cothron Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Holland - Cothron Cemetery
- Meadorville Graveyard Cemetery
(4 miles [6.4 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Meadorville Graveyard Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Meadorville Graveyard Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Meadorville Graveyard Cemetery
- W H Wright Cemetery
(4 miles [6.4 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the W H Wright Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The W H Wright Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the W H Wright Cemetery
- Burrow Cemetery
(4 miles [6.4 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Burrow Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Burrow Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Burrow Cemetery
- Jacob Eller Cemetery
(4 miles [6.4 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Jacob Eller Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Jacob Eller Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Jacob Eller Cemetery
- Merryman Cemetery
(4 miles [6.4 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Merryman Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Merryman Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Merryman Cemetery
- Will Gregory Cemetery
(4 miles [6.4 km] to the south)
- The Will Gregory Cemetery is located in Smith County
- The Will Gregory Cemetery has also been known as:
- Gregory Cemetery
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Will Gregory Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #2235299 <3>
- Wakefield - Kirby Cemetery
(4 miles [6.4 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Wakefield - Kirby Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Wakefield - Kirby Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Wakefield - Kirby Cemetery
- Wakefield Family Cemetery
(4 miles [6.4 km] to the east)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Wakefield Family Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Wakefield Family Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Wakefield Family Cemetery
- Liberty Cemetery
(4 miles [6.4 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Liberty Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Liberty Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Liberty Cemetery
- Cook Cemetery
(5 miles [8 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Cook Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Cook Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Cook Cemetery
- Pirtle Cemetery
(5 miles [8 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Pirtle Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Pirtle Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Pirtle Cemetery
- Freeman Cemetery
(5 miles [8 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Freeman Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Freeman Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Freeman Cemetery
- Crowder Cemetery
(5 miles [8 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Crowder Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Crowder Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Crowder Cemetery
- Vester Crowder Cemetery
(5 miles [8 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Vester Crowder Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Vester Crowder Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Vester Crowder Cemetery
- J M Marshall Cemetery
(5 miles [8 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the J M Marshall Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The J M Marshall Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the J M Marshall Cemetery
- Drurys Cemetery
(5 miles [8 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Drurys Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Drurys Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Drurys Cemetery
- Jones Family Cemetery
(5 miles [8 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Jones Family Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Jones Family Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Jones Family Cemetery
- Morgan Cemetery
(5 miles [8 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Morgan Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Morgan Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Morgan Cemetery
- William McClard Cemetery
(5 miles [8 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the William McClard Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The William McClard Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the William McClard Cemetery
- Gregory Cemetery
(5 miles [8 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Gregory Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Gregory Cemetery is located in Trousdale County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Gregory Cemetery
- Knight Cemetery
(5 miles [8 km] to the southeast)
- Note: We haven't been able to verify our GPS coordinates for the Knight Cemetery. Although the coordinates have been estimated, they should be in the vicinity.<4>
- The Knight Cemetery is located in Smith County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Knight Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #166582 <3>
- John B Goad Cemetery
(5 miles [8 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the John B Goad Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The John B Goad Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the John B Goad Cemetery
- Young Cemetery
(5 miles [8 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Young Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Young Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Young Cemetery
- William Brockett Cemetery
(5 miles [8 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the William Brockett Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The William Brockett Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the William Brockett Cemetery
- Cortez Adams Cemetery
(5 miles [8 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Cortez Adams Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Cortez Adams Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Cortez Adams Cemetery
- Jones Cemetery
(5 miles [8 km] to the east)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Jones Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Jones Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Jones Cemetery
- West Cemetery
(5 miles [8 km] to the east)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the West Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The West Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the West Cemetery
- Maple Grove Cemetery
(6 miles [9.7 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Maple Grove Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Maple Grove Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Maple Grove Cemetery
- Joseph Harrison White Cemetery
(6 miles [9.7 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Joseph Harrison White Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Joseph Harrison White Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Joseph Harrison White Cemetery
- Sanders Cemetery
(6 miles [9.7 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Sanders Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Sanders Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Sanders Cemetery
- Mooningham - White - Robertson Cemetery
(6 miles [9.7 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Mooningham - White - Robertson Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Mooningham - White - Robertson Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Mooningham - White - Robertson Cemetery
- Wallace Cemetery
(6 miles [9.7 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Wallace Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Wallace Cemetery is located in Trousdale County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Wallace Cemetery
- Stafford Cemetery
(6 miles [9.7 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Stafford Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Stafford Cemetery is located in Trousdale County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Stafford Cemetery
- Frogpond - Friendship Cemetery
(6 miles [9.7 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Frogpond - Friendship Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Frogpond - Friendship Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Frogpond - Friendship Cemetery
- Davis Cemetery
(6 miles [9.7 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Davis Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Davis Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Davis Cemetery
- Dickens Cemetery
(6 miles [9.7 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Dickens Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Dickens Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Dickens Cemetery
- Irving Meador Cemetery
(6 miles [9.7 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Irving Meador Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Irving Meador Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Irving Meador Cemetery
- David Blankenship Cemetery
(7 miles [11.3 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the David Blankenship Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The David Blankenship Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the David Blankenship Cemetery
- King Cemetery
(7 miles [11.3 km] to the north)
- The King Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the King Cemetery
- Wesley Crowder Cemetery
(7 miles [11.3 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Wesley Crowder Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Wesley Crowder Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Wesley Crowder Cemetery
- King Cemetery
(7 miles [11.3 km] to the northwest)
- Walden Cemetery
(7 miles [11.3 km] to the northwest)
- Note: We haven't been able to verify our GPS coordinates for the Walden Cemetery. Although the coordinates have been estimated, they should be in the vicinity.<4>
- The Walden Cemetery is located in Macon County
- To give a relative sense of its location, the Walden Cemetery is located 4 miles [6.4 km]<1> to the southeast of Lafayette.
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Walden Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #19789 <3>
- Bass Brockett Cemetery
(7 miles [11.3 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Bass Brockett Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Bass Brockett Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Bass Brockett Cemetery
- New Bethel Cemetery
(7 miles [11.3 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the New Bethel Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The New Bethel Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the New Bethel Cemetery
- Elijah Adams Cemetery
(7 miles [11.3 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Elijah Adams Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Elijah Adams Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Elijah Adams Cemetery
- Livingston - Adams Cemetery
(7 miles [11.3 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Livingston - Adams Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Livingston - Adams Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Livingston - Adams Cemetery
- Sanderson Cemetery
(7 miles [11.3 km] to the south)
- Thomas Cemetery
(7 miles [11.3 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Thomas Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Thomas Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Thomas Cemetery
- Bell Cemetery
(7 miles [11.3 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Bell Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Bell Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Bell Cemetery
- Fishburn Cemetery
(8 miles [12.9 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Fishburn Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Fishburn Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Fishburn Cemetery
- Jent Cemetery
(8 miles [12.9 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Jent Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Jent Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Jent Cemetery
- King Cemetery
(8 miles [12.9 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the King Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The King Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the King Cemetery
- Draper Cemetery
(8 miles [12.9 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Draper Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Draper Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Draper Cemetery
- Jonas Meador Cemetery
(8 miles [12.9 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Jonas Meador Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Jonas Meador Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Jonas Meador Cemetery
- Long Creek Cemetery
(8 miles [12.9 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Long Creek Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Long Creek Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Long Creek Cemetery
- William Galbraith Cemetery
(8 miles [12.9 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the William Galbraith Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The William Galbraith Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the William Galbraith Cemetery
- Adams - Jacob Story Cemetery
(8 miles [12.9 km] to the southwest)
- Fleeman Cemetery
(8 miles [12.9 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Fleeman Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Fleeman Cemetery is located in Trousdale County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Fleeman Cemetery
- Maceys Hill Cemetery
(8 miles [12.9 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Maceys Hill Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Maceys Hill Cemetery is located in Smith County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Maceys Hill Cemetery
- Clark Cemetery
(8 miles [12.9 km] to the east)
- Cothron - Gregory Cemetery
(8 miles [12.9 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Cothron - Gregory Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Cothron - Gregory Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Cothron - Gregory Cemetery
- Whitley Cemetery
(8 miles [12.9 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Whitley Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Whitley Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Whitley Cemetery
- Bethany Cemetery
(8 miles [12.9 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Bethany Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Bethany Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Bethany Cemetery
- Elias McDonald Cemetery
(8 miles [12.9 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Elias McDonald Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Elias McDonald Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Elias McDonald Cemetery
- Enon Cemetery
(8 miles [12.9 km] to the northeast)
- The Enon Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Enon Cemetery
- John Brandon Cemetery
(8 miles [12.9 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the John Brandon Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The John Brandon Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the John Brandon Cemetery
- Scott Cemetery
(8 miles [12.9 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Scott Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Scott Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Scott Cemetery
- Cold Springs Cemetery
(9 miles [14.5 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Cold Springs Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Cold Springs Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Cold Springs Cemetery
- Walden - Walrond Cemetery
(9 miles [14.5 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Walden - Walrond Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Walden - Walrond Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Walden - Walrond Cemetery
- Hughes Cemetery
(9 miles [14.5 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Hughes Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Hughes Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Hughes Cemetery
- Franklin - York Cemetery
(9 miles [14.5 km] to the east)
- The Franklin - York Cemetery is located in Clay County
- The Franklin - York Cemetery has also been known as:
- Bakerton Cemetery
- Hance Cemetery
- Vinson Cemetery
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Franklin - York Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #2358292 <3>
- Harper Cemetery
(10 miles [16.1 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Harper Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Harper Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Harper Cemetery
- Fletcher Cliburn Cemetery
(10 miles [16.1 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Fletcher Cliburn Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Fletcher Cliburn Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Fletcher Cliburn Cemetery
- Alvis - Shrum Cemetery
(10 miles [16.1 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Alvis - Shrum Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Alvis - Shrum Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Alvis - Shrum Cemetery
- Millers Chapel Cemetery
(10 miles [16.1 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Millers Chapel Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Millers Chapel Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Millers Chapel Cemetery
- Holman Cemetery
(10 miles [16.1 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Holman Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Holman Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Holman Cemetery
- Stalcup Cemetery
(10 miles [16.1 km] to the southwest)
- The Stalcup Cemetery is located in Trousdale County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Stalcup Cemetery
- Beasley Cemetery
(10 miles [16.1 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Beasley Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Beasley Cemetery is located in Smith County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Beasley Cemetery
- Dixon Springs Cemetery
(10 miles [16.1 km] to the southwest)
- Dukes Cemetery
(10 miles [16.1 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Dukes Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Dukes Cemetery is located in Smith County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Dukes Cemetery
- Graves and Teele Graveyard
(10 miles [16.1 km] to the east)
- Leonard Cemetery
(10 miles [16.1 km] to the east)
- Cornith Gardens Cemetery
(10 miles [16.1 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Cornith Gardens Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Cornith Gardens Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Cornith Gardens Cemetery
- Roark Cemetery
(11 miles [17.7 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Roark Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Roark Cemetery is located in Allen County (KY)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Roark Cemetery
- Lyles Cemetery
(11 miles [17.7 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Lyles Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Lyles Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Lyles Cemetery
- Simmons Cemetery
(11 miles [17.7 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Simmons Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Simmons Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Simmons Cemetery
- Lewis Minick Cemetery
(11 miles [17.7 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Lewis Minick Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Lewis Minick Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Lewis Minick Cemetery
- Carman Cemetery
(11 miles [17.7 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Carman Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Carman Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Carman Cemetery
- Fairview Cemetery
(11 miles [17.7 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Fairview Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Fairview Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Fairview Cemetery
- Love - Ladd Cemetery
(11 miles [17.7 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Love - Ladd Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Love - Ladd Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Love - Ladd Cemetery
- Chestnut Grove Cemetery
(11 miles [17.7 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Chestnut Grove Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Chestnut Grove Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Chestnut Grove Cemetery
- Charlton Cemetery
(11 miles [17.7 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Charlton Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Charlton Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Charlton Cemetery
- Davis Cemetery
(11 miles [17.7 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Davis Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Davis Cemetery is located in Smith County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Davis Cemetery
- Holland Cemetery
(11 miles [17.7 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Holland Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Holland Cemetery is located in Jackson County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Holland Cemetery
- Draper Cemetery
(11 miles [17.7 km] to the southeast)
- Reeves Cemetery
(11 miles [17.7 km] to the northeast)
- Bandy Cemetery
(12 miles [19.3 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Bandy Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Bandy Cemetery is located in Allen County (KY)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Bandy Cemetery
- Black Oak Cemetery
(12 miles [19.3 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Black Oak Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Black Oak Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Black Oak Cemetery
- G T Dalton Cemetery
(12 miles [19.3 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the G T Dalton Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The G T Dalton Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the G T Dalton Cemetery
- Hartsville Memorial Gardens
(12 miles [19.3 km] to the southwest)
- Hartsville Cemetery
(12 miles [19.3 km] to the southwest)
- The Hartsville Cemetery is located in Trousdale County
- To give a relative sense of its location, the Hartsville Cemetery is a large cemetery that is located outside and to the south of Hartsville.
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Hartsville Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #1369711 <3>
- Piper - Hughes Cemetery
(12 miles [19.3 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Piper - Hughes Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Piper - Hughes Cemetery is located in Trousdale County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Piper - Hughes Cemetery
- Porter Cemetery
(12 miles [19.3 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Porter Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Porter Cemetery is located in Smith County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Porter Cemetery
- Campground Cemetery
(12 miles [19.3 km] to the southeast)
- The Campground Cemetery is located in Jackson County
- The Campground Cemetery has also been known as:
- Wartrace Cemetery
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Campground Cemetery
- Minchey Cemetery
(12 miles [19.3 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Minchey Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Minchey Cemetery is located in Jackson County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Minchey Cemetery
- Browning Cemetery
(12 miles [19.3 km] to the northeast)
- Pedigo Cemetery
(12 miles [19.3 km] to the northeast)
- Hermitage Springs Cemetery
(12 miles [19.3 km] to the northeast)
- Biles Cemetery
(12 miles [19.3 km] to the northeast)
- Mt. Pleasant Cemetery
(13 miles [20.9 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Mt. Pleasant Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Mt. Pleasant Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Mt. Pleasant Cemetery
- Hawkins Cemetery
(13 miles [20.9 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Hawkins Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Hawkins Cemetery is located in Macon County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Hawkins Cemetery
- Hodge Cemetery
(13 miles [20.9 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Hodge Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Hodge Cemetery is located in Sumner County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Hodge Cemetery
- Carman Cemetery
(13 miles [20.9 km] to the southwest)
- The Carman Cemetery is located in Trousdale County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Carman Cemetery
- Kennys Cemetery
(13 miles [20.9 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Kennys Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Kennys Cemetery is located in Smith County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Kennys Cemetery
- Bradleys Cemetery
(13 miles [20.9 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Bradleys Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Bradleys Cemetery is located in Smith County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Bradleys Cemetery
- Cage Cemetery
(13 miles [20.9 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Cage Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Cage Cemetery is located in Smith County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Cage Cemetery
- Miles Cemetery
(13 miles [20.9 km] to the east)
- Chimney Rock Cemetery
(13 miles [20.9 km] to the northeast)
- Pike Cemetery
(14 miles [22.5 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Pike Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Pike Cemetery is located in Sumner County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Pike Cemetery
- Wolf Hill Cemetery
(14 miles [22.5 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Wolf Hill Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Wolf Hill Cemetery is located in Sumner County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Wolf Hill Cemetery
- Willow Grove Cemetery
(14 miles [22.5 km] to the west)
- Turner Cemetery
(14 miles [22.5 km] to the northeast)
- Compton Cemetery
(14 miles [22.5 km] to the northeast)
- Gamaliel Cemetery
(14 miles [22.5 km] to the northeast)
- The Gamaliel Cemetery is located in Monroe County (KY)
- To give a relative sense of its location, the Gamaliel Cemetery is a large cemetery that is located outside and to the west of Gamaliel (KY).
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Gamaliel Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #1059090 <3>
- White Oak Ridge Cemetery
(14 miles [22.5 km] to the north)
- Brown Family Cemetery
(15 miles [24.1 km] to the northwest)
- The Brown Family Cemetery is located in Sumner County
- To give a relative sense of its location, the Brown Family Cemetery is located 2 miles [3.2 km]<1> to the south of Westmoreland.
- The Brown Family Cemetery has also been known as:
- Crash Brown Family Cemetery
- John Timothy Brown Family Cemetery
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Brown Family Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #2319035 <3>
- Pleasant Grove Cemetery
(15 miles [24.1 km] to the northwest)
- The Pleasant Grove Cemetery is located in Sumner County
- To give a relative sense of its location, the Pleasant Grove Cemetery is a large cemetery that is located 3 miles [4.8 km]<1> to the southwest of Westmoreland.
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Pleasant Grove Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #17202 <3>
- Carter Cemetery
(15 miles [24.1 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Carter Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Carter Cemetery is located in Sumner County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Carter Cemetery
- Dies Cemetery
(15 miles [24.1 km] to the southwest)
- Note: We haven't been able to verify our GPS coordinates for the Dies Cemetery. Although the coordinates have been estimated, they should be in the vicinity.<4>
- The Dies Cemetery is located in Wilson County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Dies Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #2272933 <3>
- Kirby Cemetery
(15 miles [24.1 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Kirby Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Kirby Cemetery is located in Smith County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Kirby Cemetery
- Stowe Cemetery
(15 miles [24.1 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Stowe Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Stowe Cemetery is located in Smith County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Stowe Cemetery
- Cato Cemetery
(15 miles [24.1 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Cato Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Cato Cemetery is located in Smith County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Cato Cemetery
- Violet Cemetery
(15 miles [24.1 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Violet Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Violet Cemetery is located in Smith County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Violet Cemetery
- Manning - Denton Cemetery
(15 miles [24.1 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Manning - Denton Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Manning - Denton Cemetery is located in Smith County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Manning - Denton Cemetery
- Cub Creek Cemetery
(15 miles [24.1 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Cub Creek Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Cub Creek Cemetery is located in Jackson County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Cub Creek Cemetery
- Cherry - Price Cemetery
(15 miles [24.1 km] to the east)
- Brown Cemetery
(16 miles [25.7 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Brown Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Brown Cemetery is located in Sumner County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Brown Cemetery
- New Hope Cemetery
(16 miles [25.7 km] to the west)
- The New Hope Cemetery is located in Sumner County
- The New Hope Cemetery has also been known as:
- New Hope Methodist Cemetery
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the New Hope Cemetery
- Bradley Cemetery
(16 miles [25.7 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Bradley Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Bradley Cemetery is located in Sumner County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Bradley Cemetery
- Bass Cemetery
(16 miles [25.7 km] to the southwest)
- The Bass Cemetery is located in Trousdale County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Bass Cemetery
- Harper Cemetery
(16 miles [25.7 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Harper Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Harper Cemetery is located in Smith County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Harper Cemetery
- Litchford Cemetery
(16 miles [25.7 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Litchford Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Litchford Cemetery is located in Smith County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Litchford Cemetery
- Cherry Denton Cemetery
(16 miles [25.7 km] to the east)
- Union Hill Cemetery
(16 miles [25.7 km] to the east)
- Jonestown Cemetery
(16 miles [25.7 km] to the east)
- Cherry Cemetery
(16 miles [25.7 km] to the northeast)
- Clementsville Cemetery
(16 miles [25.7 km] to the northeast)
- Mt. Vernon Cemetery
(16 miles [25.7 km] to the northeast)
- Note: We haven't been able to verify our GPS coordinates for the Mt. Vernon Cemetery. Although the coordinates have been estimated, they should be in the vicinity.<4>
- The Mt. Vernon Cemetery is located in Monroe County (KY)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Mt. Vernon Cemetery
- Neal Cemetery
(16 miles [25.7 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Neal Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Neal Cemetery is located in Monroe County (KY)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Neal Cemetery
- Fountain Run Cemetery
(16 miles [25.7 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Fountain Run Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Fountain Run Cemetery is located in Monroe County (KY)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Fountain Run Cemetery
- Nancy Cemetery
(17 miles [27.4 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Nancy Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Nancy Cemetery is located in Allen County (KY)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Nancy Cemetery
- Old Carter Cemetery
(17 miles [27.4 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Old Carter Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Old Carter Cemetery is located in Sumner County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Old Carter Cemetery
- Caldwell Cemetery
(17 miles [27.4 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Caldwell Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Caldwell Cemetery is located in Sumner County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Caldwell Cemetery
- Free Methodist Cemetery
(17 miles [27.4 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Free Methodist Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Free Methodist Cemetery is located in Sumner County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Free Methodist Cemetery
- Rankin Cemetery
(17 miles [27.4 km] to the southwest)
- The Rankin Cemetery is located in Trousdale County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Rankin Cemetery
- Bethel Baptist & Methodist Cemetery
(17 miles [27.4 km] to the southwest)
- Jackson Cemetery
(17 miles [27.4 km] to the southwest)
- Tomlinson Cemetery
(17 miles [27.4 km] to the southwest)
- Note: We haven't been able to verify our GPS coordinates for the Tomlinson Cemetery. Although the coordinates have been estimated, they should be in the vicinity.<4>
- The Tomlinson Cemetery is located in Wilson County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Tomlinson Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #2391013 <3>
- Watkins Cemetery
(17 miles [27.4 km] to the southwest)
- Note: We haven't been able to verify our GPS coordinates for the Watkins Cemetery. Although the coordinates have been estimated, they should be in the vicinity.<4>
- The Watkins Cemetery is located in Wilson County
- The Watkins Cemetery has also been known as:
- Ramsey Cemetery
- Wakins - Ramsey Cemetery
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Watkins Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #2390024 <3>
- Baird Cemetery
(17 miles [27.4 km] to the southwest)
- The Baird Cemetery is located in Wilson County
- The Baird Cemetery has also been known as:
- Buck Road Cemetery
- William 'Buck' Baird Cemetery
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Baird Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #2374086 <3>
- Litchford Cemetery
(17 miles [27.4 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Litchford Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Litchford Cemetery is located in Smith County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Litchford Cemetery
- Waggoner Cemetery
(17 miles [27.4 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Waggoner Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Waggoner Cemetery is located in Smith County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Waggoner Cemetery
- Ben A. McLerran Cemetery
(17 miles [27.4 km] to the northeast)
- Note: We haven't been able to verify our GPS coordinates for the Ben A. McLerran Cemetery. Although the coordinates have been estimated, they should be in the vicinity.<4>
- The Ben A. McLerran Cemetery is located in Clay County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Ben A. McLerran Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #2530597 <3>
- Pitcock Cemetery
(17 miles [27.4 km] to the northeast)
- Bethpage Lower Cemetery
(18 miles [29 km] to the west)
- The Bethpage Lower Cemetery is located in Sumner County
- To give a relative sense of its location, the Bethpage Lower Cemetery is located 11 miles [17.7 km]<1> to the southwest of Gallatin.
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Bethpage Lower Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #9265 <3>
- Bethpage Upper Cemetery
(18 miles [29 km] to the west)
- The Bethpage Upper Cemetery is located in Sumner County
- To give a relative sense of its location, the Bethpage Upper Cemetery is located 11 miles [17.7 km]<1> to the southwest of Gallatin.
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Bethpage Upper Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #9265 <3>
- Bethpape Cemetery
(18 miles [29 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Bethpape Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Bethpape Cemetery is located in Sumner County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Bethpape Cemetery
- Old Hopewell Cemetery
(18 miles [29 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Old Hopewell Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Old Hopewell Cemetery is located in Sumner County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Old Hopewell Cemetery
- Tomlinson Cemetery
(18 miles [29 km] to the southwest)
- The Tomlinson Cemetery is located in Wilson County
- To give a relative sense of its location, the Tomlinson Cemetery is located between<5> the communities of Lebanon and Hartsville. The cemetery lies 7 miles [11.3 km]<1> to the south of Hartsville.
- The Tomlinson Cemetery has also been known as:
- Johnson - Tomlinson Cemetery
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Tomlinson Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #19434 <3>
- Goshen Cemetery
(18 miles [29 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Goshen Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Goshen Cemetery is located in Wilson County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Goshen Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #12508 <3>
- Barnett Cemetery
(18 miles [29 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Barnett Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Barnett Cemetery is located in Smith County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Barnett Cemetery
- Enoch Cemetery
(18 miles [29 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Enoch Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Enoch Cemetery is located in Smith County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Enoch Cemetery
- Highers Cemetery
(18 miles [29 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Highers Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Highers Cemetery is located in Smith County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Highers Cemetery
- Gibbs Cemetery
(18 miles [29 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Gibbs Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Gibbs Cemetery is located in Smith County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Gibbs Cemetery
- Dickens Cemetery
(18 miles [29 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Dickens Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Dickens Cemetery is located in Smith County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Dickens Cemetery
- Rob Draper Memorial Cemetery
(18 miles [29 km] to the east)
- The Rob Draper Memorial Cemetery is located in Jackson County
- The Rob Draper Memorial Cemetery has also been known as:
- Draper Memorial Cemetery
- Draper - Naff Cemetery
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Rob Draper Memorial Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #11470 <3>
- Clark Memorial Cemetery
(18 miles [29 km] to the east)
- The Clark Memorial Cemetery is located in Jackson County
- The Clark Memorial Cemetery has also been known as:
- Clark Cemetery
- John L. Clark Memorial Cemetery
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Clark Memorial Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #10552 <3>
- Eads - Denton Cemetery
(18 miles [29 km] to the east)
- The Eads - Denton Cemetery is located in Clay County
- The Eads - Denton Cemetery has also been known as:
- Eads - Denton - Moore Cemetery
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Eads - Denton Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #354786 <3>
- Smith Cemetery
(18 miles [29 km] to the east)
- Belcher Cemetery
(18 miles [29 km] to the northeast)
- The Belcher Cemetery is located in Monroe County (KY)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Belcher Cemetery
- Wolf Cemetery
(19 miles [30.6 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Wolf Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Wolf Cemetery is located in Allen County (KY)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Wolf Cemetery
- Hinton Cemetery
(19 miles [30.6 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Hinton Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Hinton Cemetery is located in Allen County (KY)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Hinton Cemetery
- Durham Chapel Cemetery
(19 miles [30.6 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Durham Chapel Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Durham Chapel Cemetery is located in Sumner County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Durham Chapel Cemetery
- Speck Cemetery
(19 miles [30.6 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Speck Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Speck Cemetery is located in Wilson County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Speck Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #18816 <3>
- Weir Cemetery
(19 miles [30.6 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Weir Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Weir Cemetery is located in Wilson County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Weir Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #20061 <3>
- Wilkerson Cemetery
(19 miles [30.6 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Wilkerson Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Wilkerson Cemetery is located in Smith County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Wilkerson Cemetery
- Winfree Cemetery
(19 miles [30.6 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Winfree Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Winfree Cemetery is located in Smith County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Winfree Cemetery
- Bates Cemetery
(19 miles [30.6 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Bates Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Bates Cemetery is located in Smith County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Bates Cemetery
- Old Mulkey Church Cemetery
(19 miles [30.6 km] to the northeast)
- The Old Mulkey Church Cemetery is located in Monroe County (KY)
- The Old Mulkey Church Cemetery has also been known as:
- Mulkey Church Cemetery
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Old Mulkey Church Cemetery
- Pleasant Home Cemetery
(20 miles [32.2 km] to the north)
- Oak Forest MB Church Cemetery
(20 miles [32.2 km] to the northwest)
- The Oak Forest MB Church Cemetery is located in Allen County (KY)
- The Oak Forest MB Church Cemetery has also been known as:
- Oak Forest Cemetery #1
- Oak Forest Church #1 Cemetery
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Oak Forest MB Church Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #264752 <3>
- Roberts Tabernacle Cemetery
(20 miles [32.2 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Roberts Tabernacle Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Roberts Tabernacle Cemetery is located in Sumner County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Roberts Tabernacle Cemetery
- Union Chapel Cemetery
(20 miles [32.2 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Union Chapel Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Union Chapel Cemetery is located in Sumner County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Union Chapel Cemetery
- Providence Cemetery
(20 miles [32.2 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Providence Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Providence Cemetery is located in Sumner County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Providence Cemetery
- Mt. Vernon Cemetery
(20 miles [32.2 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Mt. Vernon Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Mt. Vernon Cemetery is located in Sumner County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Mt. Vernon Cemetery
- Baird Cemetery
(20 miles [32.2 km] to the southwest)
- The Baird Cemetery is located in Wilson County
- The Baird Cemetery has also been known as:
- Seldon Ewing Baird Cemetery
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Baird Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #2374083 <3>
- White Cemetery
(20 miles [32.2 km] to the southwest)
- Wier Cemetery
(20 miles [32.2 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Wier Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Wier Cemetery is located in Wilson County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Wier Cemetery
- Bethlehem Cemetery
(20 miles [32.2 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Bethlehem Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Bethlehem Cemetery is located in Smith County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Bethlehem Cemetery
- Tuggle Cemetery
(20 miles [32.2 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Tuggle Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Tuggle Cemetery is located in Smith County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Tuggle Cemetery
- Bradford Cemetery
(20 miles [32.2 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Bradford Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Bradford Cemetery is located in Smith County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Bradford Cemetery
- Coffee Cemetery
(20 miles [32.2 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Coffee Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Coffee Cemetery is located in Smith County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Coffee Cemetery
- Toney Cemetery
(20 miles [32.2 km] to the east)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Toney Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Toney Cemetery is located in Jackson County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Toney Cemetery
- Bedford - Hall Family Cemetery
(20 miles [32.2 km] to the east)
- Macedonia Cemetery
(20 miles [32.2 km] to the east)
- The Macedonia Cemetery is located in Clay County
- To give a relative sense of its location, the Macedonia Cemetery is a large cemetery that is located less than 2 miles<1> to the north of Moss.
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Macedonia Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #14992 <3>
- Moss Cemetery
(20 miles [32.2 km] to the east)
- Moore Cemetery
(20 miles [32.2 km] to the northeast)
- Antioch Church Cemetery
(20 miles [32.2 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Antioch Church Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Antioch Church Cemetery is located in Barren County (KY)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Antioch Church Cemetery
- Mt. Olive Cemetery
(21 miles [33.8 km] to the northwest)
- Kent Cemetery
(21 miles [33.8 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Kent Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Kent Cemetery is located in Smith County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Kent Cemetery
- Shaver Cemetery
(21 miles [33.8 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Shaver Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Shaver Cemetery is located in Smith County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Shaver Cemetery
- House Cemetery
(21 miles [33.8 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the House Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The House Cemetery is located in Smith County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the House Cemetery
- Denny Cemetery
(21 miles [33.8 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Denny Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Denny Cemetery is located in Smith County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Denny Cemetery
- Baird Cemetery
(21 miles [33.8 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Baird Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Baird Cemetery is located in Smith County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Baird Cemetery
- Ducktown Cemetery
(21 miles [33.8 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Ducktown Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Ducktown Cemetery is located in Smith County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Ducktown Cemetery
- McDonald Cemetery
(21 miles [33.8 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the McDonald Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The McDonald Cemetery is located in Smith County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the McDonald Cemetery
- Gordonsville Cemetery
(21 miles [33.8 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Gordonsville Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Gordonsville Cemetery is located in Smith County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Gordonsville Cemetery
- Preston Cemetery
(21 miles [33.8 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Preston Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Preston Cemetery is located in Smith County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Preston Cemetery
- Knight Cemetery
(21 miles [33.8 km] to the southeast)
- Note: We haven't been able to verify our GPS coordinates for the Knight Cemetery. Although the coordinates have been estimated, they should be in the vicinity.<4>
- The Knight Cemetery is located in Smith County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Knight Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #2447561 <3>
- Cowan Cemetery
(21 miles [33.8 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Cowan Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Cowan Cemetery is located in Putnam County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Cowan Cemetery
- Odle Cemetery
(21 miles [33.8 km] to the east)
- Mt. Poland Church Cemetery
(21 miles [33.8 km] to the northeast)
- Hammer Cemetery
(21 miles [33.8 km] to the northeast)
- The Hammer Cemetery is located in Monroe County (KY)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Hammer Cemetery
- Oak Hill Cemetery
(21 miles [33.8 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Oak Hill Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Oak Hill Cemetery is located in Monroe County (KY)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Oak Hill Cemetery
- Brown Cemetery
(21 miles [33.8 km] to the northeast)
- The Brown Cemetery is located in Monroe County (KY)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Brown Cemetery
- Tyree Cemetery
(21 miles [33.8 km] to the northeast)
- Smith Cemetery
(21 miles [33.8 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Smith Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Smith Cemetery is located in Barren County (KY)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Smith Cemetery
- Young Cemetery
(21 miles [33.8 km] to the north)
- The Young Cemetery is located in Barren County (KY)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Young Cemetery
- Crescent Hill Cemetery
(22 miles [35.4 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Crescent Hill Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Crescent Hill Cemetery is located in Allen County (KY)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Crescent Hill Cemetery
- Fairfield Cemetery
(22 miles [35.4 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Fairfield Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Fairfield Cemetery is located in Sumner County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Fairfield Cemetery
- Butt Cemetery
(22 miles [35.4 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Butt Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Butt Cemetery is located in Sumner County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Butt Cemetery
- Sulphur Fork Cemetery
(22 miles [35.4 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Sulphur Fork Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Sulphur Fork Cemetery is located in Sumner County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Sulphur Fork Cemetery
- Rock Bridge Cemetery
(22 miles [35.4 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Rock Bridge Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Rock Bridge Cemetery is located in Sumner County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Rock Bridge Cemetery
- Dry Fork Cemetery
(22 miles [35.4 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Dry Fork Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Dry Fork Cemetery is located in Sumner County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Dry Fork Cemetery
- Belates Cemetery
(22 miles [35.4 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Belates Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Belates Cemetery is located in Sumner County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Belates Cemetery
- Bettis - Mosley Cemetery
(22 miles [35.4 km] to the southwest)
- Note: We haven't been able to verify our GPS coordinates for the Bettis - Mosley Cemetery. Although the coordinates have been estimated, they should be in the vicinity.<4>
- The Bettis - Mosley Cemetery is located in Wilson County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Bettis - Mosley Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #2316489 <3>
- Bethlehem Cemetery
(22 miles [35.4 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Bethlehem Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Bethlehem Cemetery is located in Wilson County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Bethlehem Cemetery
- Moore Cemetery
(22 miles [35.4 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Moore Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Moore Cemetery is located in Smith County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Moore Cemetery
- Rollins Cemetery
(22 miles [35.4 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Rollins Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Rollins Cemetery is located in Smith County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Rollins Cemetery
- Bransford Cemetery
(22 miles [35.4 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Bransford Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Bransford Cemetery is located in Smith County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Bransford Cemetery
- James Cemetery
(22 miles [35.4 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the James Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The James Cemetery is located in Smith County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the James Cemetery
- Bockman Cemetery
(22 miles [35.4 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Bockman Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Bockman Cemetery is located in Putnam County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Bockman Cemetery
- Bartlett Cemetery
(22 miles [35.4 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Bartlett Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Bartlett Cemetery is located in Putnam County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Bartlett Cemetery
- Rogers Cemetery
(22 miles [35.4 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Rogers Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Rogers Cemetery is located in Putnam County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Rogers Cemetery
- Pharris Cemetery
(22 miles [35.4 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Pharris Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Pharris Cemetery is located in Jackson County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Pharris Cemetery
- Stafford Cemetery
(22 miles [35.4 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Stafford Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Stafford Cemetery is located in Jackson County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Stafford Cemetery
- Dudney Cemetery
(22 miles [35.4 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Dudney Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Dudney Cemetery is located in Jackson County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Dudney Cemetery
- Stafford Cemetery
(22 miles [35.4 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Stafford Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Stafford Cemetery is located in Jackson County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Stafford Cemetery
- Pigg Cemetery
(22 miles [35.4 km] to the east)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Pigg Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Pigg Cemetery is located in Jackson County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Pigg Cemetery
- John Price Butler Cemetery
(22 miles [35.4 km] to the east)
- Note: We haven't been able to verify our GPS coordinates for the John Price Butler Cemetery. Although the coordinates have been estimated, they should be in the vicinity.<4>
- The John Price Butler Cemetery is located in Clay County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the John Price Butler Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #2519392 <3>
- Kirk - Morgan Cemetery
(22 miles [35.4 km] to the east)
- The Kirk - Morgan Cemetery is located in Clay County
- The Kirk - Morgan Cemetery has also been known as:
- Kirk Cemetery
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Kirk - Morgan Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #1966435 <3>
- Roberts Cemetery
(22 miles [35.4 km] to the east)
- Note: We haven't been able to verify our GPS coordinates for the Roberts Cemetery. Although the coordinates have been estimated, they should be in the vicinity.<4>
- The Roberts Cemetery is located in Clay County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Roberts Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #17836 <3>
- Plumlee Cemetery
(22 miles [35.4 km] to the east)
- The Plumlee Cemetery is located in Clay County
- The Plumlee Cemetery has also been known as:
- Archibald Plumlee Cemetery
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Plumlee Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #2267643 <3>
- Spear Family Cemetery
(22 miles [35.4 km] to the east)
- Meadows Cemetery
(22 miles [35.4 km] to the east)
- Thomerson Cemetery
(22 miles [35.4 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Thomerson Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Thomerson Cemetery is located in Barren County (KY)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Thomerson Cemetery
- Combs Cemetery
(23 miles [37 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Combs Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Combs Cemetery is located in Barren County (KY)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Combs Cemetery
- Austin Cemetery
(23 miles [37 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Austin Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Austin Cemetery is located in Barren County (KY)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Austin Cemetery
- Mt. Olivet Baptist Church Cemetery
(23 miles [37 km] to the north)
- The Mt. Olivet Baptist Church Cemetery is located in Barren County (KY)
- To give a relative sense of its location, the Mt. Olivet Baptist Church Cemetery is a large cemetery that is located outside and to the west of Austin (KY).
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Mt. Olivet Baptist Church Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #2156890 <3>
- Hodges Cemetery
(23 miles [37 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Hodges Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Hodges Cemetery is located in Sumner County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Hodges Cemetery
- Patterson Cemetery
(23 miles [37 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Patterson Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Patterson Cemetery is located in Sumner County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Patterson Cemetery
- Barnes Cemetery
(23 miles [37 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Barnes Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Barnes Cemetery is located in Sumner County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Barnes Cemetery
- Agee Cemetery
(23 miles [37 km] to the south)
- Note: We haven't been able to verify our GPS coordinates for the Agee Cemetery. Although the coordinates have been estimated, they should be in the vicinity.<4>
- The Agee Cemetery is located in Smith County
- To give a relative sense of its location, the Agee Cemetery is located 2 miles [3.2 km]<1> to the south of Brush Creek.
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Agee Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #2575291 <3>
- Moore Cemetery
(23 miles [37 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Moore Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Moore Cemetery is located in Smith County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Moore Cemetery
- Baird Memorial Cemetery
(23 miles [37 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Baird Memorial Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Baird Memorial Cemetery is located in Smith County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Baird Memorial Cemetery
- Manners Cemetery
(23 miles [37 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Manners Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Manners Cemetery is located in Smith County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Manners Cemetery
- Cowan Cemetery
(23 miles [37 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Cowan Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Cowan Cemetery is located in Smith County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Cowan Cemetery
- Stewart Cemetery
(23 miles [37 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Stewart Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Stewart Cemetery is located in Smith County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Stewart Cemetery
- McKinley Cemetery
(23 miles [37 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the McKinley Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The McKinley Cemetery is located in Putnam County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the McKinley Cemetery
- Carter Cemetery
(23 miles [37 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Carter Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Carter Cemetery is located in Jackson County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Carter Cemetery
- Gentry Cemetery
(23 miles [37 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Gentry Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Gentry Cemetery is located in Jackson County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Gentry Cemetery
- Pleasant Hill Cemetery
(23 miles [37 km] to the east)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Pleasant Hill Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Pleasant Hill Cemetery is located in Jackson County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Pleasant Hill Cemetery
- Butlers Landing Cemetery
(23 miles [37 km] to the east)
- Mabry Cemetery
(23 miles [37 km] to the east)
- McColgan Cemetery
(23 miles [37 km] to the east)
- Langford - Brown Cemetery
(23 miles [37 km] to the east)
- Lester Brown Family Cemetery
(23 miles [37 km] to the east)
- The Lester Brown Family Cemetery is located in Clay County
- To give a relative sense of its location, the Lester Brown Family Cemetery is located 3 miles [4.8 km]<1> to the northeast of Celina.
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Lester Brown Family Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #2260883 <3>
- William J. Cherry Family Cemetery
(23 miles [37 km] to the east)
- Dalton Cemetery
(23 miles [37 km] to the east)
- Note: We haven't been able to verify our GPS coordinates for the Dalton Cemetery. Although the coordinates have been estimated, they should be in the vicinity.<4>
- The Dalton Cemetery is located in Clay County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Dalton Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #2529237 <3>
- Bailey Cemetery
(23 miles [37 km] to the northeast)
- The Bailey Cemetery is located in Monroe County (KY)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Bailey Cemetery
- Mt. Zion Cemetery
(23 miles [37 km] to the northeast)
- The Mt. Zion Cemetery is located in Monroe County (KY)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Mt. Zion Cemetery
- Burgess Cemetery
(23 miles [37 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Burgess Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Burgess Cemetery is located in Barren County (KY)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Burgess Cemetery
- Tracy Cemetery
(23 miles [37 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Tracy Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Tracy Cemetery is located in Barren County (KY)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Tracy Cemetery
- Brackentown Cemetery
(24 miles [38.6 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Brackentown Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Brackentown Cemetery is located in Sumner County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Brackentown Cemetery
- Sherron Cemetery
(24 miles [38.6 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Sherron Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Sherron Cemetery is located in Sumner County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Sherron Cemetery
- Sulphura Cemetery
(24 miles [38.6 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Sulphura Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Sulphura Cemetery is located in Sumner County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Sulphura Cemetery
- Watson Cemetery
(24 miles [38.6 km] to the southwest)
- Ebeneezer Cemetery
(24 miles [38.6 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Ebeneezer Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Ebeneezer Cemetery is located in Wilson County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Ebeneezer Cemetery
- Chapman Cemetery
(24 miles [38.6 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Chapman Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Chapman Cemetery is located in Wilson County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Chapman Cemetery
- Commerce Cemetery
(24 miles [38.6 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Commerce Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Commerce Cemetery is located in Wilson County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Commerce Cemetery
- Davis Cemetery
(24 miles [38.6 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Davis Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Davis Cemetery is located in Smith County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Davis Cemetery
- Phillips Cemetery
(24 miles [38.6 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Phillips Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Phillips Cemetery is located in Smith County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Phillips Cemetery
- Gwaltney Cemetery
(24 miles [38.6 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Gwaltney Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Gwaltney Cemetery is located in Smith County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Gwaltney Cemetery
- Burton Cemetery
(24 miles [38.6 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Burton Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Burton Cemetery is located in Putnam County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Burton Cemetery
- Boyd Cemetery
(24 miles [38.6 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Boyd Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Boyd Cemetery is located in Putnam County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Boyd Cemetery
- Huddleston Cemetery
(24 miles [38.6 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Huddleston Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Huddleston Cemetery is located in Putnam County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Huddleston Cemetery
- Hughes Cemetery
(24 miles [38.6 km] to the southeast)
- Campbell Cemetery
(24 miles [38.6 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Campbell Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Campbell Cemetery is located in Putnam County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Campbell Cemetery
- Stanton Cemetery
(24 miles [38.6 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Stanton Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Stanton Cemetery is located in Putnam County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Stanton Cemetery
- Dyer Cemetery
(24 miles [38.6 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Dyer Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Dyer Cemetery is located in Jackson County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Dyer Cemetery
- Flatt Cemetery
(24 miles [38.6 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Flatt Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Flatt Cemetery is located in Jackson County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Flatt Cemetery
- Chaffin Cemetery
(24 miles [38.6 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Chaffin Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Chaffin Cemetery is located in Jackson County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Chaffin Cemetery
- Lynn Cemetery
(24 miles [38.6 km] to the east)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Lynn Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Lynn Cemetery is located in Jackson County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Lynn Cemetery
- Goolsby Cemetery
(24 miles [38.6 km] to the east)
- Note: We haven't been able to verify our GPS coordinates for the Goolsby Cemetery. Although the coordinates have been estimated, they should be in the vicinity.<4>
- The Goolsby Cemetery is located in Clay County
- The Goolsby Cemetery has also been known as:
- Allen Goolsby Cemetery
- Burks - Goolsby Cemetery
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Goolsby Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #2321487 <3>
- Boles Family Cemetery
(24 miles [38.6 km] to the east)
- Note: We haven't been able to verify our GPS coordinates for the Boles Family Cemetery. Although the coordinates have been estimated, they should be in the vicinity.<4>
- The Boles Family Cemetery is located in Clay County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Boles Family Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #2529777 <3>
- Doc Hall Cemetery
(24 miles [38.6 km] to the east)
- The Doc Hall Cemetery is located in Clay County
- The Doc Hall Cemetery has also been known as:
- Hall Cemetery
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Doc Hall Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #2272173 <3>
- Adam C. Hamilton Cemetery
(24 miles [38.6 km] to the east)
- The Adam C. Hamilton Cemetery is located in Clay County
- The Adam C. Hamilton Cemetery has also been known as:
- Hamilton Cemetery
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Adam C. Hamilton Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #12870 <3>
- Walker Reecer Cemetery
(24 miles [38.6 km] to the east)
- New Hope Cemetery
(24 miles [38.6 km] to the east)
- Payne Cemetery
(24 miles [38.6 km] to the northeast)
- Biggers Cemetery
(24 miles [38.6 km] to the northeast)
- Freedom Cemetery
(24 miles [38.6 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Freedom Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Freedom Cemetery is located in Barren County (KY)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Freedom Cemetery
- Lyon Cemetery
(24 miles [38.6 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Lyon Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Lyon Cemetery is located in Barren County (KY)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Lyon Cemetery
- Young Cemetery
(24 miles [38.6 km] to the north)
- The Young Cemetery is located in Barren County (KY)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Young Cemetery
- Kinslow Cemetery
(25 miles [40.2 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Kinslow Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Kinslow Cemetery is located in Barren County (KY)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Kinslow Cemetery
- Boiling Springs Cemetery
(25 miles [40.2 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Boiling Springs Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Boiling Springs Cemetery is located in Sumner County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Boiling Springs Cemetery
- Corinth Cemetery
(25 miles [40.2 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Corinth Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Corinth Cemetery is located in Sumner County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Corinth Cemetery
- Pleasant Hill Cemetery
(25 miles [40.2 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Pleasant Hill Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Pleasant Hill Cemetery is located in Sumner County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Pleasant Hill Cemetery
- Union Hill Cemetery
(25 miles [40.2 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Union Hill Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Union Hill Cemetery is located in Sumner County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Union Hill Cemetery
- Conatser Cemetery
(25 miles [40.2 km] to the southwest)
- Webb's Chapel Baptist Church Cemetery
(25 miles [40.2 km] to the southwest)
- Rest Hill Cemetery
(25 miles [40.2 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Rest Hill Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Rest Hill Cemetery is located in Wilson County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Rest Hill Cemetery
- Brush Creek Cemetery
(25 miles [40.2 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Brush Creek Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Brush Creek Cemetery is located in Smith County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Brush Creek Cemetery
- Driver Cemetery
(25 miles [40.2 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Driver Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Driver Cemetery is located in Smith County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Driver Cemetery
- Gualtney Cemetery
(25 miles [40.2 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Gualtney Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Gualtney Cemetery is located in Smith County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Gualtney Cemetery
- Nixon Cemetery
(25 miles [40.2 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Nixon Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Nixon Cemetery is located in Smith County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Nixon Cemetery
- Heflin Cemetery
(25 miles [40.2 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Heflin Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Heflin Cemetery is located in Smith County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Heflin Cemetery
- Bennett Cemetery
(25 miles [40.2 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Bennett Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Bennett Cemetery is located in Smith County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Bennett Cemetery
- Pricnard Cemetery
(25 miles [40.2 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Pricnard Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Pricnard Cemetery is located in Smith County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Pricnard Cemetery
- Elrod Cemetery
(25 miles [40.2 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Elrod Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Elrod Cemetery is located in Putnam County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Elrod Cemetery
- Mathis Cemetery
(25 miles [40.2 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Mathis Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Mathis Cemetery is located in Putnam County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Mathis Cemetery
- Whitaker Cemetery
(25 miles [40.2 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Whitaker Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Whitaker Cemetery is located in Putnam County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Whitaker Cemetery
- Walter Cemetery
(25 miles [40.2 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Walter Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Walter Cemetery is located in Jackson County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Walter Cemetery
- Pippin Cemetery
(25 miles [40.2 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Pippin Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Pippin Cemetery is located in Jackson County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Pippin Cemetery
- Byers Cemetery
(25 miles [40.2 km] to the southeast)
- The Byers Cemetery is located in Jackson County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Byers Cemetery
- Birdwell Cemetery
(25 miles [40.2 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Birdwell Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Birdwell Cemetery is located in Jackson County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Birdwell Cemetery
- Young Cemetery
(25 miles [40.2 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Young Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Young Cemetery is located in Jackson County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Young Cemetery
- Chaney Cemetery
(25 miles [40.2 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Chaney Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Chaney Cemetery is located in Jackson County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Chaney Cemetery
- Hensley Cemetery
(25 miles [40.2 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Hensley Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Hensley Cemetery is located in Jackson County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Hensley Cemetery
- Overton Cemetery
(25 miles [40.2 km] to the east)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Overton Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Overton Cemetery is located in Jackson County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Overton Cemetery
- Turkeytown Cemetery
(25 miles [40.2 km] to the east)
- M.R. Cemetery
(25 miles [40.2 km] to the east)
- Logan Spears Junction Cemetery
(25 miles [40.2 km] to the east)
- Note: We haven't been able to verify our GPS coordinates for the Logan Spears Junction Cemetery. Although the coordinates have been estimated, they should be in the vicinity.<4>
- The Logan Spears Junction Cemetery is located in Clay County
- The Logan Spears Junction Cemetery has also been known as:
- Emberton Cemetery
- Emerton Cemetery
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Logan Spears Junction Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #2256177 <3>
- McDonald Cemetery
(25 miles [40.2 km] to the east)
- Bronstetter Cemetery
(25 miles [40.2 km] to the east)
- Note: We haven't been able to verify our GPS coordinates for the Bronstetter Cemetery. Although the coordinates have been estimated, they should be in the vicinity.<4>
- The Bronstetter Cemetery is located in Clay County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Bronstetter Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #2533257 <3>
- Varney Andrews Cemetery
(25 miles [40.2 km] to the east)
- The Varney Andrews Cemetery is located in Clay County
- To give a relative sense of its location, the Varney Andrews Cemetery is located less than 2 miles<1> to the southeast of Celina.
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Varney Andrews Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #2254148 <3>
- White Cemetery
(25 miles [40.2 km] to the northeast)
- Bowles Cemetery
(25 miles [40.2 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Bowles Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Bowles Cemetery is located in Barren County (KY)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Bowles Cemetery
- Alkinson Cemetery
(25 miles [40.2 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Alkinson Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Alkinson Cemetery is located in Barren County (KY)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Alkinson Cemetery
- Chambers Cemetery
(25 miles [40.2 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Chambers Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Chambers Cemetery is located in Barren County (KY)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Chambers Cemetery
- Mosby Cemetery
(25 miles [40.2 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Mosby Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Mosby Cemetery is located in Barren County (KY)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Mosby Cemetery
- Bradshaw Cemetery
(25 miles [40.2 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Bradshaw Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Bradshaw Cemetery is located in Barren County (KY)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Bradshaw Cemetery
- Thomas Harston Cemetery
(26 miles [41.8 km] to the north)
- Note: We haven't been able to verify our GPS coordinates for the Thomas Harston Cemetery. Although the coordinates have been estimated, they should be in the vicinity.<4>
- The Thomas Harston Cemetery is located in Allen County (KY)
- To give a relative sense of its location, the Thomas Harston Cemetery is located 9 miles [14.5 km]<1> to the southwest of Scottsville (KY).
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Thomas Harston Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #2369432 <3>
- Oakwood Mennonite Cemetery
(26 miles [41.8 km] to the northwest)
- Harrell Cemetery
(26 miles [41.8 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Harrell Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Harrell Cemetery is located in Allen County (KY)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Harrell Cemetery
- Hobdy Cemetery
(26 miles [41.8 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Hobdy Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Hobdy Cemetery is located in Sumner County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Hobdy Cemetery
- Mt. Moriah Cemetery
(26 miles [41.8 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Mt. Moriah Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Mt. Moriah Cemetery is located in Sumner County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Mt. Moriah Cemetery
- Bushs Chapel Cemetery
(26 miles [41.8 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Bushs Chapel Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Bushs Chapel Cemetery is located in Sumner County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Bushs Chapel Cemetery
- Fisher Cemetery
(26 miles [41.8 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Fisher Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Fisher Cemetery is located in Smith County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Fisher Cemetery
- Maddux Cemetery
(26 miles [41.8 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Maddux Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Maddux Cemetery is located in Putnam County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Maddux Cemetery
- Jared Cemetery
(26 miles [41.8 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Jared Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Jared Cemetery is located in Putnam County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Jared Cemetery
- Leftwich Cemetery
(26 miles [41.8 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Leftwich Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Leftwich Cemetery is located in Putnam County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Leftwich Cemetery
- Robinson Cemetery
(26 miles [41.8 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Robinson Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Robinson Cemetery is located in Putnam County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Robinson Cemetery
- Edmond Cemetery
(26 miles [41.8 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Edmond Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Edmond Cemetery is located in Putnam County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Edmond Cemetery
- Helms Cemetery
(26 miles [41.8 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Helms Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Helms Cemetery is located in Putnam County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Helms Cemetery
- Nichols Cemetery
(26 miles [41.8 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Nichols Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Nichols Cemetery is located in Putnam County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Nichols Cemetery
- Marlow Cemetery
(26 miles [41.8 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Marlow Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Marlow Cemetery is located in Putnam County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Marlow Cemetery
- Rodgers Cemetery
(26 miles [41.8 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Rodgers Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Rodgers Cemetery is located in Putnam County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Rodgers Cemetery
- Grogan Cemetery
(26 miles [41.8 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Grogan Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Grogan Cemetery is located in Jackson County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Grogan Cemetery
- Young Cemetery
(26 miles [41.8 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Young Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Young Cemetery is located in Jackson County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Young Cemetery
- Charley Dailey Cemetery
(26 miles [41.8 km] to the east)
- Rich Cemetery
(26 miles [41.8 km] to the east)
- Note: We haven't been able to verify our GPS coordinates for the Rich Cemetery. Although the coordinates have been estimated, they should be in the vicinity.<4>
- The Rich Cemetery is located in Clay County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Rich Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #2322964 <3>
- Fitzgerald Cemetery
(26 miles [41.8 km] to the east)
- Hamilton Cemetery
(26 miles [41.8 km] to the east)
- Evans Arms Cemetery
(26 miles [41.8 km] to the east)
- Note: We haven't been able to verify our GPS coordinates for the Evans Arms Cemetery. Although the coordinates have been estimated, they should be in the vicinity.<4>
- The Evans Arms Cemetery is located in Clay County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Evans Arms Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #2364439 <3>
- John H. Stone Cemetery
(26 miles [41.8 km] to the east)
- The John H. Stone Cemetery is located in Clay County
- The John H. Stone Cemetery has also been known as:
- Stone Cemetery
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the John H. Stone Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #18990 <3>
- Stephens Cemetery
(26 miles [41.8 km] to the east)
- The Stephens Cemetery is located in Monroe County (KY)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Stephens Cemetery
- Skaggs Creek Cemetery
(26 miles [41.8 km] to the northeast)
- McPherson Cemetery
(26 miles [41.8 km] to the northeast)
- Simmons Cemetery
(26 miles [41.8 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Simmons Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Simmons Cemetery is located in Barren County (KY)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Simmons Cemetery
- Old Forest Cemetery
(27 miles [43.5 km] to the north)
- Note: We haven't been able to verify our GPS coordinates for the Old Forest Cemetery. Although the coordinates have been estimated, they should be in the vicinity.<4>
- The Old Forest Cemetery is located in Allen County (KY)
- To give a relative sense of its location, the Old Forest Cemetery is located 3 miles [4.8 km]<1> to the south of Cedar Springs (KY).
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Old Forest Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #2643665 <3>
- Tabor Cemetery
(27 miles [43.5 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Tabor Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Tabor Cemetery is located in Allen County (KY)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Tabor Cemetery
- Pope Cemetery
(27 miles [43.5 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Pope Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Pope Cemetery is located in Allen County (KY)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Pope Cemetery
- Harmony Baptist Church Cemetery
(27 miles [43.5 km] to the northwest)
- Pirkle Cemetery
(27 miles [43.5 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Pirkle Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Pirkle Cemetery is located in Simpson County (KY)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Pirkle Cemetery
- Perdue Cemetery
(27 miles [43.5 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Perdue Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Perdue Cemetery is located in Sumner County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Perdue Cemetery
- Crestview Memorial Park
(27 miles [43.5 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Crestview Memorial Park have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Crestview Memorial Park is located in Sumner County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Crestview Memorial Park
- Gallatin Cemetery
(27 miles [43.5 km] to the west)
- Cage Grave
(27 miles [43.5 km] to the southwest)
- New Hope Cumberland Presbyterian Cemetery
(27 miles [43.5 km] to the southwest)
- Johnson Cemetery
(27 miles [43.5 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Johnson Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Johnson Cemetery is located in Wilson County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Johnson Cemetery
- Cedar Grove Cemetery
(27 miles [43.5 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Cedar Grove Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Cedar Grove Cemetery is located in Wilson County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Cedar Grove Cemetery
- Greenwood Cemetery
(27 miles [43.5 km] to the southwest)
- Wilson County Memorial Park
(27 miles [43.5 km] to the southwest)
- The Wilson County Memorial Park is located in Wilson County
- The Wilson County Memorial Park has also been known as:
- Memorial Park
- Wilson County Memorial Gardens
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Wilson County Memorial Park
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #15592 <3>
- Fite Cemetery
(27 miles [43.5 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Fite Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Fite Cemetery is located in Wilson County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Fite Cemetery
- Waters Cemetery
(27 miles [43.5 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Waters Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Waters Cemetery is located in Wilson County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Waters Cemetery
- Adamson Cemetery
(27 miles [43.5 km] to the south)
- Note: We haven't been able to verify our GPS coordinates for the Adamson Cemetery. Although the coordinates have been estimated, they should be in the vicinity.<4>
- The Adamson Cemetery is located in Wilson County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Adamson Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #2190954 <3>
- Smith Cemetery
(27 miles [43.5 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Smith Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Smith Cemetery is located in Wilson County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Smith Cemetery
- Foutch Cemetery
(27 miles [43.5 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Foutch Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Foutch Cemetery is located in DeKalb County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Foutch Cemetery
- Tubb Cemetery
(27 miles [43.5 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Tubb Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Tubb Cemetery is located in DeKalb County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Tubb Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #19510 <3>
- Bethel Cemetery
(27 miles [43.5 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Bethel Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Bethel Cemetery is located in DeKalb County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Bethel Cemetery
- Stokes Cemetery
(27 miles [43.5 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Stokes Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Stokes Cemetery is located in DeKalb County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Stokes Cemetery
- Bates Cemetery
(27 miles [43.5 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Bates Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Bates Cemetery is located in DeKalb County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Bates Cemetery
- Braswell Cemetery
(27 miles [43.5 km] to the south)
- Love Cemetery
(27 miles [43.5 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Love Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Love Cemetery is located in DeKalb County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Love Cemetery
- Maddux Cemetery
(27 miles [43.5 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Maddux Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Maddux Cemetery is located in Putnam County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Maddux Cemetery
- Bryant Cemetery
(27 miles [43.5 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Bryant Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Bryant Cemetery is located in Putnam County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Bryant Cemetery
- A.B. Thompson Family Cemetery
(27 miles [43.5 km] to the southeast)
- McReynolds Cemetery
(27 miles [43.5 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the McReynolds Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The McReynolds Cemetery is located in Putnam County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the McReynolds Cemetery
- Skimiehan Cemetery
(27 miles [43.5 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Skimiehan Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Skimiehan Cemetery is located in Putnam County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Skimiehan Cemetery
- Mayberry Cemetery
(27 miles [43.5 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Mayberry Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Mayberry Cemetery is located in Jackson County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Mayberry Cemetery
- Zion Church of Christ Cemetery
(27 miles [43.5 km] to the southeast)
- Gore - Poston Family Cemetery
(27 miles [43.5 km] to the east)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Gore - Poston Family Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Gore - Poston Family Cemetery is located in Overton County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Gore - Poston Family Cemetery
- Hawkins Family Cemetery
(27 miles [43.5 km] to the east)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Hawkins Family Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Hawkins Family Cemetery is located in Overton County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Hawkins Family Cemetery
- McClaine Cemetery
(27 miles [43.5 km] to the east)
- Tidwell Cemetery
(27 miles [43.5 km] to the east)
- Note: We haven't been able to verify our GPS coordinates for the Tidwell Cemetery. Although the coordinates have been estimated, they should be in the vicinity.<4>
- The Tidwell Cemetery is located in Clay County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Tidwell Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #2304772 <3>
- Peterman Bend Cemetery
(27 miles [43.5 km] to the east)
- Note: We haven't been able to verify our GPS coordinates for the Peterman Bend Cemetery. Although the coordinates have been estimated, they should be in the vicinity.<4>
- The Peterman Bend Cemetery is located in Clay County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Peterman Bend Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #2318623 <3>
- Gates Cemetery
(27 miles [43.5 km] to the east)
- The Gates Cemetery is located in Clay County
- To give a relative sense of its location, the Gates Cemetery is located outside and to the southeast of Celina.
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Gates Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #2259964 <3>
- Tinsley Cemetery
(27 miles [43.5 km] to the east)
- The Tinsley Cemetery is located in Clay County
- To give a relative sense of its location, the Tinsley Cemetery is located in the vicinity of Cave Springs
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Tinsley Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #19402 <3>
- Luke Hamilton Cemetery
(27 miles [43.5 km] to the east)
- Note: We haven't been able to verify our GPS coordinates for the Luke Hamilton Cemetery. Although the coordinates have been estimated, they should be in the vicinity.<4>
- The Luke Hamilton Cemetery is located in Clay County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Luke Hamilton Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #2533873 <3>
- Free Hill Cemetery
(27 miles [43.5 km] to the east)
- Gee Cemetery
(27 miles [43.5 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Gee Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Gee Cemetery is located in Monroe County (KY)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Gee Cemetery
- Allen Cemetery
(27 miles [43.5 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Allen Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Allen Cemetery is located in Barren County (KY)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Allen Cemetery
- Allen Cemetery
(28 miles [45.1 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Allen Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Allen Cemetery is located in Allen County (KY)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Allen Cemetery
- Martins Chapel Cemetery
(28 miles [45.1 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Martins Chapel Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Martins Chapel Cemetery is located in Sumner County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Martins Chapel Cemetery
- Parkers Chapel Cemetery
(28 miles [45.1 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Parkers Chapel Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Parkers Chapel Cemetery is located in Sumner County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Parkers Chapel Cemetery
- Old Fountain Head Cemetery
(28 miles [45.1 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Old Fountain Head Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Old Fountain Head Cemetery is located in Sumner County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Old Fountain Head Cemetery
- Byran Cemetery
(28 miles [45.1 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Byran Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Byran Cemetery is located in Wilson County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Byran Cemetery
- Williams Cemetery
(28 miles [45.1 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Williams Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Williams Cemetery is located in Wilson County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Williams Cemetery
- Williams Family Cemetery
(28 miles [45.1 km] to the southwest)
- The Williams Family Cemetery is located in Wilson County
- To give a relative sense of its location, the Williams Family Cemetery is located 3 miles [4.8 km]<1> to the east of Watertown.
- The Williams Family Cemetery has also been known as:
- Williams Cemetery
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Williams Family Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #2484770 <3>
- Jones Cemetery
(28 miles [45.1 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Jones Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Jones Cemetery is located in Wilson County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Jones Cemetery
- Neal Cemetery
(28 miles [45.1 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Neal Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Neal Cemetery is located in Wilson County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Neal Cemetery
- Grandstaff Cemetery
(28 miles [45.1 km] to the south)
- The Grandstaff Cemetery is located in Wilson County
- The Grandstaff Cemetery has also been known as:
- Vaught - Grandstaff Cemetery
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Grandstaff Cemetery
- Hearn Cemetery
(28 miles [45.1 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Hearn Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Hearn Cemetery is located in Wilson County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Hearn Cemetery
- Eastview Cemetery
(28 miles [45.1 km] to the south)
- The Eastview Cemetery is located in DeKalb County
- To give a relative sense of its location, the Eastview Cemetery is located outside and to the east of Alexandria.
- The Eastview Cemetery has also been known as:
- Alexandria Eastview Cemetery
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Eastview Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #2154654 <3>
- Willoughby Cemetery
(28 miles [45.1 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Willoughby Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Willoughby Cemetery is located in DeKalb County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Willoughby Cemetery
- Corley Cemetery
(28 miles [45.1 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Corley Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Corley Cemetery is located in DeKalb County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Corley Cemetery
- Tubb Cemetery
(28 miles [45.1 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Tubb Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Tubb Cemetery is located in DeKalb County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Tubb Cemetery
- Sykes Cemetery
(28 miles [45.1 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Sykes Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Sykes Cemetery is located in DeKalb County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Sykes Cemetery
- Cripps Cemetery
(28 miles [45.1 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Cripps Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Cripps Cemetery is located in DeKalb County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Cripps Cemetery
- Carr Cemetery
(28 miles [45.1 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Carr Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Carr Cemetery is located in DeKalb County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Carr Cemetery
- Moss Cemetery
(28 miles [45.1 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Moss Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Moss Cemetery is located in DeKalb County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Moss Cemetery
- Tucker Cemetery
(28 miles [45.1 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Tucker Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Tucker Cemetery is located in Putnam County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Tucker Cemetery
- Wallace Cemetery
(28 miles [45.1 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Wallace Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Wallace Cemetery is located in Putnam County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Wallace Cemetery
- Boyd Cemetery
(28 miles [45.1 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Boyd Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Boyd Cemetery is located in Putnam County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Boyd Cemetery
- Dyer Cemetery
(28 miles [45.1 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Dyer Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Dyer Cemetery is located in Putnam County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Dyer Cemetery
- Allison Cemetery
(28 miles [45.1 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Allison Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Allison Cemetery is located in Putnam County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Allison Cemetery
- McBroom Cemetery
(28 miles [45.1 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the McBroom Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The McBroom Cemetery is located in Putnam County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the McBroom Cemetery
- Byers Cemetery
(28 miles [45.1 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Byers Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Byers Cemetery is located in Putnam County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Byers Cemetery
- Montgomery Cemetery
(28 miles [45.1 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Montgomery Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Montgomery Cemetery is located in Jackson County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Montgomery Cemetery
- Twelve Corners Cemetery
(28 miles [45.1 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Twelve Corners Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Twelve Corners Cemetery is located in Jackson County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Twelve Corners Cemetery
- Allen Chapel Cemetery
(28 miles [45.1 km] to the east)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Allen Chapel Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Allen Chapel Cemetery is located in Overton County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Allen Chapel Cemetery
- Maxwell Chapel Cemetery
(28 miles [45.1 km] to the east)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Maxwell Chapel Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Maxwell Chapel Cemetery is located in Overton County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Maxwell Chapel Cemetery
- Johnie Humpy Brown Cemetery
(28 miles [45.1 km] to the east)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Johnie Humpy Brown Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Johnie Humpy Brown Cemetery is located in Overton County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Johnie Humpy Brown Cemetery
- Dale Davis Cemetery
(28 miles [45.1 km] to the east)
- Walker Cemetery
(28 miles [45.1 km] to the east)
- The Walker Cemetery is located in Clay County
- To give a relative sense of its location, the Walker Cemetery is located less than 2 miles<1> to the northwest of Celina.
- The Walker Cemetery has also been known as:
- Hall Cemetery
- Joe B. Walker Cemetery
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Walker Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #19816 <3>
- Nevin Dailey Cemetery
(28 miles [45.1 km] to the east)
- The Nevin Dailey Cemetery is located in Clay County
- The Nevin Dailey Cemetery has also been known as:
- Dailey Cemetery
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Nevin Dailey Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #2494761 <3>
- Smith Cemetery
(28 miles [45.1 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Smith Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Smith Cemetery is located in Monroe County (KY)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Smith Cemetery
- Old Brush Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Old Brush Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Old Brush Cemetery is located in Sumner County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Old Brush Cemetery
- McCloud Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the McCloud Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The McCloud Cemetery is located in Sumner County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the McCloud Cemetery
- Singleton Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Singleton Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Singleton Cemetery is located in Sumner County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Singleton Cemetery
- Green Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Green Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Green Cemetery is located in Sumner County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Green Cemetery
- Village Green Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Village Green Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Village Green Cemetery is located in Sumner County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Village Green Cemetery
- Bandy Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the southwest)
- Note: We haven't been able to verify our GPS coordinates for the Bandy Cemetery. Although the coordinates have been estimated, they should be in the vicinity.<4>
- The Bandy Cemetery is located in Wilson County
- The Bandy Cemetery has also been known as:
- Boxwell Reservation Cemetery
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Bandy Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #2445274 <3>
- LaGuardo Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the southwest)
- Vaughn Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the southwest)
- James Harvey Davis Family Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the southwest)
- Note: We haven't been able to verify our GPS coordinates for the James Harvey Davis Family Cemetery. Although the coordinates have been estimated, they should be in the vicinity.<4>
- The James Harvey Davis Family Cemetery is located in Wilson County
- The James Harvey Davis Family Cemetery has also been known as:
- Davis Cemetery
- Davis Family Cemetery
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the James Harvey Davis Family Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #2486190 <3>
- Powell Grove Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the southwest)
- Eddins Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Eddins Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Eddins Cemetery is located in Wilson County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Eddins Cemetery
- Van Hook Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Van Hook Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Van Hook Cemetery is located in Wilson County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Van Hook Cemetery
- Read Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Read Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Read Cemetery is located in Wilson County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Read Cemetery
- Massey Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Massey Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Massey Cemetery is located in Wilson County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Massey Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #2443067 <3>
- Highland Memorial Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Highland Memorial Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Highland Memorial Cemetery is located in DeKalb County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Highland Memorial Cemetery
- Blue Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Blue Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Blue Cemetery is located in DeKalb County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Blue Cemetery
- Hayes Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Hayes Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Hayes Cemetery is located in DeKalb County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Hayes Cemetery
- Burton Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Burton Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Burton Cemetery is located in DeKalb County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Burton Cemetery
- Smellage Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the southeast)
- Stewart Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Stewart Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Stewart Cemetery is located in Putnam County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Stewart Cemetery
- Whitson Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Whitson Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Whitson Cemetery is located in Putnam County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Whitson Cemetery
- Morgan - Pippin Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the southeast)
- Pippin Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Pippin Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Pippin Cemetery is located in Putnam County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Pippin Cemetery
- Wilmoth Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Wilmoth Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Wilmoth Cemetery is located in Putnam County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Wilmoth Cemetery
- Garrison Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Garrison Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Garrison Cemetery is located in Jackson County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Garrison Cemetery
- Poplar Springs Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the east)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Poplar Springs Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Poplar Springs Cemetery is located in Overton County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Poplar Springs Cemetery
- Concord Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the east)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Concord Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Concord Cemetery is located in Overton County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Concord Cemetery
- Keen Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the east)
- Craig Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the east)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Craig Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Craig Cemetery is located in Clinton County (KY)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Craig Cemetery
- Key Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the east)
- Thompson Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the east)
- The Thompson Cemetery is located in Clay County
- To give a relative sense of its location, the Thompson Cemetery is located 4 miles [6.4 km]<1> to the southwest of Celina.
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Thompson Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #19340 <3>
- Jones Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the northeast)
- The Jones Cemetery is located in Monroe County (KY)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Jones Cemetery
- Kirkpatrick Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Kirkpatrick Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Kirkpatrick Cemetery is located in Monroe County (KY)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Kirkpatrick Cemetery
- Mosier Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Mosier Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Mosier Cemetery is located in Metcalfe County (KY)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Mosier Cemetery
- Wade Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Wade Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Wade Cemetery is located in Metcalfe County (KY)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Wade Cemetery
- Peden Cemetery
(29 miles [46.7 km] to the north)
- The Peden Cemetery is located in Barren County (KY)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Peden Cemetery
- Henderson Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Henderson Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Henderson Cemetery is located in Barren County (KY)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Henderson Cemetery
- Agee Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Agee Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Agee Cemetery is located in Allen County (KY)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Agee Cemetery
- Walthall Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the northwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Walthall Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Walthall Cemetery is located in Warren County (KY)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Walthall Cemetery
- State Line Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the State Line Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The State Line Cemetery is located in Sumner County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the State Line Cemetery
- Maple Hill Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Maple Hill Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Maple Hill Cemetery is located in Sumner County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Maple Hill Cemetery
- Cunningham Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Cunningham Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Cunningham Cemetery is located in Sumner County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Cunningham Cemetery
- Pitt - Bursby Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Pitt - Bursby Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Pitt - Bursby Cemetery is located in Sumner County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Pitt - Bursby Cemetery
- Briggance Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Briggance Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Briggance Cemetery is located in Sumner County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Briggance Cemetery
- Edwards Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Edwards Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Edwards Cemetery is located in Sumner County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Edwards Cemetery
- Cummings Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Cummings Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Cummings Cemetery is located in Sumner County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Cummings Cemetery
- Carter - Collier Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Carter - Collier Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Carter - Collier Cemetery is located in Sumner County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Carter - Collier Cemetery
- Bloodworth Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Bloodworth Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Bloodworth Cemetery is located in Sumner County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Bloodworth Cemetery
- Stratton Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the west)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Stratton Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Stratton Cemetery is located in Sumner County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Stratton Cemetery
- Floyd Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Floyd Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Floyd Cemetery is located in Wilson County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Floyd Cemetery
- Hudson Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Hudson Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Hudson Cemetery is located in Wilson County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Hudson Cemetery
- Ligon Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Ligon Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Ligon Cemetery is located in Wilson County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Ligon Cemetery
- Thompson Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the southwest)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Thompson Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Thompson Cemetery is located in Wilson County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Thompson Cemetery
- Griffin Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Griffin Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Griffin Cemetery is located in Wilson County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Griffin Cemetery
- Talley Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Talley Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Talley Cemetery is located in Wilson County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Talley Cemetery
- Vandatta Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Vandatta Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Vandatta Cemetery is located in DeKalb County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Vandatta Cemetery
- Tubb Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Tubb Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Tubb Cemetery is located in DeKalb County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Tubb Cemetery
- Pisgah Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the south)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Pisgah Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Pisgah Cemetery is located in DeKalb County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Pisgah Cemetery
- Carlen Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Carlen Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Carlen Cemetery is located in Putnam County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Carlen Cemetery
- Lafever Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Lafever Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Lafever Cemetery is located in Putnam County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Lafever Cemetery
- Maxwell Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Maxwell Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Maxwell Cemetery is located in Putnam County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Maxwell Cemetery
- Cook Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Cook Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Cook Cemetery is located in Putnam County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Cook Cemetery
- Odd Fellows Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Odd Fellows Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Odd Fellows Cemetery is located in Putnam County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Odd Fellows Cemetery
- Double Springs Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Double Springs Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Double Springs Cemetery is located in Putnam County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Double Springs Cemetery
- White Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the White Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The White Cemetery is located in Putnam County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the White Cemetery
- Dyer Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Dyer Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Dyer Cemetery is located in Putnam County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Dyer Cemetery
- Quarles Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the southeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Quarles Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Quarles Cemetery is located in Putnam County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Quarles Cemetery
- Aarons Chapel Church Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the east)
- Fisk Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the east)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Fisk Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Fisk Cemetery is located in Overton County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Fisk Cemetery
- Hilham Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the east)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Hilham Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Hilham Cemetery is located in Overton County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Hilham Cemetery
- Bowe Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the east)
- Mullins - Kerr Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the east)
- Note: We haven't been able to verify our GPS coordinates for the Mullins - Kerr Cemetery. Although the coordinates have been estimated, they should be in the vicinity.<4>
- The Mullins - Kerr Cemetery is located in Clay County
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Mullins - Kerr Cemetery
- Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #2357986 <3>
- Donaldson Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the east)
- Short Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the east)
- The Short Cemetery is located in Monroe County (KY)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Short Cemetery
- Dodson Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the northeast)
- Dodson Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the northeast)
- Dubre Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Dubre Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Dubre Cemetery is located in Metcalfe County (KY)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Dubre Cemetery
- Harvey Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the northeast)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Harvey Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Harvey Cemetery is located in Metcalfe County (KY)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Harvey Cemetery
- Buckley Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Buckley Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Buckley Cemetery is located in Barren County (KY)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Buckley Cemetery
- Adams Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the north)
- Note: The GPS coordinates that we are using for the Adams Cemetery have been provided by the GNIS.<2> The coordinates still need to be verified.
- The Adams Cemetery is located in Barren County (KY)
- Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Adams Cemetery
- Cedar Grove Cemetery
(30 miles [48.3 km] to the north)
- Sunrise Cemetery (Orphan)
- We believe the Sunrise Cemetery to be orphaned - although we don't have its GPS coordinates, we believe it to be located in Macon County
- Willam Andrew Shrum Cemetery (Orphan)
- We believe the Willam Andrew Shrum Cemetery to be orphaned - although we don't have its GPS coordinates, we believe it to be located in Macon County
- New Zion Cemetery (Orphan)
- We believe the New Zion Cemetery to be orphaned - although we don't have its GPS coordinates, we believe it to be located in Macon County
- Witcher - Chitwood Cemetery (Orphan)
- We believe the Witcher - Chitwood Cemetery to be orphaned - although we don't have its GPS coordinates, we believe it to be located in Macon County
Off-the-Road Links ...
The official website for Macon County: www.maconcountytn.com/ The official website for State of Tennessee: https://www.tn.gov/
Footnotes ...
<1> | Our distances are not driving distances, but are calculated as a 'straight-line' (or point-to-point) distance. A straight line distance ignores obstructions like rivers, canyons, lakes, et cetera - it's truly a line from Point A (ie- ) to Point B.Our distance measurements begin at a specific point at the George P Brown Cemetery. The point we use is located at these GPS coordinates - Latitude: 36.4878, Longitude: -85.9753 In this case, the coordinates for the George P Brown Cemetery have been provided by the Geographic Names Information System (GNIS). |
<2> | The location has been supplied by the Geographic Names Information System - which is maintained by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). While these values should be definitive, we found that accuracy can vary and you should double-check the location if accuracy is required. |
<3> | The Find-a-Grave website is an excellent research tool with information about a cemetery's location and interments. They also offer a forum for their members which can provide additional help. More information about Find-a-Grave can be found on their website: findagrave.com. |
<4> | An 'estimated' location is one where we have been given GPS coordinates, but are unable to verify the accuracy of those coordinates. That said, we have some confidence that we have placed the marker near the actual location. A typical reason for being unable to verify a location is that it might be on private property or maybe historic and gone without an obvious trace. |
<5> | To help visualize the location of the cemetery, we've drawn a straight line between the communities of Lebanon and Hartsville. The cemetery can be found near that line and roughly halfway between the two communities. Remember that this is just an approximate location. |