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Local Newspapers for the Baker Cemetery ...

Below are the newspapers that have been published in the vicinity of the Baker Cemetery.

Our newspaper information for the Baker Cemetery is based on data supplied by the Chronicling America website. For more information, please see our description of the Chronicling America website.

Hint: When we started searching newspapers, we only looked for obituaries. Eventually we realized that our search was too narrow and there was much that we were missing. Now we include things like around-the-town and gossip columns, birth and death announcements.

We have some family members who owned businesses and now we search for articles and advertistments for those businesses. Some family members could have been better behaved and a search of police blotters contained some surprises.

The following newspapers were published within 12 miles [19.3 km]<1> of the Baker Cemetery. These papers have been grouped by the community in which they were published, with the communities listed in the order of their distance from the Baker Cemetery.

  • Published In Brentwood   [Williamson County, TN]
  • Published In La Vergne   [Rutherford County, TN]
  • Published In Nashville
    • Harpeth Herald (from 20th Sentry)
    • The Brentwood Journal (from Baptist And Reflector)
    • The LaVergne Register (from Baptist Standard)
    • 20th Sentry (from Capitol City Defender)
      • The first year of publication was in Capitol City Defender, with an unknown end date
      • Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
      • Catalog Card for the 20th Sentry
      • Holdings for:   LCCN SN89080014
      • Locate a copy thru WorldCat:   OCLC 22355703
    • Baptist And Reflector (from Chahta Anumpa = The Choctaw Times)
    • Baptist Standard (from Chahta Anumpa The Choctaw Times)
      • Years of publication:  Chahta Anumpa The Choctaw Times to 19??
      • Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
      • Catalog Card for the Baptist Standard
      • Holdings for:   LCCN SN97047467
      • Locate a copy thru WorldCat:   OCLC 36281985
    • Capitol City Defender (from Christian Advocate)
    • Chahta Anumpa = The Choctaw Times (from Christian Advocate)
    • Chahta Anumpa The Choctaw Times (from Daily Centre-State American)
    • Christian Advocate (from Daily Gazette)
    • Christian Advocate (from Daily Gazette)
    • Daily Centre-State American (from Daily Independent)
    • Daily Gazette (from Daily Nashville American)
      • Years of publication:  Daily Nashville American to 1851
      • Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
      • Catalog Card for the Daily Gazette
      • Holdings for:   LCCN SN95078041
      • Locate a copy thru WorldCat:   OCLC 33935969
    • Daily Gazette (from Daily Nashville American)
      • Years of publication:  Daily Nashville American to 1853
      • Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
      • Catalog Card for the Daily Gazette
      • Holdings for:   LCCN SN95078043
      • Locate a copy thru WorldCat:   OCLC 33936137
    • Daily Independent (from Daily Nashville Patriot)
    • Daily Nashville American (from Daily Nashville Patriot)
    • Daily Nashville American (from Daily Nashville Patriot)
    • Daily Nashville Patriot (from Daily Nashville Patriot)
    • Daily Nashville Patriot (from Daily Nashville Union)
    • Daily Nashville Patriot (from Daily Nashville Union)
    • Daily Nashville Patriot (from Daily Press And Times)
    • Daily Nashville Union (from Daily Republican Banner And Nashville Whig)
    • Daily Nashville Union (from Daily Republican Banner And Nashville Whig)
    • Daily Press And Times (from Daily Republican Banner)
    • Daily Republican Banner And Nashville Whig (from Daily Republican Banner)
    • Daily Republican Banner And Nashville Whig (from Daily Tennessee State Journal)
    • Daily Republican Banner (from Daily True Whig)
    • Daily Republican Banner (from Daily Union & American)
    • Daily Tennessee State Journal (from Daily Union And American)
    • Daily True Whig (from Democratic Statesman)
    • Daily Union & American (from Edgefield News)
    • Daily Union And American (from Evening Bulletin)
    • Democratic Statesman (from Good News)
    • Edgefield News (from Green Hills News)
    • Evening Bulletin (from Hermitage Democrat)
    • Good News (from Humpreys Street Community News)
      • Years of publication:  Humpreys Street Community News to 19??
      • Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
      • Catalog Card for the Good News
      • Holdings for:   LCCN SN00063972
      • Locate a copy thru WorldCat:   OCLC 44421361
    • Green Hills News (from Impartial Review, Or, Cumberland Repository)
      • Years of publication:  Impartial Review, Or, Cumberland Repository to 1806
      • Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
      • Catalog Card for the Green Hills News
      • Holdings for:   LCCN SN94055786
      • Locate a copy thru WorldCat:   OCLC 30707305
    • Hermitage Democrat (from Light)
    • Humpreys Street Community News (from Metropolitan Times)
    • Impartial Review, Or, Cumberland Repository (from Metropolitan Weekly)
    • Light (from Midland Methodist)
      • Years of publication:  Midland Methodist to 192?
      • Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
      • Catalog Card for the Light
      • Holdings for:   LCCN SN96095025
      • Locate a copy thru WorldCat:   OCLC 34901509
    • Metropolitan Times (from Morning Chronicle And Nashville Commercial Daily Advertiser)
      • Years of publication:  Morning Chronicle And Nashville Commercial Daily Advertiser to 18??
      • Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
      • Catalog Card for the Metropolitan Times
      • Holdings for:   LCCN SN86071147
      • Locate a copy thru WorldCat:   OCLC 13193985
    • Metropolitan Weekly (from Nashferry Tribune)
    • Midland Methodist (from Nashville American)
    • Morning Chronicle And Nashville Commercial Daily Advertiser (from Nashville Banner)
    • Nashferry Tribune (from Nashville Business Review)
    • Nashville American (from Nashville Christian Advocate)
    • Nashville Banner (from Nashville Clarion)
    • Nashville Business Review (from Nashville Commercial Reporter)
    • Nashville Christian Advocate (from Nashville Daily Evening News)
    • Nashville Clarion (from Nashville Daily Gazette)
    • Nashville Commercial Reporter (from Nashville Daily Gazette)
    • Nashville Daily Evening News (from Nashville Daily Gazette)
    • Nashville Daily Gazette (from Nashville Daily News)
    • Nashville Daily Gazette (from Nashville Daily Patriot)
    • Nashville Daily Gazette (from Nashville Daily Patriot)
    • Nashville Daily News (from Nashville Daily Press And Times)
    • Nashville Daily Patriot (from Nashville Daily Republican)
    • Nashville Daily Patriot (from Nashville Daily Times And True Union)
    • Nashville Daily Press And Times (from Nashville Daily Union)
    • Nashville Daily Republican (from Nashville Demokrat)
    • Nashville Daily Times And True Union (from Nashville Evening American)
    • Nashville Daily Union (from Nashville Evening Tennessean)
    • Nashville Demokrat (from Nashville Examiner)
    • Nashville Evening American (from Nashville Gazette)
    • Nashville Evening Tennessean (from Nashville Gazette)
    • Nashville Examiner (from Nashville Globe And Independent)
    • Nashville Gazette (from Nashville Good News Weekly)
    • Nashville Gazette (from Nashville Herald)
    • Nashville Globe And Independent (from Nashville Independent)
    • Nashville Good News Weekly (from Nashville Journal Of Commerce)
    • Nashville Herald (from Nashville Morning Banner)
    • Nashville Independent (from Nashville News-Star)
    • Nashville Journal Of Commerce (from Nashville Patriot)
    • Nashville Morning Banner (from Nashville Patriot)
    • Nashville News-Star (from Nashville Pride)
    • Nashville Patriot (from Nashville Republican & State Gazette)
    • Nashville Patriot (from Nashville Republican & State Gazette)
      • Years of publication:  Nashville Republican & State Gazette to 1834
      • Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
      • Catalog Card for the Nashville Patriot
      • Holdings for:   LCCN SN85033710
      • Locate a copy thru WorldCat:   OCLC 12221521
    • Nashville Pride (from Nashville Republican)
    • Nashville Republican & State Gazette (from Nashville Republican)
    • Nashville Republican & State Gazette (from Nashville Republican)
    • Nashville Republican (from Nashville Republican)
    • Nashville Republican (from Nashville Republican)
    • Nashville Republican (from Nashville Telegram)
    • Nashville Republican (from Nashville Tennessean And The Nashville American)
    • Nashville Republican (from Nashville Tennessean And The Nashville American)
      • Years of publication:  Nashville Tennessean And The Nashville American to 1918
      • Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
      • Catalog Card for the Nashville Republican
      • Holdings for:   LCCN SN84024773
      • Locate a copy thru WorldCat:   OCLC 11232441
    • Nashville Telegram (from Nashville Tennessean)
    • Nashville Tennessean And The Nashville American (from Nashville Tennessean)
    • Nashville Tennessean And The Nashville American (from Nashville Tennessean)
    • Nashville Tennessean (from Nashville Tennessean)
    • Nashville Tennessean (from Nashville Times)
    • Nashville Tennessean (from Nashville Times)
    • Nashville Tennessean (from Nashville Times)
    • Nashville Times (from Nashville True Whig And Weekly Commercial Register)
      • Years of publication:  Nashville True Whig And Weekly Commercial Register to 1855
      • Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
      • Catalog Card for the Nashville Times
      • Holdings for:   LCCN SN84024445
      • Locate a copy thru WorldCat:   OCLC 10989980
    • Nashville Times (from Nashville True Whig)
    • Nashville Times (from Nashville Union And American)
      • Years of publication:  Nashville Union And American to 1875
      • Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
      • Catalog Card for the Nashville Times
      • Holdings for:   LCCN SN85033701
      • Locate a copy thru WorldCat:   OCLC 12190409
    • Nashville True Whig And Weekly Commercial Register (from Nashville Union And American)
    • Nashville True Whig (from Nashville Union And American)
    • Nashville Union And American (from Nashville Union And American)
    • Nashville Union And American (from Nashville Union And American)
    • Nashville Union And American (from Nashville Union And American)
    • Nashville Union And American (from Nashville Union And Dispatch)
    • Nashville Union And American (from Nashville Union)
    • Nashville Union And American (from Nashville Union)
    • Nashville Union And Dispatch (from Nashville Weekly American)
    • Nashville Union (from Nashville Weekly Banner)
    • Nashville Union (from Nashville Weekly Gazette)
    • Nashville Weekly American (from Nashville Weekly News)
    • Nashville Weekly Banner (from Nashville Weekly Patriot)
    • Nashville Weekly Gazette (from Nashville Weekly Press And Times)
    • Nashville Weekly News (from Nashville Whig)
    • Nashville Weekly Patriot (from Nashville Whig)
    • Nashville Weekly Press And Times (from Nashville Whig)
    • Nashville Whig (from Nashville Whig)
    • Nashville Whig (from Nashville Whig)
    • Nashville Whig (from Nashville World)
    • Nashville Whig (from Nashville YMHA News)
    • Nashville Whig (from National Banner And Daily Advertiser)
      • Years of publication:  National Banner And Daily Advertiser to 1834
      • Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
      • Catalog Card for the Nashville Whig
      • Holdings for:   LCCN SN96091013
      • Locate a copy thru WorldCat:   OCLC 35003830
    • Nashville World (from National Banner And Nashville Daily Advertiser)
      • Years of publication:  National Banner And Nashville Daily Advertiser to 1833
      • Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
      • Catalog Card for the Nashville World
      • Holdings for:   LCCN SN86071170
      • Locate a copy thru WorldCat:   OCLC 13228083
    • Nashville YMHA News (from National Banner And Nashville Whig)
    • National Banner And Daily Advertiser (from National Banner And Nashville Whig)
    • National Banner And Nashville Daily Advertiser (from National Banner And Nashville Whig)
    • National Banner And Nashville Whig (from National Banner, And Literary, Political And Commercial Gazette)
    • National Banner And Nashville Whig (from National Banner)
    • National Banner And Nashville Whig (from National Banner)
    • National Banner, And Literary, Political And Commercial Gazette (from National Baptist Union-Review)
    • National Banner (from National Baptist Union-Review)
      • Years of publication:  National Baptist Union-Review to current
      • Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
      • Catalog Card for the National Banner
      • Holdings for:   LCCN 44036902
      • Locate a copy thru WorldCat:   OCLC 2264611
    • National Banner (from National Pathfinder)
    • National Baptist Union-Review (from Neighborhood Times)
    • National Baptist Union-Review (from New Southern Era)
    • National Pathfinder (from Old Baptist Banner)
    • Neighborhood Times (from Pearls' Exchange Gazette And Lottery Register)
      • Years of publication:  Pearls' Exchange Gazette And Lottery Register to 18??
      • Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
      • Catalog Card for the Neighborhood Times
      • Holdings for:   LCCN SN00063952
      • Locate a copy thru WorldCat:   OCLC 44414522
    • New Southern Era (from Republican Banner)
    • Old Baptist Banner (from Republican Banner)
    • Pearls' Exchange Gazette And Lottery Register (from Republican Banner)
    • Republican Banner (from Republican Banner)
    • Republican Banner (from Republican Banner)
    • Republican Banner (from Rights Of Man Or, The Nashville Intelligencer)
      • The first year of publication was in Rights Of Man Or, The Nashville Intelligencer, with an unknown end date
      • Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
      • Catalog Card for the Republican Banner
      • Holdings for:   LCCN SN98065009
      • Locate a copy thru WorldCat:   OCLC 39120724
    • Republican Banner (from Rough And Ready)
    • Republican Banner (from Rural Sun)
    • Rights Of Man Or, The Nashville Intelligencer (from Sacred Earth News)
    • Rough And Ready (from South Metro Press)
    • Rural Sun (from Southern Homestead)
      • Years of publication:  Southern Homestead to 18??
      • Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
      • Catalog Card for the Rural Sun
      • Holdings for:   LCCN SN96091021
      • Locate a copy thru WorldCat:   OCLC 35004041
    • Sacred Earth News (from Spirit Of '76)
    • South Metro Press (from Spirit Of Reform)
    • Southern Homestead (from Star Spangled Banner)
    • Spirit Of '76 (from Suburban News South)
      • Years of publication:  Suburban News South to 1970
      • Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
      • Catalog Card for the Spirit Of '76
      • Holdings for:   LCCN SN96091073
      • Locate a copy thru WorldCat:   OCLC 35332369
    • Spirit Of Reform (from Suburban News West)
    • Star Spangled Banner (from Suburban News)
    • Suburban News South (from Suburban News)
    • Suburban News West (from Temperance Herald)
      • The first year of publication was in Temperance Herald, with an unknown end date
      • Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
      • Catalog Card for the Suburban News West
      • Holdings for:   LCCN SN00063753
      • Locate a copy thru WorldCat:   OCLC 43468573
    • Suburban News (from Tennessee Baptist)
      • Years of publication:  Tennessee Baptist to 186?
      • Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
      • Catalog Card for the Suburban News
      • Holdings for:   LCCN SN88084212
      • Locate a copy thru WorldCat:   OCLC 18436963
    • Suburban News (from Tennessee Gazette)
    • Temperance Herald (from Tennessee Good Templar)
    • Tennessee Baptist (from Tennessee Post)
    • Tennessee Gazette (from Tennessee StaatsZeitung)
    • Tennessee Good Templar (from Tennessee StaatsZeitung)
    • Tennessee Post (from Tennessee State News)
    • Tennessee StaatsZeitung (from Tennessee State Press)
    • Tennessee StaatsZeitung (from The 780 Countdown)
    • Tennessee State News (from The American Banner)
    • Tennessee State Press (from The American Outlook)
      • The first year of publication was in The American Outlook, with an unknown end date
      • Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
      • Catalog Card for the Tennessee State Press
      • Holdings for:   LCCN SN96091053
      • Locate a copy thru WorldCat:   OCLC 35168787
    • The 780 Countdown (from The American Weekly)
    • The American Banner (from The American)
    • The American Outlook (from The American)
    • The American Weekly (from The Baptist Reflector)
    • The American (from The Baptist Watchman)
    • The American (from The Baptist Witness)
    • The Baptist Reflector (from The Baptist)
    • The Baptist Watchman (from The Baptist)
    • The Baptist Witness (from The Block Bulletin)
    • The Baptist (from The Christian Record)
      • Years of publication:  The Christian Record to 1848
      • Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
      • Catalog Card for The Baptist
      • Holdings for:   LCCN SN85038509
      • Locate a copy thru WorldCat:   OCLC 12683817
    • The Baptist (from The Citizen Appeal)
      • Years of publication:  The Citizen Appeal to 1933
      • Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
      • Catalog Card for The Baptist
      • Holdings for:   LCCN SN89058378
      • Locate a copy thru WorldCat:   OCLC 19249174
    • The Block Bulletin (from The City Examiner)
    • The Christian Record (from The City Paper)
    • The Citizen Appeal (from The Clarion And Tennessee Gazette)
    • The City Examiner (from The Clarion, & Tennessee State Gazette)
    • The City Paper (from The Clarion, And Tennessee Gazette)
      • Years of publication:  The Clarion, And Tennessee Gazette to 1821
      • Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
      • Catalog Card for The City Paper
      • Holdings for:   LCCN SN86053526
      • Locate a copy thru WorldCat:   OCLC 13784316
    • The Clarion And Tennessee Gazette (from The Clarion)
    • The Clarion, & Tennessee State Gazette (from The Clarion)
    • The Clarion, And Tennessee Gazette (from The Colored Tennessean)
    • The Clarion (from The Colored Tennessean)
      • Years of publication:  The Colored Tennessean to 1866
      • Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
      • Catalog Card for The Clarion
      • Holdings for:   LCCN 2011254352
      • Locate a copy thru WorldCat:   OCLC 747721291
    • The Clarion (from The Commercial And Legal Reporter)
      • Years of publication:  The Commercial And Legal Reporter to 1878
      • Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
      • Catalog Card for The Clarion
      • Holdings for:   LCCN SN86071148
      • Locate a copy thru WorldCat:   OCLC 13194043
    • The Colored Tennessean (from The Constitutional Advocate)
    • The Colored Tennessean (from The Constitution)
    • The Commercial And Legal Reporter (from The Current-voice)
    • The Constitutional Advocate (from The Daily American)
    • The Constitution (from The Daily American)
      • Years of publication:  The Daily American to 1894
      • Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
      • Catalog Card for The Constitution
      • Holdings for:   LCCN 229122
      • Locate a copy thru WorldCat:   OCLC 45429155
    • The Current-voice (from The Daily American)
    • The Daily American (from The Daily Evening News)
    • The Daily American (from The Daily Evening Reporter)
    • The Daily American (from The Daily Herald)
    • The Daily Evening News (from The Daily Nashville Dispatch)
    • The Daily Evening Reporter (from The Daily Nashville True Whig)
    • The Daily Herald (from The Daily Nashville True Whig)
    • The Daily Nashville Dispatch (from The Daily News)
    • The Daily Nashville True Whig (from The Daily Orthopolitan)
    • The Daily Nashville True Whig (from The Daily Press)
    • The Daily News (from The Daily Union)
    • The Daily Orthopolitan (from The Daily World)
    • The Daily Press (from The Democratic Clarion And Tennessee Gazette)
      • Years of publication:  The Democratic Clarion And Tennessee Gazette to 1813
      • Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
      • Catalog Card for The Daily Press
      • Holdings for:   LCCN SN86053528
      • Locate a copy thru WorldCat:   OCLC 13784207
    • The Daily Union (from The Democratic Clarion)
    • The Daily World (from The Democrat)
    • The Democratic Clarion And Tennessee Gazette (from The Educator And Reformer)
    • The Democratic Clarion (from The Enterprise)
    • The Democrat (from The Evening Bulletin)
      • Years of publication:  The Evening Bulletin to 1862
      • Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
      • Catalog Card for The Democrat
      • Holdings for:   LCCN SN96091083
      • Locate a copy thru WorldCat:   OCLC 35332413
    • The Educator And Reformer (from The Evening Herald)
    • The Enterprise (from The Evening Post)
      • The first year of publication was in The Evening Post, with an unknown end date
      • Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
      • Catalog Card for The Enterprise
      • Holdings for:   LCCN SN96091055
      • Locate a copy thru WorldCat:   OCLC 35168800
    • The Evening Bulletin (from The Evening Telegram)
    • The Evening Herald (from The Evening Tennessean)
    • The Evening Post (from The Good Templar And Temperance Review)
      • Years of publication:  The Good Templar And Temperance Review to 1885
      • Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
      • Catalog Card for The Evening Post
      • Holdings for:   LCCN SN96091046
      • Locate a copy thru WorldCat:   OCLC 35169306
    • The Evening Telegram (from The Good Templar)
    • The Evening Tennessean (from The Good Templar)
    • The Good Templar And Temperance Review (from The Green Hills Journal)
    • The Good Templar (from The Greenback Flag)
    • The Good Templar (from The Herald And Pilot)
    • The Green Hills Journal (from The Herald Examiner)
    • The Greenback Flag (from The Hermitage Journal)
    • The Herald And Pilot (from The Impartial Review, And Cumberland Repository)
    • The Herald Examiner (from The Independent Workingman)
    • The Hermitage Journal (from The Independent)
    • The Impartial Review, And Cumberland Repository (from The Independent)
    • The Independent Workingman (from The Issue)
    • The Independent (from The Jacksonian)
    • The Independent (from The Jeffersonian)
    • The Issue (from The Jewish Observer)
      • Years of publication:  The Jewish Observer to 1986
      • Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
      • Catalog Card for The Issue
      • Holdings for:   LCCN SN96091068
      • Locate a copy thru WorldCat:   OCLC 35332329
    • The Jacksonian (from The Jewish Observer)
    • The Jeffersonian (from The Journal)
    • The Jewish Observer (from The Kaleidoscope)
    • The Jewish Observer (from The Labor Era And Broadaxe)
    • The Journal (from The Legislative Union And American)
      • Years of publication:  The Legislative Union And American to 1860
      • Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
      • Catalog Card for The Journal
      • Holdings for:   LCCN 2011218510
      • Locate a copy thru WorldCat:   OCLC 10744247
    • The Kaleidoscope (from The Mid-State Observer)
    • The Labor Era And Broadaxe (from The Morning Bulletin)
    • The Legislative Union And American (from The Morning World)
    • The Mid-State Observer (from The Nashville American Daily)
    • The Morning Bulletin (from The Nashville American)
    • The Morning World (from The Nashville American)
    • The Nashville American Daily (from The Nashville American)
    • The Nashville American (from The Nashville American)
    • The Nashville American (from The Nashville American)
    • The Nashville American (from The Nashville American)
    • The Nashville American (from The Nashville Bulletin)
    • The Nashville American (from The Nashville Clarion)
    • The Nashville American (from The Nashville Commentator)
    • The Nashville Bulletin (from The Nashville Daily Democrat)
    • The Nashville Clarion (from The Nashville Daily Journal)
    • The Nashville Commentator (from The Nashville Daily News)
    • The Nashville Daily Democrat (from The Nashville Daily Press)
    • The Nashville Daily Journal (from The Nashville Daily True Whig)
    • The Nashville Daily News (from The Nashville Daily Union)
    • The Nashville Daily Press (from The Nashville Defender)
    • The Nashville Daily True Whig (from The Nashville Democrat)
    • The Nashville Daily Union (from The Nashville Dispatch)
    • The Nashville Defender (from The Nashville Evening Democrat)
    • The Nashville Democrat (from The Nashville Evening News)
    • The Nashville Dispatch (from The Nashville Gazette)
    • The Nashville Evening Democrat (from The Nashville Globe)
    • The Nashville Evening News (from The Nashville Globe)
    • The Nashville Gazette (from The Nashville Guide)
    • The Nashville Globe (from The Nashville Independent Weekly)
    • The Nashville Globe (from The Nashville Intelligencer)
      • The first year of publication was in The Nashville Intelligencer, with an unknown end date
      • Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
      • Catalog Card for The Nashville Globe
      • Holdings for:   LCCN SN98065008
      • Locate a copy thru WorldCat:   OCLC 39120616
    • The Nashville Guide (from The Nashville Jewish Observer)
    • The Nashville Independent Weekly (from The Nashville Observer)
    • The Nashville Intelligencer (from The Nashville Orthopolitan)
    • The Nashville Jewish Observer (from The Nashville Patriot)
    • The Nashville Observer (from The Nashville Record And The Jeffersonian)
    • The Nashville Orthopolitan (from The Nashville Record With Which Is Combined The Jeffersonian)
    • The Nashville Patriot (from The Nashville Record)
    • The Nashville Record And The Jeffersonian (from The Nashville Record)
    • The Nashville Record With Which Is Combined The Jeffersonian (from The Nashville Republican And State Gazette)
    • The Nashville Record (from The Nashville Republican)
    • The Nashville Record (from The Nashville Review)
    • The Nashville Republican And State Gazette (from The Nashville Suburban)
    • The Nashville Republican (from The Nashville Sun)
    • The Nashville Review (from The Nashville Sun)
    • The Nashville Suburban (from The Nashville Tribune)
    • The Nashville Sun (from The Nashville True Whig)
    • The Nashville Sun (from The Nashville Union)
    • The Nashville Tribune (from The Nashville Union)
    • The Nashville True Whig (from The Nashville Union)
    • The Nashville Union (from The Nashville Union)
    • The Nashville Union (from The Nashville Weekly Press)
    • The Nashville Union (from The Nashville Weekly Sun)
    • The Nashville Union (from The Nashville Weekly Times And True Union)
    • The Nashville Weekly Press (from The Nashville Weekly Union)
    • The Nashville Weekly Sun (from The Nashville Whig And Tennessee Advertiser)
    • The Nashville Weekly Times And True Union (from The Nashville Whig And Tennessee Advertiser)
    • The Nashville Weekly Union (from The Nashville Whig)
    • The Nashville Whig And Tennessee Advertiser (from The Nashville Whig)
    • The Nashville Whig And Tennessee Advertiser (from The National Review)
    • The Nashville Whig (from The National Review)
    • The Nashville Whig (from The National Union)
    • The National Review (from The Observer)
    • The National Review (from The Observer)
    • The National Union (from The Opposition)
    • The Observer (from The Phoenix)
    • The Observer (from The Pilot)
    • The Opposition (from The Politician And Weekly Banner & Whig)
      • Years of publication:  The Politician And Weekly Banner & Whig to 18??
      • Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
      • Catalog Card for The Opposition
      • Holdings for:   LCCN SN96091602
      • Locate a copy thru WorldCat:   OCLC 34496435
    • The Phoenix (from The Politician And Weekly Nashville Whig)
      • Years of publication:  The Politician And Weekly Nashville Whig to 1849
      • Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
      • Catalog Card for The Phoenix
      • Holdings for:   LCCN SN84024447
      • Locate a copy thru WorldCat:   OCLC 6794666
    • The Pilot (from The Politician)
      • Years of publication:  The Politician to 1847
      • Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
      • Catalog Card for The Pilot
      • Holdings for:   LCCN SN84024446
      • Locate a copy thru WorldCat:   OCLC 6337656
    • The Politician And Weekly Banner & Whig (from The Presbyterian Advance)
    • The Politician And Weekly Nashville Whig (from The Presbyterian Record)
    • The Politician (from The Republican Banner And Nashville Whig)
      • Years of publication:  The Republican Banner And Nashville Whig to 18??
      • Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
      • Catalog Card for The Politician
      • Holdings for:   LCCN SN86053525
      • Locate a copy thru WorldCat:   OCLC 13783540
    • The Presbyterian Advance (from The Review)
    • The Presbyterian Record (from The Review)
    • The Republican Banner And Nashville Whig (from The Round Table)
    • The Review (from The Semi-Weekly American)
      • Years of publication:  The Semi-Weekly American to 1900
      • Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
      • Catalog Card for The Review
      • Holdings for:   LCCN SN96091007
      • Locate a copy thru WorldCat:   OCLC 34798701
    • The Review (from The State Sentinel, And Tennessee Organ)
      • Years of publication:  The State Sentinel, And Tennessee Organ to ????
      • Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
      • Catalog Card for The Review
      • Holdings for:   LCCN SN87090462
      • Locate a copy thru WorldCat:   OCLC 15286743
    • The Round Table (from The Suburban News South)
    • The Semi-Weekly American (from The Suburban News West)
    • The State Sentinel, And Tennessee Organ (from The Suburbanite)
    • The Suburban News South (from The Sunday Journal)
    • The Suburban News West (from The Sunday Press)
    • The Suburbanite (from The Sunday Times)
      • The first year of publication was in The Sunday Times, with an unknown end date
      • Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
      • Catalog Card for The Suburbanite
      • Holdings for:   LCCN SN96091059
      • Locate a copy thru WorldCat:   OCLC 35168886
    • The Sunday Journal (from The Tennessean)
    • The Sunday Press (from The Tennessean)
    • The Sunday Times (from The Tennessean)
    • The Tennessean (from The Tennessee Constitution)
      • Years of publication:  The Tennessee Constitution to 19??
      • Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
      • Catalog Card for The Tennessean
      • Holdings for:   LCCN SN96091033
      • Locate a copy thru WorldCat:   OCLC 21742378
    • The Tennessean (from The Tennessee Democrat)
    • The Tennessean (from The Tennessee Gazette And Mero-District Advertiser)
      • Years of publication:  The Tennessee Gazette And Mero-District Advertiser to 1807
      • Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
      • Catalog Card for The Tennessean
      • Holdings for:   LCCN 2012249012
      • Locate a copy thru WorldCat:   OCLC 247393701
    • The Tennessee Constitution (from The Tennessee Gazette And Mero-District Advertiser)
    • The Tennessee Democrat (from The Tennessee Gazette)
    • The Tennessee Gazette And Mero-District Advertiser (from The Tennessee Gazette)
    • The Tennessee Gazette And Mero-District Advertiser (from The Tennessee Lancet)
    • The Tennessee Gazette (from The Tennessee Organ Of The Sons Of Temperance)
    • The Tennessee Gazette (from The Tennessee Republican)
    • The Tennessee Lancet (from The Tennessee Star)
    • The Tennessee Organ Of The Sons Of Temperance (from The Tennessee Tribune)
    • The Tennessee Republican (from The Tennessee Valley Farmer)
    • The Tennessee Star (from The Times)
      • The first year of publication was in The Times, with an unknown end date
      • Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
      • Catalog Card for The Tennessee Star
      • Holdings for:   LCCN SN96091040
      • Locate a copy thru WorldCat:   OCLC 35168355
    • The Tennessee Tribune (from The True Whig)
    • The Tennessee Valley Farmer (from The Union)
    • The Times (from The Union)
      • Years of publication:  The Union to 1837
      • Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
      • Catalog Card for The Times
      • Holdings for:   LCCN SN90052006
      • Locate a copy thru WorldCat:   OCLC 20908327
    • The True Whig (from The Urban Journal)
    • The Union (from The Visitor)
      • Years of publication:  The Visitor to 19??
      • Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
      • Catalog Card for The Union
      • Holdings for:   LCCN SN86090509
      • Locate a copy thru WorldCat:   OCLC 14963843
    • The Union (from The Weekly Democrat)
      • Years of publication:  The Weekly Democrat to 18??
      • Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
      • Catalog Card for The Union
      • Holdings for:   LCCN SN97065561
      • Locate a copy thru WorldCat:   OCLC 38121213
    • The Urban Journal (from The Weekly Nashville Union)
    • The Visitor (from The Weekly National Review)
      • Years of publication:  The Weekly National Review to 188?
      • Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
      • Catalog Card for The Visitor
      • Holdings for:   LCCN SN96091045
      • Locate a copy thru WorldCat:   OCLC 35170432
    • The Weekly Democrat (from The Weekly Patriot)
    • The Weekly Nashville Union (from The Weekly Toiler)
    • The Weekly National Review (from The Weekly Union And American)
    • The Weekly Patriot (from The Weekly Union)
    • The Weekly Toiler (from The ebony Gazette)
    • The Weekly Union And American (from Times Mirror Tennessee)
    • The Weekly Union (from Trades And Labor News)
    • The ebony Gazette (from Tri-Weekly Nashville Union)
    • Times Mirror Tennessee (from Tri-Weekly Union And American)
    • Trades And Labor News (from Tri-Weekly Union And Dispatch)
    • Tri-Weekly Nashville Union (from Tri-Weekly Union)
    • Tri-Weekly Union And American (from United Methodist Review)
    • Tri-Weekly Union And Dispatch (from Weekly American)
    • Tri-Weekly Union (from Weekly Press And Times)
    • United Methodist Review (from Weekly Union And Dispatch)
    • Weekly American (from Weekly World)
    • Weekly Press And Times (from West Nashville News)
    • Weekly Union And Dispatch (from Western Methodist)
    • Weekly World (from Western Methodist)
      • Years of publication:  Western Methodist to 1836
      • Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
      • Catalog Card for the Weekly World
      • Holdings for:   LCCN SN86090487
      • Locate a copy thru WorldCat:   OCLC 7381551
    • West Nashville News (from Westview)
    • Western Methodist (from Whig Banner)
    • Western Methodist (from Whig Banner)
    • Westview (from Wochenblatt Der Tennessee StaatsZeitung)
    • Jump to our expanded list of Newspapers Published in Nashville.
  • Published In Nolensville   [Williamson County, TN]
  • Published In Hermitage
  • Published In Smyrna   [Rutherford County, TN]
    • Harpeth Herald (from Smyrna Weekly Review)
    • The Brentwood Journal (from The Bom-Bay)
    • The LaVergne Register (from The Carrier's Courier)
    • 20th Sentry (from The Smyrna News)
      • Years of publication:  The Smyrna News to 19??
      • Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
      • Catalog Card for the 20th Sentry
      • Holdings for:   LCCN SN89058247
      • Locate a copy thru WorldCat:   OCLC 19173658
    • Jump to our expanded list of Newspapers Published in Smyrna.
  • Published In Mount Juliet   [Wilson County, TN]
    • Harpeth Herald (from Johnson's Store Trumpet)
      • Years of publication:  Johnson's Store Trumpet to 191?
      • Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
      • Catalog Card for the Harpeth Herald
      • Holdings for:   LCCN SN96091152
      • Locate a copy thru WorldCat:   OCLC 36145903
    • The Brentwood Journal (from Mt. Juliet News)
    • The LaVergne Register (from The Chronicle Of Mt. Juliet)
    • 20th Sentry (from The Mt. Juliet Commercial Club News)
      • Years of publication:  The Mt. Juliet Commercial Club News to 1915
      • Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
      • Catalog Card for the 20th Sentry
      • Holdings for:   LCCN SN96091153
      • Locate a copy thru WorldCat:   OCLC 36145909
    • Baptist And Reflector (from The Mt. Juliet Weekly News)
    • Baptist Standard (from The Wilson County Record)
    • Jump to our expanded list of Newspapers Published in Mount Juliet.

Footnotes ...

<1>Our distances are not driving distances, but are calculated as a 'straight-line' (or point-to-point) distance. A straight line distance ignores things like rivers, canyons, lakes, et cetera - it's truly a line from Point A (ie- ) to Point B.Our distance measurements begin at a specific point at the Baker Cemetery. The point we use is located at these GPS coordinates - Latitude: 36.0716, Longitude: -86.6875    


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This page was last modified/updated: 29 Aug 2024