A Gazetteer for the United States and Canada
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Our Genealogy Helper

Introduction ...

Although we found mention of Carters Corners during our research, we really don't have any information about it.<1> Given the context of how Carters Corners was mentioned, we believe that it was a community rather than a locale or some type of landmark. We have done a cursory search and if it was a community, we haven't been able to find any evidence that it still exists..

We have a couple of goals for our Gazetteer:

  • That it be a tool which helps us with planning our trips.
  • We're trying to shape our Gazetteer as a tool to help us understand the community in which our ancestors lived, the community that was part of their daily lives.
  • On our trips, we try to visit those places where our ancestors left their footprints.

By learning about Carters Corners (and the surrounding area) during the time that our ancestors lived, we hope to have a better understanding of both their community and its relationship to their lifes. We hope that this tool helps to give us an insight into their world.

As we add data and organize our Gazetteer to help with our family research, we will be adding to this our Genealogical Helper for Carters Corners. While we don't have information that is specific to any given person or family, we intend to expand our understanding about where and how people lived.

Name Variations for Carters Corners ...

When searching records, keep in mind that names and their spelling can change over time. Our sources include documents like maps, railroad schedules, Travel, Express and Shipping Guides. Many of these documents date from the 1800's and it's common to find spelling differences.

Although we can't give a definitive list, hopefully the following will give you a feel for the variations that might have occurred.

  • A typical abbreviation for Carters Corners: Carters Cors.
  • While the name of this community is Carters Corners, be aware that it's the common practice of mapmakers to remove the apostrophe from possessive names<2>. So Carters Corners may originally have been Carter's Corners.

    Sometimes the trailing 's' might be dropped altogether, in which case Carters Corners might be written as Carter Corners.

If you have information about these names (such as the reason for the change, date of change, the origin of the name), please Contact Us.

Websites to Help With Your Genealogy Research ...

When we do our genealogical research, we first visit the websites from Cyndi's List, FamilySearch and Genealogy Trails. These professional and volunteer websites offer the information directly or else point to where you can find it. Their information is open to everyone.

To help you get started, the following links will take you to the pages that are relevant to Carters Corners:

Cemeteries Near Carters Corners ...

Below are cemeteries that are in the vicinity of Carters Corners.

This is a new section and is likely to have errors. If you find an error, such as a missing cemetery or we have the wrong name, please let us know. If you know of them, we would also appreciate learning about previous or alternate names.

If you need information about a burial or interment, photos, transcripts, how to contact the cemetery or local authorities, please visit our selection of Genealogy Websites (see below).

If not found below, our Cemetery List for Carters Corners covers a larger area, with the cemeteries listed in alphabetical order.

The following cemeteries are listed based on their distance from Carters Corners, with the one closest to Carters Corners listed first.

  • Stanley Hill Cemetery
    (4 miles [6.4 km] to the west)
  • Mountain View Cemetery
    (7 miles [11.3 km] to the east)
  • St. Andrew's Catholic Cemetery
    (10 miles [16.1 km] to the east)
  • Riverside Cemetery
    (10 miles [16.1 km] to the east)
  • Hymers Cemetery
    (12 miles [19.3 km] to the southwest)
  • Dog River Cemetery
    (14 miles [22.5 km] to the northwest)
    • To give a relative sense of its location, the Dog River Cemetery is located
    • The Dog River Cemetery has also been known as:
    • Dog River Community Cemetery
    • Dog River Indian Cemetery
    • Kaministiquia Cemetery
    • Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Dog River Cemetery
    • Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #2568674 <3>
  • Lappe Old Lutheran Church Cemetery
    (14 miles [22.5 km] to the north)
  • Lappe Cemetery
    (15 miles [24.1 km] to the north)
  • Sunshine - Finmark Cemetery
    (15 miles [24.1 km] to the northwest)
    • Note: We haven't been able to verify our GPS coordinates for the Sunshine - Finmark Cemetery. Although the coordinates have been estimated, they should be in the vicinity.<5>
    • To give a relative sense of its location, the Sunshine - Finmark Cemetery is located less than 2 miles<4> to the southeast of Sunshine.
    • Jump to our Gazetteer entry for the Sunshine - Finmark Cemetery
    • Jump to Find-A-Grave: FG ID #2609865 <3>
  • Nolalu Cemetery
    (17 miles [27.4 km] to the west)

We've also created an expanded list of communities that existed in the 1890's and were located in the area around Carters Corners. See our List of 1890's Communities around Carters Corners.

The official website for Province of Ontario:

Footnotes ...

<1>If we encounter the name of what might be a community, our methodology is to add that name to our Gazetteer. For example, we might find a sentence like "He went south past Carters Corners and then turned west". While Carters Corners could be some kind of landmark, we think that it's more likely to be a community. We've added Carters Corners as a placeholder with the hope that we'll be able to add more information in the future.

Just as a reminder: Our definition of a community is rather broad and includes those places (or areas) where several families lived and had a name which identified that place. For example, you might hear somebody say that they are going over to Miller Creek to see Pete ... Miller Creek is just a gas station and a couple of homes at the crossroads. While it might not be on the map, everybody in the area knows it by that name.

Places of interest include buildings at a crossroad, several families clustered in a hollow or maybe the location of a way station. It also includes places like mines, lumber camps, ferry crossings, etc. The community might still exist, is now gone or only existed for just a short period of time.

Also keep in mind that Carters Corners could have been on the original document by mistake, misspelled, the original/alternate name of a community that we've listed elsewhere or was placed in the wrong . Sometimes a post office or train station would have a different name than the community where it's located, so two names might be referring to the same community - we're working to straighten it all out.

Since confusion between is common, we searched and weren't able to find another Ontario community named Carters Corners.
<2>It's generally believed that possessive apostrophes are removed to prevent confusion on maps where the apostrophe may be confused with a cartographic symbol. While this is generally true, it's not uncommon to find possessive apostrophes in administrative names (such as towns or counties).
<3>The Find-a-Grave website is an excellent research tool with information about a cemetery's location and interments. They also offer a forum for their members which can provide additional help. More information about Find-a-Grave can be found on their website:
<4>Our distances are not driving distances, but are calculated as a 'straight-line' distance. A straight line distance ignores obstructions like rivers, canyons, lakes, et cetera - it's truly a line drawn from Point A (ie- Carters Corners) to Point B.Our distance measurements begin at a specific point in Carters Corners. The point we use is located at these GPS coordinates - Latitude: 48.3814, Longitude: -89.4717    
<5>An 'estimated' location is one where we have been given GPS coordinates, but are unable to verify the accuracy of those coordinates. That said, we have some confidence that we have placed the marker near the actual location. A typical reason for being unable to verify a location is that it might be on private property or maybe historic and gone without an obvious trace.


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In closing, please keep in mind that we can not guarantee the accuracy or timeliness of the information on this website, so use with care. We encourage you to double-check the information that is critical to you.

If you've found an error or have additional information that you would like to share, please don't hesitate to write: Click here to contact us.

This page was last modified/updated: 07 Apr 2024