Local Newspapers for the West Cemetery ...
Below are the newspapers that have been published in the vicinity of the West Cemetery.
Our newspaper information for the West Cemetery is based on data supplied by the Chronicling America website. For more information, please see our description of the Chronicling America website.
Hint: When we started searching newspapers, we only looked for obituaries. Eventually we realized that our search was too narrow and there was much that we were missing. Now we include things like around-the-town and gossip columns, birth and death announcements.
We have some family members who owned businesses and now we search for articles and advertistments for those businesses. Some family members could have been better behaved and a search of police blotters contained some surprises.
The following newspapers were published within 14 miles [22.5 km]<1> of the West Cemetery. These papers have been grouped by the community in which they were published, with the communities listed in the order of their distance from the West Cemetery.
- Published In Columbus Grove [Putnam County, OH]
- Elida American (from Columbus Grove Record)
- Allen County Democrat (from Putnam County Vidette)
- Allen County Republican (from The Columbus Grove Journal)
- Allen County Sentinel (from The Columbus Grove Vidette)
- Bath Bulletin (from The Ohio Weekly Clipper)
- Years of publication: The Ohio Weekly Clipper to 19??
- Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
- Catalog Card for the Bath Bulletin
- Holdings for: LCCN SN89075126
- Locate a copy thru WorldCat: OCLC 20702793
- Buckeye Progressive (from The Weekly Clipper)
- Jump to our expanded list of Newspapers Published in Columbus Grove.
- Published In Elida
- Published In Lima
- Elida American (from Allen County Democrat)
- Allen County Democrat (from Allen County Republican)
- Allen County Republican (from Allen County Sentinel)
- Allen County Sentinel (from Bath Bulletin)
- Bath Bulletin (from Buckeye Progressive)
- Buckeye Progressive (from Daily Democrat)
- Daily Democrat (from Daily Republican Gazette)
- Daily Republican Gazette (from Daily Skirmisher)
- Daily Skirmisher (from Democratic Times)
- Democratic Times (from Der Lima Courier)
- Der Lima Courier (from Independent Observer)
- Independent Observer (from Indian Lake Ledger)
- Indian Lake Ledger (from Liberty Party Exponent)
- Liberty Party Exponent (from Lima Daily Gazette)
- Lima Daily Gazette (from Lima Daily Gazette)
- Lima Daily Gazette (from Lima Daily Herald)
- Lima Daily Herald (from Lima Daily News)
- Lima Daily News (from Lima Daily News)
- Lima Daily News (from Lima Moon)
- Lima Moon (from Lima Post)
- Years of publication: Lima Post to current
- Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
- Catalog Card for the Lima Moon
- Holdings for: LCCN SN90068005
- Locate a copy thru WorldCat: OCLC 29696365
- Lima Post (from Lima Republican Gazette)
- Years of publication: Lima Republican Gazette to 19??
- Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
- Catalog Card for the Lima Post
- Holdings for: LCCN SN89075120
- Locate a copy thru WorldCat: OCLC 20702714
- Lima Republican Gazette (from Lima Sentinel-Suburban)
- Lima Sentinel-Suburban (from Lima Star)
- Lima Star (from Northwest Passage)
- Years of publication: Northwest Passage to 19??
- Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
- Catalog Card for the Lima Star
- Holdings for: LCCN SN92063881
- Locate a copy thru WorldCat: OCLC 26557611
- Northwest Passage (from Republican Herald)
- Republican Herald (from Republican-Gazette)
- Republican-Gazette (from Sentinel)
- Sentinel (from Shawnee Sentinel)
- Years of publication: Shawnee Sentinel to 1975
- Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
- Catalog Card for the Sentinel
- Holdings for: LCCN SN90068649
- Locate a copy thru WorldCat: OCLC 22870888
- Shawnee Sentinel (from The Allen County Democrat)
- The Allen County Democrat (from The Allen County Republican-Gazette)
- The Allen County Republican-Gazette (from The Bulletin)
- The Bulletin (from The Daily Democratic Times)
- Years of publication: The Daily Democratic Times to 18??
- Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
- Catalog Card for The Bulletin
- Holdings for: LCCN SN90068588
- Locate a copy thru WorldCat: OCLC 22774939
- The Daily Democratic Times (from The Lima Advertiser)
- The Lima Advertiser (from The Lima Argus)
- The Lima Argus (from The Lima Citizen)
- The Lima Citizen (from The Lima Clipper)
- The Lima Clipper (from The Lima Courier)
- The Lima Courier (from The Lima Daily Democratic Times)
- The Lima Daily Democratic Times (from The Lima Daily News And Times-Democrat)
- The Lima Daily News And Times-Democrat (from The Lima Daily Republican)
- The Lima Daily Republican (from The Lima Daily Times)
- The Lima Daily Times (from The Lima Democratic Times)
- The Lima Democratic Times (from The Lima Gazette And The Lima Republican)
- The Lima Gazette And The Lima Republican (from The Lima Gazette)
- The Lima Gazette (from The Lima Morning Star And Republican-Gazette)
- Years of publication: The Lima Morning Star And Republican-Gazette to 1926
- Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
- Catalog Card for The Lima Gazette
- Holdings for: LCCN SN87076582
- Locate a copy thru WorldCat: OCLC 16619412
- The Lima Morning Star And Republican-Gazette (from The Lima Morning Star And Republican-Gazette)
- The Lima Morning Star And Republican-Gazette (from The Lima News And Times-Democrat)
- The Lima News And Times-Democrat (from The Lima News)
- The Lima News (from The Lima Reporter)
- The Lima Reporter (from The Lima Sentinel)
- The Lima Sentinel (from The Lima Star And Republican-Gazette)
- The Lima Star And Republican-Gazette (from The Lima Star)
- The Lima Star (from The Lima Times-Democrat)
- The Lima Times-Democrat (from The Lima Times-Democrat)
- The Lima Times-Democrat (from The Lima Weekly Gazette)
- The Lima Weekly Gazette (from The National)
- The National (from The People's Press)
- The People's Press (from The People's Weekly)
- The People's Weekly (from The Porcupine)
- The Porcupine (from The Printer)
- The Printer (from The Star)
- The Star (from The Times-Democrat)
- Years of publication: The Times-Democrat to 1901
- Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
- Catalog Card for The Star
- Holdings for: LCCN SN87076572
- Locate a copy thru WorldCat: OCLC 16619476
- The Times-Democrat (from The Times-Democrat)
- The Times-Democrat (from Western Gazette)
- Jump to our expanded list of Newspapers Published in Lima.
- Published In Lafayette
- Published In Pandora [Putnam County, OH]
- Published In Bluffton
- Elida American (from Bluffton Tri-County Weekly)
- Allen County Democrat (from The Bluffton Leader)
- Allen County Republican (from The Bluffton News)
- Allen County Sentinel (from The Bluffton Standard)
- Jump to our expanded list of Newspapers Published in Bluffton.
- Published In Kalida [Putnam County, OH]
- Elida American (from Kalida Enterprise)
- Allen County Democrat (from Kalida Signal)
- Allen County Republican (from The Kalida Record)
- Allen County Sentinel (from The Kalida Sentinel)
- Bath Bulletin (from The Kalida Venture)
- Buckeye Progressive (from The Kalida Venture)
- Daily Democrat (from The Pioneer News)
- Daily Republican Gazette (from Western County News)
- Jump to our expanded list of Newspapers Published in Kalida.
- Published In Cridersville [Auglaize County, OH]
- Published In Delphos
- Elida American (from Daily Budget)
- Allen County Democrat (from Delphos Daily Herald)
- Allen County Republican (from Delphos Evening Triumph)
- Allen County Sentinel (from Delphos Grocer)
- Bath Bulletin (from Delphos Herald)
- Buckeye Progressive (from Delphos Tri-County Courant)
- Daily Democrat (from Delphos Tri-County Daily Herald)
- Years of publication: Delphos Tri-County Daily Herald to 19??
- Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
- Catalog Card for the Daily Democrat
- Holdings for: LCCN SN89075071
- Locate a copy thru WorldCat: OCLC 20702441
- Daily Republican Gazette (from Delphos Twice-A-Week Courant)
- Daily Skirmisher (from Delphos Weekly Herald)
- Democratic Times (from The Daily Herald)
- Der Lima Courier (from The Daily Herald)
- Independent Observer (from The Delphos Courant)
- Indian Lake Ledger (from The Delphos Daily Independent)
- Liberty Party Exponent (from The Delphos Oracle)
- Lima Daily Gazette (from The Delphos Tri-Weekly Courant)
- Lima Daily Gazette (from The North-Western Whig)
- Lima Daily Herald (from Twice-A-Week Courant)
- Jump to our expanded list of Newspapers Published in Delphos.
- Published In Ottawa [Putnam County, OH]
- Elida American (from Der Demokrat)
- Allen County Democrat (from Miami Student)
- Allen County Republican (from Oxford Chronicle)
- Allen County Sentinel (from Oxford Free Press)
- Bath Bulletin (from Oxford Lyceum And Journal Of Literature And Science)
- Years of publication: Oxford Lyceum And Journal Of Literature And Science to 1834
- Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
- Catalog Card for the Bath Bulletin
- Holdings for: LCCN SN83035362
- Locate a copy thru WorldCat: OCLC 9709691
- Buckeye Progressive (from Oxford News-Citizen)
- Daily Democrat (from Oxford Town)
- Daily Republican Gazette (from Putnam County Citizen)
- Daily Skirmisher (from Putnam County Demokrat)
- Democratic Times (from Putnam County Sentinel)
- Der Lima Courier (from The Investigator)
- Independent Observer (from The Ottawa Gazette)
- Indian Lake Ledger (from The Ottawa Telegram)
- Liberty Party Exponent (from The Oxford Advertiser)
- Lima Daily Gazette (from The Oxford Citizen)
- Lima Daily Gazette (from The Oxford Daily Citizen)
- Lima Daily Herald (from The Oxford Enterprise)
- Lima Daily News (from The Oxford Forum)
- Lima Daily News (from The Oxford Herald)
- Lima Moon (from The Oxford Leader)
- Years of publication: The Oxford Leader to 18??
- Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
- Catalog Card for the Lima Moon
- Holdings for: LCCN SN91069757
- Locate a copy thru WorldCat: OCLC 24147659
- Lima Post (from The Oxford News)
- Years of publication: The Oxford News to 1892
- Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
- Catalog Card for the Lima Post
- Holdings for: LCCN SN91069753
- Locate a copy thru WorldCat: OCLC 24147662
- Lima Republican Gazette (from The Oxford News)
- Lima Sentinel-Suburban (from The Oxford News)
- Lima Star (from The Oxford Press)
- Years of publication: The Oxford Press to 1934
- Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
- Catalog Card for the Lima Star
- Holdings for: LCCN SN88077333
- Locate a copy thru WorldCat: OCLC 17737839
- Northwest Passage (from The Oxford Press)
- Republican Herald (from The Putnam County Gazette)
- Jump to our expanded list of Newspapers Published in Ottawa.
- Published In Ada [Hardin County, OH]
- Elida American (from Ohio Normal University Herald)
- Years of publication: Ohio Normal University Herald to 1890
- Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
- Catalog Card for the Elida American
- Holdings for: LCCN SN90068597
- Locate a copy thru WorldCat: OCLC 22774984
- Allen County Democrat (from The Ada Commercial)
- Allen County Republican (from The Ada Herald)
- Allen County Sentinel (from The Ada Record)
- Bath Bulletin (from University Herald)
- Jump to our expanded list of Newspapers Published in Ada.
Off-the-Road Links ...
The official website for Allen County: www.co.allen.oh.us/
The official website for State of Ohio: https://ohio.gov/
Footnotes ...
<1> | Our distances are not driving distances, but are calculated as a 'point-to-point' distance. A straight line distance ignores things like rivers, canyons, lakes, et cetera - it's truly a line drawn from Point A (ie- ) to Point B.Our distance measurements begin at a specific point at the West Cemetery. The point we use is located at these GPS coordinates - Latitude: 40.8314, Longitude: -84.0969 In this case, the coordinates for the West Cemetery have been provided by the Geographic Names Information System (GNIS). |