Notable Births & Deaths for Parkdale ...
Below is our list of notable people who were born, died or were buried in the area surrounding Parkdale. Please note that while we are collecting data on an ongoing basis, it's a big task and it's unlikely that our list will ever be more than a sample.
- Edward Enoch 'Jersey' Bakeley
- Major League Baseball. He was born in Blackwood (NJ) on April 17, 1864 (a Sunday) and died in Philadelphia (PA) on February 17, 1915 (a Wednesday) at the age of 50. He is buried at Greenmount Cemetery (Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania).
- Blackwood is located 17 miles [27.4 km] to the west of Parkdale.
- Philadelphia is located 26 miles [41.8 km] to the northwest of Parkdale.
- Find-A-Grave Memorial: Edward Enoch 'Jersey' Bakeley<1>
- James Barton
- Charles J. Bastian
- Major League Baseball. He was born in Philadelphia (PA) on July 4, 1860 (a Wednesday) and died in Pennsauken (NJ) on January 18, 1932 (a Monday) at the age of 71. He is buried at Holy Cross Cemetery (Delaware County, Pennsylvania).
- Philadelphia is located 26 miles [41.8 km] to the northwest of Parkdale.
- Pennsauken is located 22 miles [35.4 km] to the northwest of Parkdale.
- Find-A-Grave Memorial: Charles J. Bastian<1>
- Constance Bennett
- Full name: Constance Campbell Bennett
- Actress. She was born in New York (NY) on October 22, 1904 (a Saturday) and died in Fort Dix (NJ) on July 24, 1965 (a Saturday) at the age of 60. She is buried at Arlington National Cemetery (Arlington County, Virginia).
- Fort Dix is located 22 miles [35.4 km] to the north of Parkdale.
- Find-A-Grave Memorial: Constance Bennett<1>
- Joseph Emley Borden
- Major League Baseball. He was born in Jacobstown (NJ) on May 9, 1854 (a Tueday) and died in Yeadon (PA) on October 14, 1929 (a Monday) at the age of 75. He is buried at Oaklands Cemetery (Chester County, Pennsylvania).
- Jacobstown is located 26 miles [41.8 km] to the north of Parkdale.
- Yeadon is located 30 miles [48.3 km] to the northwest of Parkdale.
- Find-A-Grave Memorial: Joseph Emley Borden<1>
- Carroll William Brown
- Major League Baseball. He was born in Woodbury (NJ) on February 2, 1887 (a Wednesday) and died in Burlington (NJ) on February 8, 1977 (a Tueday) at the age of 90. He is buried at Laurel Memorial Park (Atlantic County, New Jersey).
- Woodbury is located 22 miles [35.4 km] to the west of Parkdale.
- Burlington is located 24 miles [38.6 km] to the north of Parkdale.
- Find-A-Grave Memorial: Carroll William Brown<1>
- Roosevelt 'Rosie' Brown
- Angelo Coia
- Professional football. He was born in Philadelphia (PA) on April 21, 1938 (a Thursday) and died in Brigantine (NJ) on January 2, 2013 (a Wednesday) at the age of 74. He is buried at Resurrection Cemetery (Bucks County, Pennsylvania).
- Philadelphia is located 26 miles [41.8 km] to the northwest of Parkdale.
- Brigantine is located 29 miles [46.7 km] to the southeast of Parkdale.
- Find-A-Grave Memorial: Angelo Coia<1>
- James Fenimore Cooper
- Robert Cornelius
- Photography pioneer. He was born in Philadelphia (PA) on March 1, 1809 (a Wednesday) and died in Frankford (PA) on August 10, 1893 (a Thursday) at the age of 84. He is buried at Laurel Hill Cemetery (Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania).
- Philadelphia is located 26 miles [41.8 km] to the northwest of Parkdale.
- Frankford is located 26 miles [41.8 km] to the northwest of Parkdale.
- Find-A-Grave Memorial: Robert Cornelius<1>
- William Michael 'Bill' Crowley
- Major League Baseball. He was born in Philadelphia (PA) on April 8, 1857 (a Wednesday) and died in Gloucester City (NJ) on July 14, 1891 (a Tueday) at the age of 34.
- Philadelphia is located 26 miles [41.8 km] to the northwest of Parkdale.
- Gloucester City is located 22 miles [35.4 km] to the northwest of Parkdale.
- Find-A-Grave Memorial: William Michael 'Bill' Crowley<1>
- Louisa Knapp Curtis
- Journalist, author. She was born in Boston (MA) on October 21, 1851 (a Tueday) and died in Cheltenham (PA) on February 25, 1910 (a Friday) at the age of 58. She is buried at Laurel Hill Cemetery (Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania).
- Cheltenham is located 29 miles [46.7 km] to the northwest of Parkdale.
- Find-A-Grave Memorial: Louisa Knapp Curtis<1>
- Reverend Gary D. 'Blind Gary' Davis
- Buddy DeFranco
- Full name: Boniface Ferdinand Leonard DeFranco
- Musician. He was born in Camden (NJ) on February 15, 1923 (a Thursday) and died in Panama City (FL) on December 24, 2014 (a Wednesday) at the age of 91. The body was cremated.
- Camden is located 23 miles [37 km] to the northwest of Parkdale.
- Find-A-Grave Memorial: Buddy DeFranco<1>
- William 'Bad Bill' Eagan
- John A. 'Jack' Farrell
- Ileen Getz
- Actress. She was born in Bristol (PA) on August 7, 1961 (a Monday) and died in New York (NY) on August 4, 2005 (a Thursday) at the age of 44. She is buried at Beechwood Cemetery (Bucks County, Pennsylvania).
- Bristol is located 26 miles [41.8 km] to the north of Parkdale.
- Find-A-Grave Memorial: Ileen Getz<1>
- Joey Giardello
- Born: Carmine Orlando Tilelli
- Professional boxer. He was born in Brooklyn (NY) on July 16, 1930 (a Wednesday) and died in Cherry Hill (NJ) on September 4, 2008 (a Thursday) at the age of 78. He is buried at Calvary Catholic Cemetery (Camden County, New Jersey).
- Cherry Hill is located 20 miles [32.2 km] to the northwest of Parkdale.
- Find-A-Grave Memorial: Joey Giardello<1>
- William J. 'Kid' Gleason
- Major League Baseball. He was born in Camden (NJ) on October 26, 1866 (a Friday) and died in Philadelphia (PA) on January 2, 1933 (a Monday) at the age of 66. He is buried at Northwood Cemetery (Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania).
- Camden is located 23 miles [37 km] to the northwest of Parkdale.
- Philadelphia is located 26 miles [41.8 km] to the northwest of Parkdale.
- Find-A-Grave Memorial: William J. 'Kid' Gleason<1>
- Henry Luther 'Hinkey' Haines
- Hinkey Haines
- Major League Baseball, professional football. He was born in Red Lion (PA) on December 23, 1898 (a Friday) and died in Sharon Hill (PA) on January 9, 1979 (a Tueday) at the age of 80. He is buried at Middletown Cemetery (Dauphin County, Pennsylvania).
- Sharon Hill is located 29 miles [46.7 km] to the northwest of Parkdale.
- Find-A-Grave Memorial: Hinkey Haines<1>
Off-the-Road Links ...
Unfortunately, we don't know of a website for Parkdale. If you can help, please contact us through our Feedback Page. The official website for Camden County: www.camdencounty.com/ The official website for State of New Jersey: https://www.nj.gov/
Footnotes ...
<1> | The Find-a-Grave website is an excellent research tool with information about a cemetery's location and interments. They also offer a forum for their members which can provide additional help. More information about Find-a-Grave can be found on their website: findagrave.com. |