Notable Births & Deaths for Lincoln ...
Below is our list of notable people who were born, died or were buried in the area surrounding Lincoln. Please note that while we are collecting data on an ongoing basis, it's a big task and it's unlikely that our list will ever be more than a sample.
- Philip Abbott
- Joe Blahak
- Professional football. He was born in Columbus (NE) on August 29, 1950 (a Tueday) and died in Lincoln on April 25, 2016 (a Monday) at the age of 65. He is buried at Calvary Cemetery (Lancaster County, Nebraska).
- Find-A-Grave Memorial: Joe Blahak<1>
- Leslie Brooks
- Samuel Earl 'Wahoo Sam' Crawford
- Eddie Gardner
- Coleen Gray
- Born: Doris Bernice Jensen
- Actress. She was born in Staplehurst (NE) on October 23, 1922 (a Monday) and died in Los Angeles (CA) on August 3, 2015 (a Monday) at the age of 92. The body was cremated.
- Staplehurst is located 26 miles [41.8 km] to the northwest of Lincoln.
- Find-A-Grave Memorial: Coleen Gray<1>
- Rick Kane
- Professional football. He was born in Lincoln on November 12, 1954 (a Friday) and died in Reno (NV) on December 25, 2009 (a Friday) at the age of 55. He is buried at Mountain View Cemetery (Washoe County, Nevada).
- Find-A-Grave Memorial: Rick Kane<1>
- Gordon MacRae
- Full name: Albert Gordon MacRae
- Actor, singer. He was born in East Orange (NJ) on March 12, 1921 (a Saturday) and died in Lincoln on January 24, 1986 (a Friday) at the age of 64. He is buried at Wyuka Cemetery (Lancaster County, Nebraska).
- Find-A-Grave Memorial: Gordon MacRae<1>
- Leslie Grant 'Les' Nunamaker
- Larry Shepard
- Major League Baseball. He was born in Lakewood (OH) on April 3, 1919 (a Thursday) and died in Lincoln on April 5, 2011 (a Tueday) at the age of 92. He is buried at Calvary Cemetery (Lancaster County, Nebraska).
- Find-A-Grave Memorial: Larry Shepard<1>
- Hilary Swank
- Full name: Hilary Ann Swank
- Oscar winning actress, producer. She was born in Lincoln on January 30, 1974 (a Wednesday)
Off-the-Road Links ...
The official website for Lincoln: www.lincoln.ne.gov/ The official website for Lancaster County: www.lancaster.ne.gov/ The official website for State of Nebraska: https://www.nebraska.gov/
Footnotes ...
<1> | The Find-a-Grave website is an excellent research tool with information about a cemetery's location and interments. They also offer a forum for their members which can provide additional help. More information about Find-a-Grave can be found on their website: findagrave.com. |