Abbeville Cemetery [Lafayette County]
Abbott Cemetery [Clay County]
Abbott Cemetery [Monroe County]
Abernathy Cemetery [Madison County]
Abes Chapel Cemetery [Panola County]
Ables Cemetery [Attala County]
Abney Cemetery [Newton County]
Academy Cemetery [Tippah County]
Acona Cemetery [Holmes County]
Adair Cemetery [Union County]
Adams Arbor Church of God Prophecy Cemetery [Tallahatchie County]
Adams Cemetery [Adams County]
Adams Cemetery [Jefferson Davis County]
Adams Cemetery [Jefferson County]
Adams Cemetery [Montgomery County]
Adams Cemetery [Yalobusha County]
Adamsville Cemetery [Greene County]
In Oktibbeha County, we have listed these 2 cemeteries as having the same name:
Adaton Cemetery #1
Adaton Cemetery #2
Agricola Cemetery [George County]
Agrippa Gayden Cemetery [Amite County]
Albino Cemetery [Holmes County]
Alcorn Cemetery [Alcorn County]
Alcorn Cemetery [Coahoma County]
Alday Cemetery [Clarke County]
Aldridge Cemetery [Franklin County]
Alex Sullivan Cemetery [Smith County]
Other names:
Sullivan Cemetery
Old Sullivan Cemetery
Alexander Church Cemetery [Quitman County]
Alexander Cemetery [Marshall County]
Alexander Cemetery [Stone County]
Alford Cemetery [Copiah County]
In Pike County, we have listed these 2 cemeteries as having the same name:
Alford Cemetery #1
Alford Cemetery #2
Alfred Cook Cemetery [Pike County]
In Carroll County, we have listed these 2 cemeteries as having the same name:
Allen Cemetery #1
Allen Cemetery #2
Allen Cemetery [Harrison County]
Allen Cemetery [Marion County]
In Pike County, we have listed these 4 cemeteries as having the same name:
Allen Cemetery #1
Allen Cemetery #2
Allen Cemetery #3
Allen Cemetery #4
Allen Cemetery [Tishomingo County]
Allen Cemetery [Warren County]
Allens Cemetery [Lee County]
Alsop Cemetery [Yazoo County]
Alton Roberts Cemetery [Pike County]
Amaziah Cemetery [Union County]
Amis Cemetery [Scott County]
Amite River Cemetery [Amite County]
Anderson - Minter Cemetery [Jones County]
In Amite County, we have listed these 2 cemeteries as having the same name:
Anderson Cemetery #1
Anderson Cemetery #2
Anderson Cemetery [Claiborne County]
In Forrest County, we have listed these 2 cemeteries as having the same name:
Anderson Cemetery #1
Anderson Cemetery #2
Anderson Cemetery [Franklin County]
In Madison County, we have listed these 2 cemeteries as having the same name:
Anderson Cemetery #1
Anderson Cemetery #2
Anderson Cemetery [Marshall County]
Anderson Cemetery [Yazoo County]
Other names:
Cypress Grove Cemetery
Andrew Chapel Cemetery [Rankin County]
Andrews - Bickam - Quin Cemetery [Pike County]
Andrews Chapel Cemetery [Clarke County]
Andrews Chapel Cemetery [Lauderdale County]
Andrews Chapel Cemetery [Lee County]
Andrews Chapel Cemetery [Madison County]
Andrews Cemetery [Amite County]
Andrews Cemetery [Pike County]
Ann Tyler Cemetery [Pike County]
Anna York Cemetery [Lauderdale County]
Anner Cemetery [Hancock County]
Anns Tabernacle Cemetery [Bolivar County]
Ansel Prewitt Cemetery [Pike County]
Anshe Chesed Cemetery [Warren County]
Antioch Baptist Church Cemetery [Harrison County]
Antioch Church Cemetery [Coahoma County]
Antioch MB Church Cemetery [Winston County]
Other names:
Antioch Cemetery
Antioch Memorial Cemetery [Jefferson Davis County]
Other names:
Antioch Cemetery
Memorial Cemetery
Antioch Primitive Baptist Church Cemetery [Lincoln County]
In Amite County, we have listed these 2 cemeteries as having the same name:
Antioch Cemetery #1
Antioch Cemetery #2
Antioch Cemetery [Attala County]
Antioch Cemetery [Calhoun County]
Antioch Cemetery [Clarke County]
In Copiah County, we have listed these 2 cemeteries as having the same name:
Antioch Cemetery #1
Antioch Cemetery #2
Antioch Cemetery [George County]
Antioch Cemetery [Jackson County]
Antioch Cemetery [Jasper County]
Antioch Cemetery [Jefferson County]
In Jones County, we have listed these 2 cemeteries as having the same name:
Antioch Cemetery #1
Antioch Cemetery #2
Antioch Cemetery [Kemper County]
Antioch Cemetery [Lauderdale County]
Antioch Cemetery [Leake County]
Antioch Cemetery [Marion County]
Antioch Cemetery [Neshoba County]
Antioch Cemetery [Panola County]
Antioch Cemetery [Rankin County]
Antioch Cemetery [Simpson County]
Antioch Cemetery [Tippah County]
Antioch Cemetery [Tishomingo County]
In Winston County, we have listed these 2 cemeteries as having the same name:
Antioch Cemetery #1
Antioch Cemetery #2
Antiocho Cemetery [Choctaw County]
Arbor Cemetery [Alcorn County]
Archusa Memorial Gardens [Clarke County]
Arcola Cemetery [Washington County]
Arcole Cemetery [Wilkinson County]
Ard Cemetery [Pike County]
Ard Cemetery [Walthall County]
Arimount Cemetery [Yalobusha County]
Arkabutla Cemetery [Tate County]
Arkadelphia Cemetery [Lauderdale County]
Armes Road Cemetery [Harrison County]
Armistead Cemetery [Coahoma County]
Armstrong - Buckley Cemetery [Simpson County]
Armstrong Cemetery [Attala County]
In Jefferson Davis County, we have listed these 2 cemeteries as having the same name:
Armstrong Cemetery #1
Armstrong Cemetery #2
Armstrong Cemetery [Jefferson County]
Armstrong Cemetery [Lawrence County]
Armstrong Cemetery [Prentiss County]
Arrington Cemetery [Wayne County]
Asbury Methodist Cemetery [Marshall County]
Other names:
Asbury Cemetery
Asberry Cemetery
Asbury Cemetery [Chickasaw County]
Asbury Cemetery [Prentiss County]
In Benton County, we have listed these 2 cemeteries as having the same name:
Ashland Cemetery #1
Ashland Cemetery #2
Ashland Cemetery [Tallahatchie County]
Ashley Cemetery [Copiah County]
Asia Cemetery [Bolivar County]
Askew Grove Cemetery [Panola County]
Associated Reform Presbyterian Cemetery [Oktibbeha County]
Athens Cemetery [Simpson County]
Other names:
Athens Baptist Church Cemetery
Atkins Cemetery [Leake County]
Atkins Cemetery [Monroe County]
Atkinson Cemetery [Wayne County]
Attala Memory Gardens [Attala County]
Atwood Family Cemetery [Covington County]
Auburn Cemetery [Hinds County]
Auburn Cemetery [Lee County]
Aultman Cemetery [Covington County]
Austin Cemetery [Smith County]
Austin Cemetery [Yalobusha County]
Avera Cemetery [Greene County]
Avery Chapel Cemetery [DeSoto County]
Aycock Cemetery [Bolivar County]
Ayers Cemetery [Benton County]