Caldwell Cemetery [Worcester County]
In Essex County, we have listed these 2 cemeteries as having the same name:
Calvary Cemetery #1
Calvary Cemetery #2
Calvary Cemetery [Franklin County]
In Hampden County, we have listed these 3 cemeteries as having the same name:
Calvary Cemetery #1
Calvary Cemetery #2
Calvary Cemetery #3
In Middlesex County, we have listed these 2 cemeteries as having the same name:
Calvary Cemetery #1
Calvary Cemetery #2
Calvary Cemetery [Plymouth County]
Calvary Cemetery [Suffolk County]
Other names:
Mt. Calvary Cemetery
Old Calvary Cemetery
In Worcester County, we have listed these 2 cemeteries as having the same name:
Calvary Cemetery #1
Calvary Cemetery #2
Cambridge Cemetery [Middlesex County]
Other names:
City of Cambridge Cemetery
Canton Corner Cemetery [Norfolk County]
Other names:
Canton Cemetery
Carroll Cemetery [Berkshire County]
Caswell Burying Ground [Bristol County]
Other names:
Caswell Cemetery
Caswell Street Burying Ground [Bristol County]
Other names:
Caswell Cemetery
Cataumet Cemetery [Barnstable County]
Cawles Memorial Cemetery [Essex County]
Cedar Grove Cemetery [Essex County]
Cedar Grove Cemetery [Suffolk County]
Cedarville Cemetery [Barnstable County]
Cedarville Cemetery [Plymouth County]
In Berkshire County, we have listed these 3 cemeteries as having the same name:
Center Cemetery #1
Center Cemetery #2
Center Cemetery #3
Center Cemetery [Franklin County]
In Hampden County, we have listed these 2 cemeteries as having the same name:
Center Cemetery #1
Center Cemetery #2
In Middlesex County, we have listed these 2 cemeteries as having the same name:
Center Cemetery #1
Center Cemetery #2
Center Cemetery [Norfolk County]
In Plymouth County, we have listed these 2 cemeteries as having the same name:
Center Cemetery #1
Center Cemetery #2
In Worcester County, we have listed these 3 cemeteries as having the same name:
Center Cemetery #1
Center Cemetery #2
Center Cemetery #3
Central Burying Ground [Middlesex County]
Central Burying Ground [Suffolk County]
Central Cemetery [Bristol County]
Central Cemetery [Essex County]
Other names:
Beverly Central Cemetery
Dane Street Cemetery
Hale Street Cemetery
In Middlesex County, we have listed these 2 cemeteries as having the same name:
Central Cemetery #1
Central Cemetery #2
In Norfolk County, we have listed these 2 cemeteries as having the same name:
Central Cemetery #1
Central Cemetery #2
In Plymouth County, we have listed these 3 cemeteries as having the same name:
Central Cemetery #1
Central Cemetery #2
Central Cemetery #3
Central Cemetery [Worcester County]
Centre Cemetery [Plymouth County]
In Bristol County, we have listed these 2 cemeteries as having the same name:
Chace Cemetery #1
Chace Cemetery #2
Chandler Gray Cemetery [Barnstable County]
Chandler Hill Cemetery [Franklin County]
Chatham Old Burying Ground [Barnstable County]
Chelsea Cemetery [Essex County]
Chequessett Cemetery [Barnstable County]
Other names:
Chequessett Neck Cemetery
Taylor Hill Cemetery
Early Meeting House Cemetery
First Meeting House Cemetery
Cherry Hill Cemetery [Essex County]
Cherry Lane Cemetery [Hampden County]
Chestnut Hill Meeting House Cemetery [Worcester County]
Chestnut Hill Cemetery [Franklin County]
Chestnut Hill Cemetery [Middlesex County]
Chestnut Hill Cemetery [Worcester County]
Chestnut Tree Cemetery [Norfolk County]
Chevra Tilum Cemetery [Plymouth County]
Chief Squanto Memorial Marker [Barnstable County]
Children of Israel Cemetery [Essex County]
Chiltonville Cemetery [Plymouth County]
Choate Cemetery [Essex County]
Chocksett Cemetery [Worcester County]
Christ Church Burial Ground [Norfolk County]
Christ Church Cemetery [Norfolk County]
Christiantown Memorial Cemetery [Dukes County]
Church Hill Cemetery [Middlesex County]
Church Street Cemetery [Essex County]
Church Street Cemetery [Worcester County]
Church on the Hill Cemetery [Berkshire County]
Church Cemetery [Plymouth County]
Churchill Cemetery [Berkshire County]
Clara Barton Burying Ground [Middlesex County]
Clark Cemetery [Berkshire County]
Clark Cemetery [Middlesex County]
Other names:
Northwest Cemetery
Clark Cemetery [Plymouth County]
Clarks Cemetery [Essex County]
Clarks Cemetery [Hampden County]
Clarksburg Cemetery [Berkshire County]
Cobb Family Burying Ground [Plymouth County]
Cobb's Hill Cemetery (East and West) [Barnstable County]
Other names:
Barnstable Center Cemetery
Coldbrook Cemetery [Bristol County]
Coldbrook Cemetery [Worcester County]
Colebrook Cemetery [Plymouth County]
Coller Cemetery [Franklin County]
Common Street Cemetery [Middlesex County]
Conant Street Smallpox Cemetery [Plymouth County]
Conant Street Cemetery [Plymouth County]
Cone Hill Cemetery [Berkshire County]
Congregational and Soldiers Cemetery [Barnstable County]
Converse Cemetery [Hampshire County]
Coolidge Cemetery [Worcester County]
Coombs Cemetery [Barnstable County]
Other names:
Coombs Burial Ground
Avant - Coombs Burial Ground
Cooper Road Cemetery [Worcester County]
Copp's Hill Burying Ground [Suffolk County]
Other names:
Copp's Hill Burial Ground
Copp's Hill Cemetery
Corashire Cemetery [Berkshire County]
Corbin Cemetery [Worcester County]
Cornell Family Cemetery [Bristol County]
Corporation Beach Memorial Park [Barnstable County]
Cotter Cemetery [Worcester County]
Couch Memorial Cemetery [Plymouth County]
Other names:
Couch Cemetery
Cove Burying Ground [Barnstable County]
Coweeset Cemetery [Plymouth County]
Cranberry Meadow Cemetery [Worcester County]
Crapo Cemetery [Bristol County]
Cricket Hill Cemetery [Franklin County]
Cristian Hill Cemetery [Franklin County]
Crocker Park Cemetery [Barnstable County]
Crocker Cemetery [Barnstable County]
Crosby Family Cemetery [Barnstable County]
Other names:
Crosby Family Cemetery
Crowell Cemetery [Barnstable County]
Crystal Lake Cemetery [Worcester County]
Cummaquid Cemetery [Barnstable County]
Other names:
East Barnstable Cemetery
Cushing Family Tomb Site [Plymouth County]
Cushing Cemetery [Plymouth County]
Cynthia Park Cemetery [Bristol County]