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Local Newspapers for the Davis Cemetery ...

Below are the newspapers that have been published in the vicinity of the Davis Cemetery.

Our newspaper information for the Davis Cemetery is based on data supplied by the Chronicling America website. For more information, please see our description of the Chronicling America website.

Hint: When we started searching newspapers, we only looked for obituaries. Eventually we realized that our search was too narrow and there was much that we were missing. Now we include things like around-the-town and gossip columns, birth and death announcements.

We have some family members who owned businesses and now we search for articles and advertistments for those businesses. Some family members could have been better behaved and a search of police blotters contained some surprises.

The following newspapers were published within 21 miles [33.8 km]<1> of the Davis Cemetery. These papers have been grouped by the community in which they were published, with the communities listed in the order of their distance from the Davis Cemetery.

  • Published In Arkadelphia
    • Arkadelphia Daily News (from Arkadelphia Daily News)
    • Arkadelphia News (from Arkadelphia News)
      • The first year of publication was in Arkadelphia News, with an unknown end date
      • Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
      • Catalog Card for the Arkadelphia News
      • Holdings for:   LCCN SN87062062
      • Locate a copy thru WorldCat:   OCLC 15171560
    • Arkadelphia Signal (from Arkadelphia Signal)
    • Arkadelphia Tribune (from Arkadelphia Tribune)
    • Ouachita Conference Journal (from Ouachita Conference Journal)
    • The Arkadelphia Herald (from The Arkadelphia Herald)
    • The Arkadelphia Index (from The Arkadelphia Index)
    • The Daily Siftings Herald (from The Daily Siftings Herald)
    • The Ouachita Commercial (from The Ouachita Commercial)
    • The Siftings Herald (from The Siftings Herald)
    • The Southern Standard (from The Southern Standard)
    • The War Times (from The War Times)
    • Jump to our expanded list of Newspapers Published in Arkadelphia.
  • Published In Gurdon
  • Published In Malvern   [Hot Spring County, AR]
    • Arkadelphia Daily News (from Malvern Daily Record)
    • Arkadelphia News (from Malvern Meteor)
    • Arkadelphia Signal (from Malvern Times=Journal)
    • Arkadelphia Tribune (from Malvern Times=Journal)
    • Ouachita Conference Journal (from Malvern Weekly News)
    • The Arkadelphia Herald (from Meteor Journal)
    • The Arkadelphia Index (from The Arkansas Meteor)
    • The Daily Siftings Herald (from The Arkansas State Journal)
    • The Ouachita Commercial (from The Arkansas Times)
    • The Siftings Herald (from The Malvern Meteor)
    • The Southern Standard (from The Midnight Hour)
    • The War Times (from The Times-Journal)
    • The Gurdon Times (from The Times-Journal)
    • Jump to our expanded list of Newspapers Published in Malvern.
  • Published In Hot Springs   [Garland County, AR]
    • Arkadelphia Daily News (from Arkansas Thomas Cat)
    • Arkadelphia News (from Daily Courier-Advertiser)
    • Arkadelphia Signal (from Daily Horse Shoe)
    • Arkadelphia Tribune (from Hot Springs Bulletin)
      • The first year of publication was in Hot Springs Bulletin, with an unknown end date
      • Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
      • Catalog Card for the Arkadelphia Tribune
      • Holdings for:   LCCN SN93050652
      • Locate a copy thru WorldCat:   OCLC 28866262
    • Ouachita Conference Journal (from Hot Springs Clarion)
    • The Arkadelphia Herald (from Hot Springs Commercial)
    • The Arkadelphia Index (from Hot Springs Courier)
    • The Daily Siftings Herald (from Hot Springs Daily News)
    • The Ouachita Commercial (from Hot Springs Daily Sentinel)
    • The Siftings Herald (from Hot Springs Daily Telegraph)
    • The Southern Standard (from Hot Springs Daily Visitor)
    • The War Times (from Hot Springs Echo)
    • The Gurdon Times (from Hot Springs Free Press)
    • The Union Press (from Hot Springs Free Press)
    • Malvern Daily Record (from Hot Springs Illustrated Monthly)
    • Malvern Meteor (from Hot Springs Life)
      • The first year of publication was in Hot Springs Life, with an unknown end date
      • Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
      • Catalog Card for the Malvern Meteor
      • Holdings for:   LCCN SN91050028
      • Locate a copy thru WorldCat:   OCLC 23670558
    • Malvern Times=Journal (from Hot Springs New Era)
    • Malvern Times=Journal (from Hot Springs News)
    • Malvern Weekly News (from Hot Springs News)
    • Meteor Journal (from Hot Springs Republican)
      • Years of publication:  Hot Springs Republican to 19??
      • Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
      • Catalog Card for the Meteor Journal
      • Holdings for:   LCCN SN91050033
      • Locate a copy thru WorldCat:   OCLC 23670499
    • The Arkansas Meteor (from Hot Springs Sentinel)
    • The Arkansas State Journal (from Hot Springs Weekly News)
    • The Arkansas Times (from Hot Springs Weekly Telegraph)
    • The Malvern Meteor (from La Mascotte)
      • The first year of publication was in La Mascotte, with an unknown end date
      • Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
      • Catalog Card for The Malvern Meteor
      • Holdings for:   LCCN SN94051284
      • Locate a copy thru WorldCat:   OCLC 32097791
    • The Midnight Hour (from News)
    • The Times-Journal (from The Arkansas Thomas Cat Junior)
    • The Times-Journal (from The Citizens Bulletin)
    • Arkansas Thomas Cat (from The Citizens Daily Bulletin)
    • Daily Courier-Advertiser (from The Daily Advertiser)
    • Daily Horse Shoe (from The Daily Bulletin)
    • Hot Springs Bulletin (from The Daily Democrat)
      • The first year of publication was in The Daily Democrat, with an unknown end date
      • Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
      • Catalog Card for the Hot Springs Bulletin
      • Holdings for:   LCCN SN89051278
      • Locate a copy thru WorldCat:   OCLC 19988165
    • Hot Springs Clarion (from The Daily Free Lunch)
      • The first year of publication was in The Daily Free Lunch, with an unknown end date
      • Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
      • Catalog Card for the Hot Springs Clarion
      • Holdings for:   LCCN SN91050029
      • Locate a copy thru WorldCat:   OCLC 23670553
    • Hot Springs Commercial (from The Daily Graphic)
    • Hot Springs Courier (from The Daily Hornet And Arkansas Mining Journal)
      • Years of publication:  The Daily Hornet And Arkansas Mining Journal to 18??
      • Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
      • Catalog Card for the Hot Springs Courier
      • Holdings for:   LCCN SN93050612
      • Locate a copy thru WorldCat:   OCLC 28813955
    • Hot Springs Daily News (from The Daily Sentinel)
    • Hot Springs Daily Sentinel (from The Daily Sentinel)
    • Hot Springs Daily Telegraph (from The Garland County Weekly)
    • Hot Springs Daily Visitor (from The Hot Springs Daily Graphic)
    • Hot Springs Echo (from The La-Ca-Park)
    • Hot Springs Free Press (from The Morning Sentinel)
    • Hot Springs Free Press (from The New Era)
    • Hot Springs Illustrated Monthly (from The People's Hornet-Horse Shoe)
    • Hot Springs Life (from The Public Opinion)
    • Hot Springs New Era (from The Republican)
      • The first year of publication was in The Republican, with an unknown end date
      • Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
      • Catalog Card for the Hot Springs New Era
      • Holdings for:   LCCN SN93050677
      • Locate a copy thru WorldCat:   OCLC 28901531
    • Hot Springs News (from The Saturday Forum)
      • The first year of publication was in The Saturday Forum, with an unknown end date
      • Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
      • Catalog Card for the Hot Springs News
      • Holdings for:   LCCN SN93050653
      • Locate a copy thru WorldCat:   OCLC 28866252
    • Hot Springs News (from The Sentinel-Record)
    • Hot Springs Republican (from The Sentinel-Record)
    • Hot Springs Sentinel (from The Spider)
    • Hot Springs Weekly News (from The Visitor)
    • Hot Springs Weekly Telegraph (from The Weekly Calendar)
    • La Mascotte (from The Weekly Labor Echo)
      • The first year of publication was in The Weekly Labor Echo, with an unknown end date
      • Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
      • Catalog Card for the La Mascotte
      • Holdings for:   LCCN SN93050673
      • Locate a copy thru WorldCat:   OCLC 28901564
    • News (from The Weekly Sentinel)
      • The first year of publication was in The Weekly Sentinel, with an unknown end date
      • Locate a copy thru the Library of Congress:
      • Catalog Card for the News
      • Holdings for:   LCCN SN89051264
      • Locate a copy thru WorldCat:   OCLC 19947666
    • The Arkansas Thomas Cat Junior (from The Weekly Visitor)
    • The Citizens Bulletin (from The [Arkansas Owl])
    • The Citizens Daily Bulletin (from Weekly Courier-Advertiser)
    • The Daily Advertiser (from Weekly Hot Springs New Era)
    • Jump to our expanded list of Newspapers Published in Hot Springs.

The official website for Clark County:

The official website for State of Arkansas:

Footnotes ...

<1>Our distances are not driving distances, but are calculated as a 'point-to-point' distance. A straight line distance ignores things like rivers, canyons, lakes, et cetera - it's truly a line from Point A (ie- ) to Point B.Our distance measurements begin at a specific point at the Davis Cemetery. The point we use is located at these GPS coordinates - Latitude: 34.1793, Longitude: -93.0727       In this case, the coordinates for the Davis Cemetery have been provided by the Geographic Names Information System (GNIS).


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This page was last modified/updated: 29 Aug 2024